  • Report:  #798031

Complaint Review: Tony Minakakis Toronto - Toronto Ontario

Reported By:
Lorenz S - Toronto, Ontario, United States of America

Tony Minakakis Toronto
North York Toronto, Ontario, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Tony Minakakis is racist against african people and he calls them monkeys ... well at least we are not SCAMMERS!!!! We ask around and know all about you!!!

Tony Minakakis who went to Georges Vanier in Toronto Canada is a COMPLETE SCAM artist who has scamed dozens of hard working individuals. He pretends you are his friend, then he gets you to deposit bogus cheques into bank machines for him IN YOUR ACCOUNT. Then when the bank finds out and checks the security camera, your the one who gets in trouble and he hides off camera.

He also pretends to be religious and he makes people think he is a godly family man. ITS ALL AN ACTm HE IS A MANIPULATIVE SOCIOPATH. DOnt fall for it. Sociopaths are good at conning people to trust and believe their lies.

He never worked a year in his life, he files false income tax returns,. If you check his backgroundm you will see 90% of the documents in his car leases, mortages and other accounts HAVE FORGED DOCUMENTS that HE creates AND THE DOCUMENTS LOOK REAL!  Always tripple check the documents to make sure they are authentic. He gets his brother Niko Nick Minakakis to help him on occasion because Niko is a business man. Tony was always jealous of Nikos success because Niko always had a job, Tony always had to scam because hes too stupid to work.

His parents are COMPLETE scam artists who scammed ODSP for YEARS ( Ontario Disability Support Program) and they work under the table at family establishments. Anastasio Minakakis the father is a compulsive gambler and makes alot of money online at casinos and also in Ontario Casinos.
Matina Minakakis scams and they con everyone they come into contact with.

Do NOT sign for credit for them, they will SCAM YOU BIG TIME.  They dont have any friends because everyone hates them for all the lives they ruined.

How do they have so much money and not work? They all have new cars and mortgages etc??
Someone needs to report them to the Canadian Revenue Service for tax fraud and they need to be investigated for creditcard fraud and welfare fraud.

I heard the father Anastasios Minakakis was pretending to be disabled and everyone at Alanbury Gardens is saying he scammed CAA insurance for $80,000. 

Tony always tried to make Sandra Ngo (his ex girlfriend) jealous, but she was always WAY to good for him.  Tony is an acne scar faced rotten mouth pig. His lies destroy lives.
Ana Plenter Obradovic who he went to school with m she is creeped out by him because Tony stalks her.
He uses desposable cellphones and has also scammed alot of people out of watch deals, he has a collection of very expensive watches.

BEWARE AND DONT FALL FOR HIS SCAMS.  He also is a compulsive cheater and cant maintain relationships because of his CHEATING! and LYING!

Posted by Lorenz S.

7 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
United States
Tony Minakakis

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, June 28, 2019

 Tony Minakakis has an obsession with Magnotta. Luka broke away from Tony in 2004 and told Tony to never speak to him again after Tony’s fraud arrest. While Luka was living in a condo for 2 years in Miami, Tony was a hood rat. While Luka was traveling the world as a top male escort, $10,000/night in New York, Moscow, Paris, Spain an 38 other countries, Tony was conning people. Luka’s job was 100% legal.

Tony, Nico, Joti and Luka lived at the Leaside Towers in Toronto, then Luka got his own condo and Mercedes. Tony was always begging Luka for money and stalking Luka. Especially when Luka was engaged to Ron Mikhailov and dating Nader Eid. Luka’s life is still better in prison, he’s in a Country Club and associates with millionaires.

His best friend is Katie Price and Emmanuel Roussakis. Luka laughs at people’s obsession with him. David D’Amato framed him. Luka also can’t stand Joti Kiranjit Dhillion the 2 faced wife of Tony.


Luka Magnotta Tony Minakakis

#3General Comment

Thu, February 22, 2018

Hello everyone... You guys should check out this link where Tony says a lot of horrible things about his God brother Luka 


Tony's parents Matina and Anastisos Minakakis cut ties to Luka in 2003 at St. Demitris Greek Orthodox Church on Thorncliffe Park Drive when Luka, Tony, Tony's wife Joti and Tony's brother Niko lived at xx Thorncliffe Park Drive.  For Tony to blame everything on Luka is disgusting.  Tony was the mastermind in the Gina Vavaroutsos fraud.  He put the blame on Luka to escape responsibility.  Luka never spoke to Tony again after this and Luka believes is a psycopath and wanted nothing to do with him.  Luka moved to Los Angeles.  Nader Eid went to high school with Tony.  Luka has absolutely no idea who Barbie Swallows is, he never met her and she's a complete, lying attention wh*.  People need to hear the truth!


South Carolina,

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, August 13, 2014

all i can say is that this man is truly evil. money obsess, manipulative con man. He wants people to believe his is a religious family man. THIS IS NOT TRUE, unless scaming is a new religion of course, do NOT  trust him under any ciscustances, he grew up dirt poor, and we all know you cant never buy class, and now he is trying to prove to every one he has money. He set up his former friend Luka Magnotta to take the rap for his fraud charges. Tony refused to take any responsability for his involment in the fraud and the planing of whole thing. Joti Dhillion AKA Kiranjit Dhillion had kids with him, she is pakistani, he bough all her gift with fraud money, Tony also scamed is ex-friend Nader Eid, every one who gets close to the Minakakis regrets it. Contact Tony's cousin Helen. Bob Joanna and his aunts  Athena and Pat to hear the truth. Please do not allow yourself to be fooled or con by any member of this family, complet trash

Posted by Jamilla


I am so sad by what has happened to our family.

