  • Report:  #1369436

Complaint Review: Unity Center for Behavioral Health - Portland

Reported By:
MythBuster - Alabama, USA

Unity Center for Behavioral Health
Portland, 97202 USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I am writing this to save your life, and to tell you you are worth more than a diagnoses. Your life matters. Because your life matters, you owe it to yourself to walk away from this place. Hit the x on the website. Don't even read it's marketing. Run like hell - and fast - don't get sucked into their trancey trance a roo. Turn your back at the door if you do make it that far. There are bus lines and trains and cabs. Call a stranger if you have to, to get you to the next place. Just know entering here is the biggest mistake you will ever make and will exacerbate trauma into more trauma into more trauma. You will never be unable to undo the mental anguish, and repeated triggers by careless un trained staff, aside from letting time take its course. Which could be how long? 

Sit now, and use your time... wisely...  have a friend help if need be....  Scour every inch of the internet for a space and a place that will treat you with dignity, honor, and respect. Love, Compassion and Care with a capital C. A place that is privately run by people with your best interest in mind. Who view you as a person, not a profit margin. Seek a place that is holistic and serene. You don't deserve to be trapped in walls upon walls with people who will only scold you and bring you down and try to silence your screams. You owe it to yourself to scream, and scream loudly at that atrocities which have been committed to you. To untie the noose the mental sick care system has on you - to keep you coming back for their fluoridated and often highly addictive prescription drugs. 

When you find that place of hope, you will know. Know that you will not find that at Unity Center for Behavioral Health. Rather, you will find the complete antithesis of everything pure, honest, authentic, brave, delicate, sincere and genuine and have the little love you had left in your heart stripped away upon entering into this dark abyss run by careless and reckless staff.

Come to Unity Center for Behavioral Health, and you have entered pure Hell on Earth. By the end of just a 12 hour stay, you will feel hopeless, worthless,defenseless, and dehumanized by darths who are complicit in crimes against humanity. Darths who order you around because they have a 'degree' and that entitles them to do so - that they are superior to you and that you must obey. They enjoy the societal structured, artificial 'power dynamic' and hope to keep you at bay so you can obey and not have the eyes to see or ears to hear. 

It is assured you will be traumatized by hearing and seeing the faces of those who voluntarily checked themselves in, (because you are a real person with relational capabilities)  thinking they were 'free' to leave at any time (this happened to me) - people literally begging at the counter in the 'back emergency room' a room of recliners where no one can relax because they are on camera 24/7 and where the empty nester nurses operate like overbearing mothers to their grown adult children. 

'Freedom' is not a word that anyone employed at Unity Behavioral Health uses. Their version of 'freedom' is the illusory version - "oh here, you are free to take this pill" and go to sleep... sle e p. Yup. Then, they will have you. Don't take the pill friends, don't! No one has to take a pill unless he or she is court ordered. Period. Don't fall into this vicious trap and cycle. Drug pushers want to sell you more drugs. 

If you come here in the worst state of your existence, you will be hammered even farther into the ground and have no idea that such a worse state existed. But it does, and this is truly Hell on Earth and the nurses and staff are darthdeamondronmonkeys incarnate. If you have to choose between here and jail, I say choose jail, because this place is a prison in and of itself. But, let me spare you the time and energy of even going here, by providing to you a description of my most recent terror here.

On the early morning of 4/24 I experienced a severe post-traumatic stress episode and headed here by train. I arrived roughly at 1:00 am. I entered into the facility where there were three bobble head reception staff rushing around and talking a mile a minute. I voluntarily (and this is crucial) checked myself in. I confirmed ahead of time, before signing any paperwork, "I was able to leave whenever I wanted" if I felt uncomfortable. To me, that means 10 minutes thereafter. I don't like it, I can leave.

Upon filling out some initial paperwork, I sat in a lobby on some flimsy chairs. Rest assurred you are on camera from the very first minute you walk in the door, to the very last millisecond you leave the place. You will be asked to sign a form that explicitly states this and that you agree to this. Well, except for when you pee. No camera there.

