  • Report:  #1095537

Complaint Review: UrgeMobile - Select State/Province

Reported By:
URGE506 - Consideryourselfwarned! - NewYork, New York,

52 20th Street Select State/Province, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

What can I say the con man "Tony Ross" called me out got me and as I told him previously in August as well, people like him don't do anything about the problems their respective companies create they just put people off in the hopes that they just go away. The problem is you came up against someone that has a strong dislike for your style of corporate greed.

"CEO Tony Ross" wrote how the ripoff report is an unreliable forum for people to voice their grievences against people and companies like his that violate contractor labor laws.

When in fact it is the perfect place to showcase the illegal activity and labor scams that companies like UrgeMobile and owners like "Tony Ross" commit.

The Con Man "Tony Ross" and his supporting but well instructed "con teams" at UrgeMobile know of his Federally funded Lifeline Cell Phone scam which is a cash register of income to UrgeMobile are also involved in its cover up.

"Tony Ross also wrote that he wants to fix this, like he fixed and got the dealer "1 Stop Consulting" to retract his story by paying him off. But every day since August when I contacted him directly like a man and requested he stop his illegal activities he continues to lie and put this whole ordeal off.

If you are considering doing business with common criminals like "Tony Ross, Sherrie, Nicole, T.J. and staff "DON'T", if you are doing business with UrgeMobile and con man "Tony Ross' you should consider other option. You probably aren't getting the best deal anyway.

There are plenty of more reputable and trustworthy master agents out there that don't run employment scams that hurt innocent unsuspecting dealers, business', and honest people that put in an honest days work.

I hope this tell all about your illegal activity shows the people you have surrounded yourself with like your peers, family, friends, employees, staff, contacts, and business relationships who you really are. Nothing more than a two bit hustler who managed to stay under the radar.

When people start to look and see the con man that "SafeLink" has contracted with to distribute the Lifeline Program they will now see the dishonest crook that you are. Which I'm sure is your comfort zone.

Don't do business with companies like UrgeMobile who are run by unsrupulous deceitful CEO's like "Tony Ross".

This is what I meant when I said I will protect what belongs to me and my daugther you low life boardroom con man. 

I'm waiting on my money and will put closure to this story when I am paid in full the $3,000.00 dollars you owe me you lousy scumbag the FCC should force "SafeLink" to stop doing business with the likes of you and UrgeMobile.

(The Master of THIEVES!!!) You and you staff are bad news for honest working business people.

Code worked under URGE506

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Happy Holidays - URGE506

New York,
www.UrgeMobileSucks.com inspired by CEO Tony Ross

#2Author of original report

Thu, November 28, 2013

It is the eve of Thanksgiving, a time for family, friends, and food. A cheerful time for many, for others who are owed thousands of dollars for work completed as agreed and have had their money owed by UrgeMobile and CEO pundit Tony Ross, not so good.

Mr. Ross has still not paid to close out my $3,000.00 dollar claim.  Ask yourself why would he pay off 1Stop Consulting $24k after they agreed with my complaint and not pay URGE506? What kind of Job Scam has Tony Ross premeditated?  Why respond to the article after the back up complaint?

Tony Ross is obviously not a good person at any level to with hold anybody's funds. A tip off to corporate corruption. He is the most stubborn and untrustworthy individual I have certainly ever come across, and I have seen real human garbage in my time.

Tony takes the prize hands down. He is shady, sneaky, under handed, and a total crook. Heck that's a dangerous combination for a CEO. That's how Bernie Madoff wound up getting away with his scam, the regulators are always a step behind.

Anyway I have prepared a video for your enjoyment and of course pleasure, so please like it, tweet it, and please share it on social media.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

P.S. the website should be operational by the 1st of December...




Don't want you to miss the video so here is the link as well -


Report Attachments

URGE506 - Consideryourselfwarned!

New York,
Corruption Rocks Tony Ross & UrgeMobile L.L.C. Links SafeLink Wireless free Cell Phone program to Code Sharing Job Scam

#3Author of original report

Fri, November 01, 2013

UrgeMobile L.L.C. was suspended 7 days for code sharing violations at the end of July by "Tracfone" which is the parent company of "SafeLink Wireless" which is the country's largest free government cell phone program company which operates in 39 states and counting.

The use of individual codes allows SafeLink to track who in fact is recording the enrollment which is used to determine who needs to be paid. Previously enrollments where captured on paper and now the work is completed with individual sign on codes on web enabled devices like Ipads, Galaxy's, android phones, etc.

UrgeMobile at the leadership of "Tony Ross" recommended, encouraged and approved issuing individual codes to multiple enrollment agents to its dealer relationships in and across state lines, making it difficult to track who was processing any particular enrollment. A BIG NO NO FOR TRACFONE AND SAFELINK.

