  • Report:  #158061

Complaint Review: The College Girls Columbus Ohio - Clintonville Ohio

Reported By:
- Cincinnati, Ohio,

The College Girls Columbus Ohio
North High Street Clintonville, Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
The College Girls of Columbus Ohio is a large phone sex operation which operates under a number of names including SHT, Inc for the owner Stacey H. Tucker.

The name is very deceiving because virtually none of their many phone sex operators are "College Girls". Many if not most are single mothers in their 30's and 40's.

Some of their employess have mislead callers as to what exactly the nature of their business is-- believing it was actually a CHAT line rather than phone sex. Seeking men out on the internet and possibly other places. Some of these women have pretended to have feelings for their callers, pretended to want to meet them, or even to fall in love with them. Certain callers have then been taken for thousands of dollars because of the common "I want to be with you so bad but I'll lose my job" scam. The caller is then helpless because the embarrasment of unknowingly being taken by a phone sex company prevents any recourse.

In reality, "The College Girls" is involved in a very ugly business where very ugly things go on. The women who answer these phones will take part in and act out almost any deviant or violent fantasy-- inculding rape, child molestation, and other acts the normal person can not even begin to imagine.

If you intend to call this business, it is strongly suggested that you only call if you are prone to deviant or violent fantasies. If you call under any other circumstances, be very cautious and skeptical of anything anyone at "The College Girls" says to you.


Cincinnati, Ohio

49 Updates & Rebuttals


Stacey and me.....

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, December 05, 2016

24 years ago, Stacey and I worked for another phone sex company together. We had to make money to survive.... Some women had several children on their own and needed the good money to raise them. I went to work in my jammies and coffee. My husband and I didn't make enough money to raise our son. We had a normal life after I started working in the business. He didn't like it, but realized it was easy for me to make the money and to be a mom, and what it was like to do that job.  When I think of it years later, that was weird! Wisdom comes with the age! I was very, very young. In my opinion, it was hard to survive a job in what myself and Stacey worked in! The owner was sleezy and probably crooked secretly. I was and am a wise and a street wise person. Stacey was a manager. A great person. A good business woman later also. Because of her, I lasted 2 years before I quit. 

I quit the job and my husband wanted to open our own phone sex company. We were not into the sex at all. We were into it as business partners, and we made a lot of money. Later, Stacey opened her own company, too. We kept in contact for a while, and would run into her at conferences in California.

The silly stuff that goes on in the company is the "act" for the employee and the customer. The customers have fantasies. We provide them. It is totally voice, a fake name, fake decription of ourselves. I wore jammies all the time but I wouldn't tell them that and some customers new. That's not what they wanted. Some of us couldn't take what a customer wants, so we would transfer to someone who would.

But my own company with my husband ended years ago because I didn't want that life with having kids. It ended up in a divorce, and I've lived poor since then. The business died because I wouldn't help my part of the business at all. The money was awesome! That is a business. Sex sells. We provide, and the customers know what they are calling. The companies have there own rules as to contact, and the customers can not go any further. Some employees break the rules... If caught, they're fired. That's it. I haven't talked to Stacey in 20 some years. She is a business woman. Any problems with customers is not in her control. If you think the companies are disgusting and rude, don't call. That is your opinion. We do not make porn films. We are an answer to a customer's fantasies, with no touching, watching, or a relationship.....


United States of America
You knew what you were getting.

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, December 03, 2012

  I am embarrassed to say this but I am an ex employee of this company.  I got smart and quit.  I was never fired. 
  Firstly, you know what you are getting they answered the phone with the lines of "Thank you for calling the College Girls.  We offer unrestricted adult conversations for 1.99 a minute".  What do you think UNRESTRICTED Adult conversation means?  I do not think that means chat.  Sure, we would chat with you if that is what you were paying for. 

And I had a few clients who would just call to talk, although this usually led to some sexual conversation.  But not always.  Yes, we were demanded to take all calls regardless of subject matter.  We could not turn calls away.  And trust me we would get some sick calls.  Some that would make me vomit in my mouth.  And I am pretty open minded.  I will not go into details of the calls, I am sure you can imagine and some of the former employees shed light to that. 

The money was great, I wont lie about that.  Especially if you had the talent to keep them on the phone.  Yes, most of the women who work there are in their 30's, some older.  Yes, most are slightly obese or morbidly obese in some cases. (I felt skinny while working there, which was nice because I am a plus sized woman.)  Yes, some of them had issues either being a single mom, health and hygiene and more.  But I do not think that gives the anyone the right to judge. At least these women are working, paying taxes and supporting their children. 

