  • Report:  #1991

Complaint Review: UBID.COM - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Brooklyn, NY,

Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have old passion - I am auction player.

I am not really sure, if I have rights to complain: I don't have current case. But I think, I have been ripped off many times, overcharging on auctions shipping services. Let's get a typical example:



Apple Computer Powermac 7200 PowerPC601 75MHz 16MB RAM 500MB HD/4X CD/Mac OS

Auction Closes On Or After: Fri Apr 7, 6:30 pm PT


Shipping Weight: 45 lbs

Delivery Charge Range

FEDEX NEXT DAY $46.61 - $94.50

UPS GROUND $25.63 - $75.68


Here is my calculation: (I used UPS Internet form)- $26.52,

sending approximate dimensions and weight parcel from San Francisco, CA (I randomly choosed remote location) to Brooklyn, NY.

I don't know, where company stocks are located, but they always charge me by the highest price on shipping. Even though, if stocks location far away from NY, price is, I would say, twice higher, than regular UPS Ground charge on same weight.

You don't have to spend lot of time to make sure, that exactly same situation is happenning on another auction monster - Onsale.com. Even you order multiple items - they charge you for each of them.

I would greatly appreciate your opinion.


Felix Dobrin

P.S. Should I have to buy a particular item to file complain ?


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