  • Report:  #1506828

Complaint Review: mbrealtyllc.net - NY, NY 10016 New York

Reported By:
Messenger - Rockland, Ontario, Canada

600 THIRD AVE, 2ND FLOOR NY, NY 10016, 10016 New York, United States
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Good Day, 

just to let you know what is happening in the World of Fraud / Scam Crimes. 

Enjoy the reading.   

Today April 5th 2021 

I was able to reach MB Realty Multinational Brokers at 1 (917) 970-0739 at 12:10 P.M.  What happened with the Three (3) Authorities after more than a Year? 

They decided to sit on their A*s – Please pick and choose one or all the definitions of A*S - a stupid, foolish, or stubborn person. 

Reason: They did nothing to change the situation! 

Welcome to the DARKER SIDE of the CONTINUUM 


The FBI IC3 Agency - The New York City Police Department –- The United States Department of Justice – The Federal Trade Commission and Mexico Authorities ATT:  Mr.  Alejandro Esquer Verdugo

All of you had a FULL month to review –Discuss talk about what needs to be done in regards to FRAUD /SCAM CRIMES an Answer one simple Question? 

Do you want to live with this type of Fraudulent Activities taking place in your Country’s?  Yes or NO.   

I would appreciate a reply coming from each Group of Authorities.  So Far; I received NO RESPONSE. WHY? 

All of YOU FAILED WRETCHEDLY – The People that are stealing people money.  They STRIVE (Go all Out) base on your NEGATIVITIES.  You need to Speak Out. 

In returned:  All of you are SLAPPING THE FACES OF THE PLANTIFF’S and VERY RELUCTANT to Communicate. 

Senseless; you have LOST CONTROL of the Situation in dealing with FRAUD / SCAM CRIMES.  Your Operational System is dangling by a THREAD. – Fraudulent Activities - Corruption has a strong footing in ORGANIZED CRIMES in your Countries.  WHY?  

I’m concerned that people will have NO Choice but to take CHARGE – LAW into their own hands in retrieving their Money they have LOST! The Outcome “Aftermath” will be KILLED or be KILLED! 

The Three Authorities’ have become the Problem! They have keep their Silence far too long. It’s time for each of them to Speak UP on the Subject?   

In a direct Response:  Stop misleading the Plaintiff’s – If they have to FIGHT the Authority System! You should have the Documentations (Papers) readily available for them to complete for the Court Room.

 Question:  Do you have those documents available for the Plaintiff’s? 

The above statement will be address in the Court Room. The documents will be added as part of an attachment when a Plaintiff file a complaint. There are No alternative.  Leaving the Plaintiff to pursue “Engage in.” If they what to reach the People that stole their money! 

Tell Me:  Why? Are you “People” pursuing that route! 

I need to bring all of you out of your CONFORT ZONE to a more realistic (Down –To – Earth) by confronting the Three (3) Authorities.  I will take ON a Representative of Each Group to go all the way to the Court Room. 

I will invite The United States Department of Justice and The Federal Trade Commission to be present in the Court Room.  They will learn something about FRAUD / SCAM CRIMES!

Question? Can You People be able to MAN UP with ME! 


Question:  Where are the MB Realty Multinational Brokers Members? NOT Here – Reprehensible (Unacceptable) 

Question:  On what Date; did you asked and received the Arrest Warrants? Bring MB Realtyllc Members to the Court Room? 

This would be quite an Embarrassment – If NO action were taken on their part? This will certainly raise a skeptical eyebrow. 

Question: Asked permission – May I approach the Bench to Speak to the Judge. There; I will asked the Judge – You will have to RE-ISSUE Arrest Warrants. Someone MUST take charge of the situation!

Question:  I would asked to ADJOURN until all MB Realtyllc Members are brought into the Court Room. 

Question: I would asked the Judge to review all the materials and SET THE STAGE for the arrival of MB Realtyllc Members.  The Plaintiffs will received FULL Reimbustment and Punitive damages.  The Evidence can support it! 

Note:  The questions?  That all of you did not what to answer. You will have to answer them in the Court Room. 

MEXICO will have to send a representative.  If they are NONRESPONSIVE MR.  Alejandro Esquer Verdugo  Will be Subpoena to appear in the Court Room by the FBI IC3 Agency and the New York City Police Department. Both of them understand MEXICO are involved in this Case and requires a representative to be present in the Court Room. 

If the Court System Keeps an Open Mind – There’s a good chance of having stronger measures implemented “Put into Effect” in the Court Room in dealing with FRAUD / SCAM CRIMES. 

The above SCENARIO ( Will come a reality if the Authorities’ don’t change their ways) revealing a very DARK side of the LAW ENFORMENT method of Operation if every Plaintiffs have to submit those documents to appear in a Court Room. 

Imagine the STRAIN it will put on the Court System having 100 to 1,000 of cases, just because The Authorities are refusing to UPHOLD THE LAW AND GO AFTER THE PEOPLE THAT ARE STEALING PEOPLE MONEY! Simply Unbelievable.   

How long the Court System will tolerate (PUT UP WITH) their ways of operation, if the numbers continues to multiply?  