  When I quit I did so for personal reasons.  It was actually moral issues.  A client and I had became close outside of the work environment.  I knew that was a no-no, so I left the company with no notice.  I did not take any clients away from them, besides one.  The one I became close with and still very close to him to this day.  He just stopped calling shortly after I quit.  This was his choice.  The best part about this is that he still called while I was working, even though we talked outside of work.  So they were still getting his money.  They also do not take your name off their e mail list when asked.  You will receive e mails about their "specials" even after you have not called there in years. 

  After I quit this company did some pretty scandalous things to try to cause problems in my personal life.  They even went as far as telling other employees my personal business and went as far as attacking me on the internet.  They took other steps, pretty extreme steps to try to ruin me.  I will not go into details because this could reveal who I am.  But shame on them is all I will say.

  Ms.Tucker and her management do not appreciate their employees.  They are selfish bitches who dont consider that these women are the ones who makes the money for them to pay for their BMW's.  I did get one thank you while working there.  But that was just because I made them a lot of money.  I wont say that I was the best employee.  But I was one of the better ones for sure.  I showed up for work every shift and took calls at home and even had a rather large clientele list.  I had requests for me every night. 

  To anyone considering working for this company, Dont.  There are others in this area who will appreciate you.  If you are considering using this service, Dont.  You can get free jerk off material on the net.  And unless you are into women who look like Meme from the Drew Carey Show you are not going to get what they tell you they are. 


United States of America
Horrible Company - but it is obvious what it is at least.

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 05, 2012

I used to work for this company, many years ago.  At the time I worked there, they were pretty much the only people who would hire me because I'd been out of work for a while and out of the country even.

It was the worst mistake I've ever made.  I managed to hang on at that place for 3 years but it was awful!  The owner _forced_ us to take all calls, regardless of subject matter, and if we didn't, we were fired.  We were never allowed to turn calls down based on content - so if the girls talk about things you consider perverted and illegal?  It is because they are made to do it, or else seriously lose their jobs and trust me, when you're desperate for money to pay the bills you don't WANT to be fired.

We were also told to lie about everything from our actual appearance and age, to our location, and we were even expected to talk callers into buying pictures and personal items that supposedly belonged to us or were of us (the pictures).  The pictures we were offered to "pick" to represent our "character" were horrible, low class, cheap, crappy pictures of women who were probably bargain basement hookers that the owner of the company managed to find.  It was humiliating to say the very least.  If a caller wanted to buy your panties or bra or whatever - you were expected to go out, buy a garment that fit your pretend character and then "personalize it" if the customer wanted it to appear to be used.  Personalizing a garment means everything from using perfume on it to actually rubbing it on your private parts to make it seem used - talk about degrading!

There is a quota every day that you're expected to meet in terms of minutes spent on the phone with a customer.  If you don't meet it often enough, you're on probation, miss it too much, you're fired.  This job was nothing but endless humiliation, degradation, micro-management, harassment, and stress. 
In my third year with the company I was fired because I supposedly contacted one of their clients privately in an attempt to circumvent the company and take the money all for myself.  This was a load of bull***t.  A completely fabricated story, and even though they scanned numerous recorded conversations in an attempt to catch me giving away personal contact info, they could never find any.  I was fired anyway.  They fired me based on a letter a client wrote - a client who was known for being obsessed with the girls and to be incompetent due to being mentally impaired.  Odd thing is, they fired me JUST before I could request my second week of paid vacation time for the year.  Many "long term" employees were fired for various reasons when I was there, but it was always before they could request additional paid vacation days.  The company was trying to save money by avoiding giving employees paid time off that they had DEFINITELY earned.
Did I sue them?  H**l no, who wants to add public humiliation to the stress they are already under by publicly revealing that they work(ed) for a phone sex company?

Also, when I worked there - we were not allowed to do anything on the internet.  So if a girl is luring men into calling by using the internet, then that is the girl trying to deceive you - unless this company has sunk even lower and is now forcing girls to lure men into calling to keep their jobs.


canal winchester,
United States of America
OMG..John you knew what you were calling..

