  • Report:  #1511224

Complaint Review: Judge Charlene Elder 3rd judicial Detroit Michigan - Detroit Michigan

Reported By:
itsconstitutional - Detroit, Michigan, United States

Judge Charlene Elder 3rd judicial Detroit Michigan
2 Woodward Avenue Detroit, 48226 Michigan, United States
313 224 5436
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This judge is a MAJOR threat to the public. I have done research on her & everyone she is afiliated with & I was flabergasted at what I discovered. My children & I were victims of severe domestic violence that turned into "public corruption."

Judge Elder refused to look at evidence that was submitted ON RECORD, then accused me of not submitting evidence. She claims she works with domestic violence organizations but she is a psychopath, she sanctions the behaviors of men whom commit domestic violence, she is discriminatory to people with a disabilities & towards victims of dometic violence. She has & continues to commit multiple felonies ON THE BENCH which is PUBLIC record violating innocent people & childrens civil & constitutional rights.

She took an oath to uphold the constitution when she pledged into office but she in comitting treason. She violated that oath when she violated peoples constitutional rights for profit. She threatened me & said "If I talked to the police or CPS she would terminate my parental rights"... I was the victim of domestic violence & abuse..yet if I asked for help I woud lose my parental rights....YES THAT IS WHAT I SAID! its called an ILLEGAL GAG ORDER! She signed an "ex-parte" order based off hearsay, & when I presented evidence proving the motion was a lie she ignored the evidence & scolded me again for talking to her during trial when I answered questions she asked me, talking to CPS & illegally terminated my rights to my children...she had NO grounds to.

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Racist Muslim Judge Charlene Elder wears hijib on bench while she scolds & is discriminatory towards African Americans, females & Christians" in Detroit Michigan

She would not allow my retained attorney represent me during trial. I've had custody of my son for 10 years proir to her illegally terminating my custodial rights. She scolded me before making her ruling for being a Christian. She is bias. I went to 3 therapists to get psych evals that all came back with there was nothing wrong with me...that made her angry & I was punished by being held hostage with growthworks & court ordered me to go to one of her choosing Dr. Ceresney whom asked me questions like "do you believe I am working against you with the judge" crazy things about him smh then he said if I did not stop accusing the judge of violating my rights ect I was going to make her angry...when I explained I am a targeted individual & this "operant conditioning" doesn't work on me & he was abusing me he said "my mistake" & said he did not want to participate anymore.

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others commenting about this Judge on Facebook, & on the news comments under a bs news story reporting bs./www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2021/04/28/how-a-dearborn-judge-broke-barriers-while-raising-a-family/

She was angry I submitted CPS reports into evidence to prove my innocence, when I did... she ignored them. I asked for my kids to be in therapy for the abuse they were enduring...she said NO becuase she was not going to "allow me to abuse my children with therapy"....when I asked if she believed CPS was trying to "abuse my children with therapy" because they recommended in their report my children attend therapy" she yelled at me for talking & muted me, then scolded my attorney for me talking. There is a LOT more to this story but....I have a solution.

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others commenting about this Judge on Facebook, & on the news comments under a bs news story reporting bs

I need to find others whom were victims of her abuse, violation of due process ect becuase I am turning her in. The tenure comission does nothing it is a HUGE ring of corruption because we are dealing with "corporations" "non profit" organizations ect whom get federal funding & need a certain number of "victims" to receive such funding. Is it legit..yes....but in some cases such as mine...NO. My case was sold for profit, it is clear as day considering I do not do drugs, I am of sound mine, my evidence outweighs the verdicts, & we have not even begun to get into "growthworks" whom the judge conspires with...yet again for Profit. "favors" are another factor here...but if 3 doctors say there is nothing wrong then why would a judge abuse insurance companies & the victim... then say her reason to justify her actions is the victim needs to see a therapist for "psychosis."

The victim was never diagnosed with "psychosis." The judge is the ONLY person who said that which illegally practicing medicine & making a medical diagnosis is another felony. She is not a Dr, she can not diagnose anyone...yet she did! ON RECORD!  I wonder how many more victims there are of that? I wonder based off of factual evidence & her court orders alone what doctors would diagnose her with.... I plan on doing that as well to attach to the workers comp claim I am filing since my children & I substained multiple "injuries" due to her malpractice, neglegence ect. I plan on having this judge removed based off the following:

1) Judges take an oath of office to uphold the constitution-28 USC 453                                                              2) judges oath to support & defend the constitution of the united states -5 USC 331-3332                                3) 5 usc 7311- striking.... when a judge violates the constitution this is called striking...advocated the throw of the government..which...This judge fired (disqualified) herself.                                                                              4) 18 USC 1918 If a judge advocates an over throw of the government it is a felony!                                          5) 36 USC 70503 membership C) a felony is grounds for disqualification!   See where I am going with this.

