  • Report:  #261317

Complaint Review: United Healthcare - Minnetonka Minnesota

Reported By:
- Allen, Texas,

United Healthcare
9900 Bren Road East Minnetonka, 55343 Minnesota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
United Health Care Insurance Company has come up with a great scam, and you as an employee are paying for worthless insurance. Does that make you angry?

United Health Care has come up with a new policy with super high deductibles. The deductibles are 3,000 individual with 5,000 out of pocket, 9,000 per family deductible, with 10,000 per family out of pocket. There is no longer any co-pays for doctor visits or anything else, except for medicine.

The average doctor visit for me so far has been about 250.00 with no coins (added services such as x-rays and blood tests). My family income is just a little above the poverty level for a family of five. We live week to week, especially now that energy prices have soared. It's almost impossible for us to come up with 250.00 for a doctor visit, so in effect the insurance is worthless to us, because just coming up with 250.00 is hard enough much less trying to meet a 10,000 out of pocket to get all our health care expenses met covered by insurance.

When we do manage to scrape up enough to see the doctor, we can afford no coins (add-on services). Much less any out-patient services the doctor may want us to get. We may get a generic medicine prescribed but usually not a new and safer drug, because the physician is afraid the insurance company may make them call and authorize it, which will take many additional days for us to get the medicine, plus more of the doctor's time. If the doctor deems it neccessary to get the more advanced new medicine, UHC will often call the medicine a tier III med which means the co-pay on it will be 50.00, if we are lucky. Many times they will not authorize it for this, and will make you pay full cost, which can go from hundreds of dollars to over a thousand a month.

If you get cancer, or any other disease that forces you to spend a giant portion of your income that year on there giant deductibles and out of pockets, then they have a cure for that also. They will raise your deductible to 50,000.00 a year for just your family, making there worthless insurance even more worthless.

Now here's the big kicker, if you want to get this insurance, that the worthless company you are working for went out of there way to save lots of money on, so the investors will be happy, you have to pay quite a bit out of your paycheck every week for it.

So you work hard, pay your dues, and the people on welfare with medicaide have it better than you do, if one or more in each family falls ill. Because they are much better covered.

Employers please don't do this to your employees. Employees if you work for a person who cares so little about you to enroll you in this worthless insurance scam, so he can make an extra buck, leave that company, and tell others so they will not do business with that company.

Action Company run by Donald Motsenbocker is one of these companies. Donald also has many other companies such as Simco, SaddleSmith, Longhorn, Horse and Rider, Action Realty, and Dover. Please don't associate with this man or his company until he decides to quit using and abusing his employees. Help make America great again, only do business with people who care about other people.


Allen, Texas


27 Updates & Rebuttals


Are you seriously posting a report about this?

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, November 17, 2008

You sure are being sarcastic and unappreciative of all the responses that I know I for one would have not have taken the time to give you. You're wallowing in the fact that you're oh, so poor, but who do you think we are? I'm pregnant, 18, and married. I live with my husband. We pay my the car insurance every month, we pay the outrageous (but I won't COMPLAIN about it) phone bill every month, we pay all the bills. And I'm not working. So on a 30,000K/year income, we still get by. And I'm not posting fraudulent claims on rip off report while I'm doing it, either. My husband has UHC. He pays $20 to see a doctor, and $10 for MOST prescriptions, although some are completely bizarre. He has back problems and has needed MRI's done, and he has something unknown wrong with his stomach which is leading to all kinds of expensive possibilities and tests. What are you doing, Craig, is feeling sorry for yourself. As if you are the only one out of 400,000,000+ who has problems. No. You are just one of one's who feels the need to broadcast your problems. These people have tried helping you and, to be honest (and other commentators have caught on to this) you sound like you're stretching the truth a bit. Maybe you are confused about the actuality of your health care plan, and should contact them with inquiries instead of posting an irremovable post on Rip Off Report.


sorry Craig but no

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, August 26, 2008

My cap with United Health is $5 Million and covers everything including Cancer I do read my policy Obesity Surgery (ie Gastric Bypass or Lap Band) is not covered by any insurance - Although the AMA considers obesity a disease I do not nor does Insurance Were you born fat? NO - did you get fat with exercise and a healthy diet - NO So the obesity crap is mute When I got sick I got care and United payed the bills When I was in a hit and run did United pay the bills - YES I pay my premiums through every paycheck and guess what United comes through My mother worked at a Pediatrician's office and she stated the the only insurance company that payed for the insured bills was United The worst is Aetna and Cigna Enough said Good luck

Marie Antoinette

I just signed on to UHC through my employer.

