  • Report:  #1402940

Complaint Review: Trustpilot.com - Internet

Reported By:
Ace - American Fork, Utah, U.S.A.

Internet, USA
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I made a review on trustpilot.com about my experience with Life Ionizers. Here is the review I made:

LIFE Ionizers is extremely rude. I used their chat service and when I started asking questions about how many amps their machines used, they started calling me names and telling me to go to bed. They never answered my question about the amps. They never answered my question if they have the WQA Gold Seal Certification. And they never answered my questions about what does "up to" 540 or 800 watts means? Why does it always say "up to" when speaking about watts?

I took screenshots of their very rude and unprofessional behavior.

They also are liars and spread disinformation or misinformation about other competitor companies in the ionizer industry. They said that ionizer machines don't use amps, that they only use watts. They said the amps comes from the electrical wall outlet. This is all 100% false.

By the way, the electrical wall outlets provide voltage, not amps.

When I told them I was taking screenshots of the chat, then the chat suddenly ended and the chat screen disappeared.

They asked why I wanted to know the amps of their machines. I said because then I can figure out how many Potential Electrolysis Units or PEU's their machines use. An ionizer needs 255,000 PEU's to be able to disassociate the Hydrogen atom off of the H2O water molecule. This is a formula of amps multiplied by watts multiplied by square Surface Area of the plates.(W x A x Sa)

If you have "up to" 800 watts and only .5 amps then you don't have 800 watts, you have 400 watts.

They can never tell me how many amps their machines use. This is because they don't want people to know their machines don't have enough electrical power to ionize the water properly. And since they don't have enough power, their filters simply add in some inorganic mineral or alkaline substance to the water similar to baking soda to artificially raise the pH of the water. This is very deceptive because they are preying on people's lack of knowledge about their products to make a quick buck.

Therefore they resort to name calling and intimidation and bullying and even worse, they resort to invading privacy and spying.

The thing that was really creepy is that they made comments about me indicating they knew who I was even though I used the chat as an anonymous user. So I don't know how they knew who I was. But they are using some very "1984" totalitarian surveillance technology which is violating my privacy.

Then I went back on to their chat a couple days later and here is the transcript of the chat that I emailed to myself and I copy and paste here:

Chat started on 20 Sep 2017, 05:50 PM (GMT+0)

(05:50:05) *** Visitor 80363598 joined the chat ***

(05:50:07) Life Ionizers: Up to 30% off with the "End of Summer BLOWOUT Sale" New Life MXL 2018 models are now available! Ask us for details. Highest Quality - 5 Star Reviews - 75 Day Trial (USA and Canada) - Custom Filtration - Financing Options - 21 Years in Business - A+ BBB. Are you ready to start benefiting?

(05:51:12) Visitor 80363598: I see your machines list "up to" a certain amount of watts but I can't find any information on how many amps your machines have.

(05:51:31) *** Natasha joined the chat ***

(05:52:01) Natasha : Are you looking into any machine particular?

(05:52:26) Visitor 80363598: I'm trying to find out what is your best machine.

(05:53:42) Natasha : (URL direct link to the machine)

(05:53:49) Visitor 80363598: Thank you.

(05:54:42) Visitor 80363598: Does that machine say how many amps it has? I can't find it.

(05:56:24) Natasha : Amperage in regards to what?

(05:57:14) Visitor 80363598: In regard to amps.

(05:58:26) Visitor 80363598: All electrical devices use watts and amps such as my portable power station I use to jumpstart cars or power portable devices when camping. I need to know the amps in addition to the watts to figure out a products true electrical power.

(06:00:13) Natasha : About 6.667 Amps.

(06:01:44) Visitor 80363598: Thank you. Can you provide that information to me in writing somewhere on your website perhaps?

(06:06:49) Natasha : It should be available on our blog

(06:07:21) Visitor 80363598: Can you provide me the direct link?

(06:09:52) *** Natasha left the chat ***

As you can see they first tried to evade the question, then finally answered the question with a lie of 6.667 amps. When I ask for a direct link or for the website to the blog they simply end the chat. Why can't you give me the website address to your blog?

A lot of the reviews on this site are incentivized in some way in my opinion, reviewers are given something if they make a positive review of a very poor company. This is my opinion because my experience with this company has always been very poor since I always ask how many amps their machines have and they treat me very poorly whenever I ask this question.

Try it our for yourself. Go to their website, use their chat service and ask them how many amps their machines have and see how they treat you. They won't answer, they'll evade the question, try to change the subject, flat out lie, call you names, and then ban your IP address.

