  • Report:  #1534105

Complaint Review: Bakertilly Publishers & Advocate/Tracy Trevino - Los Angeles California

Reported By:

Bakertilly Publishers & Advocate/Tracy Trevino
11150 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles, 90025 California, United States
+1 (310) 826 4474
https://www.bakertilly.com/contact/directory https://www.bakertilly.com/contact/directory?uid=fraud
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On June 6th I began working with Tracy Trevino who is with Bakertilly Publishers & Advocate on a fraud publication.  My name is Gary Hales, the co-trustee and durable power of attorney of Georgina Waltera father's estate. I have been trying to help Georgina for 5 years to get her estate settled.  Georgina stated that the State of California (specifically the Treasury Department) is the trustee of her father's estate since it laid dormant for too long. I've been through fraud and deceit along with losing bank account and money dealing with Fiona Ma's (California Treasurer) and her department. 


Tracy Trevino was given information of the fraud brought on by Fiona Ma and her department and is suppose to publish my complaint.  I have been paying Tracy to publish my concerns on this matter. She lied about the cost and continues to charge me without evidence of any documentation.  On July 25th and September 4th I sent more money to Tracy. After July 25th, Tracy would not respond to me until 8/27/2024.  Tracy then informed me a powerful group is preventing the publishing of my complaint about Fiona Ma.  I have been ripped off and will be filling a report about Tracy Trevino and Bakertilly Publishers & Advocate abuse of my case (The Fraud & Forensic Investigations Division). I'm also filing with the better business bureau.  Also, Tracy Trevino is requiring me to pay her money before releasing the report for my review and publishing.  This is extortion and I will not stand for it.

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