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, August 25, 2008

I just signed on to UHC through my employer - effective date 7/1/08. I did havce BCBS of TX which was great. The reason my employer decided to switch was because the premiums were going to go up significantly. The premiums for UHC were better which the only difference I see in my paycheck deduction is cents. Now, my UHC deductible is $1K. The family deductible is $3K - these are for in-network. Of course, if it's out-of-network they are about $1K more. I pay about $413.98 a month - this being for a family 5. My co-pay went from $15 to $20 BUT the big difference is after I meet the deductible my (which the deductible goes to my out-of-pocket costs as well) the plan pays 100% of my services. So far I have had doctor & dentist visits for myself and my children. Everything has been paid accordingly after I pay my co-pay for doctor visits. I actually went to an out-of-network dentist and they paid for most of the charges for my children. The only amount I had to pay was $8 out of the $3-400 in charges incurred. So hopefully it might be on a case-by-case basis but so far I have been happy with UHC. I do plan on having more children and I guess the biggest test would be then to see what they will cover and what they will not - BUT my doctor and the hospital facility I go to is in their network of providers and facilities. Good luck to you in all your edeavors!


Stacey, I'm happy for you

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, December 04, 2007

You must have a great employer to only pay 28.00 a paycheck for insurance. It's good that you are not part of the 50 million uninsured. It's also great that you have a good plan with UHC. The majority of us don't. Once again for 400.00 a month on our plan this is what you get... 3,000.00 deductible and 5,000.00 out of pocket per ind. 9,000.00 Ded. and 10,000. out of pocket per family. No copays for anything anymore except meds. All doctor visits, er visits, labs, x-rays, and all other outpatient costs, we have to fully pay for till meeting our deductible, and then 20% till out of pocket is met. 10 whole PT visits a year allowed 6 chiropractic. If you've ever had any kind of x-ray done, good luck getting the same one, even if 10 years down the line. No obesity surgery, and many other things not allowed on plan. I will send you proof that if you get cancer, your ded. will be raised to 50,000.00. No cost to you. My last autistic daughters visit to neuro was 187.00 my cost. My last visit was 145.00, my cost. If the whole family comes down with the crud and it does happen, it costs us about 800.00 just in doctor visit fees. Basically we are getting crap for about 400.00 a month, useless no good crap. UHC offers all kinds of plans, I'm happy that you have a good one. God bless you


Get real

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, December 03, 2007

I have United Healthcare for about 5+ years and never had a problem I get my EOBs in the mail after every doctor visit, ER visit and so on The EOB explains what UHC paid and what I pay out of pocket My company used to have us under Aetna and that was the worst I pay 28 dollars a paycheck for my coverage and it works Get real Craig and I just a post earlier by you about a HCA hospital Stacey


United Healthcare New Rip off strategy

#7Author of original report

Mon, December 03, 2007

Salt of grain, I don't blame you for being suspicious, I would be too. On fastcase.com, you can look for free for 48 hours, and I have no affiliation at all with this site. My dad just happens to be a defendant in a case on this site, where he had UHC raise a man's out of pocket to 50,000.00. a year. He was the first one to ever ask an insurance carrier to do this, and now it's standard practice. The man had only about a year to live also. He didn't even know his out of pocket had been raised till his doctors started getting unpaid balances from the insurance company. I will send a copy of this case to anyone who requests for free, if they want. It's very interesting, and it will keep you from going to fastcase.com, if that bothers you. If you are healthy, and pay a good premium, you will get much better insurance, from almost any company. But if you fall on hard times and get cancer or many other diseases, your out of pocket will be raised substantially at renewal time, or you will be canceled. Watch "Sicko" from Michael Moore, and see for yourself. Don't believe him or me, then start your own website and just ask for stories of people who have been mistreated by UHC and others. Have a great day. By the way, be happy, you are not one of the 50 million people in the USA who are uninsured.

Grain Of Salt

North Carolina,
sounds to me like

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, December 02, 2007

there is so much mention of that fastcase.com thing that cost like $95 a month that maybe he is just trying to push that site rather than make a legit comment on UHC. I have united healthcare also and had it during my pregnancy and it paid excellent on all my bills and I even got a refund due to overpayment of the co-insurance at my doctor.

D Rex

Battle Creek,
UHC has helped me with Cancer

#9Consumer Comment

Thu, September 06, 2007

My family has United Health Care, and they have taken care of my cancer charges at the University of Michigan, OUT of Network, almost entirely. I paid 2K out of pocket, and now everything is being covered 100%. My wife is on the phone with them alot, and I think they have handled it all well. My bills are staggering, but being covered. No troubles here, and its been a while.


