  • Report:  #242790

Complaint Review: US Marketing Alliance (USMA) Rancho Cucamonga Wanis Naguib Cydor - Rancho Cucamonga California

Reported By:
- Rancho Cucamonga, California,

US Marketing Alliance (USMA) Rancho Cucamonga Wanis Naguib Cydor
9227 Haven Ave. Suite 220, Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 Rancho Cucamonga, 91730 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
So lets start from the beginning, First I applied like everyone via the internet. I immediately received a call, was scheduled for a first round interview. I met with a guy named Wanis Naguib. The first round interview last for all of 5 minutes and nothing was really discussed more than the mission of US Marketing Alliance. Which made sense but nothing was discussed of the position being offered. I said all of 5 sentences in my interview, so I was shocked to hear back from them that same day. The admin called me back and said "Wanis was impressed by you and would like you back for round two..." Meanwhile in my head I'm thinking "HOW!?" I didn't say anything in the interview. So I agreed to come back. Again not knowing what to expect.

2nd Interview: I had went out on a 2nd interview with a guy that was HIS TOP REP! That was B.S. But he was nice. We spent all day going door to door or aka Business to Business to "acquire new customers." Truthfully we walked in unannounced and most of the time we were annoying to most people. One of the most common arguments was we the 1 million'th person to solicit them on merchant processing. Which at the end of the day I determined was a shady industry. To many people loose money while people like IMS and Intuit company and Cydcor, US Marketing Alliance make their money.

Lets talk about the people who loose money, First, the companies that we saw. I could tell that IMS is a broker like everyone else screwing people out of money for Visa and Mastercard. Next, the field rep-the very same job I was on an interview for. This JOB IS 100% Commission. Which isn't that bad but we only make a one time commission, and all gas, cell, every other expense is all on me. So I ASSUME ALL THE RISK!

So lets talk about this "OPPORTUNITY"-US Marketing Alliance is looking to open 50 offices in 2008. So the goal is for me to go door to door for a year. I also have to train a team-I have to essentially put 5 people on my team-so when I asked "how is a team made" I was told that I will have to hire them from this pool of 2nd interviews that Wanis assigns to me. So I basically have to convince 5 people to go door to door and follow me to open my office.

There was a lot more said but words can describe how i felt. I was lied to and deceived.

So this guy that I spent the day with said that his goals were to open his own office -doing the same thing Wanis is doing and then work into a position of consulting. So consulting is just another nice way of saying, "look after the offices underneath me that I make money off of" but what does that mean-its called Multi-Level Marketing. BUT WAIT! I was told this is not a pyramid and or MLM SCHEME! I found out that US Marketing Alliance and other companies are independently owned company-yet its under another company called CYDCOR. They hide the MLM SCHEME behind the fact that you run and own your location. ITS STILL MLM!

I was told that CYDCOR pays "consulting fees" off offices that are opened underneath you. So bottom line is that as a manager you work off of commission, because you make your money off of your guys and as a consultant you make money off of your guys. So if you quit or an office fails the manager is back to square one or he quits. YOU ASSUME ALL THE RISK!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I will not tell you to stay away from this environment-but just inform you that there are better ways to start your own business. There are better ways to start your career. This job is not living life and enjoying it-its just getting by. Its not about money -but it is about being happy. Seek a creditable company -find one that is going to pay you what you are worth. Commission is not bad-but find one that you can actually make money on. This job is not a great job to benefit from. You should stay away from Liars and Deceiving people like WANIS NAGUIB, US MARKETING ALLIANCE AND CYDCOR! Good Luck everyone...


Rancho Cucamonga, California

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Cydor

16 Updates & Rebuttals


Los Angeles,
Thank you for info about USMA!!!