#5General Comment

Mon, December 19, 2011

This is Tony's cousin Joanne...I just want to say what a shame and an embarrassment it is to stoop to a level so low and to hurt our family members just because there have been disagreements and differences of opinions within the family. I hope that I never have to find out that this has been done by people within our family because I would be devastated to know that any of us would ever allow ourselves to go to such a low place and try and hurt our extended family. I have NO hate against any of you and I hope that one day we can find some PEACE before it is too late. I have lost many people thru death in the last 5 years and I have seen what happens once it is too late... the scars are carried forever. I suggest all these postings stop and please lets all focus on our children and make sure that they are not affected by the pain and hurt that we have all had to endure from each other. We need to stop and work as a family for the sake of the next generation...I am personally talking to every single cousin that may read this. Please think about it.

Linda R

United States of America

#6UPDATE Employee

Tue, December 06, 2011

Tony is complete TRASH and is a liar. This loser needs to just go away, we are all tired of seeing him.


Everyone can see through your lies you trash.

Madeleine Mccann

British Columbia,

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, December 06, 2011


Dont believe a thing this "man" says.  He has ZERO credibility and most sociopaths try and shift the blame away from themselves. WE ALL know a sociopath / compulsive liar in our lives. This loser cant take responsibility for his pathetic failed life and failed relationships.

GET A LIFE - No wonder many people cant stand him and try to avoid him like the plague.  BIGGEST JOKE AROUND THE NEIGHBOURHOOD is him and his family. 

Nick "Niko" Minakakis used to throw gum up in the air at school because he had no friends and he wanted to buy his friends as usual... once he buys your friendship then he tries to act tough but he is bat s*** crazy.  Everyone made fun of Niko and Tony at Kingslake, these two brothers were the biggest losers in school and now they are both ugly adults who are POSERS.

Report Attachments

Tony Minakakis

Hoax Report

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 15, 2011

This is Tony Minakakis himself, and I do not necessarily feel the need to redeem my reputation since my clientele base as well as my friends and associates will be more than happy to vouch for my honesty in conduct and I can provide many satisfied and loyal references if necessary. This is a hoax post in which the person who has copied and pasted it from previous posts theyve made on multiple websites with slight modifications to seem more believable in respect to the type of audience this website has. The following URL links are to the other sites:

http://tony-minakakis-toronto.blogspot.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1Pu_Y1mCrY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBt_E8M8XaQ http://www.flickr.com/photos/68065452@N04/ http://tony000minakakis00toronto.wordpress.com/about/ http://www.dailymotion.com/user/tonyminakakis/1 Facebook Profile: Tony Minakakis Facebook Page: Tony Minakakis

All such posts are by the same person who in fact is not Lorenz S since they are using his identity to perpetuate these false rumours. If everyone can please do a quick google search of my name they will be directed towards the remaining of these false websites and they can have a chance to read the emotionally filled lies and see that there is no actual substance or fact in their statements or claims. However, after having majority of the sites disabled and removed for infringing on copyright material and identity fraud, it seems that with the final notice they received from Youtubes copyright team yesterday morning (Nov 14th 2011) telling them that their videos did not follow the honesty conducts of their terns if agreement, they decided to reinforce their hateful acts on this final website. The websites listed above show the time line of September, the email sent by Youtube is dated for the morning of Nov.14th 2011, and the post made on this website is dated for Nov.14th at 7:47 pm. It is obvious that this post was not made in reference to any actual fraudulent transactions, but instead as an angry and emotional reaction made to deny the defeat of their efforts to dirty my reputation.

This report is completely false and inaccurate starting from the very first horrendous accusation of racism down to the very last assumption of fraud in any account. I am very familiar with the person(s) who have written this post and decided in September that instead of taking the short drive to their home, in which I have been invited to many times, and calmly confronting them about it that I will simply remove the websites. I have given a lending hand to these people when theyve needed it the most as well as when theyve needed it the least. Their reason to perpetuate such hate stems from a place that I am not familiar with since I have never given any reason for anyone to perceive me in such a way. To carry on hate for even the time span of September until November with the agenda to slaughter my name and reputation takes a lot of negative and unhealthy mental work that I refuse participate in.

I am glad that they have chosen this very permanent website to continue writing their hate filled lies about me, my family and my acquaintances since it gives me the opportunity to personally respond rather than simply remove the content. I do not feel the necessity to address the specific accusations made in the post since they are so far from my character that responding to them will give them more credibility than they will ever hold. If the readers of this post can look behind the storyline that has been created, they will see that there is no reference to a concrete transaction or event that has taken place with any specific person in which I have committed any fraudulent activity. Instead the post is a series of he said she said rumours that are completely fabricated and circulated by specifically the person(s) who made this post.

For the person(s) who wrote this, I hope the best for your selves and your family, thank you for taking the next step and posting slander, libel and defamation under a false identity that is not yours on this very permanent and legal website. Since every one of your online actions and submissions place you on the wrong side of the legal fence, this post has only worked towards my benefit. It is actually the beauty of irony that you commit punishable and illegal criminal acts by law including and not limited to; intellectual property infringement, copyright infringement, slander, defamation, libel, fraudulent identity and identity theft in order to fabricate completely false accusations of fraud against me.


T. Minakakis

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