  • Report:  #763691

Complaint Review: Tessa Miller - Fredericksburg Ohio

Reported By:
bulldoglover - Johnstown, Pennsylvania, United States of America

Tessa Miller
6645 Saltcreek Road, Fredericksburg, OH 44627 Fredericksburg, 44627 Ohio, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

August 11, 2011

Chain of events since purchasing a

puppy from Tessa Miller/Roman Miller/John Miller on August 6, 2011.

8/6/11-We drove to 6645

Saltcreek Rd, Fredricksburg, OH on August 6, 20011, we had to leave

at 4:00 a.m. It is a 4 hour trip each way. We arrived there at 8:30

a.m.  We were greeted by Tessa Miller who took us into the basement

and the puppies were in small crates stacked on top of each other.

Some puppies were in a puppy playpen and were standing and laying in

their own feces and urine, it was dark in there and she explained the

house didn't have any electricity.  There were approximately 12 or

more puppies in that basement.   We took 3 puppies outside to see

them run around, one of the puppies went to the bathroom and it was

runny feces. She said well John is treating them with yogurt.  We

asked to see the adults (mom and dad) and were told to leave our

children outside because the dogs might get wound up.  I found that

strange cause English bulldogs of any size love children and

attention.  We walked into a barn area and into another room and

there were approximately 6 dogs in that area, again, standing and

sitting in their own feces and urine, most of the females were

recovering from many births as per their bodies showed signs of it.

The father of the puppy we purchased just stood there and didnt

really acknowledge we were there, kind of in a stance.  They had

recently purchased a younger male and he had feces all over his coat.

He was white and brindle but very dirty.  There was a female at the

end that had as Tessa Miller called it threw her coat, she was

covered in sores, most of her hair was gone,  and she looked

horrible.  All of the animals in this area looked dirty and seemed

very sad.  One female never moved just sat there with her head down.

We exited that area and yet again, on our way out we saw another

three story puppy crate system with more puppies, this time outside

and again, puppies were not clean, there were also beagles there and

a dog that was around a corner peeking at us, when we asked Tessa

Miller what dog is that, she said oh she isn't friendly.  That is not

good cause she was the mother of the puppies right there in the crate

system and they were all sold!  We went back to the puppies who were

still outside and picked ours, at that point I guess my heart was too

into them, we had recently lost our female bulldog and I so

desperately wanted to have another, 4 hour drive, no sleep, all 7 of

my children saying pick one, pick one, and I did.  I look back now

and think we should have left immediately but we didn't.  We paid

Tessa Miller 1800.00 and signed the contract.  We drove back to

Johnstown, PA and once we got home I realized this puppy had a

horrible smell coming from her, I vaguely remember Tessa Miller

saying be careful if you hold them, they kind of smell.  Boy did she

ever!  Probably from never not being bathed or standing in her own

feces and urine and all her litter mates being in with her.  I

finally got to really look at her and she had a mild rash on her

belly, I figured maybe because she was so low to the ground and she

had rubbed on the deck. One of ours years ago was very low and her

belly was kind of red, so I dismissed it.  The puppy avoided us most

of the day when we went home, I summed it up to never having much

human contact in a dark basement area.  She cried and barked all

night, like most puppies.


Upon getting up on Sunday morning,

8/7/2011, we noticed bloody stools and a bloody discharge coming from

the puppy, I panicked, none of our dogs ever had this.  Her rash on

her stomach was worse and she was now coughing and gagging.  I called

Tessa Miller and she said well right now I am trying to help my uncle

he was in some sort of accident, but later I will ask my

brother-in-law John and see what we wants to do, I say well I want to

bring her back, she shouldn't be doing this already and it hasn't

even been 24 hours here and she is a mess.  She said well do you want

a refund then? I said yes. She said her uncle was in an accident and

had to go deal with that and she would drive to John's and call me

back.  I called and no answer, so I left messages saying she is sick

and needs to be returned to Ohio.  Finally she called explaining she

was with her uncle and her brother-in-law instructed her to tell us

to talk her to a vet, I said well I will try but all vet are closed

on a Sunday night at 7 at night.  I hung up and called 2 different

vets, both times a machine saying we reopen on Monday.  I called her

and told her this is crazy she has to assume responsibility and take

the puppy back.  She said well he wants to go to a vet first then we

will decide what to do.


No calls from her asking how the puppy

was doing, no nothing, every time I called she said the same thing,

take her to a vet, I called a vet first thing, August 8, 2011, and

they gave me their first available appointment on August 9, 2011, at

9:00 a.m.  I told her this is ridiculous and needs to be resolved.

She said well we have so many other puppies here already to sell so I

can't take her back.  CRAZY!  She said these are all normal puppy

things that happen.  Really?  I have owned 4 different dogs and never

had to take them to a vet except for a shot!  She argued that all

puppies have issues and bulldogs have greater issues, I know all of

this, I have owned them.  She said her vet said the bloody stools

came from the trip and from being stressed with children around her

cause she never had any around her, which is crazy cause the house

where we bought this puppy had 4 children living there.  Excuses,

excuses, the puppy is sick! Monday night I noticed fleas crawling on

her, I do not have any other pets and she wasn't around any other

animals, so they came from the place where she was raised, I have

documentation that states fleas don't come overnight, it takes 6-8

weeks to incubate.  Explains the other older dogs and why they looked

like they all had mange.


Vet states clearly that she has fleas,

both of her lungs are congested, she has a cough and she will be

treated for the bloody stools.  Three different medications, $100.60,

frontline he said buy on your own about $40.00.  I called her from

the vet office and she said well like he said these are treatable

conditions that all dogs get and the lung thing is from your AC she

isn't used to it, I said I do not have AC!  She said well these are

all still normal things dogs get, obviously you can't afford the

upkeep of a dog.  I nicely said to her, I want to bring her back, I

will pay for all her meds, just refund me when we get there.  She

again stated I have other puppies already here that I have to sell,

bringing her back is just another dog to sell.  I was floored.  I

called and called and kept saying we have to bring her back.  She

basically stated we will not take her back.


I faxed her a SIX page document stating

all of her health issues, that we were giving her till morning

8/11/11 to resolve this.  I have heard nothing from Tessa Miller or

John Miller.  I am forced to do what I have do, $1800, $100.60,

$40.00, plus a contract that clearly stated she was to be in good

health.  This is not fair and to be giving a puppy 3 different

medication, twice a day, and we have her only 5 days, this is crazy

and not fair.  I called within 15 hours to tell her we wanted to

bring her back, she was sick and she would not let us.  Something

must be done. 


I typed this letter and have heard

nothing from any of the Miller's regarding their puppy.  The USDA

says the lost their license to sell puppies.  So this is also


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