  • Report:  #1463766

Complaint Review: Conrad Dodd sales General Manager Rocklen ca - Rocklin ca CA

Reported By:
Kim - Rocklin , CA, United States

Conrad Dodd sales General Manager Rocklen ca
4448 Granite Dr Rocklin ca, 95677 CA, United States
916 836 1288
www.audirocklin .com
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CULTURE The Perfect Man Who Wasn’t For years he used fake identities to charm women out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Then his victims banded together to take him down. Kim!! By the spring of 2016, Missi Brandt had emerged from a rough few years with a new sense of solidity. At 45, she was three years sober and on the leeward side of a stormy divorce. She was living with her preteen daughters in the suburbs of St. Paul, Minnesota, and working as a flight attendant. Missi felt ready for a serious relationship again, so she made a profile on OurTime.com, a dating site for people in middle age. She cam across Conrad Dodd .....The worst thing that could of ever happen! Among all the duds—the desperate and depressed and not-quite-divorced—a 45-year-old man named Conrad Dodd stood out. He was a career Freak show "liked” his profile, he sent her a message right away and called her that afternoon. They talked about their kids (he had two; she had three), their divorces, their sobriety. Conrad ... told her he was on vacation in Hawaii, but they planned to meet up as soon as he got back. This was all lies....

A few days later, when he was supposed to pick her up for their first date, Conrad Dodd was nowhere to be found, and he wasn’t responding to her texts, either. Missi sat in her living room, alternately furious at him (for letting her down) and at herself (for getting her hopes up enough to be let down). "I’m thinking, What a dumbass I am. He’s probably at home, hanging out with his wife and kids,” she says. Conrad Dodd was working for Dodge dealerahip at the time in San Jose and hiding out tricking customers that where all woman he was scamming into cars using there info to fraud them later. At 10 p.m., she sent him a final message: This is completely unacceptable.

Ripoffreport Report Image

When she finally did meet him in person, her relief was even more profound. Conrad Dodd was tall and charming, a good talker and a good listener who seemed eager for a relationship. He could be a little awkward, but Missi chalked that up to his inexperience—he told her he hadn’t been with a woman in eight years. Plus, dating him was fun. Conrad Dodd had a taste for nice things—expensive restaurants, four-star hotels—and he always insisted on paying. He kept a motorboat docked at a nearby marina, and he’d take Missi and her daughters out for afternoons on the water. The girls liked him, and so did the dog. Conrad Dodd mentioned that his cousin Vicki worked for the same airline as Missi. The two women didn’t work together regularly, but they knew each other. Missi thought it was a fun coincidence. "Don’t mention us to her,” Conrad said. "One day we’ll show up together to some family event and surprise her; it’ll be great.” A few months into their relationship, she missed a shift at work and got fired. Conrad leaped into provider mode. He told her that he’d take care of her bills for the next four months, that she should relax and take stock of her life and spend time with the kids. Maybe he could put her and the girls on his university insurance. Maybe, he told her, with the benevolent confidence of a wealthy man, she wouldn’t have to work. The offer wasn’t all that appealing to Missi—"I didn’t want to be a stay-at-home mom again,” she says—but she took it as a sign that things were getting serious. Conrad Dodd was tricking her into using her credit info later by asking for a loan that was over 30,000 bucks!! She did it and decided to date Conrad Dodd and trust the Con - Man that he would pay back.

When Missi lost her job, Conrad told her not to worry—he’d take care of everything. ( He scammed her out of lots of money) The longer they kept dating, though, the more problems cropped up. Conrad liked to say he didn’t "do drama,” but drama seemed to follow him nonetheless. It got to feel as if every text from him was an announcement of some new disaster: He had to check his daughter Sarah into rehab; he had to put his beloved shih tzu, Thumper, to sleep. Conrad had lingering medical problems from his time in the service, and Missi was constantly having to drop him off at or pick him up from the hospital. He was always canceling plans, or not showing up when he was supposed to. When Missi got fed up—Why did I get out of a crappy marriage just to be in this crappy relationship?—some new tragedy would happen (his mother died; he was in a motorcycle accident), and she’d be roped back in. WHAT A BUNCH OF LIES!! Conrad used me for everything I had left.