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, June 23, 2010

Hello!  I have worked for this company!  No NONE OF US ARE college girls..we are to portray college girls to get that MONEY from all you nasty sick perverts out there, who cannot get laid..or have sick devious fantasies that they do not want their wives to know about!!!  When you call the number we answer the phone and tell you this is live uncensored adult phone conversation..THIS DOES NOT MEAN WE ARE JUST A CHAT LINE...you know when you are calling what we are..you got the add out of a dirty magazine..ie..barely legal..hustler..playboy..etc...NO WE CANNOT meet you..why would we..you are a disgusting pig pervert who wants to play with children..wear ladies clothing...play with animals..and various other things.  yes i can say i did get callers who were just into normal sex..but 90% of the callers are nasty perverts who want to talk about things that are so disgusting you just wanna slap them and turn them into the police.  i was fired from that company because some idiot wanted me to be tied up and have mice run through a tube into my vagina while a snake crawled in after them..i told the guy he was sick and i didnt want to talk about it..he called stacy and she fired me the next day.  i will tell you the money is good when you work for these companies..real good..we are trained to be s**t talkers..i have been working for different companies off and on for 7 years..it pays the bills..so yes JOHN you knew what you were getting yourself into....would you really want to meet a phone sex operator who says that she's 19 and weighs 125 when really she's 30 and weighs 215?  no..i didnt think so..


Reality check

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, July 25, 2006

Obviously you are new here. Lynn, John and Jake do not exist. And Robert is a perpetual nuisance on this site. I found the whole thread very entertaining. The original poster could have just stated that she was a former employee who was disgusted by this company's dishonest and immoral business practices. But that wouldn't have made for very good reading, would it?


Pompano Beach,
Oh my

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, July 04, 2006

So, Lynn, You're saying that you, as John, complained that girls doing phone sex didn't really care about you, and then you, as Lynn, comforted yourself that you probably did like you because phone sex girls like the nice guys. And then you, as Lynn, bashed Robert for laughing at you, as John. And you were someone else too? Can we just call you Sybil for short? Admittedly, I'm new here but... sheesh. I don't think it's Robert you made look silly with your admission. Though he'd been doing pretty well on his own before that... the whole triumphantly exposing your deception thing kind of eclipsed any foolish comments about Ohio, southern rock, or Jerry Springer.


Other suspicions

#8Consumer Comment

Tue, April 18, 2006

Their attorney Samuel Lillard is a real piece of work too. You can imagine what type of lawyer would represent these "girls".


I think I know about this company?

#9Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 23, 2006

Is this the same phone sex company that's located at 3894 High Street? Community organizations and neighbors are coming very close to shutting this place down. If you knew what kind of disgusting operation they run, you people wouldn't be making such a joke out of all your comments.


Colorado Springs,
Yep, just a liar...

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, October 30, 2005

and if you had only been capable of sticking to legitimately constructive comments-- as the site intends-- we could have both saved ourselves a lot of time and hostility. And in all honesty I do appreciate the input on the seatbelt issue, but they already denied any request for mitigation unless I would make a court appearance- knowing that I obviously wouldn't be able to. (That post was supposed to be on the other string but I must have left a second window open or something) Now can we both declare a truce and move on to more productive matters?


So, you are either a liar or a psychopath

#11Consumer Comment

Sat, October 29, 2005

Which is it Lynn? Apparently, by your own admission, you were talking to yourself in this thread. THAT is pathetic. How many other voices do you hear? Sad really. As for the other thread, it is still an EQUIPMENT VIOLATION, not a moving one. There are no points assigned to your license for equipment violations. Do as I suggested and you will be happy. And I have been accused of "trolling" in these threads by a couple of others. Funny, they accuse me of "trolling" while they are in the same threads. Pot, meet kettle. Get help.


Colorado Springs,
I have many friends and associates in ABQ who've heard MANY similar complaints

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, October 28, 2005

What's the deal Robert?? Whenever I file a complaint, which has only been a few times, you're there. And then a flurry of other rebuttals follow. I've read other complaints and no one else ever comments.... except for that idiot who hates the McDonalds drive thru in OK City. I'd tell you the whole story behind that other complaint, but after your previous comments it's obvious I shouldn't trust you. This one is VERY legit-- I have many friends and associates in ABQ who've heard MANY similar complaints. The others are too, but they don't really concern other people as much as this one. BTW, he is mexican and that does not matter. However, shouldn't ALL U.S. law enforcement officers have a fair command of the language?


This is so pathetic...