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, June 16, 2014

Thank God I've decided to check first the company reviews, rather than make my expectations high enough to follow all their tricks and interesting talks about themselves. I was at 1st interview, do not really remembered the name of the guy, assume he did not change over the last few years. He was listening to "my story of life" and all work experience I've got. Then he explained the way their agents work. Seems like, they dont try to lie so much about the company, since he honestly said that its not a Verizon, nor AT&T or any other huge company. He explained, that they are a marketing agency, and multibillion companies hire them to promote their products. The agent who works on project for At&T let's say, he/she all dressed up- in a very business professional way (later I asked more exact definition- the most important attribute is blazer/jacket), so that agent represents the company AT&T, and introduses him/herself as the representative of AT&T company (not USMA). The agents go to the stores such as Best Buy, Fries (he actually told me those names of stores) and agressively sells and promotes the product he/she assigned to sell. The manager called it agressive pushiing sales strategy. And sales supposed to be to any possible person walking around. The statistics he gave me was that out of 100 people, you start talking to- 15 are going to buy something from you. And salary he told was $320 per week+ comission from sales....and again statistics he gave me was that average with comission, people make like $850 per week. So, I was called for 2nd interview, but not going there of course. Thanks to reports I've seen (not a one positive) I'm not going to waste my money and time on them. 

P.S. The office looked dirty and the furniture was really old, the office chairs were loosing the fabric. The manager during the interview was watching Soccer game on TV at the same time as interviewing me. (I understand that it's FIFA 2014, but deeply unfrofessional gesture) There were around 6 guys dressed all in jackets hanging out at the receprtion-watching the game as well, as the manager told me they all representatives of Verizon or some other company. During interview he mentioned that most of their reps are women...for me seemed not trustworthy company and manager. 


It's all true, I'll make this quick

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, July 20, 2010

USMA and Experiment Inc work for Cydcor, their contract is with Cydcor and not directly with AT&T or Intuit.  These companies hire Cydcor and then Cydcor has the ability to do whatever they want with that market.  The only thing that makes USMA and Experiment Inc independent is the incorporation papers they filed with the state, this is just to keep all liability away from Cydcor as they can just remove these companies from the market at any time they want.  Don't be fooled by these companies, it's just a pyramid scheme that has found a way to shift around the laws.  


This report is untrue

#4UPDATE Employee

Mon, July 12, 2010

I work out of the same office as USMA. USMA even coordinates with my employer, Experiment Inc, in recruiting. Yes the positions offered are 100% commission but they also include an employer contribution for benefits. If you are not proficient or skilled enough to be successful in outside sales you need not apply. It isn't MLM or pyramid by any stretch. AT&T hires USMA to sell U-verse, the reps make commission, the owner makes commission. That is how USMA works. Experiment Inc is the same deal except Intuit hires us to sell Intuit Merchant Services (IMS), the reps make commission, the owner makes commission. There is no scheme it is simply a reputable company such as AT&T or Intuit outsourcing marketing and sales. If you are successful and have the ability to train other reps there is an opportunity to open your own office. Multi-billion dollar companies like Intuit or AT&T looking to expand will pay bonuses both to owners whose reps open offices and to reps who go on to ownership. Its all very legitimate but obviously for people like Brent who don't have the skill set or drive for commission based outside sales it isn't worth it.


Los Angeles,

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, October 13, 2009

I used to work with LA Marketing Firm and was a part of Jaimes sales org and Cydcor. I was frequently one of the top reps on my campaign and I had up to 14 guys on my team. I love sales. I still work in sales and business development. However, now I make more money and get full benefits which I pay nothing for (FYI, if youre good at sales, you dont have to worry about job security).

I not going to completely insult the business structure or the field. However, I can say that the business is not what it appears to be and that many Cydcor managers (owners so they say) are nave, ignorant, and completely unfit to be running a business. After my experience I must tell you not to work there if you are a female or find any of the following behavior or scenarios inappropriate . . .

