  • Report:  #446650

Complaint Review: Unified Tribe Magic Starr Linda Merrily Harmony Falcon Kal-el - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
- las vegas, Nevada,

Unified Tribe Magic Starr Linda Merrily Harmony Falcon Kal-el
www.unifiedtribe.net Las Vegas, 89107 Nevada, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was looking over www.unifiedtribe.net noticing the roles of the members.


Magic - (Lead & Background Vocals, Keyboards, Guitar, Bass, Drums)

Harmony - (Lead & Background Vocals, ect

Thought I could post a better description for the members

MAGIC (DAVID MICHAEL MENDEZ) is the leader of the cult. He makes all the rules and bosses everyone around. He does it for the money, sex, and power. He gives the promises of good fortune in exchange for money and sex. He has surrounded himself with women who are slaves to him. Magic is also extremely delusional, this makes him very dangerous.

STARR (SHARI SWEAT MENDEZ) is the legal wife of Magic. Although, Magic controls several other woman. Starr makes advances on females with Magic, all for his sexual appetite. Starr uses her smooth talk to manipulate people into handing over your money and anything else she can get out of you.

LINDA (HOFFMAN) DUFFY is who Starr uses to get back at Magic for him having sexual relations with countless other women. Linda continues to try and get Starr all to herself. But Starr is attached the money she gains though her husband's fraud.

MERRILY GARRETT is the maid in the Unified Tribe household and is lead to believe Unified Tribe is a spiritual retreat.

HARMONY (AMELIA BLACKWELL) is a narcissistic slave to Magic. She is lead to believe that Magic is godlike and lets him control every aspect of her life

FALCON (DARRELL BLACKWELL) pays both sides. He should be a man and stand up to the truth.