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, October 28, 2005

All these unnecessary comments with fake names just so that dumbsht Robert guy can read his own posts. Hey Robert, how much of an idiot are you that you don't get that Jake, John, and Lynn don't even exist?? They were made up just like all the fake names you used. Did you really think anyone other than an ex-employee would ever post a complaint like that?


Colorado Springs,
Hey ROBERT, the last laugh is on you!

#14Consumer Comment

Thu, October 27, 2005

Robert, do you want to know how monumentally stupid you are? Jake and John don't even exist!! I made them up. In the two weeks that I worked for The College Girls, everything that went on there made me completely sick. But most of all was the girls who would try to make the decent guys fall for them and take all their money. Those guys would get taken for thousands of dollars, then when they would complain The College Girls would call the police and say that the guy was harassing or threatening them. Jake and John are just imaginary examples of all the guys who had their lives ruined by The College Girls. So how does it feel to repeatedly take verbal beatings from two guys who never existed? Serves you right, you had no business opening your ignorant redneck mouth in the fisrt place. Go ahead and have the last word now. There is really nothing you can say that could make you look like any less of an idiot. PS- I'm not even from Colorado or Ohio, so the moronic South Park and Jerry Springer jokes are just another waste of hot air.


Who do you think the women on the sex phones are?

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, October 25, 2005

I know a girl that talks on those "chat" lines, she does it because she got tired of being a collection agent and the hours are more to her liking. She told me that she's still talking to the same people! Her co-workers are mostly extremely obese women whose boyfriends are in jail, leaving them with kids to support on their own. They sit at their workstations eating doughnuts, laughing and listening to their customers m********e, and even record the "good ones" for their friends. Hell of a racket if you can get it.


You're so sad Jake

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, October 25, 2005

Get the Dolphinization done and be gone. With the damage wrought by Wilma, I would think you'd have better things to do than spend time here. Of course, with no trees to trim, I guess your gardening skills aren't really useful right now. See you at Marineland, Flipper.

Doctor Wu

Jacksonville Mental Hospital,
Now that is enough Robert!!!

#17Consumer Comment

Tue, October 25, 2005

ROBERT, I am revoking your computer privileges. You know how much you hate being restrained? Well, I am ordering the safety jacket for you again...as well as the dreaded enclosed room. Mommy and Daddy and BoBo#1 aren't around to probe and hurt your private parts anymore. There is no excuse for your behavior. You are a 53 year old man, so act like it! Being morbidly obese, grossly disfigured in the face, illiterate, and a homosexual pedophile does not justify your cries of loneliness. How sad that you waste your whole life on this site harassing people. I wish we could make enough progress to at least move you into a halfway house... making beaded bracelets or something slightly productive. And for the last time... you CANNOT make 900 calls from this institution, so stay away from the gay chat lines.


New Jersey,
C'mon...is this for real?

#18Consumer Comment

Tue, October 25, 2005

This post is just too silly to be believable. You can't really expect people to believe that you are upset about getting schnookered on a phone sex line. News flash, those girls, women, whatever are in it to get your money. The same is true for dancers at the "gentelmen's clubs". They don't have any real feelings for you and you are an idiot if you think they do. As an aside, Robert, dude, relax. Although I am always amused by your responses to some of the posts, take it a little easy man. You are going to cause me to split a seam laughing. Oh, the heck with it. Keep up the good work Robert! LMAO


Are you serious?

#19Consumer Suggestion

Tue, October 25, 2005

Did you say you got ripped off by a phone sexline? That's pretty bad. Why would you lose what dignity you have left by letting other people know about it? Lots of luck in your search for the respectible sex line that tells you the truth letting you know that they are only talking to you because you are paying them. At least you found lots of friends in here. If now only you can get them to talk dirty to you, then you will have it made. Good luck!


Colorado Springs,
What a sicko Robert is

#20Consumer Comment

Sun, October 09, 2005

The fact that you always have to get the last word in is just proof of what low self-esteem you have; probably related to your tiny little thing. In the two weeks that I worked for a phone sex company, every guy who hated women because he could never get laid sounded EXACTLY like you. You can only make yourself feel better about your worthless life by making fun of people who are much better off than you. You are a such a hypocrite- you know you call phone sex lines, escorts, etc all the time. Otherwise, you wouldn't have taken such an interest in something that is absolutely none of your business. NO loser, YOU fired the first shot. You had no business taking a shot at someone who is probably 100 times the man you'll ever be. I know your type all too well, and so do most other women in the world. That's probably why you're so hateful and lonely. I could care less about anything else you have to say. I'm done trying to enlighten the mentally ill. Now go ahead and have the last word you tiny, tiny little man. And don't forget to take your lithium.