UHC Sells Worthless Insurance

#10Author of original report

Sun, August 12, 2007

None of the posts above stated that my insurance deductible is 50,000.00. But I know a man who was the only one in the company he worked for whose deductible was raised to 50,000.00 because he actually used his insurance due to cancer. His last name is Potts, you can read about the case at fastcase.com, it is titled Potts vs. Motsenbocker. Motsenbocker lost btw and had to pay Potts wife half a million dollars and his partner Jim Sands had to pay 500,000.00 also. Mr. Potts died during the trial. It is well pointed out that the stress he endured from having his insurance ded. raised that high killed him prematurely. This is happening all across America and United HealthCare is leading the way in screwing peoples lives. United Healthcare is making record profits. The reason why is they hardly pay anything to anybody. It's a giant scam. Nikki, I'm glad you are satisfied for now with your insurance, but when you get cancer or some other big bad disease, United Healthcare has a plan for you, it's called raise that person's deductible to 50,000.00 so we won't have to pay him/her anything. I really don't understand how you can justify standing behind a company that puts humongous, giant profits before people that are suffering and dieing. No matter what you say, I'm just not going to get that point of view. Facts: Even though United Healthcare is making giant record profits, they are raising deductibles on insurance plans now to 5,000.00 indiv. and 10,000.00 for a family with no co-pays. You go to a doctor, get an x-ray, whatever, you pay full price, which is usually from 150.00 on up for doctor visits, and the sky is the limit for mri's and such. If you are middle class or lower income, you simply can't afford to pay these deductibles, so you quit seeing the doctor. You can be in horrible chest or stomach pain, and you stay home, hoping it will go away, and many times because you waited so long, due to giant deductibles from record profit making companies like United Healthcare, you simply die in your pain. If you scrape, beg or borrow enough to pay these giant deductibles and become unfortunate enough to get cancer or any other big bad disease, United Healthcare raises your deductible alone to 50,000.00. So even though you believed this fake policy you bought is going to work for you in hard times, you find out all along, that United Healthcare doesn't stand behind it's customers. It's a legal scam endorsed by the economic policies of the Bush Republican leadership. I believe in a free market economy unless it is hurting people. United Healthcare is hurting people. I hope the ceo and board of this company wind up in prison and have to pay back every penny that they have stolen from honest hard-working people.


Coconut Creek,
I can't afford it either.

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, August 12, 2007

I really can't afford the deductible payments either. As I stated in a earlier post, I pay $25 monthly toward the bills. However, $25 monthly times 8 bills is better than the extra $600 monthly I would have to pay if I had the good insurance that covered the bills in the first place. Also, I didn't know your deductible was $50,000. You stated somewhere your individual deductible is around $3000 with $5000 out of pocket. Have your employer cancel your insurance and pay you the portion he pays for your insurance. Would you rather your employer get the $1200 per month good insurance that covers everything, then take $1000 out of your paycheck every month for the rest of your family? What would you do then? It sounds like that would harm you more. However, it also sounds like that is really what you want. The point I was trying to make is the additional $600 monthly you would have to pay out of your paycheck for the good insurance can be used to pay your present bills. At least there are insurance policies now offered where the monthly payment is not so high, even though they don't cover as much. Better to have that than nothing at all.


That's Great

#12Author of original report

Fri, August 10, 2007

Nikki, that's great that you can afford to pay all that money out of pocket for your insurance deductible, but it's not great for people who can't afford it. And it's not great for people who save all they can to pay they deductible, and then find out at the end of the year because they did use it that their personal deductible is going up to 50,000.00, just because they met the deductible last year. So I'm glad your insurance plan is working out, and I'm glad your employer gave you a choice. We didn't have a choice, and like your boss, ours is threatening to cut off insurance all together because people are complaining. And tell me this once again Nikki, what is the use in having an insurance plan that if you do use it goes up to 50,000.00 deductible? What is the use of it? It's useless. It's a monthly fee that's very expensive and doesn't pay anything. I'm happy for you Nikki, if you are happy with your plan, but I can tell you there are millions that are not, and companies like United Healthcare are leading the way with this useless garbage. And please answer this, is it okay for people to profit off others misery, suffering, and misfortune? Is that okay. For United Healthcare, this plan is pure profit, they don't pay anything to you, and you pay alot to them. This is just wrong and it's flat out immoral. A man goes to work to make a living and pays his premiums for insurance, only to find out that neither his employer or the insurance company will help him when he lands on hard times.


Coconut Creek,
Hello Again

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2007

I don't have one of the co-pay policies as it was too much of a nut to crack to pay almost $1000 a month for the family coverage. When all the employees started complaining about how much was taken out of their pay for health insurance, the boss cancelled the insurance altogether and we had to get individual insurance. When that happened, we lost all coverage for pre-existing conditions. We had to pay $420 per month for a $10,000 deductible per family. Nothing was paid until we paid the $10,000 deductible, then the insurance covered 100%. We did get the discounts, though. Good thing too because it reduced my husband's trip to the emergency room from $4200 to $800. Then the boss found the type of plan you have and the employees were happy to go to that one. Now, pre-existing conditions are covered again because we have group coverage, and we pay around $387 per month. I know what it's like to have the great insurance, but $1000 is just too much money to pay every month. I know what it's like to have to pay every doctor bill with the $10,000 deductible. And now, I know what it's like to have something in between. Granted, it's not at good at the $1000 insurance, but it's only $387 per month. The small policies are for those who have something to lose in the event of a catastrophy. I would rather pay the $7500 family deductible I now have than pay $50,000 or $100,000 or lose my home if I have a heart attack. That is why I'm happy to have any insurance at all. Where idiot Donald comes in. Group policies are priced for the employer based on the health of the employees. When you have a group, and one person has an illness such as cancer, the entire group is priced in a different tier. So, to cover the medical expenses of one, every employee has to pay more. In other words, my employer may one day come tell me I have to pay an additional $200 per month for my insurance because "John Smith" has cancer and we are now in a different pricing tier. Knowing me, I'd approve it just to help John Smith out, but not everyone would be so nice about it. Donald may have been unfair to the person with cancer, but he may have been trying to be fair to the rest of his employees. Anyway, with our new insurance, the entire office did not have to choose the same plan. We were given the choice of two. One expensive, very good plan (that would have cost me $1000 per month for family) and one inexpensive policy (that costs me $387 per month). The employees that did not have families stayed with the better policy and those with families chose the less expensive one. This is one compromise employers can do with their employees, too. I feel that if insurance companies did not offer the "cheap" insurance, no employer would offer health insurance, period. In addition, we are refraining from complaining about the cheap insurance to our boss for fear he may do away with insurance again.