  1. Seans 30 something year old assistant manager sleeps with a teenage girl on his team . . . and gets her pregnant . . . about 15 feet from where the Sean sleeps (they mightve tried to hide that one but 40 weeks makes it pretty obvious).
  2. Your boss actually argues with you that when a girl says NO! she usually means Yes . . . and then tries to prove it to you.
  3. Your boss refers to his admin as the third base coach in reference to her sexual activity before her boyfriend.
  4. Your boss tells you, I want to f*k you!
  5. Your manager tells you that every guy in the business wants to f*k you.
  6. Your boss, while in the office, refers to a girl on your team as  c*-dumpster
  7. While trying to train the new admin she freaks out and looks up at you in disgust as a response to the pornographic photos floating across the screen of the bosses laptop.
  8. Someone you see as a mentor calls you late at night to get you to come over to his hotel room.
  9. You tell a superior you arent interested and he is then a complete d*k to you.
  10. While in the office, your boss asks you or the admin if youve ever kissed a girl. . . . then he asks you if you would have a threesome with one of the Cydcor employees.
  11. Your manager says he wants to f*k Vera Q (sorry, I think the VP of Operations at Cydcor deserves a little more respect than that)
  12. Your manager/owner and another manager frequently joke in front of you about one of them f*king the others admin.
  13. Another manager in your sales organization cheats on his wife with an employee.
  14. There is no HR.
  15. The punishment for sexual harassment is getting yelled at (that's how you handle it professionally  . . . right?).
  16. A manager/owner asks you for a 1 on 1 . . .  you think it is because you high rolled the office that day by making $250 . . . you then realize that he simply wanted a chance to hit on you and grope you.
  17. Your boss tells you that you should expect to be hit on at work. When you ask what you do differently that dozens of other people in the office you are told Have you looked in the mirror? You dont look like [them]
  18. The bosss response to being called unprofessional is to tell people their idea of a professional environment doesnt exist.
  19. You boss tells you that a girl who had barely sold anything during her 6 weeks of employment was allowed to stick around bc shed come to work with her shirt half un buttoned and it was entertaining to the guys.
  20. Two superiors constantly talk about implying a NO GIRLS ALLOWED rule because females are high-maintenance (all females I ever saw get anywhere were considered so).

Im so embarrassed that I was associated with these people and managers who know about this behavior and do nothing about it. Furthermore, Ive felt incredibly guilty not talking about this when I know women are constantly interviewing to work in these offices.  After sticking around, I realized why there are few to none female managers working with these guys.  Hopefully, this will keep other young, bright, ambitious driven and somewhat nave people from making the same mistake I did . . . looking the other way when the above kind of behavior was happening all around me.

Thanks to my time with Cydcor offices, I can tell you that you should never work for someone who:

  1. Doesnt pay you
  2. Teaches you to fudge sales #s in Merlin and yells at you when you do it correctly.  
  3. Owes you over $1000
  4. Owes one of your guys $200
  5. Lies to you
  6. Lies to a new hire in front of you
  7. Has been sued my multiple past employees
  8. Plays video games instead of hitting the field
  9. Reads gossip collums while he should be working.
  10. Tells you he is hitting the field and goes home to sleep



#6Consumer Comment

Mon, August 10, 2009

This would have been round two for me. I have already been stuck in a marketing scam, the ever popular Scentura Creations perfume deal. Now, I almost fell for this one. Good thing I am familiar with this site. I will NOT be at my interview tomorrow.


Thanks a lot

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, June 12, 2009

Out of nowhere i get a call from this company called U.S Marketing alliance saying they saw my resume on Hot Jobs and they were "impressed" and thought that i was a perfect fit for a position in their Rancho Cucamonga office as an Account Manager, now i dont have very much work experience on my resume for anyone to be "impressed" per say but i started asking questions, what is the position for? What would my job duties consist of? and such pertinent questions and all the girl on the other line could do is give shady answers and said that much of the answers would be given to me at the time of the interview. I was scheduled to go out there on Friday but thanks to your report i will not be wasting my time and money with these leeches scam people.


Thanks a lot

#8Consumer Comment

Fri, June 12, 2009

Out of nowhere i get a call from this company called U.S Marketing alliance saying they saw my resume on Hot Jobs and they were "impressed" and thought that i was a perfect fit for a position in their Rancho Cucamonga office as an Account Manager, now i dont have very much work experience on my resume for anyone to be "impressed" per say but i started asking questions, what is the position for? What would my job duties consist of? and such pertinent questions and all the girl on the other line could do is give shady answers and said that much of the answers would be given to me at the time of the interview. I was scheduled to go out there on Friday but thanks to your report i will not be wasting my time and money with these leeches scam people.


