  • Report:  #1485506

Complaint Review: Tommy Rodriguez - sarasota florida

Reported By:
Joseph - Allentown, United States

Tommy Rodriguez
sarasota, florida, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Tommy Rodriguez sells amazon automation services. he has a group of virtual assistants that run each clients stores. they list products, order products and ship the products right from the supplier to the customer.

At first he markets the intital set up fee anywhere from $17.500 USD - $25,000 USD to purchase his service. He collects the money from the client and then he has his group of virtual assistants he sends the fee to run the store which he pays them $5000 USD and keeps the rest. The company he uses is out of bangladesh..they are called FLEET BANGLADESH.

They are trained to do all the work he is just the middle man marketing his services. he then makes his clients sign a year contract claiming all of the clients will be making 10-15% profit margins and there money back in 6 months. I have proof my store was only making 2-3% and even losing money some months because they list products with negative margins just to make the sales look high.

I ask him nicely why im losing money or not making money at all and he makes excuses. i asked him punblicly to show me proof of the profits im making and he shuts down my store after 6 months into the 1 year contract illegally .

Im out 17,500 because he stopped my store before i could even make my money back. he has over 300 clients that he has paying mostly cash because he is hiding money. Check out his you tube videos and social media he hsa fancy cars and nice houses but none of his clients are happy.

He pays his virtual assistants through a international payment system called payoneer. I hope i can help get a lot of peoples money back and help future people decide not to use his service its a scam.

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Automation Empire

United States
Please Disregard Inaccurate and Defamatory Complaint by Disappointed Investor

#2UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Wed, December 29, 2021

This report is inaccurate and defamatory. Automation Empire (founded by its CEO, Tommy Rodriguez) does not use "virtual assistants" and has no relationship (contractual or otherwise) with any company or service provider in Bangladesh. As the company has shown over & over on its website and various social media platforms, we utilize a staff of more than 100 employees based primarily in Bogota, Colombia. These hard-working men and women provide the management services promised in our customer agreements: we help investors set up an online store on Amazon.com; identify products to sell; source, buy, and ship those products to consumers; handle customer service requests; and work directly with Amazon agents on our clients' behalf if/when their stores are temporarily suspended. 

This report's allegation that Automation Empire makes any assurances or claims about our clients' "profit margins" or expected return-on-investment is categorically false. Automation Empire makes no promises or guarantees regarding the financial returns our clients may or may not experience. Our contract explicitly states that the typical ramp-up period before most clients begin earning a profit is at least six (6) months, and further states -- IN ALL CAPS -- that there is no guarantee that our clients will make any money whatsoever using our service or selling products on Amazon. Further, all of our promotional material and advertisements contain express disclaimers stating that investment in our e-commerce service involves the risk of loss, and that other clients' results do not necessarily reflect what is typical or common. 

We do not "turn off" or "shut down" our clients' stores during the first year of service. Sometimes, Amazon will suspend or "black out" a store if it appears the store owner has violated Amazon's Terms of Service and/or Seller Rules, but that is something Automation Empire cannot prevent or otherwise control. After the first full year of service with us, if our client declines to pay a $5,000 annual renewal fee to continue with our service, we will typically discontinue service and deactivate the client's store. However, any claim that we arbitrarily "shut down" this user's store 6 months into the first year of his contract is simply untrue...and we certainly would not do so simply because the client "asked nicely" why his/her store was "not making money." 

All other remarks in this report suggesting that Mr. Rodriguez is "hiding money" or perpetrating "a scam" are unsubstantiated, defamatory, and legally actionable. Automation Empire has numerous 5-star customer ratings and maintains an A-rating with the Better Business Bureau. Our company works with certified public accountants and attorneys (both in-house and externally) to ensure that all of our services remain consistently compliant and accurately reported. 

In sum, we vehemently deny and refute the contents of this report, and request that the report be removed from this site immediately in order to mitigate any further financial or reputational harm. Thank you. 


United States
Ripp off by Tommy Rodriguez

#3General Comment

Sat, June 20, 2020

I had a similar experience with Tommy Rodriguez store. He blocked me on his fb after i complained to him that i wasn't making any money from his Amazon automation business. He even insulted me saying i was going broke and desperate that was why i was asking him for my money.


United States
How can you be contacted?

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, December 13, 2019

Hello, I have a similar situation and will file a lawsuit against Tommy Rodriguez and his Automation Empire. Perhaps if we team up and find others we can file a class-action lawsuit.

Since you say that he stashes his cash, have you considered reporting the activities to the IRS? please email me at [email protected].

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