Coconut Creek,
Hello Again

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2007

I don't have one of the co-pay policies as it was too much of a nut to crack to pay almost $1000 a month for the family coverage. When all the employees started complaining about how much was taken out of their pay for health insurance, the boss cancelled the insurance altogether and we had to get individual insurance. When that happened, we lost all coverage for pre-existing conditions. We had to pay $420 per month for a $10,000 deductible per family. Nothing was paid until we paid the $10,000 deductible, then the insurance covered 100%. We did get the discounts, though. Good thing too because it reduced my husband's trip to the emergency room from $4200 to $800. Then the boss found the type of plan you have and the employees were happy to go to that one. Now, pre-existing conditions are covered again because we have group coverage, and we pay around $387 per month. I know what it's like to have the great insurance, but $1000 is just too much money to pay every month. I know what it's like to have to pay every doctor bill with the $10,000 deductible. And now, I know what it's like to have something in between. Granted, it's not at good at the $1000 insurance, but it's only $387 per month. The small policies are for those who have something to lose in the event of a catastrophy. I would rather pay the $7500 family deductible I now have than pay $50,000 or $100,000 or lose my home if I have a heart attack. That is why I'm happy to have any insurance at all. Where idiot Donald comes in. Group policies are priced for the employer based on the health of the employees. When you have a group, and one person has an illness such as cancer, the entire group is priced in a different tier. So, to cover the medical expenses of one, every employee has to pay more. In other words, my employer may one day come tell me I have to pay an additional $200 per month for my insurance because "John Smith" has cancer and we are now in a different pricing tier. Knowing me, I'd approve it just to help John Smith out, but not everyone would be so nice about it. Donald may have been unfair to the person with cancer, but he may have been trying to be fair to the rest of his employees. Anyway, with our new insurance, the entire office did not have to choose the same plan. We were given the choice of two. One expensive, very good plan (that would have cost me $1000 per month for family) and one inexpensive policy (that costs me $387 per month). The employees that did not have families stayed with the better policy and those with families chose the less expensive one. This is one compromise employers can do with their employees, too. I feel that if insurance companies did not offer the "cheap" insurance, no employer would offer health insurance, period. In addition, we are refraining from complaining about the cheap insurance to our boss for fear he may do away with insurance again.


Coconut Creek,
Hello Again

#15Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2007

I don't have one of the co-pay policies as it was too much of a nut to crack to pay almost $1000 a month for the family coverage. When all the employees started complaining about how much was taken out of their pay for health insurance, the boss cancelled the insurance altogether and we had to get individual insurance. When that happened, we lost all coverage for pre-existing conditions. We had to pay $420 per month for a $10,000 deductible per family. Nothing was paid until we paid the $10,000 deductible, then the insurance covered 100%. We did get the discounts, though. Good thing too because it reduced my husband's trip to the emergency room from $4200 to $800. Then the boss found the type of plan you have and the employees were happy to go to that one. Now, pre-existing conditions are covered again because we have group coverage, and we pay around $387 per month. I know what it's like to have the great insurance, but $1000 is just too much money to pay every month. I know what it's like to have to pay every doctor bill with the $10,000 deductible. And now, I know what it's like to have something in between. Granted, it's not at good at the $1000 insurance, but it's only $387 per month. The small policies are for those who have something to lose in the event of a catastrophy. I would rather pay the $7500 family deductible I now have than pay $50,000 or $100,000 or lose my home if I have a heart attack. That is why I'm happy to have any insurance at all. Where idiot Donald comes in. Group policies are priced for the employer based on the health of the employees. When you have a group, and one person has an illness such as cancer, the entire group is priced in a different tier. So, to cover the medical expenses of one, every employee has to pay more. In other words, my employer may one day come tell me I have to pay an additional $200 per month for my insurance because "John Smith" has cancer and we are now in a different pricing tier. Knowing me, I'd approve it just to help John Smith out, but not everyone would be so nice about it. Donald may have been unfair to the person with cancer, but he may have been trying to be fair to the rest of his employees. Anyway, with our new insurance, the entire office did not have to choose the same plan. We were given the choice of two. One expensive, very good plan (that would have cost me $1000 per month for family) and one inexpensive policy (that costs me $387 per month). The employees that did not have families stayed with the better policy and those with families chose the less expensive one. This is one compromise employers can do with their employees, too. I feel that if insurance companies did not offer the "cheap" insurance, no employer would offer health insurance, period. In addition, we are refraining from complaining about the cheap insurance to our boss for fear he may do away with insurance again.