Thanks a lot

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, June 12, 2009

Out of nowhere i get a call from this company called U.S Marketing alliance saying they saw my resume on Hot Jobs and they were "impressed" and thought that i was a perfect fit for a position in their Rancho Cucamonga office as an Account Manager, now i dont have very much work experience on my resume for anyone to be "impressed" per say but i started asking questions, what is the position for? What would my job duties consist of? and such pertinent questions and all the girl on the other line could do is give shady answers and said that much of the answers would be given to me at the time of the interview. I was scheduled to go out there on Friday but thanks to your report i will not be wasting my time and money with these leeches scam people.

Johnny B. American

Santa Ana,
Re: Chill8815

#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, March 16, 2009

Did you just copy that little piece off of your website? Can it be anymore absurd? Come on. You're mental! You're brainwashed. Just by reading half of the dribble you wrote I could tell you're crazy. It's not that people feel insecure or not worthy of the job offered, it's the fact that most of them were lied to, or back stabbed, or hired under false pretenses. I was hired by Savanh Marketing Systems out in Corona, Ca (i wrote a full report, check it out. SMS - Savanh Marketing Systems). These companies lie. They don't care about you or anyone as long as they're raking in the cash. Whether it's "B2B" or door-to-door, it's all a scam. You know very well that your owners and managers hire individuals with no experience, no prospects and yet they claim they only want "professionals". I was 18 when SMS hired me and I just had one job before that and they still hired me. They were "impressed" with my resume. If that does not yell dodgy, shady company, I don't know what does. Next time, why don't you write a piece on how it's a commission based job? On how you will drag your interviews on a 8+ walk around businesses or neighborhoods? How about mention to them how they will get attacked or have the cops called on them? How they will get verbally and physically abused by disgruntled (and often times crazy) individuals? Of course you won't mention your companies (or any other companies for that matter) faults because who would want to work for you knowing that up front? Trust me, there's better ways to own a business. Go to school. Get a good education. Work for a LEGITIMATE company. Work your way up and run it. A company that doesn't require you to walk around California on a summer afternoon, with a suit on, under 100 degree weather bothering and pestering people. Hey "chill8815", next time you come out and write a rebuttal defending the honor of your fraudulent company, please provide some facts so that the individuals can make an informed decision, not the dribble you copied off you website. No one cares about your company and marketing for "fortune 500" companies. Tell them the truth. And by the way, any idiot can go door to door and lie to customers just to get a sale, so don't say that people weren't fir for the job because in reality, everyone is. They just chose to stop working there not because they're not fit for it, but because it's a fraudulent, useless, degrading job. I mean, it's a door to door, commission based job, where you pay for gas, cell, and food. Give me a break.


The real story

#11UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 13, 2009

So first thing is first. Obviously these people feel insecure about not being qualified for the positions offered or feel that even in this economy, their time is much too valuable to actually work for their money. I was an employee of US MARKETING ALLIANCE but now operate my own business thanks to them. If you have any educational background you will realize that very successful people that become buisness owners don't just have a business laid out on a silver platter for them, they have to work for it. The way that our company is laid out is we are an outsource marketing firm for fortune 500 companies. These companies hire us to do their marketing, advertising, SALES, and public relations. Yes, sales. If you are going to be a successful person you realize that you must have skills is sales which is vital to your career just in regards to selling yourself! Even in this dire economy our company is flourishing because for our clients, we are a much more economical source for market expansion than any other form of marketing and advertising. We deal with existing customers on behalf of our clients in regards to maintaining and stabilizing their accounts for them. Any yes, all of our employees are PAID as well as full benefits. If you feel that you have good work ethic 1-5 years of experience in marketing, advertising, sales, customer service or public relations and want to have a CAREER not a JOB then feel free to apply. However, you should be the judge of your own job opportunity, not someone who wasn't a good fit for the job and is now posting blogs.


