  • Report:  #463846

Complaint Review: Toyota - Torrance California

Reported By:
- Vienna, Virginia,

.toyota.com West Columbia, South Carolina Torrance, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Imagine using your Constitutional right to peacefully picket at the Toyota Center dealership and being bullied--even threatened--by the Toyota dealership staff!! That's just what happened to Parris Boyd in West Columbia, S.C. today...and previously as well!

All Parris wanted was FAIR TREATMENT in his engine oil sludge matter. He had already spent thousands in the repair of his MR2 Spyder engine. He asked to be reimbursed for his engine repair and to be given some assurance that the problem was properly resolved and would not recur.

As owners indicate is typical, Toyota offered that he take the bulk of the financial responsibility for his failed engine repair. It could not offer or refused to offer any assurance about the patency of his engine.

Parris noted that he was among the thousands (see how many have signed the "Toyota Owners Unite for Resolution: Engine Oil Sludge" online petition) who have experienced this problem and cared to report it online.

He decided to let others know what he had uncovered in his internet research. He used a large sign to do this. On this sign, he made reference to the Toyota owner petition that has almost 3,000 signatories. His Toyota dealership was NOT happy.

Go to Parris Boyd's blog site to read the details. In a nutshell, his dealership staff came extremely close to running him down (via vehicle!) on the street corner! Various expletives were levied at him about the sign. In fact, the dealership indicated that they will come after him (and inflict bodily harm??) if he didn't hand over the sign!

In the meantime, Parris has gotten good reception from passers-by. Supporters honk their horns in support of his actions! One of his Toyota dealership's employees told him that this "wasn't worth dyin' over." Hmmmm....is that a death threat or what?!?

Soooo...why is this Toyota dealership so touchy about the engine oil sludge issue and an online petition that Toyota vehicle owners can sign?!? Why is it so important to the Toyota Center in this South Carolina city to SILENCE this very concerned MR2 Spyder owner?

More questions...is Toyota engine oil sludge a bigger problem than Toyota Motor Corporation is letting the pubic know? Are more vehicle owners experiencing similar treatment when they ask Toyota for fair treatment?

Toyota's Customer Support Program for Engine Oil Gelation was initiated only after a near vehicle owner revolt in 2002. According to countless Toyota owners, Toyota is NOT following through on this self-proclaimed generous program---and hasn't been since its initiation. Owners report being denied their claims as Toyota comes up with excuses. Apparently, no entity is monitoring Toyota's program implementation. Does Toyota do the right thing when not monitored?

The Toyota engine oil sludge problem is alive and well, it seems. Some very vocal vehicle owners believe that Toyota is trying very hard to keep this information from public consumption.

How far will Toyota go to silence those who are speaking out? Does it actively monitor and/or manipulate internet dialogue? Does it support complaint removal or search engine manipulation in order to preserve its brand image? Talk to some current Toyota vehicle owners and the answers to these questions is a resounding, "YES!"

Just how deep is this engine oil sludge problem and how many "layers" are there? Are sludgemobiles being resold to unsuspecting buyers at Toyota dealerships--even on ebay? Are bogus extended warranties being pushed when the sellers know that engine sludge will automatically void them?

These are the tough questions that Toyota Motor Corporation needs to answer. We don't believe that bullying and making bodily-harm threats is the appropriate Toyota response!!

What do YOU think?


Vienna, Virginia


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8 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, June 28, 2009

Dow Jones was around 14,000. The Dow Jones closed at its all-time high of 14,164 on 10/9/2007, which was about 5 weeks after the prediction was made. To read that prediction, simply- 'Google' this- RIP OFF REPORT PRIORITY TOYOTA SCION AUTOMAX, and go to the 'Update' entitled- 'Similar Post On The DODGE Page On This Site', and read the 4th paragraph. Here's how it starts- QUOTE: 'I predict that by sometime early in 2009 that the stock market takes that huge hit! After a full year of reality in 2008, the big collapse happens.' - 8/26/2007 FACT: The stock market DID take that 'huge hit'. It closed at about 6,500 on March 9th 2009. FACT: The 'big collapse' DID happen. The government had to step in and inject HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars into the banking system, and had to bail-out Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, GM, Chrysler, & AIG. You can 'Google' this- INSIDE THE MELTDOWN, and watch that Frontline documentary on the web which aired earlier this year on the PBS station about the collapse of our system. Thank you. POWER TO THE PEOPLE



#3UPDATE Employee

Sun, June 28, 2009

First off, I am not speaking for the company I am speaking for my self as a Lexus tech. What I have seen and talked with other techs is that it was mostly related with the 3L motor. Slug dose happen to all cars and with all types of oil. The reason the dealer may have done this is that it is an Independent business that sells and repairs Toyota. When you do picket a business, you usually have to fallow a rule (the LAW). Karl is a very funny man if you fallow him you would have to fallow this logic: Don't drive an American car you may go up in a fireball just ask a police officer. Don't drive a Chrysler you may die buy the Ball joints failing. Don't drive a car you may Die in a car accident. Don't buy a Car you can be LAID to buy any one and any dealer. Don't go to the Hospital they may kill you, intentionally make you steal, or rape you. Don't Shop at Wal-Mart Thieves have hacked into the warless card machines. Don't use a card your ID may be stolen Don't use your Social Security Number ever you may have your ID stolen from you bank. Don't use a bank someone can hacek into it and seal every ones ID Don't take aspirin it will destroy your gut. Don't take Tylenol It will destroy your liver. We all should ban ALL OIL it is known to the state of California to cause cancer. Don't eat meat IT will destroy your heart. Don't eat greens you will get bad bacteria and die. Don't Breath It causes you to AGE (Proven) And so on forever. The fact is Toyota has repaired many of those motors you just have to show the dealer maintained receipts why?? They want to make sure you did not abuse your car. IE you got you oil change every 6-9K It never hurts any car to change oil to much. All cars have problems from all countries. The Biggest thief of them all is the customer. They lie all the time.


Highlands Ranch,
Urgent Worldwide Alert: OOPS I CRAPPED MY PANTS...

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, June 24, 2009

can be 'Googled' & watched on the web! That's right! Simply 'Google' this- OOPS I CRAPPED MY PANTS, and watch it on the web. I believe that the TOP executives at Toyota Corporation are probably all wearing- 'OOP! I CRAPPED MY PANTS'. I'm Karl, and I approve this Update! POWER TO THE PEOPLE


Hi Charlene.

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, June 24, 2009

Have you met Karl???


Hi Charlene.

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, June 24, 2009

Have you met Karl???


Hi Charlene.

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, June 24, 2009

Have you met Karl???


Highlands Ranch,

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, June 24, 2009

all wearing- 'OOPS I CRAPPED MY PANTS'. Simply 'Google' this- OOPS I CRAPPED MY PANTS, and watch it on the web! Thank you. I'm Karl, and I approve this Update!


Highlands Ranch,

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, June 23, 2009

POSSIBLE DEATH THREAT by a TOYOTA dealership employee? Read this Rip Off Report, and YOU be the JUDGE! Thank you. POWER TO THE PEOPLE

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