  • Report:  #606355

Complaint Review: Verizon - Internet

Reported By:
Ashley - , Virginia, United States of America

Internet, United States of America
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I am fed up with Verizon. Within the last month, I have spent over 10 hours on the phone with Verizon. The live chat agents give no information and always tell me to call. The phone agents toss me back and forth between customer service, billing, internet, and escalation. And all I want is one thingits really so simple.

I want a bill sent to me. I want to be notified of the date and amount of the extraction. I do not appreciate the automatic payments. I pay my bills on time, always, but I understand that Verizon is in business to make money and will withdraw the money from my account.

I have been advised that I am unable to receive bill in the mail, because I must have both internet and TV service with Verizon. I do not understand why, but ok. I asked several agents to sign me up for the eBill service. They all transferred me to billing. The Billing Department then told me that I had to go to the Fios Billing Department. Each time I am transferred I have to repeat my information and request. They then said that it was not possible to be enrolled in eBill over the phone and I would have to register online to review my billing information. Once again I am inconvenience. I have no desire to review my material online. I only wished I could get a bill, whether it is in the mail, email, automated call, text, or smoke signal. I only wished to be notified of the payment due date and amount.

I was then advised that my bill would be due on the 4th of each month in the amount of $63.99. This was not the agreed rate of $54.99 from when I signed up. I advised the lady that I would like the additional online protection removed from my account. So I was assuming that any future payments would be due in the amount of $54.99 on the 4th of each month. Wrong and why am I not surprised? The payment was extracted on Aril 21st. Why had I been advised one payment date (May 4th), and then given another? When I called to ask these questions, another lady told me that since I was on automatic payments my billing cycle is around the 4th of each month, but my payment will come out on the 21st of the month. OK. Another go around with Verizon. A little aggravated, but now I know and can budget for the future payments. Thank God that I had the funds in the account on that day (April 21st).

I then gave into the fact that I would need to login on Verizon.com (as I had been advised to do). When I attempted everything went wrong, and I was unable to login successfully. Frustrated and late for work, I asked my boyfriend to call Verizon and help me login. He spoke with an agent from Verizon.com as well as Verizon.net, and was advised that I would need to login on Verizon.net (which I was never told). They also told him that most people get more than one service, and since we only have one service, that is why we always have a difficult time when we call and the system asks for a phone number and the agents take 5 minutes to locate my information. After spending another 1.5 hours on the phone, my boyfriend was able to successfully login. I was happy. Finally I can view a bill before it is due. I will also establish email reminder to myself. GREAT!

Well the website is horrible. When I attempted to Setup Payment Reminder, I get the following message: To pay your bill, please visit www.verizon.net and sign in. Select the My Account tab and locate the Billing section on the left to view your payment options. When I click on the link, I am unable to log into Verizon.net only Verizon.com. I am now upset. I have done everything Verizon has told me to do. I jumped through all of the hoops. I requested one simple thing: To be notified, in some way, of my monthly payment information. How is this legal? How can I be billed on a different due date than original date given to me? How can the amount change monthly, but I never receive the stated amount of $54.99?

The final straw: I checked my bank account today and was shocked when I realized that $71.22 was extracted on May 21st. I wasnt surprised at the date, but rather at the amount. What happened to the $54.99? I am being charged $16.23 for Verizon Broadband Extras. What extras? Once I found out that I had upgraded protection on my account, I asked the lady to remove all extra items and give me the $54.99 service. Once again I am being charged for extras.

I have had it with Verizon! I have been patient, understanding, and cooperative. Still I cannot receive bill notification and I am continuously being charged a different rate. I am telling everyone I know to go with Cox or Comcast, even if it is more expensive. I am saying this not as a threat, but as something I am already doing. I am not a person who is trying to get anything extra out of complaining. I do not want FREE service; I do not mind paying a bill for something I use. I do not want added benefits or a credit to pacify me. I simply wanted notification. I will call tomorrow to cancel this service (I dont mind paying the fee to get rid of Verizon), and will inform everyone (friends, family, and strangers) to not bother with the headache of Verizon.


Account# XXXXXXX

Previous Verizon Customer

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