  • Report:  #425927

Complaint Review: Vintage Photography JP - Utah

Reported By:
- Boise, Idaho,

Vintage Photography JP
Somewhere In Utah Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
JP hired me over the phone and had his office worker send me the "new hire paperwork". Then he called me and asked me to start work in the morning and asked if I wouldn't mind picking him up from the airport at around noon and asked if I was ready to start working tomorrow? I agreed and I questioned him if it would be paid training. He said that I would get paid for mileage and training at a rate of $12.00 per hour. He ended up not coming to Idaho until the next day so one day wasted. Then he called me from the airport and asked if I could come and pick him up, but I guess he decided to rent a car so he said that he would call me back. When his assistant called back she asked me to meet them at a daycare in Nampa which is quite a distance at 3:00 so I had to wait another 2 hours until 3pm before I would get to work. I drove there and JP pretty much acted like he wanted nothing to do with me (like he took one look at me and I did not qualify in his criteria). He used the excuse that it was a small daycare, but I am a good read on people. So basically I went out there for only 20 minutes to be treated like dirt. He asked me to come to another daycare tomorrow at 2 pm and his assistant (who was on her first day too) told me the name of the daycare. He also said that he would call me that evening to go over some training. He never called. The next day I started to wonder what was going on. So I called JP's cell phone and left a message with no answer. Then I called the office in Utah and I spoke to the Candice the receptionist. I informed her that I could not reach JP and I wasn't sure what to do. She said to keep trying him. I left numerous messages to find out the address of the daycare. I began to think that something had happened or maybe his phone died and he did not have my number available. I did not want to be a no show, I was trying to be reliable. So I found the daycare and I called them to confirm that Vintage Photography was supposed to show up for an appointment. The daycare worker said yes and that they were supposed to be here at 1:00 it was now almost 2:00. So I let them know that I had not heard from them, but I would be there shortly to help them. I thought I was doing a favor for JP and I wanted to show up when I committed to. I was there for about an hour when JP's assistant called and asked for Alice (that was not my name) she wanted to tell me that she would be there shortly. When she arrived she called JP and reached him immediately (I tried to reach him numerous times and he never answered, she calls him once and he answers???) (I personally believe that they were too busy screwing in the hotel room that he could not answer the phone). She handed me the phone and an enraged JP started to ream me for showing up when he did not give me the address and that I needed to leave right then that he was dealing with a family emergency (again why couldnt that assistant have given me a call after the 15th message that I had left on his phone to inform me to not show up for that job, still think too busy screwing) that I was not authorized to be there, but that I still had a job and that he would work with me tomorrow. I felt humiliated, but even more humiliating was that I believed he was really gonna call to work together. I left and he had the assistant who was also brand new stay and take care of the customers (I called that daycare a couple of days later to get the web address for Vintage Portraits and they said they had a lot of complaints about that girl selling packages at different prices she did not know what she was doing and there was a lot of parents mad and that they had tried to call the owner several times and he had not responded to them). So the next day came and went and I decided I was going to still get paid for the time that I wasted showing up. So I contacted the Department of Human Rights Labor Div. and I asked them for some advice. I then proceded to leave a message with Candice about the payment that was owed then I emailed a copy requesting a check be released within 48 hours. I got a hostile voice mail from JP saying that I never worked for him that we both know that it was just an interview. That to call him on his cell phone# that he could always be reached there (if that were true I would of reached him when I was trying to go to work). I immediately called him back after listening to his message and to my surprise (lol) it went to voicemail I left a message basically calling him a liar and saying that we both know that I was there to work and that I did not know what his problem was but it seemed that he discriminated against me because of the way I looked. After I hung up I forgot something that I wanted to add on and I called back expecting to get the voicemail when JP answers the phone. He tells me he wants to put me on a three way with his lawyer. I say that would be just fine and how dare he get angry with me for being responsible when that is what I was asked to do. He said he was on the other line with his lawyer and that seemed to somehow make sense to him so he asked if he could hang up on the other line and then talk. He was definately more approachable after I scolded him for his behaviour and he said that he understood since I had put it the way I had. He agreed to send a small amount it barely covered the gas and then he proceded to tell me that since I was so persistent that I would be better at phone sales and that if I still trusted him would I want to try that? (I still think it was a job that he thought would be great for me because of the way he did not think I met his criteria and that no one would have to see me then) I said you would still want to hire me after the way I was so abrupt? (realizing that he had not listened to the message on his phone calling him a bold face liar) I just wanted to get paid and I wanted to wash my hands of JP and Vintage Portraits. Okay so I finally got a check for less than I was asking for and deposited it. A few days later I got an email responding to the email that I had sent about paying me (this was from a couple of weeks prior and I had already gotten something so I was just going to say good rittens). JP was hostile here are the original emails:

Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:07:01 -0800


Subject: Paycheck

To: [email protected]


As per Idaho Code 45 chapter 6, I am requesting my paycheck within 48 hours. No response on this will result in taking further action with the Department of Human Rights Wage Division. My pay is for 1/26/09 & 1/27/09 for 8 hours at $12.00 per hour plus 70 miles to the jobs. You can make the check payable and mail the check to: Tina Bianchi5715 Grover StreetBoise, Idaho 83705 I am requesting a return reply by Tuesday 2/3/09 no later than 10:00 a.m. or I will have to notify the Department of Human Rights Wage Division to intercede on my behalf.