After 2 1/2 years of INHUMAINE TORTURE... I found a solution. Due to the severe emotional pain, loss of time, liberty, freedom, being stripped of all my natural born rights I know the pain. I know the financial loss. I know the pain of the loss of you children, being a parent & watching your children suffer while u fight & be punished the harder you fight, because you need to learn (as my lawyer likes to say) how to play the game! I do not participate in abusive mental operant conditioning games. I refuse to develop stockholms syndrome to have my natural born human rights to be safe i my person & home & have life, liberty & freedom. That is MY natural born right as well as yours! I came on here looking for other victims. God blessed me by giving me my key to freedom which I am going to use....but I decided to share that key & help save others trapped in this inhumane slavery. I want to help others.

If you are a victim of crimes by this judge PLEASE contact me. If you & your children have been victims of "growthworks" violation of due process, a victim of domestic violence or abuse that the judge further abused you & your children please....let me help. It is time for us to get justice & advocate for others as well because we are in this nightmare together....but its time to get justice & put it in the past, heal, & create new memories free from abuse & torture. WE HAVE RIGHTS!

I look forward to hearing from anyone I can help as we are in this together. 

Thank you!

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4 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,
United States
Further proof...

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, August 29, 2021

that Google removed links that accessed BusinessWeek articles is available at this site by simply typing in 987602 and reading the Consumer Comment posted on January 3, 2013 entitled “UPDATE for BIBI” at Ripoff Report #987602.


Highlands Ranch,
United States
It’s also very disturbing that...

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, August 25, 2021

Bloomberg purchased BusinessWeek in 2009 and removed all of the comments (tens of thousands) at the many BusinessWeek articles on the web that appeared in late 2007 and in early 2008 prior to the stock market crash and Global Banking Meltdown.

One of the comments accurately predicted the stock market crash on February 21, 2008 at 3:03 AM GMT. Fortunately there’s at least one hard copy of that comment still in existence.

“Knowledge is Power”


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Highlands Ranch,
United States
It’s very disturbing that...

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, August 25, 2021

the Mainstream Media ignored and never even did a story regarding the letter that was mailed to them on 9/12/2007, about the stock market crash that happened a year later in September of 2008. The addresses to where copies of the letter were sent appear in Consumer Comment #1 at Ripoff Report 271771. Just type in 271771 at this site and look.

Anyone can type in 358430 at this site and read the Consumer Comment that was posted on August 9, 2008 at Ripoff Report #358430, which was seven weeks before the collapse of the Global Banking System and stock market crash.

Here’s just one quote from that comment: “I believe that there is a MASSIVE CONSPIRACY to DEFRAUD Americans out of their RETIREMENTS and NBC & CBS are hiding this information!!!!!!!!!!” - August 9, 2008

Feel free to type in 271454 at this site and read what was posted in Consumer Comment #1 at Ripoff Report 271454 on September 3, 2007, which was a full YEAR before the collapse and the stock market crash. 

Further proof that our entire system is a lie.

Goid luck to you, and God Bless you and your family!

Report Attachments


Highlands Ranch,
United States
Unfortunately, much of the judicial system...

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, August 23, 2021

in America is corrupt. It protects the corrupt people who control the corrupt government, which is ultimately being controlled by the corrupt banking cartel that also controls Wall Street.

Even the Mainstream Media in America protects the corrupt people who ultimately control our corrupt system which takes advantage of the American people. All of the fraud and corruption are being exposed on the web. Americans are starting to understand the truth.

Feel free to type in 261157 at this site and read “FIX AMERICA POEM”, which was posted 4 months BEFORE the stock market crash on September 29, 2008. The fourth stanza of that poem accurately predicted the “CRASH”.

Now type in 529757 at this site and read the letter that was sent to the Mainstream Media on 9/12/2007, which was a full year BEFORE the stock market crash and the collapse of the Global Banking System.

Now type in 555030 and read Ripoff Report #555030 and see what a real estate agent and a lawyer did to an innocent woman who sold her home. They stole $69,000 from her, but the corrupt legal system protected the corrupt people who deceived her. Our entire system can be summed up in one poem.

Just type in 646259 and scroll down to Consumer Comment #2 at Ripoff Report 646259 in order to read that poem.

Good luck and God Bless you!

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