  • Report:  #958614


Reported By:
tiredofscammers - , Arizona, United States of America

2204 Stonebrook Drive 75005 Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I'm sure people like Paul Darby believe he's doing some good for others (in the deep recesses of his hallow conscience--if he even has one), but this was the straw that broke the camels back!  After numerous attempts to contact this man--NOT A PHONE NUMBER TO BE FOUND--I wanted to do some good for others and ward them off from WEBSITESONTV or any other Paul Darby online program.
This email he sent out to his members gives you all the details you require to see what a total lying, smuck this guy really is!!!! STAY AWAY OR PAY for not taking heed to this warning:

From: Websites On TV <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Oct 1, 2012
Subject: We Got Hacked! They Got In Commissions - read more...
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News That`s More Important Than INCOME???

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A couple of things - ONE of the things is about your personal income, ie., commiss+ion checks from Websites On TV and
a breach of our system and checks being in the WRONG amount.

Sound pretty important? Maybe even Scary?

You`ll hear the story and see how it affected YOUR last two weeks of commiss+ion checks...
But first a story about a burgler
The gentleman who teaches High Risk Operators, meaning high level, executive protection agents, military specialists,
drug interdiction teams, and the like just told me a story...
And I can tell you this individual is not, is not, is NOT some

one you would want to go upagainst in any situation, because he is like the jokes about Chuck Norris...
Like Chuck Norris doesn`t have a chin under his beard, he has another fist, or... Chuck Norris doesn`t do push ups, he pushes the World down...
he`s THAT kind of guy... I have been thru his 6 day High

Risk EP school where I trained with miliatry, SWAT Team members, scary guys.. as in SCARY GUYS...
and have seen  him in action in car chases, night ops and the like...
He`s the real deal.
So you had to know that part about him to appreciate the story!
So, two nights ago, he catches a guy breaking into his house, as in caught him on the INSIDE.
I`m like Tim... we`ve all had days where we did something and thought - "What was I THINKING?"
I said, what was this guy THINKING, breaking into the home of the guy who TEACHES the scary guys how to be more scary?
He`s got to be thinking.. What was I THINKING when I picked that house?
Tim said.. yea.. well the story gets better.. he was just released on parole... for burglary!
You gotta ask yourself.. What was HE THINKING?!
Ok along those same lines or what ever...
We just had an online break in here at Websites On TV!
As you know, I just had very extensive programs written so that all of us could have instant access to our sales stats, right?
Well, right now those links are disabled, the stats are wrong.
it seems two things have happened at the same time.
First thing... there was a glitch in the programming that did not take a catagory action into account, and I just paid a bunch of people who were free members, and paid on a bunch of people who were free member.
Meaning I paid for people who had not paid, and also paid people who were not paid themselves.
Next.. we found, interestingly enough, we found this part, this fast, BECAUSE of the mistake and the some of the numbers not matching up...
That some people had figured out a way to get our system to show them as paid, and then they and their friends, could type in accounts that looked paid too, but were not.
And those people.. just like the guy who broke into the wrong house, just committed a crime at the wrong website.
You see, interestingly enough, with me working in the EP field and also as a counterrorism instructor

I know some people.
So not saying anything about me, but I know some people.
shhhhhh! don`t talk about them.... shhhhhhh!
And I can locate every person who just joined in the "Fun" of making up false accounts and people to get paid on.
See Julie, I called in Jonathan to help me figure out why some of the numbers were not matching up...
I knew something was off, but for a week and a half I couldn`t figure out what... Jonathan knew within 3 hours...

So that being that... there is the question, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO ME?
Meaning you Julie...
Probably not much unless you are one of the lovlies who happen to be reading this, to see what`s up and was there any news... and the answer is yes there IS some news...
Some people might think, don`t tell them you know, and the answer is, why not? :- )
Now that I got to be all 007 let`s talk about the real world and your commiss+ions...
Checks this last week had TWO ISSUES:
1) They were a different color than you are used to because I ran out of checks and had to use counter checks the bank made up in a jiffy.
No biggie, they still cash just the same... and,
2) there may be some SMALL errors, probably in your FAVOR...
One affiliate, it breaks my heart to say, just got a check that is $300 over what it should have  been because the fraudsters, jacked with my system...
So, he, the overpaid affiliate will get to keep the extra income as a bonus - mostly because I can`t call people and say, hey give part of that back, there would be a RIOT.
Hey, just saying...
So all the checks, were held and were all figured the way I USED to do it, one at a time right out of the payment processors report.
They were all written, recorded, and put into envelopes.. I caught.. actually Jonathan Liardon is BACK with Websites On TV as the Operations Manager again, and HE is who found this...
Anyway, HE redid the entire payroll one at a time to get everyone a check out. A bit late but out!!
We will be working to put a security patch into the system.. yea just like Microsoft updates we`ve all seen...
AND we will be REDOING payroll for the last TWO pay Periods to make certain that every last person in our community, got every penny they should have.
The people that were over paid, can stay over paid, and you can rest assurred if you were under paid, there will be ANOTHER check come in your mailbox.
I will be doing TOMORROWS call on this issue so that everyone is comfortable with the issue and the solution to the issue.

I just thought you should know. I would want to...
All my best,
Paul Darby
P.S. The link to attend the call is in your advanced training area in the video section, please come if you would like to hear more on this issue
Not mandatory as it`s being solved and no one is going to take a hit other than me, and I am glad to as it could have been so much worse if I had not been alerted and my team didn`t figure it out ...

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