-----END OF REVIEW-----

After I made this review I get an email from Trustpilot.com saying Life Ionizers does not think my review is genuine so they removed my review until I could show them documentation of my experience. So I provided screenshots and forwarded emails and chat transcripts to them.

They put my review back up.

Then a few days later I get another email saying that because Life Ionizers disagrees with my review Trustpilot will remove it.

So now it all makes sense why a terrible company such as Life Ionizers has so many good reviews. All of the negative reviews on the site were there within the last month.

But now when I go back to Trustpilot.com the majority of those other negative reviews of Life Ionizers is also gone.

So now I have figured out that Trustpilot.com is a complete fraud as they are paid by their customers to only show the good reviews and to remove all or almost all of the negative reviews.

Buyer beware.

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2 Updates & Rebuttals


American Fork,
United States
Trustpilot.com protects Life Ionizers by removing all negative reviews Internet

#2Author of original report

Mon, March 30, 2020

Trustpilot.com protects Life Ionizers by removing all negative reviews Internet


American Fork,
United States
UPDATE: Trustpilot.com protects Life Ionizers by removing all negative reviews

#3Author of original report

Thu, May 17, 2018

Once a report is filed, it cannot be edited. The title of this report had a typo which has been corrected in the title of this update.

Also I would like to say in this update that if you use the chat function on the Life Ionizers website, and they don't like the questions you are asking, they will close the chat and ban your ip address.

Life Ionizers also called me on the phone, which I do not even know how they found out my phone number, after they banned my ip address for asking them how many amps their ionizers have.

They left a voicemail and said I am harrassing them and bullying them and told me to stop harrassing them or there would be legal action taken against me.

My question is: "How is asking basic questions about a product harrassment and bullying?"

If you don't know the answer to my question, then you can simply answer that you do not know how many amps your ionizers have instead of calling me names, then closing the chat and then banning my ip address, then calling me and trying to intimidate me with threats of a lawsuit simply because I asked some questions.

I was also asking them about some articles they have posted online and I was pointing out much of the information in their articles was incorrect. For example, Life Ionizers falsely claims on this article here: http://www.lifeionizers.com/blog/kangen-water-scam-secrets/ that "No TV news report has ever praised Kangen Water®. CNN in particular, has only reported on Kangen Water® once, and they called it a scam."

So I asked them, 'where is the CNN "report" where CNN called Kangen Water a scam?'

Life Ionizers of course could not provide me with the source of this report. This is why they increasingly called me names and tried to intimidate me simply because I was asking for the sources to back up their claims since they couldn't provide them, they resort to attacking my character and intimidation rather then simply saying they don't have the answer or that they did in fact lie.

And also, anyone who has an understanding of real journalism understands that journalists are supposed to gather information and present it to the people and let the people decide whether something is true or false. Unfortunately today much of the mainstream media outlets participate in tabloid journalism. Tabloid journalism is where disinformation or misinformation is purposely reported as "fact" when in actuality, it is just propaganda to push a certain agenda.

Also Life Ionizers falsely claims any time Kangen Water has appeared on any TV news report or infotainment piece, that all of these appearances are fake.

Well, I myself appeared on a local news TV morning show and I conducted a demo LIVE on air showing how Kangen Water 11.5 pH water cleans produce. My appearance was not fake. I was there, the water was there, the TV crew was there, the demonstration happened.

And Life Ionizers says in that same article above: "Why Enagic® MLM sales people have to lie about Kangen Water®"

So Life is saying Enagic distributors lie without offering and proof of any lies. This is the tabloid journalism tactic I described above of presenting disinformation or misinformation falsely as "fact". So in actuality I have presented evidence using Life Ionizers' own words in their own article that they are the ones who in fact lie.

And lastly Life Ionizers prey on the lack of knowledge consumers have about ionizers. They demonize the Free Market and entrepreneurship by saying Enagic distributors get paid when an Enagic ionizer is sold. So the fact that people get paid inflates the cost of the product according to Life Ionizers. But this actually is the opposite because if Enagic ionizers were sold in stores they would actually cost more due to the high distribution costs associated with retail products. The medical grade platinum used on the Enagic plates costs about $2,000 an ounce. You can do a search for the cost of platinum online and then do a search for the cost of medical grade platinum. It's not cheap.

And I don't know any company that manufactures and sells their own products for free? So Life Ionizers expects everyone working in the factory that manufacture the products and everyone working hard to market and advertise and to sell the products to all work for free?

Life Ionizers is saying getting paid for the work you do is evil?

Does Life Ionizers work for free and sell their products for free? Does Life Ionizers not get paid?

Also consider the mark-up of many retail products.

