  • Report:  #30736

Complaint Review: The Roomstore (salesman Bruce) - Mesa Arizona

Reported By:
- Mesa, AZ,

The Roomstore (salesman Bruce)
6315 E. Southern Ave. Mesa, 85206 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I recently went looking at furniture with my sister-in-law (SIL) at the local "Roomstore" located at Superstition Springs (6315 E. Southern Ave. , Mesa AZ 85206 --- 480-830-1343)

My husband and I were ready to buy some living room furniture and I wanted to get advise from my SIL on some items we had seen before we actually purchased the items. I told the salesman (Bruce) from the start that we were not purchasing at that time but only wanted to find things that I liked.

I then told him I would be back with my husband at a later time to purchase. After selecting the items I liked (none of which were end tables or cocktail tables) I prepared to leave. Bruce asked if I would like him to write the items down for me so my husband could see what the cost was. He said I would have to be in the next day if I wanted to get that price. I said that would be fine, there was a possibility that both my husband and I could be in the next day but I wasn't sure. He told me that if I were to come back in on Friday we could have the furniture by Saturday.

My SIL witnessed the entire conversation. Bruce asked how I was going to pay for it and I said "Oh, we haven't decided" When Bruce pulled out a sales slip I specifically told him that I was not purchasing this tonight. "oh - I know," he said. "I just want to list this for you" I told him that I wanted to make sure we were clear on this -- I was not buying tonight. Well we left the store with the "receipt" as Bruce called it. I didn't think too much about it because I hadn't bought anything, nor had I given permission to set up an account.

I got home and was going over the "list" with my husband. "You didn't sign this?" he asked. Of course I hadn't signed the paper. I looked at the pink slip Bruce had given me and in the customer signature box, was a signature. Bruce had signed my name (albeit illegible) in the customer signature box, he check ALL the terms and conditions of sale.

He had scheduled for Saturday delivery. AND, as if that weren't enough in the finance plan box, he wrote "reg rev 001" -- meaning I was using the store's revolving credit. He did also write that I would be in on Friday for financing -- which I had not committed to. I immediately called the store and asked to speak with Bruce. It was five minutes to nine (closing time) and they told me that Bruce had already left. I then asked for a manager. After asking my name, they put me on hold, came back and told me there were no managers in the store. I then asked to speak to whoever is in charge. I was told that no one there was in charge. ??????!!!! I asked who closed the store and when The lady on the phone told me "we do" I told her of my problem. she said just a minute and then put me on hold.

Less than ten seconds later a more authoritative employee got on the phone. I can only assume she was a manager but I did fail to ask her name. She said "so you don't want the one of the tables?" I told her I don't want any of it -- I didn't order it. She said "so you changed your mind?" I told her -- again -- that I did not order it. I finally got her to understand and she told me she would rip up the order.

When I told her it was completely unethical and why would Bruce do something like that, she only commented, "oh, I don't know, Bruce is kind of...." It doesn't stope there. WHen I finally got someone at the corporate offices to talk to me, they told me Bruce had done nothing wrong and so no apology was necessary.

Because I "canceled" the order, I was not charged any thing so technically I wasn't ripped off. However, If we had not caught the false signature, the invoice could have been processed including a credit check (since my address and "signature were on the slip") and I would have ended up with furniture at my door two days later. So a word to the wise -- watch out for the Roomstore and unethical salesman.


Mesa, Arizona

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