  • Report:  #391614

Complaint Review: VistaPrint - Lexington Massachusetts

Reported By:
- Montego Bay, Massachusetts,

Lexington, 02420 Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
This is a open letter to vistaprint management please post it for me


Is VistaPrint a Sweat Shop?

Dear Messrs,

These are a few questions to you the heads of a leading online printing company.

How can you all sleep well at nights knowing that you are running a sweat shop operation in Montego Bay, where workers are forced to work on their days off or face dismissals?

Forced to do overtime, or face 'term' as you guys call it?

Mr.Robert Keane, and company, can you tell me where in the United States of America you or any other company could do that?

Tardiness should never be a practice. But please answer this question,

Why is it alright for us to be at work, ready to start working as the clock strikes at the beginning of our shift, but we have to ask our 'masters' if we can go to the restroom,or take a so-called scheduled break? Why is it that we cannot take an half hour to take care of urgent business but we are forced to be at work on a Saturday or a Sunday (the only time we get to take care of our business, granted most of the commercial establishments in Jamaica are close on those days)?

Why is it that we are reviewed for termination if the Jamaican Law stipulated 10 sick days are exhausted, yet Dan River and company force employees to work overtime in contravention of Jamaican Law?

Where did you all get the idea, when the Jamaican government invited you all to invest in our country, that it was ok for persons to leave their families/kids and their personal business (oh yes, we black people have a life outside of VistaPrint too) unattended to attend seminars or training during unscheduled work times? Oops, pardon me please, how could I forget about the service level? Oh, pardon please dear Mighty ones, you all don't care about a bunch of niggas and their kids and their personal business. After all the statistics show that the majority of them will become criminals and be incarcerated in short order, anyway.

It is not our fault that the only family some of you have are of the canine and feline species.

Is that the reason you want us to do back-flips for this company that does not even respect the majority of the staff here in Jamaica, the equivalent of the minimum wage in the U.S?

Mr. Keane, sir, I understand you make yearly visits to Jamaica to gloat about how much money you've made and hope to make by 2010. I heard that you usually open the floor for questions.

However has it ever occured to you that the questions that you are asked are usually very 'vague' for the most part? Do you think that you could at least ask the 'nappy head niggas' what's really happening on their level? Do you know that the 'niggas' all get an email before entering your meeting stating that we should only ask questions about your 'presentation'? Did you know that there are persons planted in each meeting to take note of anyone who ask "inappropriate" questions?

Question to Dan Rivera

Mr.Dan Rivera, when has it become 'ok' for a Director of a company to find out why an employee did not turn up for a training session scheduled for a Saturday- a non-Vistaprint workday?

In which of the 50 states of the U.S. and its territories ( does this happen in Puerto Rico?) is it ok, for workers to be verbally (and in writing) be reprimanded for not coming to work on one of their days off, after working a full 40 hour work week?

What gives you the impression that the majority of staff in Jamaica are stupid and desperate?

Oh, here comes your favorite quip, 'do or go'.

Address to the Government of Jamaica and the INTERNATIONL LABOUR ORGANIZATION

How can the government of Jamaica allow foreigners to ill-treat workers and get away with it.

The State has failed us.

Is this what Lou Dobbs speaks about on his program? U.S. companies going off-shore so they can pay workers little to nothing and turn around and treat them like dirt?

So Phillip Paulwell had all the screw ups with the Intech Fund, but he also left a legacy of a Foreign based company who brainwashes workers into thinking that they cannot join a Union because 'workers of Freezone companies' can't get unionized.' Therefore companies like VistaPrint can come here and accuse an employee of stealing money or information, then when their story cannot be substantiated puppet rulers like the Jamaican Human Resources team tells the employee, 'well we did tell you in the agreement you signed (which is not a contract) that we can dismiss you "at will", therefore this is one of those "at will" moments.

Mr. Paulwell is no longer at the helm. The baton has now passed to you Mr. Charles, Mr. Samuda, Mr. Golding.

What will it take for you guys to step up to the plate? A revolution? Our forefathers did it and we can!

Jamaica Gleaner; Jamaica Observer, Radio Jamaica, Western Mirror, Nationwide News Network, CNN, NBC, ABC, FOX, TBN, New York Times, LA Times, are you all waiting until the civil disobedience starts before you guys give us a voice.

Warm Jamaican Regards,


Hon. O. Bruce Golding, PM

Most Hon. Portia Simpson-Miller

Hon. Pearnel Charles, MP

Hon. Karl Samuda, MP

Messrs. Lloyd B. Smith, Cliff Hughes, Phillip Paulwell


Montego Bay, Massachusetts


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