The real story

#12UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 13, 2009

So first thing is first. Obviously these people feel insecure about not being qualified for the positions offered or feel that even in this economy, their time is much too valuable to actually work for their money. I was an employee of US MARKETING ALLIANCE but now operate my own business thanks to them. If you have any educational background you will realize that very successful people that become buisness owners don't just have a business laid out on a silver platter for them, they have to work for it. The way that our company is laid out is we are an outsource marketing firm for fortune 500 companies. These companies hire us to do their marketing, advertising, SALES, and public relations. Yes, sales. If you are going to be a successful person you realize that you must have skills is sales which is vital to your career just in regards to selling yourself! Even in this dire economy our company is flourishing because for our clients, we are a much more economical source for market expansion than any other form of marketing and advertising. We deal with existing customers on behalf of our clients in regards to maintaining and stabilizing their accounts for them. Any yes, all of our employees are PAID as well as full benefits. If you feel that you have good work ethic 1-5 years of experience in marketing, advertising, sales, customer service or public relations and want to have a CAREER not a JOB then feel free to apply. However, you should be the judge of your own job opportunity, not someone who wasn't a good fit for the job and is now posting blogs.


The real story

#13UPDATE Employee

Fri, February 13, 2009

So first thing is first. Obviously these people feel insecure about not being qualified for the positions offered or feel that even in this economy, their time is much too valuable to actually work for their money. I was an employee of US MARKETING ALLIANCE but now operate my own business thanks to them. If you have any educational background you will realize that very successful people that become buisness owners don't just have a business laid out on a silver platter for them, they have to work for it. The way that our company is laid out is we are an outsource marketing firm for fortune 500 companies. These companies hire us to do their marketing, advertising, SALES, and public relations. Yes, sales. If you are going to be a successful person you realize that you must have skills is sales which is vital to your career just in regards to selling yourself! Even in this dire economy our company is flourishing because for our clients, we are a much more economical source for market expansion than any other form of marketing and advertising. We deal with existing customers on behalf of our clients in regards to maintaining and stabilizing their accounts for them. Any yes, all of our employees are PAID as well as full benefits. If you feel that you have good work ethic 1-5 years of experience in marketing, advertising, sales, customer service or public relations and want to have a CAREER not a JOB then feel free to apply. However, you should be the judge of your own job opportunity, not someone who wasn't a good fit for the job and is now posting blogs.


14 Surfside Ct,
Another Scanno complaint

#14REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, November 26, 2008

I just returned from my first inetrview with them. Being a professional who had just been laid off after 12 years of marketing it was easy to see for a lack of better words scam. It is not a scam just a terrible way to make little money. They try and sell you on the concept that they deal with large corporations like the la clippers which they probably do but so do the homeless ticket scaplers standing outside of the staples center. Put it this way; anytime you are asked to come in for an interview and the interviewee does more rehearsed talking about themselves or the company that should raise a red flag! On any of the legitamate interviews I've been on the HR or hiring manager usually wants you to do the talking and explain why they should invest in you. Scanno claims there would be no cold calling but didnt say you would be going door to door selling products. In addition the pay sucks! Like they said in the above response, no gas reimbursment and 50-60 hours a week for about 10 dollars an hour, Thanks for your previous responses as I had scheduled my second interview next monday. Lets just say I wont be there. P.S. how do you like it when someone comes to your home or place of buisness trying to sell something you have no interest in????


Los Angeles,
Thanx You

#15Consumer Comment

Wed, November 26, 2008

Hey, I just wanted to let you guys know that I really appreciate this post. I was actually getting ready for the interview by doing some due diligence on the company when I stumbled upon this dialogue. You have saved me both TIME and MONEY!!! I wrote them an email letting them know that I would not be attending the interview due to some interesting "scam" postings I had found and that they should never contact me again. Haha!! Thank you!!!!

