  • Report:  #848430

Complaint Review: Wicks Silver Labs - Internet

Reported By:
Gottaken - Detroit, Michigan, United States of America

Wicks Silver Labs
Stringfield, Ohio Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
We bought a "silver" lab puppy from Wicks Silver Labs (Pat Wickliffe-breeder) in Dec 2011. Five days after having her home she started losing the fur on her face. We had her tested for manage at our local vet, testing was negative for manage ($75) . The fur loss progress in patches over her entire body. We notified Mr. Wickliffe regarding the hair loss. He replied that he had contacted all the other owners of our pup's litter mates and none were having any problems with fur loss.Mr. Wickliffe stated that in 11 years of breeding our pup was the "first" puppy that had ever had fur loss. He recommended using an ointment that is used on horses and Nu-Vet vitamins.  As the fur loss progressed (keep in mind we had only had her about 3 weeks), we decided to take our pup to MichiganState University Veterinary Clinic, which is considered the best possible place in Michigan to take your pet with difficult health issues. At our first visit at MSU vet for the fur loss, we also found out that our pup has an inverted vulva. This condition can causechronic urinarytract infections and usually has to be corrected surgically ($?). Mr. Wickliffe professes that he has been breeding for over 10 years and he didn't know that
our pup had this vulva defect. Any quality breeder would know and should know about this defect and either not sell the pup or at the very least inform the buyer. Shortly thereafter our pup started urinating blood, we had to take her to urgent care and wastreated for urinary tract infection ($347).
Keep in mind that this is still within the first 3 weeks of owning our pup. At our first visit at MSU vet another set of skin scrapings for manage were taken and found to be negative. MSU vet recommended that we take a "watch and see" approach and if the hair loss continued to return in a month and have skin biopsies done ($157). The fur loss continued at such a rapid rate we returned to MSU vet and saw a dermatology specialist vet. Three punch skin biopsies were taken under local anesthsia with stitches to close each biopsy site ($200). The skin biopsies were positive for genetic-color dilution alopecia. Prognosis was that the fur may grow back completely, however she may lose her part or all of her coat in the
future and if she does it will be permanent. The good news is she has grown her coat back with the exception of one of the biopsy sites.
The bad news is that now we sit on pins and needles wondering if she will lose her coat in the future. Mr. Wickliffe was emailed throughout this whole process. He stopped responding to us after the second email was sent. We called the Clark County Humane Society to see if Mr. Wickliffe had ever had any complaints against him. We were so frustrated that he would not respond to us, we paid $1000 for a "healthy" pup and he wasn't going to honor his health warranty. Well Mr. Wickliffe finally responded to me by phone, when the Humane Society showed up at his door. He called me screaming at me about the Humane Society. I found out from the Humane Society that he did not have a kennel license.  Mr.Wickliffe was finally reached by phone and agreed to replace our pup-but that our pup would have to be "put to sleep most likely".
Mr. Wickliffe further stated that he didn't know when he would have a "replacement" puppy. ??? We should return our pup (which we have bonded with and spent a lot of money on already), so he can have her euthanized and we can wait for him to provide us with a new pup! He doesn't even return emails let alone a new pup! The last email that Mr. Wickliffe sent to us stated that he knew that I was "going to be nothing but trouble" after I picked up our pup at his house. Why because I asked questions? Because I had a gut feeling that this guy was a scammer. I should have followed my gut and walked away from the transaction. I wasn't impressed with him or his "breeding" dams and sire (one male to six females). One dam had completely lost her entire coat:. He told me that "she always blows her coat after having a litter"'. He did not allow
me to have any contact with the parents or litter mates.. He further stated that my husband and I are not welcomed on his property and if we come to his house, we will be considered "trespassers and the proper authorities will be called"!. Seriously, trespassers! I wasn't a trespasser when I had that cold hard $1000's of cash in my hand/. He stated he would only communicate by email (that's funny dude, you don't even return emails )! Mr/. Wickliffe treated us disrespectfully and worse yet he could care less about our pup's health and well-being;. In his last email he stated 4 times about our
pup being put to sleep/. He plays on people's emotions and counts on that to solve his poor breeding problems. Mr. Wickliffe use to have the buyers name, city and state by each puppy he sold on his website.
I emailed one of these buyers to let them know our problems and all of a sudden the names andaddresses of buyers disappeared off his site as did his address. He then added "alpaca" (which should have been "alopecia" and any quality breeder would know that) was not covered under the health warranty. Interesting to me. I would NOT recommend that anyone buy a puppy from Pat Wickliffe at Wicks Silver Labs or Blue Jean Bullies.

 The sole purpose for posting this report is to share our experience of purchasing a silver lab puppy from this breeder. Other buyers of a silver lab puppy from this breeder may have had the same experiences or may not have had any health issues with their puppy. Potential buyers from this breeder will have to draw their own conclusions after researching this breeder. No malicious intent is intended. All information in this report has been stated as accurately and honest as possible.    

