  • Report:  #1052761

Complaint Review: The Society - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
Clint - Brighton, Colorado,

The Society
P.O. Box 560627 Dallas, 75356-0627 Texas, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I received a letter dated May 18th 2013 without a return address on the envelope, curious I of course opened it. Upon doing so in bib black bold letters it said "The SOCIETY FOR YOUR EYES ONLY!" Clint Jenkins. Intrigued I took out the letter and began reading.

The contents of this 10 page letter detailed how I had been selected, chosen, recruited by an all powerful organization known simply as "The Society" members of which were among the most powerful, most famous people on the planet of course and I had been selected to join them for some reason.

Not just any reason of course, apparently they have been watching me for a long time and know more about me than I do myself. The person writing this letter to me could not identify themselves of course, but assured me that if I owned a TV, computer or radio I knew who they were, in fact they were once considered the most powerful person in the world and to this day affected millions of lives across the world.

But why then were they interested in me? Why were they contacting me? Well apparently I have the leadership qualities and personal characteristics that make me a fit for The Society, my life has been hard in these financial times, I have always strived for more in my life, I realize that people have to hit rock bottom before they can reach the top, the same vague and ambiguous language horoscopes use to make you feel good about yourself and let you know the universe, the astrologer, The Society, the con artist is your friend and only trying to help you, asking nothing in return.

Except one small thing of course, I had to check a box accepting my nomination intthat he Society and mail the invitation back in an enclosed envelope with a P.O. Box address in Dallas, TX and the words INVITATION PROCESSING above the address. They didn't even make it a paid postage envelope, I have to stamp it to mail it, they said it would all be absolutely free!

They told me I would learn the secrets and that there secrets were, "all based on science and it's a proven method that had been testemoon thoupeople and thousands of people." Claiming, "All I have to do is say YES to exclusive membership in the Society. And we'll immediately reward you with our secrets of the Society- absolutely FREE of charge."

"As a sample of the power of the inner-circle secrets of the Society:"

"Discover the ONE simple method to transform all money and power from the uninformed to you... Instantly."

"Use this amazing bit of NEW scientific knowledge that will generate a mountain of cash like a personal ATM machine. Automatically. You don't even have to do anything."

"The simple, easy way to get the lover of your dreams. Regardless of his/her situation."

"Learn how to seduce anyone in any situation (and even how to win your ex-lover back)."

"Control anyone, anytime, anywhere."

"Find out how simple it is to lose all the weight you want and eliminate any addiction (food, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs) once and for all."

"Know how to heighten your new powers and render all others completely helpless."

"Learn to use your intuitive powers to beat the odds time and time again and cash in on casino games like poker."

"Discover how to boost your intelligence and attract people like a magnet to do your bidding."

"Learn how easy it is to get everyone you meet to like you instantly."

"Discover how to arm yourself to detect negative, cheating or deceptive people or ploys and render them completely powerless and under your spell."

"Find out how to make every relationship work- spouse, lover, kids, friends, co-workers so it's more fulfilling for you and for them."

The letter assures me the secrets I will learn "always work, 100% of the time!"

Well it seems like I have been accepted into the New World Order or Illuminati, in fact they even reference Skull & Bones claiming, "Skull & Bones is a country club compared to the power and influence of the Society."

HA! I hope there is something going on to find out who this is and arrest them and bring them down to Earth. No one is more powerful than Ivy Grads, Skull &Bones, The Bilderbergers, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Illuminati, The New World Order.

Whatever you want to call them, the corporate, capitalist, corrupt, pobusinessmen executives and bankers are in league with each other, destroying, literally destroying this world, both the environment, it's ecosystems, it's biodiversity, it's atmosphere and humanity. If The Society is real and does house many of the most powerful people in the world then I do not want to join them because they are the ones who have screwed this world up. Anyhow please sue these people, arrest these people, make them stop takinads vantage of people who are to gullible to see through their schemes and scams.

I do want to make a difference in the world, I would love to have a mountain of cash, I know that I am exceptional and life has not been all I thought it would thus far, I also know that is on me and up to me to change, likewise I learned a loooong time ago, ain't nothing in this world for free.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Elm Creek,
United States
The Society membership certificate report

#2General Comment

Tue, October 02, 2018

I read the report by a member named Clint who thouroly vetted the Society letter he received but failed to inform us if he sent the reply and if so what happened if anything. I am courious to know if he followed up on this to know more about the institution or people behind it all.

Thank you for the report and I look forward to hearing from Clint to know more.

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