  • Report:  #1532932

Complaint Review: Thenoblemarketer.com - Miami FL

Reported By:
stressed from hiring bad marketer - miami, United States

Miami, FL, United States
+1 (510) 323-3853
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I hired Sebastian to create a 5 day challenge, and the agreement said he will get 200+ people to sign up with his copyright and marketing skills. 

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when he started the ads, one was performing 5x better so we told him to turn off the $4 per click ad and just keep the $.87 per click ad. this was on friday. 

by monday i asked how many did he get to sign up, he said 8 people. the master class was starting wednesday. 

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i asked what happened?

he said you told me to turn off the ads so i did. 

i never said turn off all ads. 

i said turn off the ad that was not converting as well and focus on the better ad .

he never communicated that he turned off the ads. so he had really no results 

even his email to my warm list didn't get good open rates. 

when i called him out about this, he said such a rude comment saying "you must live in a lonely world"

i said that makes no sense. 

what i wanted to see was results.

instead of results he was only focusing on the money he will make. he asked me to pay him more bc he was working so hard. 

i said where are the results. that is what matters. 

he got rude and said how rude i am for saying this or speaking to him this way. 

he is not professional. 

i had 1000x better results on my own when i promoted this organically i got 500+ to sign up last time. 

it was a total waste of time to hire him. 

he later admitted to my sales closer that he didn't know how to do things for the ads and asked for advice. 

and when i asked for a refund he got really rude and aggressive saying his time is valuable. 

i said time is valuable in business based on results and fulfilling agreements.

this was such a stress. 

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he is not someone i would recommend to do any marketing.

when i sent hm the definition of "noble" to show him his actions were not kind, and i said if he won't refund me i will post on ripoffreport. he said he will sue me if i do that. 

honestly, it's so much stress to even think about this kind of person. 

i hired him to make my life easier.

he made it harder and added zero value. 

i highly do not recommend his services. 

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i feel good customer service should be at the top priority and also to deliver results that are promised, in business. both of these he here 0 star review. 

i would not have had to post this here but he was so rude and said he i'll sue me so i realized he is also not safe to hire if that is his response. 

i hope you stay clear of this stress. 

2 Updates & Rebuttals

do not work with this guy

United States
Thenoblemarketer.com do not hire

#2Author of original report

Thu, June 13, 2024

 I am responding to this unprofessional response to my report by Sebastian Muenda, what I can see is he is searching for lies to make this not look so bad for himself. You can see even from the screenshots that my report was correct. Also, I do have an email list of 25k+ which i gave him and i told him it needs to be uploaded to send and he said is not issue then he made it out to be a huge extra effort. this concerns me that my email list and private information is NOT SAFE WITH HIM FOR SURE after i hired and paid him and got this result he said he got 46 sign up to the master class but his ads only got 8. the other was from email sent to my community. he knows that. i sent the email that for most of the response he was even asking my sales team how to properly run ads. He stopped the ads after one day without communicating about it, so that was a big part of what he was hired for and he didn’t fulfill his agreement and then monday he acted like it was normal and fine that he didn’t fulfill the agreement. he also spoke to me very unkind and rudely, which was the main reason i fired him. and why i responded harshly. i am not sure what he’s talking about regarding me working with other people he knows, since i don’t know anyone he may be referring to and when i asked him he won’t mention the name. i rarely hire anyone. i did all my own organic marketing for 20 years and had big success impacting 100 million people online by myself. thenoblemarketer has no big to show from anything he’s ever done. success leaves clues i made a mistake to take a chance on a small marketer and learned a big lesson here i only hired sebastian bc he told me he has a great track record to get at least 200+ to join a live master class. his performance. attitude and actions and words were not any way professional so i fired him and requested a refund. i leave this in your choice if you find these messages and chose to work with him, i only posted this to prevent others from this stress. i have had others who i hired that did a similar bad job so in that case, birds of a feather tend to flock together. perhaps they are all friends so if that’s the case, his colleagues may have been similar in which case i would suggest not to work with any of them as well i know as a female business owner i have had a lot of guys like sebastian who don’t deliver on the agreements they are paid for. luckily it was not as much as in the past so it was $2000 and a time wasting lesson and i won’t make this mistake again

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United States

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, June 13, 2024

I was hired on a lot of false premises and had to fix a lot of things that were not working from the beginning. 

She mentioned she had 25K email list. Which she did but where not uploaded to any email software and once I checked and cleaned the email the majority of the were not real nor useful. 

Next she asked me to help with a landing page, which was not part of the agreement. Then she mentioned that I should just step up and fix things. Even though the majority of fixing things were not part of the agreement. 

Also I never agreed to 200 sign-ups. I've attached our signed agreement to prove what was agreed upon. 

I chose to stop working with Dashama because of her rude and demeaning communication style. After building a landing page and doing a lot of extra stuff that was needed. Her reply was she only gives "thank you when there are results".

That was the last straw. Throughout the week she complained about the other people helping her on the project and how what they were doing was not working and useless in her words, etc. 

She also lied about only having 8 sign-ups on Monday we had 46 sign-ups I've attached a text for proof.

She wanted and expedited process yet was not willing to give to for anything to work. After turning off the ad she claimed was too much (4.50 a landing page view) the next when the stats showed up it demonstrated that it was costing $2.50 per landing view the same as the other ads. 

I was only able to send two emails that got 30+ signups. The email she sent which I have stats for only brought in 4 people. 

I absolutely have no issue taking responsibility if I do something incorrect, but the reason Dashama is writing this fabricated story is that I called her out on being rude and disrespectful. Never is it ok for a client to speak to you in a demeaning and disrespectful way. 

I have been in contact now with numerous people she has hired and they all have the same experience. Please stay away from working with DASHAMA GORDON. 

Also I gave her a partial refund of $500, even though I completed more the 75% of the work. 

This is a list of all the necessary things that needed to be done otherwise nothing would work:

Things done not in the original agreement:


Create a landing page mockup

Create optin pages - 2

Create Checkout pages - 2

Create automations for check out page

Format Email List

Upload email list

Setting up domain in HL

Setting up email in HL

A2P Registration

Created automations for a2p 

+ 2 pages, contact and privacy policy

Instagram DM automation

This was the text about 46 sign-ups by Monday:

This is the way she was constantly communicating with me that made me quit this project:

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