Todd J

Scanno Advertising

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, November 12, 2008

From the beginning I thought it was out of the ordinary that a company would constantly advertise jobs on multiple websites. I submitted my resume anyways. The process of getting hired takes 3 interviews. On the first interview, it is hardly an interview, I spent almost an hour driving to the Anaheim office, for 10 minutes of a conversation that sounded as though I was applying to be a ticket scalper. No serious questions were answered, benefits were never discussed, nor was the pay. The second interview is with a field representitive, you will go out to businesses and try to solict products for sale, such as Angels, Ducks, and Clippers tickets in group packages. The price of the package is reasonable, I have to give credit for that. By the way, you are expected to work 50 to 60 hours a week, six days a week. The pay is strictly commission. Starting off, the field representitive said I would make in the range of $300- $600 a week. Do the math, that's at best $10 an hour (likely less), plus I would spend over $100 a week in gas driving from the San Gabriel Valley to the office in Anaheim. Next, you have to visit multiple locations in Orange County, from Brea to San Clemente Entry level is a theme that is stressed. We all have to start off somewhere, I'll agree with that. However, I went to college and graduated with a Bachelor's degree. If you work as a manager for General Motors, you don't have to know how to paint the hood of a car to be successful. The hiring manager will tell you that you can't be successful unless you have worked every aspect of the business personally. I think that I am more qualified than to stand in a retail store and ask hundreds of customers throughout the day if they want to buy sports tickets. I was embarassed. As a college graduate one should expect to start off in a management role. A degree shows inititiative and generally is substituted for some experience. After observing what goes on in the field, I went back to the office with the account manager. After spending hours in a retail store asking hundreds of customers if they wanted to buy sports tickets, I thought why the hell would I go to college and graduate with a Bachelors degree to do this line of work. Sure if you are 16 and going to school, I think it great to do a job such as this. If you are in your 20s, 30s, 40s, and beyond and you have made a respectable income, you are likely going to be disappointed. I was going to leave the office skipping the third interview, but the account manager was waiting near the stairs, so I could not leave. I was offered a job, but declined. If you apply to work at Scanno, ask the hiring manager on the first interview what realistic compensation will be, and what benefits are being offered, and why so many people have to be interviewed in one day for such basic work that a teenager could do. Just remember everything here is a numbers game, at the office, and on the field. It doesn't matter if you quit, there are multiple people that interview on a regular basis. On the field, you may talk to 100 people and make 5 sales.


Rancho Cucamonga,
Another Similar Scam Company...

#17Consumer Comment

Fri, May 23, 2008

I just wanted to add to the post because I had almost the same experience with another scammish company, Scanno Advertising. There are constant postings for this company, advertising entry level, advertising agency positions in and around Orange County. They were super eager to have me come in immediately, and I had a great interview when I went in to meet with them.It would have normally been a great thing, but sometimes I think that strong interest and having someone really pusruing you as a position candidate should put up some red flags. I went back for a second interview, which instead of a standard interview, involved me having to take the entire day off work so that I could go with a representative and a few others interviewing, in field to see what they do. It was horrible. Their way of getting around the whole "advertising" thing was they do direct advertising, aka direct to consumer sales (although they would never say that). Not that I have anything against sales, but spending the day with them showed me what a terrible line of business they are actually in. We literally spent the entire day, showing up unexpectantly to random business communities. The person working for Scanno would tell all these business owners that they had to purchase posters (for alot of money) for employees to have in break rooms to read their employment rights. They said that by law these posters had to be up and if a representative from the state ever came into the business and saw that the employer didn't have them, they would be sued for a lot of money so it was worth their while to buy them now. Most business owners started out by being nice and listened to the sales speal or said that they would just get these posters through the state if this was an issue. Or, if they already had their posters, the Scanno representative still pryed them to actually physically see them, so that they could "check" to see if they were up to date with all the laws that needed to be on them. No matter what, the representative always found something that was missing (supposedly) and continued to pry the business owner to purchase updated posters from them. Throughout the interview day, I saw many business owners upset and having hostile relations with the Scanno representatives because they were irritating and unwanted. Many owners had no soliciting signs, but despite this the Scanno representative kept going in and trying to push these people into spending over $50 on posters by scaring them into something bad that could happen. It was completely ridiculous and obvious to me and other people that were also with me as part of the interview. Several people even left in the middle of the day because they didn't like what they were seeing. I wish I would have left sooner, it was so clear that this was another one of those scammy companies to stay away from after only a few hours. I just was new to the job market, really in need of a job, and unaware that there are companies out there like this. Despite being unaware of this, I think that anyone sucked into this would catch on right away that there was something really dishonest and wrong about what was going on here. If there is anything I got from this experience, I hope that I can at least save other people from having to go through the same thing in your job searching. Please, stay away from Scanno Advertising, US Marketing Alliance, Level 1 Enterprises etc. They are all the same game, and all listed all over the place on popular job search engines like careerbuilder and monster.com. Also, keep in mind, when you see something advertising tons of positions, entry level, great pay!! etc. be extra aware, because most of the time if they seem too good to be true, they're likely to be one of these companies.

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