Coconut Creek,
Hello Again

#16Consumer Comment

Fri, August 10, 2007

I don't have one of the co-pay policies as it was too much of a nut to crack to pay almost $1000 a month for the family coverage. When all the employees started complaining about how much was taken out of their pay for health insurance, the boss cancelled the insurance altogether and we had to get individual insurance. When that happened, we lost all coverage for pre-existing conditions. We had to pay $420 per month for a $10,000 deductible per family. Nothing was paid until we paid the $10,000 deductible, then the insurance covered 100%. We did get the discounts, though. Good thing too because it reduced my husband's trip to the emergency room from $4200 to $800. Then the boss found the type of plan you have and the employees were happy to go to that one. Now, pre-existing conditions are covered again because we have group coverage, and we pay around $387 per month. I know what it's like to have the great insurance, but $1000 is just too much money to pay every month. I know what it's like to have to pay every doctor bill with the $10,000 deductible. And now, I know what it's like to have something in between. Granted, it's not at good at the $1000 insurance, but it's only $387 per month. The small policies are for those who have something to lose in the event of a catastrophy. I would rather pay the $7500 family deductible I now have than pay $50,000 or $100,000 or lose my home if I have a heart attack. That is why I'm happy to have any insurance at all. Where idiot Donald comes in. Group policies are priced for the employer based on the health of the employees. When you have a group, and one person has an illness such as cancer, the entire group is priced in a different tier. So, to cover the medical expenses of one, every employee has to pay more. In other words, my employer may one day come tell me I have to pay an additional $200 per month for my insurance because "John Smith" has cancer and we are now in a different pricing tier. Knowing me, I'd approve it just to help John Smith out, but not everyone would be so nice about it. Donald may have been unfair to the person with cancer, but he may have been trying to be fair to the rest of his employees. Anyway, with our new insurance, the entire office did not have to choose the same plan. We were given the choice of two. One expensive, very good plan (that would have cost me $1000 per month for family) and one inexpensive policy (that costs me $387 per month). The employees that did not have families stayed with the better policy and those with families chose the less expensive one. This is one compromise employers can do with their employees, too. I feel that if insurance companies did not offer the "cheap" insurance, no employer would offer health insurance, period. In addition, we are refraining from complaining about the cheap insurance to our boss for fear he may do away with insurance again.


The Truth

#17Author of original report

Thu, August 09, 2007

Nikki you sound like a very nice person, but here are some facts. You said to be thankful to not have to pay 50,000.00 and that 5,000.00 is not really bad in comparision. Let me tell you what employers and insurance companies are doing. Donald Motsenbocker of Action Company was the first one to have this done. He had a man that gave him his company, and just asked that only he pay him so much a year and keep him on the insurance till he died. He had cancer and only a short time to live. Donald asked the insurance company why his rates were going up and the lady told him it's because of Mr. Potts insurance claims for cancer. Donald asked her if they could just raise his deductible alone. The lady went and checked because it was never asked before, and she found out they could, so they raised his deductible to 50,000.00. You can go to fastcase to pull up this case, it is Potts vs. Motsenbocker. Since then because of evil Donalds schemes, many insurance companies are doing this now all over the nation. So let me get this right, it's better to have this kind of insurance than none at all? Are you kidding me? You have to beg borrow and scrape to just pay the doctors fees that the insurance will not pay for at all now, and if you manage to go over the 5,000.00 deductible they raise it to 50,000.00 at the next yearly review. Nikki, that's not right and you know it. How can you excuse or justify this. It's immoral and sick. I'm glad you have co-pays, but the new trend is full pay, so the investors can go home happy in their new Lexus. It's not insurance, if it doesn't pay anything.


The Truth

#18Author of original report

Thu, August 09, 2007

Nikki you sound like a very nice person, but here are some facts. You said to be thankful to not have to pay 50,000.00 and that 5,000.00 is not really bad in comparision. Let me tell you what employers and insurance companies are doing. Donald Motsenbocker of Action Company was the first one to have this done. He had a man that gave him his company, and just asked that only he pay him so much a year and keep him on the insurance till he died. He had cancer and only a short time to live. Donald asked the insurance company why his rates were going up and the lady told him it's because of Mr. Potts insurance claims for cancer. Donald asked her if they could just raise his deductible alone. The lady went and checked because it was never asked before, and she found out they could, so they raised his deductible to 50,000.00. You can go to fastcase to pull up this case, it is Potts vs. Motsenbocker. Since then because of evil Donalds schemes, many insurance companies are doing this now all over the nation. So let me get this right, it's better to have this kind of insurance than none at all? Are you kidding me? You have to beg borrow and scrape to just pay the doctors fees that the insurance will not pay for at all now, and if you manage to go over the 5,000.00 deductible they raise it to 50,000.00 at the next yearly review. Nikki, that's not right and you know it. How can you excuse or justify this. It's immoral and sick. I'm glad you have co-pays, but the new trend is full pay, so the investors can go home happy in their new Lexus. It's not insurance, if it doesn't pay anything.