KAL-EL is an odd one, but he's harmless

JESS Ask her to play her sax, guaranteed she can't play, lol want a joke


las vegas, Nevada


4 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Thu, April 30, 2009

My point was in this you tube video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlVtRu7JQ2c This is a video of Tribe in rehearsal. Even though everyone knows how to play their instruments if you listen closely you can hear that the track machines levels are much higher than the musicians. Even though the main background singers really do have beautiful voices the background is tracked as well and you can hear the tracked vocal levels are louder than their voices. This is really too bad because Magic really did have very talented musicians in his group before and he screwed us all over, that is why he lost all of us. The only musicians that I know are good are Harmony, Kalel, Starr and I know Jesse has an amazing voice as well as Harmony and Starr. Falcon is a better front man than Magic and he always was. Magic has always seemed to try to keep Falcon, Harmony and Starr down in fear of them taking over the limelight. I am sad to see these talented people wasting their talents in this cult. They could be so successful outside of this group and have free reign to let their talent shine. Maybe they feel it is too late or scared they would fail. I haven't seen one xmember fail yet. Everyone is doing well and taking off in their own direction of happiness. That fear is another illusion and by all means don't let fear stop you because when this life is over would you don't want to look back on it regretting that you didn't have the courage to live you life for yourself. I especially feel this way about Jesse, this girl could do amazing things in the real music business. I hope you wake up Jesse, don't let this man destroy you and keep you down like he has with the other girls. Starr was actually hired to be a full on singer by Magic back in the day and she has always had to take backseat to Magic and very rarely has been given the limelight. So unfortunate because Starr also has the voice of an angel. Now she is stuck on the bass most of the time. Don't let years of your dreams be taken away from you in this group. Just always be sure that no matter what, you are following your heart and your own truth. When that little inner voice is nagging at you that something Magic does or says doesn't feel right FOR GOD SAKE LISTEN TO IT. That inner voice is usually right on and we all ignored it for years thinking Magic knew best. The truth is no one knows your life path and your truth(mission) better than you. If you can go within yourself and ask these questions and you still really feel the tribe is right for you than fine. We found that our talents were stifled and that we were forced to start playing instruments we didn't want to play as time went by. For example Merrily wanted to be a singer and guitarist and where is she stuck most of the time, ya, she is stuck behind the instrument she hates the most, the keyboard. She thinks that it is her sacrifice for the better of the group, bull crap, her dreams were taken from her and no one should have the power to take away anyone's dreams and aspirations in life. The longer that you are there you will find yourself making alot of sacrifices that go against your better judgment but since Magic has everyone brainwashed that he knows best you will stuff those feelings and do as he says until you are dying inside from having your life taken away from you. I know that he has the whole us vs. them thing going on and he probably says that all of us that have left and are now speaking out have fallen into darkness. I know he is probably saying that we are in such darkness that this is why we perceive things in such a negative way and so on and so on. I am sure he says we are just terribly miserable and envious. I know this because I used to hear and believe these speels. He honestly is completely wrong. Once we freed ourselves and took our lives back we are all happier than ever, we are following our true dreams and have found out that the rest of the world is wonderful!!!! There is a fantastic quote that reads "having a great life is the best revenge." That is so beautifully true. We are on the outside looking in at the prison of illusion that you are stuck in now and just want to inform you of what we all see. We hope that you will wake up and take your lives in your own hands and not be dictated to anymore. Life is to short to allow someone else to control you. You talk about how the tribe attracts good people because that is what they put out there. Yes they do, however, just because they know how to put up the big shiny exciting front doesn't make it real, it is just a fancy, well put together illusion. Magic is honestly the most miserable person I have ever known. He would be constantly complaining about one thing or another every day, he was fearful of almost anything and would have long meetings about his fears. He couldn't even sleep he was so miserable and anxious. He would just pace the halls all night long. This isn't a Jesus like or Buda like man this is a master illusion artist that is trying to keep his house of cards up. He is miserable because he has created his own sad prison and knows that if he doesn't keep up this illusion that he will lose everything. He is terrified of people really figuring him out and leaving him because He and Starr cannot continue to live the plush lives that they have lived for so many years. He knows it can disappear in moments and I hope it does because I think this is the only way he will be humbled enough to realize the mess he has left behind him for 30 years and truly look in the mirror at the monster he has become. Eventually one day it will fall just like every other dark illusion and cult. When the end of the tribe nears and you are still there don't be surprised when that coward starts talking about suicide, it is inevitable he always does when the going gets tough. Haven't you ever noticed how horribly he will talk about the outside tribe friends. I am sure that Magic has gone on his speels about a persons weaknesses and how they are screwed up, along with making fun of them. Is this loving, nice treatment, noooooo. Please know that we are not trying to be enemies with you we just want to see Magic stopped and for you all to truly live your lives as you want. We want to help you see the forest for the trees. Thank you, Concerned


Wrong you tube video

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, April 30, 2009

She is really playing in this video. My apologies, However this does expose what a novice she is and not a full fledged saxophonist. This also doesn't change the fact that she is playing to tracks in the rehearsal video though. We were all able to play our instruments and some of us very well but Magic would never allow us to play without the machines. From the sounds of the rehearsal video all of the horn parts are the same old synth sound running through machines. There are even some horn bends that clearly sound like a pitch wheel bend on a synth. So whether she can play or not is irrelevant, that doesn't change the fact that they are still playing to machines.


That is a machine playing

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, April 30, 2009

I am 99.9% sure she is faking it. You are hearing a piano synth line written to sound like a sax/ horn hits. What you are hearing is the horn synth sounds running through the machine that is playing for her. know because i have been there to see it go down. I was in the group and saw all of this go down. So unless you were there and actually hear the sounds come through her sax you were probably just hearing tracks playing for her. I do know she can sing but the sax thing is a stretch


Palm Springs,
It's not nice to tell lies!

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, April 29, 2009

Isn't this the "jessie" from the tribe who you guaranteed could not play? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cpApNcHO1w

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