  • Report:  #1159594

Complaint Review: Tony Hart - Eugene Oregon

Reported By:
Howard - Texarkana, Texas,

Tony Hart
Last know address Eugene, Oregon, USA
usmotorclub.org , corpcrimefighters.org, logic-sphere.com
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Tony Hart aka Kim Anthon Hartsock.  Perform a search on the latter name to see additional reports of the acitivities of this psychopath.  He will either sell you something that either does not materialize, or he will convince you to help him with his business.  Typically, he will lure and seduce women on the Internet by pretending to be charming.  He then leads into his story that he is a multi-billionaire who has had setbacks and just needs a little help to get over the hump and share his billions with you.  So, he eventually moves in, attempts to get you to sign over your assets to him in return for him doing the same (the only problem is he has no assets); eventually, after hearing conflicting information and a continuous stream of excuses, and tempermental outbursts if you question him, you get the idea he is a liar and a psychopath.  When you ask him to leave, he invokes his "rights" to stay because it is his home since he has resided there for more than 30 days.  So, you call the police and when they arrive, they tell you it is a civil matter and that you will have to go through legal channels to evict him even though he has been living off you the entire time.  

This acutally happened to our family.  By the way, when you start questioning him and he feels the wind in front of your foot right before you put your boot up his a*s, he will either distract you with charm and promises of a huge home, cars, money, etc.  That will alternate with fabricated accusations and legal threats based on nothing.  In our case, he overheard the family and the grandmother making plans for her estate and accused them of taking advantage of the elderly, caused a big drunken row, and was escorted off the property by me.  He weasled his way back in and I subsequently moved in with him and our family member's home which he refused to leave.  In the end, the cops led him away to jail and we won.

To this day, he lists false accusations on his nutty website called corpcrimfighters.org.  He lists all our names, fabricated and imagined crimes and imaginary case numbers.  Here is the excerpt from his site.


#000126 Cleared & Under Official Investigation: Witness Tampering, Retaliation, Destruction of Evidence, Assault, Battery, Theft & Destruction of Personal Property, False Report to Police, Extortion, Mail Theft, Threats, Menacing, Official Oppression, Crimminal Responsibility for the Conduct of Others, Perjury Under Oath, et al;

Jesse Morton, Kevin Bridger, Darlene Lamelle Walker, Monroe, GA; Tony Downs (tdowns) & Alece Downs, Texarkana, TX; Lana Adams Raney, Brentwood, TN; Howard Wayne Pittman, Jr, Stephanine Danae Pittman, Texarkana, TX; Jared Patton Tidwell & Stacy L Dawson - Tidwell, Texarkana, TX; Eva Nanette Tidwell, aka Nanette King, Heartland TX, et al; Larry Watson, Seagoville, TX; Mike Clemmens, Charleston, SC; Deborah Freer, Bethesda, MD; Christine Glodt, Nathan J Hillaire, Gordon Camereon, Sharon Jones, Steven Wayne Manley, and others;

Actions: TO2LEO 7/29/11 & 8/11/11, 10/27/11; TO2DA TX 10/27/11; Civil Offenses Civil Litigation 11/26/12; TO2CID 1/23/13 - 1/30/13; TO2DACI 2/15/13; TO2TXR 2/16/13 (p); CASE FILES Texas DPS #58885459; Kaufman County Sheriff Office CID Offense # 2013-000847; US Postal Inspector, Monmouth Oregon PD IR 13-72, 13-650;

Criminal defendants, those that conspire, those that publish retaliatory material and those that prosper from retaliation are all guilty of each other's crimes; including the underlying crime; and the publishers are not protected by section 230 of the CDA.


Beware:  he also has these sites that DO NOT deliver.  usmotorclub.org and logic-sphere.com


I hope this helps someone before they get in too deep with him.  If he does get into your home, you can trick him to get him out, lock the door and not let him back in.   Just make sure his possessions are in the front yard when he comes back.  If he calls the police, tell them he's not getting back in and that it is a "civil matter".  He threatened to sue me, but that is hard to do with no money!  Good luck!



1 Updates & Rebuttals


Sweet Home,
It almost happened to me

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, November 12, 2015

  Thank you so much for posting this report online. It saved me from making the same mistake. The guy you mentioned was at my apartment. He claimed to be a homeless billionaire and promised me a job online selling cars. He promised me $400 per car I sell. He also talked about becoming my care taker. We were at the library and he left to go get his camping stuff. We agreed to meet on the bus. Before I could get on the bus he ran to the front of the bus and made a huge scene in front of everyone by saying that he left his lap top with me and that I was suppose to bring it. I do not remember him leaving me or handing me a lap top. He was yelling "All the soft ware I invented is on that lap top.

If I lose the lap top my life is over." He left the bus to go to the library looking for it but he left his camping stuff on the bus and told me to take it all to my place. I wasn't going to carry all that stuff because I have a bad back. So the bus driver told me to leave it on the bus and he can pick it up in the morning. The next morning he showed up to my apartment with his stuff promising to do some cleaning. Instead he slept from 8am until almost 4pm then told me it would take him a couple days to get my place cleaned. He was still going on and on about the job thing and promised that I would make enough money in 2 weeks to move into a house with him. Mean while I asked him how to spell his last name.

I ran his name through google search and found your rip off report on him and 2 other rip off reports on him by other people. After I read the reports about him being a con artist, I continued to play along until I could find a friend to talk to about it. We went to the soup kitchen together and after dinner I pulled my friend Josh aside and showed him the reports online. Josh told me that he would help me put all of Tony's stuff outside and then stay the night with me for protection. After Tony showed up and saw his stuff outside, he called the cops. I explained to the cop that I did not feel comfortable having him over after what I read about him online. The cop asked me if I signed a contract with him for him to be my care takers or payee. I told the cop that I do not remember signing a contract.

The cop said that he will trespass Tony from my property but if he shows up to the police station with a contract then he will have to ask the district attorney if the contract is binding. I have no idea what he is talking about. I'm so scared that he is going to forge my signature on something. I believe he was not only going to Rip off me but he was also going to rip off Linn County Mental Health and the United Methodist Church and the Lutheran Church by giving them soft ware and promising them money and success. I need to warn these agencies. I'm glad I got rid of him because if this online job is illegal Im not going to prison. Any advice on how to deal with his false claims of having a contract with me?

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