Colorado Springs,
What a sicko Robert is

#21Consumer Comment

Sun, October 09, 2005

The fact that you always have to get the last word in is just proof of what low self-esteem you have; probably related to your tiny little thing. In the two weeks that I worked for a phone sex company, every guy who hated women because he could never get laid sounded EXACTLY like you. You can only make yourself feel better about your worthless life by making fun of people who are much better off than you. You are a such a hypocrite- you know you call phone sex lines, escorts, etc all the time. Otherwise, you wouldn't have taken such an interest in something that is absolutely none of your business. NO loser, YOU fired the first shot. You had no business taking a shot at someone who is probably 100 times the man you'll ever be. I know your type all too well, and so do most other women in the world. That's probably why you're so hateful and lonely. I could care less about anything else you have to say. I'm done trying to enlighten the mentally ill. Now go ahead and have the last word you tiny, tiny little man. And don't forget to take your lithium.


Colorado Springs,
What a sicko Robert is

#22Consumer Comment

Sun, October 09, 2005

The fact that you always have to get the last word in is just proof of what low self-esteem you have; probably related to your tiny little thing. In the two weeks that I worked for a phone sex company, every guy who hated women because he could never get laid sounded EXACTLY like you. You can only make yourself feel better about your worthless life by making fun of people who are much better off than you. You are a such a hypocrite- you know you call phone sex lines, escorts, etc all the time. Otherwise, you wouldn't have taken such an interest in something that is absolutely none of your business. NO loser, YOU fired the first shot. You had no business taking a shot at someone who is probably 100 times the man you'll ever be. I know your type all too well, and so do most other women in the world. That's probably why you're so hateful and lonely. I could care less about anything else you have to say. I'm done trying to enlighten the mentally ill. Now go ahead and have the last word you tiny, tiny little man. And don't forget to take your lithium.


Colorado Springs,
What a sicko Robert is

#23Consumer Comment

Sun, October 09, 2005

The fact that you always have to get the last word in is just proof of what low self-esteem you have; probably related to your tiny little thing. In the two weeks that I worked for a phone sex company, every guy who hated women because he could never get laid sounded EXACTLY like you. You can only make yourself feel better about your worthless life by making fun of people who are much better off than you. You are a such a hypocrite- you know you call phone sex lines, escorts, etc all the time. Otherwise, you wouldn't have taken such an interest in something that is absolutely none of your business. NO loser, YOU fired the first shot. You had no business taking a shot at someone who is probably 100 times the man you'll ever be. I know your type all too well, and so do most other women in the world. That's probably why you're so hateful and lonely. I could care less about anything else you have to say. I'm done trying to enlighten the mentally ill. Now go ahead and have the last word you tiny, tiny little man. And don't forget to take your lithium.


Tsk Tsk Lynn

#24Consumer Comment

Sun, October 09, 2005

YOU fired the first shot across my bow, and I responded to YOU. Why should I be banned? You should shut your c_ckholster and go find a job that allows you to wear clothes. My original statement stands. It is hilarious that someone would call a sex line and then complain about it, pretending they did not know what it was.


Colorado Springs,
No, it isn't enough

#25Consumer Comment

Sat, October 08, 2005

That Robert guy is a total pervert, idiot, loser who should be banned from this site forever. His comments are such obvious lies that even a 10 year old could see through them. He will die a lonely death with his hidden homosexuality and his tiny genitalia in hand.


Enough is enough.

#26Consumer Comment

Thu, September 29, 2005

OK guys, I think that should just about do it, don't you think?

John, Jake, And Lynn

Maybe we are all just too stupid for words

#27Consumer Comment

Thu, September 29, 2005

One of us is from Ohio, enough said there. Another is from South Park, ditto. And the third is a gardener without a rake. Nobody is going to stop us from being ourselves. That's why we're going to Frisco. We missed the big Festival where we could all be queens for the day. Poor Jake. He is so set on becoming a dolphin after seeing that episode on TV. He just knows he can be the Chicken of the Seas. Jake is our ringleader and he wants to go there asap. We like calling each other on the sex line and then talk about all of our fetishes. We still haven't found Jake's pet gopher, although when he farts, the fur really flies. John is in a tizzy over finding out his idol is really a resident of Ohio, and plans to remain one all his life. He can't wait to campaign for Jerry Springer as a full time d***o tester. And poor Lynn, all that talk of sex for years and never being able to get a date. Being grafted to the couch after sitting there for those many years really did a number onn her self-esteem. Once we all get our operations done, we'll be the first transgender couple in the world. We can't include Jake since he'll be doing more unspeakable things to other species after the dolphinization takes place. He's been really working his blowhole in preparation for the big event.