9 Updates & Rebuttals


New Boston,
Yes We Should Have Done Our Homework

#2Author of original report

Tue, April 23, 2013

We agree, we should have done a better job at researching this "breeder" and have never denied this fact. Notwithstanding, we cannot change what happened in our case, we can only try to help other consumers before they make the same mistake as we did. Wicks Silver Labs took advantage of us and is continuing to do this to date by selling dogs with the same health issues as our dog had (she has since been put down due to extremely aggressive behaviors), to other unsuspecting buyers.  

We had a "health warranty" that did cover our dog's condition. We did the necessary medical testing to confirm this for the "breeder" and he should have had to honor our claim.  These so-called "warranties" give people a false sense of security. There is no way to verify if a breeder honors their "warranty".

This has been a difficult life lesson. We did not realize the wealth of feedback/review information that was/is available to consumers on the internet regarding dog breeders. We are now utilizing the review tools when contemplating any business transaction.  We are of the opinion that no breeder is reliable and they all are capable of refusing to honor their warranty no matter how credentialed they may be. We have read many accounts about the same or similar experiences that people have had, with "breeders" that have had all the pedigrees and ribbons.



United States of America
Do your homework!

#3General Comment

Mon, February 04, 2013

Sorry for the troubles with you pup. However, if you had taken the time to do your research you would know that there is no such thing as a silver lab. What you bought is a mutt. A mix of lab and Weimaraner. Silver labs are not recognized by the AKC. The ONLY labs come in yellow, black, chocolate and fox red.

Did you check the breeder for all health clearances on his dogs? A reputable breeder will do health checks for eyes, hips, EIC, heart etc. they will also show their dogs in some sort of arena. So unfortunately it sounds as if you didn't do your homework before purchasing from this person.


New Boston,
United States of America
Thank you for the notice

#4Author of original report

Sun, November 04, 2012

Thank you for the notification regarding Mr. Wickliffe's passing. Although we had our differences, I would never wish death on anyone. His death was very sudden as he posted a comment on another site two days prior to his passing. May he sincerely, rest in the arms of the Lord.

Miss V

United States of America
Pat Wickliffe has died.

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, October 31, 2012

Pat Wickliffe passed away on Oct. 29, 2012, at a hospital in Springfield, OH. I know this because I have been friends with the grandmother of his daughter since childhood. Don't know what they're doing with his animals (dogs and horses), never met him. Came across this site searching for his obituary.


New Boston,
United States of America
Thanks for the kind words.

#6Author of original report

Tue, March 13, 2012

Thanks Sissy4343 for the kind words.  This has been a most difficult ordeal.  All we really have wanted all along is a healthy puppy. Of course that is not what we got. We are not trying to extort money from the breeder, only to make him accountable and stand "100%" as he states he does, behind the puppy he sold to us. Again thanks.


United States of America
Sad Situation

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, March 13, 2012

How sad for a puppy to go through so much misery! Kudos to the adoptive family for loving her and taking such good care of her anyways.


New Boston,
United States of America
What exactly are we trying to scam you for? Another defective puppy?

#8Author of original report

Mon, March 12, 2012

What exactly are we trying to scam you for Mr. Wickliffe? Another genetically defective, birth defective puppy? Another puppy that has hardly any fur and zip, zero undercoat that makes a lab a lab. A lab puppy that will never be able to duck hunt.

Another puppy with an inverted vulva that will need to be surgically corrected. You won't even follow the terms of your health warranty (contract), to replace our puppy. You have stated that we have "voided" our warranty. We ask you for the third time, on what grounds have we "voided" our warranty?

Mr. Wickliffe,  you have told us verbally and in writing that you would replace our puppy. You have told the Better Business Bureau that you would replace our puppy ( even after you told us that we had "voided" our warranty). When did you plan on replacing our puppy?

When we asked you in early January when you would have a litter available, you himed and hawed and said you didn't know when. You said you had just bought another male and that you would have to get back to us.

Miraculously you posted a litter for sale in late February. You are selling them for your "neighbor"?  We have never heard of a breeder, lending their "good name" or website to sell puppies for a neighbor! Use of your website, paypal and email accounts; all for a "neighbor". ? Really?

You bluffed the BBB into stating on your profile that you only have "1-2 litters a year".

So 2011 was an exceptional year: lab litters- 1/29/11, 5/14/11, 10/6/11, 10/21/11, 11/19/11.
You have 6 adult females and 1 adult male. Why all the dogs if you only breed once or twice a year?

Lets see, average lab litter size 6-8 x 5 litters @ $1,000-$1,250 each = $30,000-$40,000

(+ $250 each,breeding rights if buyer wants) potentially $7,500-$10,000 on top of sale price.

Does that calculate into just a "love for dogs" ??? 

Not to mention what you are making from www.bluejeanbullies.com People better be sitting down when they add that profit up.

You  need to stop posting our private personal email and phone numbers. As business owner you should be respecting the private contact information of your customers. This is an inappropriate use of our information.  We do not nor have we ever, given you permission to post our private  information.