The Truth

#19Author of original report

Thu, August 09, 2007

Nikki you sound like a very nice person, but here are some facts. You said to be thankful to not have to pay 50,000.00 and that 5,000.00 is not really bad in comparision. Let me tell you what employers and insurance companies are doing. Donald Motsenbocker of Action Company was the first one to have this done. He had a man that gave him his company, and just asked that only he pay him so much a year and keep him on the insurance till he died. He had cancer and only a short time to live. Donald asked the insurance company why his rates were going up and the lady told him it's because of Mr. Potts insurance claims for cancer. Donald asked her if they could just raise his deductible alone. The lady went and checked because it was never asked before, and she found out they could, so they raised his deductible to 50,000.00. You can go to fastcase to pull up this case, it is Potts vs. Motsenbocker. Since then because of evil Donalds schemes, many insurance companies are doing this now all over the nation. So let me get this right, it's better to have this kind of insurance than none at all? Are you kidding me? You have to beg borrow and scrape to just pay the doctors fees that the insurance will not pay for at all now, and if you manage to go over the 5,000.00 deductible they raise it to 50,000.00 at the next yearly review. Nikki, that's not right and you know it. How can you excuse or justify this. It's immoral and sick. I'm glad you have co-pays, but the new trend is full pay, so the investors can go home happy in their new Lexus. It's not insurance, if it doesn't pay anything.


The Truth

#20Author of original report

Thu, August 09, 2007

Nikki you sound like a very nice person, but here are some facts. You said to be thankful to not have to pay 50,000.00 and that 5,000.00 is not really bad in comparision. Let me tell you what employers and insurance companies are doing. Donald Motsenbocker of Action Company was the first one to have this done. He had a man that gave him his company, and just asked that only he pay him so much a year and keep him on the insurance till he died. He had cancer and only a short time to live. Donald asked the insurance company why his rates were going up and the lady told him it's because of Mr. Potts insurance claims for cancer. Donald asked her if they could just raise his deductible alone. The lady went and checked because it was never asked before, and she found out they could, so they raised his deductible to 50,000.00. You can go to fastcase to pull up this case, it is Potts vs. Motsenbocker. Since then because of evil Donalds schemes, many insurance companies are doing this now all over the nation. So let me get this right, it's better to have this kind of insurance than none at all? Are you kidding me? You have to beg borrow and scrape to just pay the doctors fees that the insurance will not pay for at all now, and if you manage to go over the 5,000.00 deductible they raise it to 50,000.00 at the next yearly review. Nikki, that's not right and you know it. How can you excuse or justify this. It's immoral and sick. I'm glad you have co-pays, but the new trend is full pay, so the investors can go home happy in their new Lexus. It's not insurance, if it doesn't pay anything.


Coconut Creek,
Me again.

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, August 09, 2007

You probably don't have a co-pay policy which is why you don't only have to pay $15 or $25 or $35 for your doctor visits. Did you make sure your employer pays 1/2 of your insurance? I'm sure your employer dropped to the lesser policy as a compromise instead of dropping the insurance altogether. I know it's hard to swallow, but be thankful you have group insurance to at least somewhat cover the pre-existing conditions. If you had to get individual insurance, your individual policy probably would not cover the M.S., asthma, arthritis, sleep apnea, hiatal hernia or autism at all. They would put a rider on those conditions. Personal individual health insurance does not have to cover pre-existing conditions, even if you have had prior health insurance. Have United Healthcare send you an itemized claim to make sure the doctor actually performed the procedures that incurred each bill. I have about 10 different doctor bills totaling around $5000 that I owe. I pay each one $25 per month, faithfully. They have not turned me over to collections because I am making the monthly payments. I understand you don't make a lot of money and have a hard time paying your medical bills. However, it would be much worse if you had no insurance at all. Better to pay your $5000 individual out of pocket than a $50,000 bill. The insurance is not worthless, you just get what you pay for. Remember, if your employer had the good policy that covered most of your bills, you would probably be paying close to $1000 per month (for your 1/2 and the rest of your family). I'm sure that would be a tougher nut to swallow than your current bills.