Have you thought about the mark-up on products you buy? Here are some standard mark-ups I have found for different products and I have compiled a list. You can do some searching online and you'll find similar figures to what I have compiled here:   * Athletic Shoes Manufacture Cost: $1 Price Sold: $100 Mark-up: 100 times   * Bottled Water Manufacture Cost: 1 cent Price Sold: 99 cents Mark-up: 99 times   * DVD Manufacture Cost: 70 cents Price Sold: $19.99 Mark-up: 29 times   * Furniture Manufacture Cost: $100 Price Sold: $799 Mark-up: 8 times   * Building Construction Manufacture Cost: $200,000 Price Sold: $1 Million Mark-up: 5 times   * Kangen Water Machine SD501 by Enagic Manufacture Cost: $1400 Price Sold: $3980

Mark-up: 2.85 times

Source: http://www.mykangensite.com/research_docs/enagic_vs_competition/Price_Comparison_Information.pdf

You can do some research for yourself and you'll find that the mark-up on retail products are similar to what I posted above as of 2018.

The point I'm making is the fact that Enagic pays "We the People" distributors to do the distribution and marketing rather than paying traditional retail outlets to do the distribution and doing the traditional costs of marketing with commercials and other advertisements actually drives the cost down! The markup according to the research I've done is less than 3 times (see above).

Even if the markup was 4, 5, or 6 times, that would still be consistently lower than the markup of retail products that do traditional retail distribution and marketing.

Think about it: If Kangen Water machines were sold in stores, they would cost about $10,000 or more. Because you would have to pay for the salespeople to sell the machines, pay for the rent on the store or building, pay for insurance, pay for utilities, pay for human resources, pay for advertising, pay for all of these things that would contribute to increasing the cost.

And lastly, Life Ionizers themselves have an affiliate program where they pay a commission to their salespeople who sell Life Ionizers! So why all the demonization of Enagic who pays people who work hard when Life Ionizers also pays people and also have a referral program or commission-based system of payment?

Can you say hypocrite?

And I also encourage you to do some research into the mark-up on Life Ionizers and you'll find that the cost to manufacture the Life Ionizer machine is much lower than the cost to manufacture the Enagic machines because the Life Ionizer machines are not made from as high of quality of engineering or material.

This is why I was asking Life Ionizers on their online chat questions like "How many amps do your machines have?" because I was doing research to see how well made their machines are or are not made. I was going direct to the source to try and get some answers.

And the very fact they couldn't answer my question and then try to intimidate and bully me by calling me names, closing the chat, banning my ip address, somehow getting my phone number, which is not even public, and then calling me and saying I'm harrassing them and threatening legal action shows that their machines are made with inferior workmanship or else they would have treated me professionally and tried to answer my questions.

The way they treated me is more proof in my opinion that they are lying and their products are not as well made as the Enagic ionizers, more than anything else that could be considered proof. So if their machines are not as well made, then that means it most likely costs less to make their machines due to the lower quality, and that also the mark-up on their machines are probably higher in comparison to the Enagic ionizers.

Especially when you consider the fact that Life does lie in that article I posted above, and that the Water Quality Association has awarded only the ionizers from Enagic with the Gold Seal Certification and has not awarded that certification to Life Ionizers.

The Water Quality Association only awards the Gold Seal Certification to products that pass all their tests. The fact that Life Ionizers has not been awarded the Gold Seal Certification is proof their ionizers are of lesser quality than Enagic. So Enagic costs more because of the higher quality, not because they are ripping people off.

And remember there is a difference between cost and price. Enagic ionizers may cost more (because of higher quality), but the price is actually lower than Life Ionizers when you take into account the mark-up on Enagic ionizers is lower than the mark-up on Life. Again, I'm not going to provide all the sources in this report on the mark-up on Life, but I do encourage you to do some research on your own and you will find the same information that I have found that will prove to you that the quality of Life is less, therefore it must cost less to manufacture and yet the price they sell their products at (mark-up) is proportionally higher than the price Enagic sells their products at.

In order to rip someone off there needs to be deceit, there need so be a misrepresentation of the truth and according to the actions and words of Life Ionizers, their OWN words on their website, and in their OWN chat (see chat screenshots posted in previous report above this updated report) and their OWN actions towards me, is all the proof I need to show that Life Ionizers are the ones ripping people off and preying on people who lack the knowledge of what makes a truly high-quality ionizer from what makes an imitation or a counterfeit ionizer.

I also recommened you watch this well put-together and researched presentation by Dr. Michael Donaldson, entitled, "Dr. Michael Explains the Competition" here: https://youtu.be/TugKJW6USAw

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