  • Report:  #67680

Complaint Review: Zaken Company - Bronx New York

Reported By:
- Egg Harbor, New Jersey,

Zaken Company
2405 Kingsland Ave. Bronx, New York, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In Sept. of 2001, I located shoestrings that a manufacturer wanted to delete. We agreed on a price of 9cents for each pair.

I sent in all the required paperwork. To this day I have not received a dime. I called the manufacturer about a year ago, and he said Quick-Sell never contacted them.

They probably never even tried. When you do get through to Nick LaSorsa, you get the run around. I pray no one else falls for this company like I did.

Were a single income family, and I could have used the money that I wasted.


Egg Harbor, New Jersey

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