Reality once again

#22Author of original report

Wed, August 08, 2007

The doctors I've been using are in network. I just got one of my statements from UHC, and it shows the doctor is owed 156. on one and 247. on the other. This is at the supposedly great discount you get for being a UHC member. That's fantastic that you only paid 15., I would like to see your insurance statement prooving that. I've got mine. Are you sure that 15. is not just a co-pay. On the new insurance we have it's now a percentage of what the doctor charges with no pay out for coins, along with the deductible. I pay full price for the doctors visit up till 3,000.00. And then I pay 20% after that up till 5,000.00. For the family it's now 9.000.00 and 10,000.00. I have M.S., Asthma, Arthritis, sleep apnea, and a hiatal hernia. My daughter has autism. We have to see doctors, and the new deal is very steap for us. We already live from paycheck to paycheck. I have no money in my account after I pay bills. The insurance is worthless for someone who doesn't make a lot of dough. I don't understand Thomas, how am I supposed to use this great information that I'm supposedly getting? I don't see how that helps me pay a 247. dollar bill. 10,000. for a family living below the poverty level is a lot of money to come up with every year. I'm sorry I forgot about the money tree in my backyard. We've had a lot of rain this year, so it should be ripe for picking. I've planted a special grant crop this year, so we should be okay. Dang, I already see the big oil barons, and the local utility companies picking on it. I knew I should have used a scarecrow.


South Carolina,
Did you ask if Dr. is "in your UHC network", or did you ask if the Dr. "would accept UHC"?

#23Consumer Comment

Wed, July 18, 2007

These are two very different questions........ Your insurance administrator should provide you, on request, a listing, booklet, or directory specifying all doctors, along with their specialities, who are 'in your UHC network'. The previous response gave you good information, but you seem unwilling to accept good information. Your situation does not seem good, and it will not improve any if you refuse to to accept good information. And it is true that often the squeaky wheel is replaced. Our Dr. office visits have a list-price of $105 but we pay $15. $250 sounds high to me.


South Carolina,
Did you ask if Dr. is "in your UHC network", or did you ask if the Dr. "would accept UHC"?

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, July 18, 2007

These are two very different questions........ Your insurance administrator should provide you, on request, a listing, booklet, or directory specifying all doctors, along with their specialities, who are 'in your UHC network'. The previous response gave you good information, but you seem unwilling to accept good information. Your situation does not seem good, and it will not improve any if you refuse to to accept good information. And it is true that often the squeaky wheel is replaced. Our Dr. office visits have a list-price of $105 but we pay $15. $250 sounds high to me.



#25Author of original report

Wed, July 18, 2007

Reality is though, that if you don't make a lot of money, the insurance is worthless, and might as well be canceled. Employers were not carrying insurance all together, because insurance companies like UHC are charging out of space for premiums. United Healthcare is making record profits, they are one of the darlings of wall street. Once again people who don't make a lot of money can't afford the doctor visits now or the coins or the out patient procedures. I have multiple schlerosis. I have a bill for over 600.00 for an mri that I have no way of paying because of this so called great alternative. I can't get another mri until I pay this bill. I have about 30 bills like this that I cannot pay, and now my credit is ruined. I'm having a hard enough time as it is paying these ridiculous energy prices here in Texas, so the boys at Exon can keep on making world wide record profits. I really feel sorry for these boys, and the doctors with the corvettes and million dollar homes, but I just have to think about me and my family a little. Doctors when you call them will often times tell you if you ask that they take uhc, but they don't tell you that they are not on the network, and you are right, there high prices do count toward your deductible, but guess what? My deductible for out of network is twice as high - 20,000.00. Action Company owned by Donald Motsenbocker does 20 million a year, confirmed fact. Donald spends 244,000.00 a year on insurance. That amounts to about 2% of income. The real kicker is that he only pays most employees working for him minimum wage. If you politely ask Donald after years of working there for even a 25 cent wage increase per hour, he goes balistic. I realize that companies have to make a profit to keep there doors open, but screwing your employees and customers to this extreme is absurd. UHC is screwing there customers. Donald screws anyone he can, even his own family. So if one tells the truth he has to tread carefully or he will lose everything? Imagine if everyone in America had the guts to stand up and tell the truth like I'm doing and did something about it. This would be a great place. But everyone is scared and frightened of losing there job, not being able to see a doctor again, so they stay quiet and suffer and watch others suffer. Give me liberty or death.