I speak with a  younger white male ginger 'nurse' who addresses me by the wrong name. I learned from the best when I was 7yrs old,  that anyone who addresses you by the wrong name Elizabeth, not Beth (your name), should not be trusted. Huge red flag! This happened to me repeatedly throughout my stay here, which is the first indicator of the lack of staff 'presence.' I played their silly game though.

Nurse gets vitals. Blah blah. Confiscates my belongings and puts them in a plastic bag. Including my shoes! I get these weird fuzzy blue socks that I have to wear throughout the duration of my stay. The nurse  uses a wand to body scan me. Even takes my jacket. My jacket?!  I'm freezing! No offering of blankets. I had to ask repeatedly to get some paper thin blankets that are like long dish rags. I had to *kind of* beg. So much for hospitality. Oh, and such a violation that my *moon necklace* was confiscated - a precious necklace which allows for me to feel safe in dark times. But, I could have strangled or harmed someone with that rope, now, eh? (side note - they allow patients to drink hot coffee in the emergency room (um, could be used for harm/burning? and also allow them to use pens). I once entered here about 2 weeks ago for the first time and they missed a sewing needle I had on the inside liner of my jacket)

Another male nurse comes in with a laptop - type type away etc. Asks basic self-harm questions etc. Pretty standard.

I enter into their 'emergency holding room' an open space of recliners (who knows when/if they have been sanitized) with about 20 or so other persons. I select a chair, but can't hold a focused thought because of being witness to everyone else's psychosis and the gamut of he-said, she-said crap, coloring books and puzzles that haven't been put together. Half-eaten sandwiches on some of the recliners. Sick. (um...  these are adults - they don't need or want crayons. Treat someone like a child and expect him or her to act like one.) 

Note: once you are in the 'emergency holding room' you absolutely cannot access your belonings. Period. I could not even have access to contact solution and a contact case I had in a purse. None of my own soap or shampoo. Um, that's what allows a person to feel safe and at home with himself or herself - having access to personal affects, vitamins, and some hygeine items. The whole time I was there, no one offered me a toothbrush or tooth paste, which I found to be rather bizarre- even at homeless shelters and Missions, they typically do this. 

I fell asleep in some strange position with my neck cocked this way and that. Toss and turn, can't get comfortable. No offering of water or tea -  nothing. No offering of food. 

When I wake in the morning around 8am, I witness abusive security staff 'demanding' a patient in the chair next to me, 'respects him' because he is 'the team lead' at that facility. Um, do you not know the clientele with whom you are working? Every person there has a human right to be angry, pissed off, and then some. At the very minimum. I hear another female patient, (soft spoken, white, dark black short hair - boycut) screaming, "security guard jobs are for men (((redacted)))." Nice one. 

At this point, I don't want to be here - and ask to leave. Can't tell you how many arguments I had with nurses who said, "you need to see a doctor" in order to leave. Um, what happened to the voluntary check-in? I have an appointment at 12:00pm,  of which I told them, indicated I would get a "no-show" fee (that's how real businesses operate) and they could have cared less. I said I need time to eat real food, get freshened up, and time to get TO the appointment. By the time it was 12:45 pm, I got a cab to my appointment, all the while I had been up and making demands to leave for the better part of 4 hours! Before I could leave, the 'doctor' Michelle asked me a bunch of invasive questions, which re-triggered my post-traumatic stress. She even used harsh words related to violent acts I experienced which I won't type out here. 

When no one was looking I dumped some s***** processed cereal and rice milk they gave me onto a cafeteria chair. 

Nurse Adrian, by the end of the day was getting aggressive with me and right before I left, screamed at me and said, "that's eeeeeenough." Well, you work in an emergency psychiatric facility. Get a new job or suck it up.

I'm pretty tired as I write this and to be honest spared a lot of the real violence and repeated HIPPA violations (ie. talking about my case within earshot of other patients) because I could type for two more hours. 

Run, friends, run. Like hell. Take well care. 

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