  • Report:  #1533224

Complaint Review: A-Z Auto Center - Brighton MA

Reported By:
Sam - United States

A-Z Auto Center
1686 Commonwealth Ave Brighton, 02135 MA, United States
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This shop not only did unauthorized repairs to my vehicle, but damaged it severely. I authorized them to replace a cable and terminals and they said it would be 10 days to get the part. Then they said it was ready a few days later and I said, what do you mean>? Well, instead of replacing the parts, which is what I authorized, THEY TAPED IT TOGETHER! WTH. Had to bring it to another shop since it was not safe and had same issue again after. The dealership redid the terminals etc they did not handle properly and now my car runs well. They said they would refund me, but of course, have not and continue to ignore me. Avoid at all costs!!!

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