Colorado Springs,
Poor BoBo!!!

#28Consumer Comment

Thu, September 29, 2005

Oh Robert, now you're just embarassing yourself. Just because we have all rejected your disgusting sexual advances, that's no reason to change your story. Please stop sending us love letters and perverted propositions. Now remember to take ALL of your medications, and don't keep mixing them with moonshine. If you don't stop posting your lies here, your doctors have indicated that they will have you re-admitted to the psych ward. So take care of yourself and just go away for your own good.


Jacksonville Mental Hospital,
Oh my goodness!

#29Consumer Comment

Thu, September 29, 2005

Now Robert, You must not harass these nice men any further simply because they have rejected all of your sexual advances. They do not love you, they do not want any further email or love letters from you. That was a very nice story you made up about being a handsome, married successful man, but you know those types of delusions are not healthy for your multiple personality disorder. Next time, please write your story down and hand it to the head nurse in the psych ward so she can discuss it with the psychiatrist on call. Now please remember to take your meds 3 times per day-- NOT once every 3 days. Be well, and I will see you at your electroshock treatment on Tuesday.


We're sorry Robert

#30Consumer Comment

Wed, September 28, 2005

We tried to fool people into thinking we were you in that longwinded blathering that posted at 10:49. In reality, we are all going to go sex changes since we are all unhappy with who we are. We found out that you are happily married to your high school sweetheart and have been for 23 years. We also discovered you did some modelling work while in the Marines and are still considered pretty hot by most women, getting an 8.8 average on hotornot after thousands of hits. What really got us was the fact that you are a very successful businessman who takes care of both of your houses on the water in NC and FL. We really apreciate you paying all those taxes like you do. Our savings from the welfare checks have really piled up. They will allow the three of us to get our sex change operations. We'll be running off to San Fransico for them. John will become a woman(he already has the crying down pat), Lynn is getting his tiny p***s(it will be the first time it actually touched a female body), and Jake is becoming a dolphin. He heard the saying "theirs plenty of fish in the ocean" and he wants to find out. He says he already has the blowhole, and has been using it on homeless vagrants for years. This will be easier to get laid for all of us than what we were previously doing. John was letting his PitBull ravage him from behind after getting his tonsils gouged from giving it oral for all these years. Lynn was still trying to get the cattle to pay attention to her to no avail. And poor Jake, he's been abusing medium sized rodents for so long, he cannot sit without letting out a sqeak and some possum poop. We hope this will make amends with you Robert. We shouldn't have tried pretending we were someone as forthright and wonderful as you. Perhaps one day, we'll become better people and not act so childish.


West Palm,

#31Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 28, 2005

Gee, thanks for the apology Robert, but that love thing sure ain't ever gonna happen. Good luck finding happiness and peace of mind!


West Palm,

#32Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 28, 2005

Gee, thanks for the apology Robert, but that love thing sure ain't ever gonna happen. Good luck finding happiness and peace of mind!


West Palm,

#33Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 28, 2005

Gee, thanks for the apology Robert, but that love thing sure ain't ever gonna happen. Good luck finding happiness and peace of mind!


West Palm,

#34Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 28, 2005

Gee, thanks for the apology Robert, but that love thing sure ain't ever gonna happen. Good luck finding happiness and peace of mind!


I'm so sorry.....

#35Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 28, 2005

Jake, John and Lynn, You are all right. You have no idea what life is like for a 52 year old, morbidly obese gay man living alone in the deep south. I shouldn't have taken my bitterness out on you. I've never been with a woman or a man or any other human being. I often try to call gay sex lines myself but they just make fun of me. I guess that's why I was jealous of you, that they liked you enough to keep talking to you so much. So I just hang out here all day harassing people who have real complaints to make. I can't work because of my obesity and other mental disabilities. My only other pleasure in life is watching Jerry Springer, acting along with the show and playing out imaginary characters on stage. That's where my Jerry obsession comes from. And I know he's not really from Ohio, he just gives lots of money to the Democratic Party hoping they might let him run for office someday. I'm sure people here in redneckland love him alot more than anybody from Ohio really does. And my real name isn't even Robert. It's BoBo. My daddy named me after a monkey handpuppet that he used to play with all the time, then he'd beat me with it. I hope you can forgive me for my misdirected anger...and that a wonderful guy like you might love a lonely pathetic man like me someday.