The only reason that this whole situation has developed to the point it is at is because, Mr. Wickliffe does not want to stand behind his breeding practices and refuses to honor his health warranty contract.  In our opinion, Mr. Wickliffe's breeding stock lacks the qualities necessary to produce healthy labs that meet breed standards. A good lesson why not to buy a puppy on the internet!
Don't be foolish like us and get taken in by cute little puppies. Go see the puppies in person. Then their will be no bait and switch!

Mr. Wickliffe will be attentive and responsive to you once he has you on the hook (gets your $250) and upon delivery, but if you have any issues or problems with your puppy you might as well talk to the wall. He will return your first couple of emails, but once a problem is obvious, he will not return your emails. He will call you if you piss him off. He is very good at screaming at you on the phone.

Mr. Wickliffe, Our private contact information is NOT to be used by you or any individual without our expressed permission (and since you have already posted it for the www to see). You think this is funny. We think it is an invasion of privacy and as you are good at- lack of respect for your customers.

Perspective Buyer: Is this the kind of experience you would like when purchasing a new puppy?                      Neither did we.

pat there scam did not work

United States of America

#9REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, March 12, 2012

Hi Pat,

Just wanted to let you know that Willow is doing well. She got car sick on

the way home but other than that she is happy and enjoying her new home!

She went to the vet yesterday and passed with flying colors. She loves her

new brother and pesters him all the time. He is a very gentle giant and plays

easy with her. She is doing well on house training too.

We are very happy with her. Her personality is outgoing and spunky!

Take Care,

Cynthia and Michael Kensinger

Happy Holidays

Thank you,

Michael & Cynthia Kensinger

(734) 652-3124



pat there scam did not work

United States of America
trying to scam wicks

#10REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, March 12, 2012

I will get on this one time in my life ike the other. I have a life no time for your scamming game playing and post the facts

I will respond to this childish behavior one time, and that's it. No time for your endless game playing then I will put this aside as should you. The scam you are trying to run did not work with the better BBB, Humane society and AKC did not work. Shame on you for trying to scam someone out of money. I sell you a puppy you put a deposit on her then you come to my home fall in love with her, and all my other dogs and pay for her and take her home. After keep in mind she went thru a vet check thru valley vet Springfield, Ohio. Neither you or I seen any obvious thing wrong with the pup I may add. Then you take your pup home and THREE days later you send me a email on how happy you are and that your vet passed Willow with "FLYING COLORS " And wish me a happy holiday. 48 hours later you call me crying telling me your pup is dying and you must bring her back!! I agreed to have you bring her to my vet, and for some crazy reason you wanted to bring her to my home. If you are returning a pup in this bad of shape my god she needs to go to the vet, not to my house!! And as the top A+ breeder I am as you can see from the BBB review might I point out again.... I have no idea what she has or has not been exposed to. I would be crazy after my vet and your vet gave Willow a 100% clean bill of health, to bring her back to my house. Keep in mind I was paying for everything and you told me she could not live like this! I felt horrible and I agreed to have her treated at my expense and yes have her humanly put down if NEED be!!! You told me she was dying..... HMMMM. Then you agree to bring her to valley vet in Springfield, Ohio to be treated and looked over by my vet. This all came up out of the blue and I have a handicap mom I help take care of so I did what you asked, and left a letter of replacement for a new pup if need be, and let the vet clinic sign off on it to for your protection. You keep bring up that I still have not offered you a pup or told you when I would have any!!! I still don't have any!! I do not breed but 2 or 3 litters a YEAR how could I give you a date?? And that's besides the point because you didn't even want a replacement pup you wanted MONEY!!! No breeder lets you keep the " PROBLEM PUP" and pay you back all of you money!! If this was a real concern, or about the dog we would be having this conversation right now had I gave you MONEY. I pay and inconvenience my vet to stay open late for you to show up like you agreed and you don't even have the respect to call and say your not coming!! LOL.Tthey called me two times and I assure them you were bring this sick pup into them but you never showed.... Convenient!!! I really don't believe she was ever even this sick. Then you call me 2 days later wanting 680 dollars I was like WHAT.... You tell me she is losing some fur on her and want me to pay your vet bills but I thought she was dying like you said?? You say you took her in and got a manage test and it was negative, Then you say he did another one and negative and then he does another one and oh wait negative again!!! what kind of vet do you go to??? Then all of a sudden she is peeing some blood so you take her back to your so called vet and what does he do??? X-rays and all this crazy stuff charges you 380 dollars why after talking to three vets they could not figure this one out??? like they told me a basic exam 30 to 40 dollars and then they would get a sample and check under a microscope for a UTI and give her antibiotic another 20 to 30 dollars and move on.... Now don't get me wrong if she would continue to not get better then we would want to do X-rays and find out what all is going on. Then one lady there at the office said that's crazy, just like her she had a bladder infection went to the doctor and got antibiotics and it was over. Not all this X-rays and crazy stuff unless it continued... Seems your vet makes some real good money off you, and you should maybe go after him for some compensation.Report

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