Once UrgeMobile Con Man "Tony Ross" & Con Teams got caught by Tracfone & SafeLink they shut off their ability to register applicants for a full 7 calender days as this was against SafeLink's legal Protocol.

CEO Tony Ross upon being suspended quickly terminated dealer relationships by instructing his internal distribution staff to send out emails informing dealers they were not going to be paid.(Please see proof below) Simply because Con Man CEO Tony Ross used the dealers as scape goats. Extremely shady and unprofessional.

At this time SafeLink and other Lifeline companies have been hit with a 4 1/2 billion dollar lawsuit by the F.C.C. for program violations no doubt created by companies like "UrgeMobile" & "ScumBag CEO's like Tony Ross". 

SafeLink was informed of the "UrgeMobile & Tony Ross" illegal job scam and has apparently decided to accept and condone the UrgeMobile job scam. There has been no response or action against UrgeMobile to this date.

Lifeline is a program that is in trouble today due to widespread fraud and corruption from Master Agents like "UrgeMobile" taking short cuts to grow production numbers.

Companies like "UrgeMobile" & dime a dozen Con Men like "Tony Ross" rake in a great deal of money monthly from the federally funded lifeline cell phone program as well as an ongoing payment which is the reason why this cash cow model works so well for this particular master agent(UrgeMobile) if they terminate relationships it becomes more prosperous for unscrupulous CEO's like "Tony Ross'" to generate additional profit margins. And what I discovered from working in the industry this is routine activity for master agents like 'UrgeMobile".

The contractors the dealers hire to work go unpaid as companies like "UrgeMobile" terminate relationships or delay payment for months as in the case of 1 Stop Consulting which "CEO Tony Ross" himself confirms paying the $24,000.00 to get him to unconfirm his complaint as frivolous and in haste. Typical of a con man.

This is obviously the scumbag that I have referred to that likes to play games with people's financial situations for his own convenience.

Pay your dealers scumbag so that the money that needs to trickle down to the people that deserve it and earned it can finally be paid, and then move on to your next con. Whatever that may be.

Internal sources at UrgeMobile confirm the illegal activity as routine at UrgeMobile company headquarters.

Look at how the Criminals at "UrgeMobile" violate contractor labor laws and they are doing it using the federally funded Lifeline Cell Phone Program.

Why don't the regulators look into this?

Why doesn't the F.C.C. shut them down?

Why does Tracfone and SafeLink allow this activity from master agent UrgeMobile & Tony Ross?

From: "Thomas Bacchio" mailto:[email protected] Date: August 9, 2013, 5:08:11 PM EDT Philip Fisher mailto:[email protected]" Subject: RE: Non contact It's nothing to do with URGE Mobile, at this point in time. Tracfone will either pursue legal actions now or they won't. I have no more details than this at this time Phil. When we last spoke I told you, you would hear from arepresentative from Tracfone (usually their legal department handles this). Simply put, you are the contract holder, sorry you were jepordized but ones influences. This business is very strict, we both know that from the get-go.I apologize sincerely and hate to tarnish the relationship and such, but there's nothing I can do about it. I had countless meetings, with proof thrown in front of my face on the subject matter. I ultimately I have to sit by my company's decision on this and whatever events I learn about later, I will personally share. What it boils down to in the end, we don't get paid and neither are you.I don't know exactly what happens next, but just from my point of view, it put our company at risk of termination completely. There really isn't any argument about the actions Tony took to terminate. We have to secure our position with Safelink. I can't stress enough the heat presented to us from Safelink on this matter and all matters like this, it's a federal ran program and if they feel fit to do so, they can make it a federal case.If any more information is let known on my behalf I will in fact share. Phil, sorry about the turn out again. Hope you can understand from a business perspective. I will see to it that all and I mean all that I can do for you is done.

Thanks as always,

TJ Bacchio Distribution Speacialist


(718) 916-4264 (877)


Sunset Industrial Park

52 20th Street Brooklyn, NY 11232-1101 USA



-----Original Message-----

From: Philip Fisher [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 4:28 PM

To: [email protected]

Subject: Non contact

TJ, no one from urge has contacted me. I reached out to Tony by email yesterday and no courtesy return call. No exit procedure explanations. I am a small Minority owned business  that puts people to work and no one from Urge management has contacted me. I have reached out to you and Tony. I am trying to be polite and professional and keep everything in house. all attempts for procedure info have been ignored. Please have someone contact me. Thanks TJ.    


UrgeMobile Slogans

The Urge to CORRUPTION!!! 

The Master of all THIEVES!!!

 Code worked under URGE506 

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