One day in early August, driven by a feeling she couldn’t quite pinpoint, Missi took a peek at Conrads wallet. Inside was a Minnesota state ID with a photograph that was unmistakably Conrad but with an entirely different name: Derek Mylan Alldred. The wallet also contained a couple of credit cards belonging to someone named Linda. Missi’s heart sank. She’d had a nagging sense that something wasn’t right in her relationship, but she’d shaken it off as her being untrusting. These mysterious objects in his wallet, though, seemed to affirm that Conrad was engaged in some larger form of deceit, even if she didn’t understand all the details just yet......" He was a scam artist by far working for Audi in Rocklin ca! OMG....I am scared of this smoove talking man who tricked me out of so much money!! watch out for this freak who never stops talking and will scam you out of everything!! Kim.

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4 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,
United States

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, January 14, 2022

is the title to a song that is only available at this site. Just type in 608350 and it appears in Consumer Comment #74 at Ripoff Report #608350.

Thank you.

*******NATIONWIDE ALERT: Make sure to type in 1512122 at this site and read Ripoff Report #1512122 and ALL of the Updates for EXTREMELY IMPORTANT information NOW!

”Knowledge is Powe”


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Highlands Ranch,
United States

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, January 14, 2022

is the title to a song that is only available st this site. Just type in 879510 and it appears in Consumer Comment #10 at Ripoff Report #879510.

Thank you.

******NATIONWIDE ALERT: Make sure to type in 1512122 at this site and read Ripoff Report #1512122 and ALL of the Updates for EXTREMELY IMPORTANT information NOW!

”Knowledge is Power”


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Ralph Sanders' Victims

United States
Ralph Sanders' Victims

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, September 22, 2021


Are you or someone you know a victim of the dangerous criminal serial scammer, Ralph Sanders? Are you on the LONG LIST OF VICTIMS OF RALPH (RAFAEL, MALIK, SEAN, SHAWN, CHRISTIAN) SANDERS, OR HIS TEACHER WIFE LAUREN SANDERS?

Contact us now:  [email protected]

It is time this psychopath is sent back to prison where he belongs! It's time for victims to take a stand, come together, and NOT allow this malicious CON ARTIST, CONMAN, RECIDIVIST, SCAM ARTIST, CROOK, PREVARICATOR, DECEIVER, HYPOCRITE, CHEATER, NEFARIOUS, DETESTABLE, REPREHENSIBLE, DERELICT THIEF Ralph, Rafael, Sean, Shawn, Christian, Malik, or whatever name he is going by these days, to get away with his lies and atrocious criminal acts toward kind and innocent people!!

Don’t believe a word he says. He only knows how to lie. If you call him out or if he doesn't get what he wants, he will slander your name on this site under false names. Most of the time he copies and pastes from all different sources. The loser is illiterate, and you can tell his writing compared to the copied writing. He is a very dangerous and disturbed person! Don’t let him convince you of anything especially giving him keys to your home or car, buying a car, and don’t give him any money to borrow!!!

YOU WILL NEVER SEE IT AGAIN! He will say he will pay because he’s not a criminal, but HE IS just that, a CRIMINAL who learned nothing after serving 15 years in CA's hardest and most violent of crimes’ prisons. He plays his wicked games until he gets what he wants and then he will turn on you and just like he says, “You have awakened the Beast!” or "Watch the devil do his work." He will take everything from you and then using fake names, slander you on websites like this one.

But that doesn’t have to happen, because his past victims are here for you.

Do you need help and feel alone? You’re not alone, because there are many victims here waiting to guide you in the right direction.  You are not alone!                                                 

Please Contact us @ [email protected] 

Website: Under Construction. 

His victims have united and are determined to STOP this career criminal and put him back behind bars where he belongs. Along with his Pasteur Middle School teacher wife, Lauren Sanders.   

Lock um’ up and toss the key so no one else can be added to the victim’s list and has to endure the malicious and conniving acts of this monster and his monstress. 

Contact us now at:

[email protected]...don't be afraid anymore! Help us put an end to this monster!

Report Attachments


United States

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, October 08, 2018

What a story!! SO how does this make it a RIP OFF? You are on the wrong website. 

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