From: www.seemyportraits.com www.seemyportraits.com

Subject: RE: Paycheck


Date: Monday, February 9, 2009, 4:00 PM

Hello Tina,

I think you are very confused. You came for an interview. We do not work 8 hour days. We work from 2:00pm until 6:00pm as an independent contractor. We are nice enough to give you a $50 check that has been mailed out last week. I am not sure where are this is coming from but this is getting to be uncomfortable. If you would like to do a 3 way call to the dept of labor we would be glad to confrence that call. Please let me know.

Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2009 16:06:45 -0800


Subject: RE: Paycheck

To: [email protected]

Furthermore, I worked 2 days 4 hours per day with drive time and went 66 miles. I have the message about picking you up at the airport and starting work the next day. So if you do not want this to go any further then I suggest you accept your wrong and make restitution. Unless you want me to file discrimination charges since I believe that once you met me you decided that I did not meet whatever specifications you were looking for.

From: www.seemyportraits.com www.seemyportraits.com

Subject: RE: Paycheck


Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 1:06 PM

Hello Tina,

We have decided that to avoid conflict that we will pay you what you requested and cancel the current check. You can pick up from moneygram if you would like and deposit in your bank today. Please come up with a figure that you think is fair and we will money gram to you. You will need to put in your bank so that the check that we cancelled can clear. Please call me @ 801-953-6854

Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 12:37:26 -0800


Subject: RE: Paycheck

To: [email protected]

I already submitted the check to my bank. So deduct the 63.80 from the total and send that to me. I figured fairly 8 hours at $12.00 hour = $96.00 plus 66 miles at .30 per mile. = $19.80 Total = $115.80 - $63.80 = $52.00 total. Send to , Idaho 83705

From: www.seemyportraits.com www.seemyportraits.com

Subject: RE: Paycheck


Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009, 2:35 PM


I am really really sorry. It has been cancelled. Please call me and I will moneygram you $150.00 and we will call it even. That is more than what you expected. I am really sorry and will do whatever it takes to make this right but you need to put this in the bank before it comes back tomorrow night. They might charge you $10.00 fee but it will be OK if we get this cash in there. My assistant wrote check on wrong account. I am so sorry. I can send it moneygram first thing in the morning. Please call me @ 801-953-6854.

Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 14:08:38 -0800


Subject: RE: Paycheck

To: [email protected]

Well if you did cancel that check then you better be doing whatever it takes to make this right as soon as possible and that will conclude our correspondence.

cc: Department of Labor

From: www.seemyportraits.com www.seemyportraits.com

Subject: RE: Paycheck


Date: Friday, February 13, 2009, 5:31 PM

Hello Tina,

Could you please tell me what you would like me to do to get you the correct amount? Would you lile it moneygramed or a new check overnighted>?

RE: Paycheck Monday, February 16, 2009 12:17 PM

From: "www.seemyportraits.com www.seemyportraits.com"

Thank you very much. It will be for $150.00 and will arrive at your house via UPS on wed. Thanks

--- On Wed, 2/18/09, www.seemyportraits.com www.seemyportraits.com wrote:

RE: Paycheck

Wednesday, February 18, 2009 2:54 PM

From: "

detailsTo: "www.seemyportraits.com www.seemyportraits.com"

where is the confirmation number on this and when will it be here?

RE: Paycheck

Wednesday, February 18, 2009 3:13 PM


detailsTo: "www.seemyportraits.com www.seemyportraits.com"

I need the tracking number and I need to have it today. So get it to me ASAP so I can track that letter. I should have gotten that when you sent the check.

Fw: RE: Paycheck

Wednesday, February 18, 2009 3:45 PM


To: [email protected]

JP, If I do not recieve the tracking number by 5:00 today MST, I will continue to go to the appropriate departments and open an investigation with them about you. So send the tracking number cause it was not legal for you to have stopped payment on that check and you may be facing more charges on top of the discrimination charges and not paying me. This could of all been resolved by now by just sending the remainder of the balance, you cannot just stop payment on a check because you feel like it. To avoid any further consequences I will need a valid tracking number soon.

From: www.seemyportraits.com www.seemyportraits.com

Subject: RE: Paycheck


Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 4:46 PM

Hello Tina,

We have sent you $150 through Money Gram. You may pick it up at any walmart. I do not have access to my email so if you need me be an adult and call.