#26Author of original report

Wed, July 18, 2007

Reality is though, that if you don't make a lot of money, the insurance is worthless, and might as well be canceled. Employers were not carrying insurance all together, because insurance companies like UHC are charging out of space for premiums. United Healthcare is making record profits, they are one of the darlings of wall street. Once again people who don't make a lot of money can't afford the doctor visits now or the coins or the out patient procedures. I have multiple schlerosis. I have a bill for over 600.00 for an mri that I have no way of paying because of this so called great alternative. I can't get another mri until I pay this bill. I have about 30 bills like this that I cannot pay, and now my credit is ruined. I'm having a hard enough time as it is paying these ridiculous energy prices here in Texas, so the boys at Exon can keep on making world wide record profits. I really feel sorry for these boys, and the doctors with the corvettes and million dollar homes, but I just have to think about me and my family a little. Doctors when you call them will often times tell you if you ask that they take uhc, but they don't tell you that they are not on the network, and you are right, there high prices do count toward your deductible, but guess what? My deductible for out of network is twice as high - 20,000.00. Action Company owned by Donald Motsenbocker does 20 million a year, confirmed fact. Donald spends 244,000.00 a year on insurance. That amounts to about 2% of income. The real kicker is that he only pays most employees working for him minimum wage. If you politely ask Donald after years of working there for even a 25 cent wage increase per hour, he goes balistic. I realize that companies have to make a profit to keep there doors open, but screwing your employees and customers to this extreme is absurd. UHC is screwing there customers. Donald screws anyone he can, even his own family. So if one tells the truth he has to tread carefully or he will lose everything? Imagine if everyone in America had the guts to stand up and tell the truth like I'm doing and did something about it. This would be a great place. But everyone is scared and frightened of losing there job, not being able to see a doctor again, so they stay quiet and suffer and watch others suffer. Give me liberty or death.



#27Author of original report

Wed, July 18, 2007

Reality is though, that if you don't make a lot of money, the insurance is worthless, and might as well be canceled. Employers were not carrying insurance all together, because insurance companies like UHC are charging out of space for premiums. United Healthcare is making record profits, they are one of the darlings of wall street. Once again people who don't make a lot of money can't afford the doctor visits now or the coins or the out patient procedures. I have multiple schlerosis. I have a bill for over 600.00 for an mri that I have no way of paying because of this so called great alternative. I can't get another mri until I pay this bill. I have about 30 bills like this that I cannot pay, and now my credit is ruined. I'm having a hard enough time as it is paying these ridiculous energy prices here in Texas, so the boys at Exon can keep on making world wide record profits. I really feel sorry for these boys, and the doctors with the corvettes and million dollar homes, but I just have to think about me and my family a little. Doctors when you call them will often times tell you if you ask that they take uhc, but they don't tell you that they are not on the network, and you are right, there high prices do count toward your deductible, but guess what? My deductible for out of network is twice as high - 20,000.00. Action Company owned by Donald Motsenbocker does 20 million a year, confirmed fact. Donald spends 244,000.00 a year on insurance. That amounts to about 2% of income. The real kicker is that he only pays most employees working for him minimum wage. If you politely ask Donald after years of working there for even a 25 cent wage increase per hour, he goes balistic. I realize that companies have to make a profit to keep there doors open, but screwing your employees and customers to this extreme is absurd. UHC is screwing there customers. Donald screws anyone he can, even his own family. So if one tells the truth he has to tread carefully or he will lose everything? Imagine if everyone in America had the guts to stand up and tell the truth like I'm doing and did something about it. This would be a great place. But everyone is scared and frightened of losing there job, not being able to see a doctor again, so they stay quiet and suffer and watch others suffer. Give me liberty or death.


Coconut Creek,
Here are some ideas

#28Consumer Suggestion

Wed, July 18, 2007

United Healthcare has many different policies to choose from. We had United Healthcare through my husband's employer. Did you know that to get decent coverage with the co-pays costs about $1100 per month for family coverage? Did you know that per your employer's contract with United Healthcare, he must pay a certain percentage of your coverage (not for the family, only the employee)? It's usually 50%. Make sure your employer is paying his share of your insurance. If you had the co-pay, good policy, your employer would have to pay about $150 (1/2 of your coverage since you are male) and you would have to pay around $950 per month. I am guessing you have the policy that costs around $450 per month. Your employer probably pays around $50 and you have to cover the additional $400 to cover the rest of your family. The reason United Healthcare began offering these policies is because employers were dropping insurance alltogether. This was an affordable way for employers to keep offering coverage to their employees. Now, here's what you get. First, you MUST make sure your doctor is a part of the network assigned to your plan. If the doctor is, he is only allowed to charge you certain amounts per his contract with United Healthcare. You should receive an "Explanation of Benefits" from UH after your doctor visits that tell you how much you should pay and how much the doctor has to write off. If UH tells you that you have to pay the entire amount, then your doctor probably isn't "in network". If your doctor is not in the network, he can charge you whatever he wants. It still gets counted towards your deductible, but you have to pay him the full amount he is requesting rather than the discounted rate because of UH. My daughter's pediatrician was only allowed to charge me $42 per office visit, plus a portion of whatever tests were run. $250 sounds very high. The main reason for the high deductible insurance is so you don't lose your home, bank accounts, etc., if a catastrophic event or hospital stay happens. Many people who don't visit the doctor often, and are generally healthy, do this. Instead of paying the $950 monthly for the good insurance, they only pay the $400. Then they put the rest of the money (actually less than that) into a Health Savings Account. Then they pay their medical bills out of the HSA and end up having money left over towards that catastrophic event. Due to your post, I'm sure you don't have the extra money for the HSA, but you do have the extra money in your pocket. Many, many employers are no longer offering group health insurance. I am guessing that if you continue to complain, your employer may get rid of it all together, or get rid of you. Tread carefully!

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