West Palm,
And the illteracy continues...

#36Consumer Comment

Mon, September 26, 2005

If you could read, you'd see his complaint was not about what other people do there. It was about the scam of getting people to call and what happens after that. Maybe someone like you would know what goes on at those places, but I sure wouldn't either.


"Chat Line"

#37Consumer Comment

Mon, September 26, 2005

John calls a "chat line" and is surprised it's phone sex. Sure. What did you really think it was? Did you honestly think there were innocent vestals on the other end waiting to talk about your hard day at work. Come on, all goofing aside. You knew what you were getting into. Nobody is that dense.


How did this go from phone sex to Jerry Springer? What, now he's part of the scam too?

#38Consumer Suggestion

Sun, September 25, 2005

Quit attacking each other and let's analyze the problem here. The complaint was about misleading employees of a phone sex operation. The solution is to make relationships with real people, not sex workers.


I guess John went to school in Canada

#39Consumer Comment

Sun, September 25, 2005

How else could he get so much wrong about his idol, Jerry Springer. All one has to do is go to wikpedia and search Jerry Springer. His entire life history is right there. He is STILL a resident of Ohio, not ever a resident of Illinois, and his show started in Cincinatti. He got his BA in Poli-Sci at Tulane. He got his JD in Law at Northwestern. He is currently a huge contributor to the Ohio Democratic Party, not Illinois, and is thinking of running for political office again...in Ohio! It's all in there for you to get someone else to read to you, John. It seems your hero was asked to leave the City Council for using prostitutes. I guess you are more like your hero than you thought, John. As for the strumpet in South Park, yay. You should stop trying to think and just do what comes naturally to you. You made a living talking dirty to desperate losers like John and Jake. Good for you. I married a princess. Seems like I got the better deal. Ya'll have fun now, ya hear?


Colorado Springs,
Jacksonville....the place where your mother might also be your sister

#40Consumer Comment

Sun, September 25, 2005

There are some people who are born just too ignorant to communicate with, and Robert you are even a couple of notches lower than them. You're obviously the one who is in love with Jerry Springer. Springer, South Park, southern rock...geez have you ever read a book or watched the news? There are plenty of chat rooms for hateful, homo pervs like you at AOL...why don't you take your self-loathing there. Nobody here cares what you have to say.


You really don't have a life do you...

#41Consumer Comment

Sun, September 25, 2005

Jerry Springer has spent most of his life in Chicago, where he graduated from law school at Northwestern. Law school, you do know what that is don't you? It's about 7 years of college and 4 years of high school beyond when you dropped out. In the 70' he was a well-respected news anchor in Cinci, which is how he came to be mayor. He then tried to run for Governor and lost badly. At which point he returned to Chicago, where NBC Universal Television turned him into the freakshow that he now is. In 2002, he thought he might try to run for Senate. He foolishly assumed that his former base in Cinci might still support him. However, preliminary polls showed that he would get less than 5% of the vote. And he returned to Chicago again- which was a bad move because his largest fan base is in the deep south, like Jacksonville. So, he has now been kicked out of Ohio twice. What more could the people of Ohio do? Execute him? Robert, you just have to do something about all that anger. Tell your Daddy that your gay lifestyle will never change and then just move on with your life! Or maybe it isn't that simple. Did your Mommy mess you up too? OK, well, I don't have any more time for this. Good luck figuring your life out. And if you continue to post, have a nice conversation with yourself, because I sure won't be here.


Ohio...The land of the lost

#42Consumer Comment

Sun, September 25, 2005

You keep thinking your Hero is from Chicago. He not only is a resident of Ohio TODAY, he always will be. He was born in England, who cares? That just means he'll be one less idiot from Ohio to run for President. He's even thinking of running for Governor again. You people up there never cease to amaze me. Even when you get what you want, a bedwetting liberal freak, you still want more. You're too funny. Keep calling that 900 number John. Jake needs the money.