You will need to give them =the control number of



Sent from

JP Price

17414 W madison Dr

Salt Lake City Utah

I went to Walmart and picked up the money (did you know that they can still stop payment on the money at Moneygram if it has not been picked up yet). Then I sent this email:

RE: PaycheckWednesday, February 18, 2009 6:22 PM

To: "www.seemyportraits.com www.seemyportraits.com"

You are not qualified to teach me how to be an adult! You should of given the right information in the first place. How I was to know you were sending that money through moneygram until you just infomed me? You said it would be a check sent overnight via UPS arriving on Wednesay, but once again it is my fault that You do not communicate truthfully all the information that you should! Oh and why would I want to call you when you change the version of what you tell me whether on the phone or email. This way I can have a record in writing which is verifiable and undenyably what you have said. That to me is the most adult & valuable thing I could ever do especially with a immature person like yourself who pathologically lies.

I pray that this helps to inform more people about this type of person. Beware of Craigslist employers if they are too cheap to take out a real employment add and the job seems to earn a good income ask yourself these questions, whats wrong with that employer, why wouldn't the employer want to have more quality of an applicant and why wouldn't they pay something to find a good employee, what are they trying to hide no one checks out their background before they place an ad? I hope that this will help to heighten awareness and that this stops anymore of this destructive, cruel, and dishonest tactics that have become a custom with this type of person. My advice run a background check through the internet or just do a search about the company if your not certain you might save yourself a lot of unnecessary drama, money & time. If this helps just one person then it was worth telling what happened.


Boise, Idaho


5 Updates & Rebuttals


His name is not JP Price...It's Jarrett Pratt! He told me that his name was Jared Price, but that was a lie

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 11, 2009

Hello, my name is Sheila, and this man is a class A scam artist, which explains his change in names, personal names as well as business. He does this so that people will have a hard time looking him up, and finding out about his ways of practicing business. His business name 6 months ago was Happy Days Photography, and he told me (after sending my first invoice to his real name) that his name was Jared Price, It's not! As a matter of fact, he acted a little freaked out that I even knew his name, and then he laughed and told me that Jarrett Pratt was not his name. I was a photographer for him and he tried to scam me, but I got the last laugh, and he hates me for it. I don't care what he thinks of me. So anyway, you are better off that he didn't string you along like he has so many others...count your blesings, and good luck.


His name is not JP Price...It's Jarrett Pratt! He told me that his name was Jared Price, but that was a lie

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 11, 2009

Hello, my name is Sheila, and this man is a class A scam artist, which explains his change in names, personal names as well as business. He does this so that people will have a hard time looking him up, and finding out about his ways of practicing business. His business name 6 months ago was Happy Days Photography, and he told me (after sending my first invoice to his real name) that his name was Jared Price, It's not! As a matter of fact, he acted a little freaked out that I even knew his name, and then he laughed and told me that Jarrett Pratt was not his name. I was a photographer for him and he tried to scam me, but I got the last laugh, and he hates me for it. I don't care what he thinks of me. So anyway, you are better off that he didn't string you along like he has so many others...count your blesings, and good luck.


His name is not JP Price...It's Jarrett Pratt! He told me that his name was Jared Price, but that was a lie

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 11, 2009

Hello, my name is Sheila, and this man is a class A scam artist, which explains his change in names, personal names as well as business. He does this so that people will have a hard time looking him up, and finding out about his ways of practicing business. His business name 6 months ago was Happy Days Photography, and he told me (after sending my first invoice to his real name) that his name was Jared Price, It's not! As a matter of fact, he acted a little freaked out that I even knew his name, and then he laughed and told me that Jarrett Pratt was not his name. I was a photographer for him and he tried to scam me, but I got the last laugh, and he hates me for it. I don't care what he thinks of me. So anyway, you are better off that he didn't string you along like he has so many others...count your blesings, and good luck.


His name is not JP Price...It's Jarrett Pratt! He told me that his name was Jared Price, but that was a lie

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, March 11, 2009

Hello, my name is Sheila, and this man is a class A scam artist, which explains his change in names, personal names as well as business. He does this so that people will have a hard time looking him up, and finding out about his ways of practicing business. His business name 6 months ago was Happy Days Photography, and he told me (after sending my first invoice to his real name) that his name was Jared Price, It's not! As a matter of fact, he acted a little freaked out that I even knew his name, and then he laughed and told me that Jarrett Pratt was not his name. I was a photographer for him and he tried to scam me, but I got the last laugh, and he hates me for it. I don't care what he thinks of me. So anyway, you are better off that he didn't string you along like he has so many others...count your blesings, and good luck.


I have information that you may want

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, March 10, 2009

My name is Robert and I am Candace's husband. I have dealt with JP at great length and will be making my own post on his business practices. I wanted to offer information in regards to your post at this time. I have text messages that had transpired between JP and my wife. There is a text message regarding you. If you would like to have a copy of the message I would be happy to provide it.

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