Well, you're both right about one thing

#43Consumer Comment

Sat, September 24, 2005

This is getting pathetic. Neither of you know the circumstances and certainlty aren't in a position to judge. Robert this is not worth another second of my life. I would never had posted had I known that people like you would be able to read my complaint much less comment on it. But one thing before I go, since that seems to be the only fuel for your remarks- JERRY SPRINGER IS FROM CHICAGO YOU IDIOT!!!!! He has lived there for many, many years; his show is taped, based and produced there. He was born in London, raised in NYC, and only spent about 10 of his 60-some years in Ohio. At least get it right if that's the only weak joke you're working with.



#44Consumer Comment

Sat, September 24, 2005

The person defending you John, is a girl from South Park, who worked for a phone sex company. Great! Now this post is starting to really get funny.


Colorado Springs,
Back to the subject guys

#45Consumer Comment

Sat, September 24, 2005

So having a ton of southern rock bands makes Jacksonville a great place to live? Sounds like you're the one who belongs on Jerry Springer. I've seen that Robert guys posts all over, he definately has no job or life. Just ignore him. To the guy who posted the original complaint- You seem like a decent, intelligent guy with a very legitimate complaint. That is probably why you got taken in the first place. I worked for a phone sex company for two weeks, I would have quit after 2 days but wanted to make sure I got paid. The stuff that goes on at those places is SO SICK that I won't even start discussing it. My guess is it wasn't really a scam. Some girls get so sick of taking freak and pervert calls (like Robert) that they really love the chance to talk with a nice, normal person. And every minute she spent talking with you was a minute she didn't have to deal with all the nutcase pervs. Either way though, any decent company would have offered to give you at least some of your money back.


Don't worry Robert...

#46Consumer Comment

Sat, September 24, 2005

It's alright Robert, we all know how difficult it is that Daddy doesn't accept your homosexuality. But you really must do something about all that anger! It'll kill ya'. (if one of your fellow rednecks doesn't first...while arguing about Nascar I'd bet)


You're both making me laugh

#47Consumer Comment

Sat, September 24, 2005

Maybe you were talking to each other on the sex line. That's where I'm betting my money. Ohio can't even figure out people can only vote once per election. Hell, you people were trying to allow anyone to vote anywhere, and as often as they could, this last election. You guys made the Dems in Chicago look legit. West Palm Beach. You don't LIVE there...you work there. Being Rush Limbaugh's gardener does not make you a resident. I have a job...a good one. It allows me to do this all day if I want. Convicted felon? Nope, the term was NOT GUILTY...3 times. Sorry Chumly, that dog don't hunt. Welfare? Hell, I'm too bust supporting you tards to try and get it. Other than the ungodly number of bridges here, what's wrong with Jax? With few exceptions, every Southern Rock band lives here. Always have concerts, and play the hell out of them all on the radio. What is West Palm's claim to fame? Oh yeah...there's no crime there. We all know that because the DA has nothing better to do than search illegally through people's medical records. Get a grip you twit. Being goofed on by one of Jerry Springers Greatest Hits is a riot. Good stuff there Buckaroo.


West Palm,
Hey Robert from Jacksonville...

#48Consumer Comment

Sat, September 24, 2005

I'm from Florida too...the civilized part...south Florida...and I find it absolutely comical that someone from Jacksonville (Oh God, I can hardly say Jax w/o starting to crack-up) anyway, that someone from north Florida could EVER begin to make fun of someone else's place of residence!!! Hmmm....yes it does seem like Robert has called more than his share of phone sex numbers....wacka, wacka, wacka lil Robbie!!!!


To Toothless in Florida

#49Consumer Comment

Sat, September 24, 2005

I'm sorry you inbred, toothless imbecile, but if you'd read the posting you'd understand that the girl was met online claiming to work for a CHAT line. Look where you're from, like you have ANY right to criticize anyone from anywhere else in this country you ignorant redneck???? Look at your life, you sit around criticizing other peoples' postings all day. Get a job and stop living off the taxes I pay for your welfare. You seem to know a lot about phone sex lines, perhaps you're the one who's never had a real woman. I bet you voted for Bush didn't you-- oh no, that's right convicted felons can't vote!!!


From the home of Jerry Springer

#50Consumer Comment

Fri, September 23, 2005

This was the funniest thing I've read in a long time. "Embarrassment of unknowingly being taken by a phone sex company"...HAHAHAHA! How about the embarrassment of CALLING a phone sex company. Try finding a real female, or subscribe to a site if that's not possible due to your circumstances. This was funny as hell, and being from someone in Ohio just makes it better.

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