I believe they will give the Authorities direction to clean up their ACT and start doing their JOBS? Something they should have done from Day ONE.   

I have one Recommendation for the Authorities.    

Stop your CHILDISH BEHAVIOR get with the program.  There’s Corruption that needs to be dealt with in both Countries. 

It’s time to UNITE - (UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL) we are more powerful to succeed when working together in defeating move forward to undertake that challenge and vanquish that type of Organized Crimes.  This will lead us to the CORE of their Operation in MEXICO.  

Do I have your attention?  One OBSTACLE REMAINS. 

All of you need to break your Code of Silence - This is FRAUD! 

I will repeat:  YOU need to SPEAK OUT.  The problem will NEVER GO AWAY UNTIL YOU TAKE SERIOUS ACTION? 

The general Population have the right to know where The LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES actually stand on the Subject; FRAUD / SCAM CRIMES. 

Take a stand today? It’s time for EACH Group to provide a sound answer? 

MEDIA - YOU HAVE A VERY STRONG CASE – Set of Circumstances that needs to be circulated in the General Populations. 

I invite Journalist / Reporters – To read the E-mails and if they are Up for the Challenge – Go and Knock on their doors – You will have to DIG DEEP to get the answers’ in obtaining the TRUTH from them?  This will prevent someone being KILLED! 

Message from the Messenger.



Good day, 

FBI – IC3 Agency 

I send an E-mail to the Federal Trade Commission dated:  2021-03-01. 

I forward that E-Mail to you FBI IC3 Agency on the same Date:  2021-03-01 Asking you to read that E-mail and provide a written reply? 

Here’s a segment of that E-Mail. 

Then Answer the following:  Do you want to live with this type of Fraudulent Activities taking place in your Country’s?  Yes or NO. 

 I would appreciate a reply coming from each Group of Authorities.   

So Far; I received NO RESPONSE. WHY?   

I made an Observation; it does not matter what someone would write.  

E-Mails after E-Mails. It’s seems; The Authorities don’t want to hear about the TRUTH- They don’t like to be CHALLENGED, when someone QUESTIONS their METHODE OF OPEARATIONS.  

It will put them on the SPOT.  Resulting, NO ONE!  Will take any action in dealing with this Fraud / Scam Crimes being committed by MB Realtyllc Members.  

Each Groups; are AFRAID to commit themselves in ANSWERING IMPORTANT QUESTIONS. They rather turn Their Back - Walk Away to AVOID COMMUNICATION! 


Silence is not the answer when dealing with Fraud / Scam crimes.  It represent another Weakness in the Overhaul Operational System of the three (3) Authorities that needs to be upgraded in this modern World. 

I’m Afraid this will OPEN another door:  This one will be LAWSUITS:  coming from Plaintiff’s - Individual or Group Lawsuits against the Thee (3) Authorities. 

They are refusing to Communicate – Taking Charge of the Situation in Upholding the Law to bring MB Realtyllc Members to the Court Room?  

The Materials “E-Mails I send them will support the Proceeding “Evidence” in preparation for Court Case. 

All these Extra Steps to resolve what? 


Because you people refused to do your JOBS handling FRAUD / SCAM CRIMES AND COMMUNICATING WITH THE PLAITIFF’S? 

Can you provide an answer? 

Simply Unbelievable! Plaintiffs that submitted their Complaints to the Authorities are being REJECTED – PUT ASIDE and allowing FRAUDULENT ACTIVITIES TO CONTINUE “Carry On.” 

LUGUBRIOUS; “Quite Depressing” When MB Realtyllc Members are using a different tool and they are WINNING. 

While the Authorities are losing the battle in dealing with FRAUD /SCAM CRIMES!  Can someone provide an Explanation?  Read the E-Mails it will provide the answer? 

The Authorities; Do they have a Fraud / Scam Crime System that is well –Organized and Capable in accomplishing arrest? Today – 2021-03-15.  Tell me:  What happened with the Arrests of MB Realtyllc Members? They are still out there operating their Business in Stealing People Money? 

You can contact them at 1 (917) 970-0739. I left a message tonight at 21:14 P.M.  Asking to speak to Mr. Neal Miranda or other Broker. IT’S THAT SIMPLE! If they were out of Business! 

Can you explain why? The phone line is still active and accepting Messages? Another area for the Authorities to Investigate! 

No ARREST MADE?  There is definitely a Major Problem at your END and the others Authorities.  You Understand - I have all the documentations available for you to review – action – preparation for a Court Case to put them away for 10 Years.  You never communicated with ME. You need to reflect; what went wrong – One thing you need to consider – You people provided No Leadership! Lack of direction would lead to total breakdown.      

The question still stand. I was waiting for your reply in a positive format after all the E-mails you people have received in the pass.   See Example: 

Thank You, to bring this information to our attention. 

The FBI IC3 Agency is here to protect Plaintiff’s AGAINST Fraudulent Activities. 

We will contact The New York City Police Department and Mexico Authorities to ASSIST US in conducting an Investigation. We will contact you shortly and obtain all your Documentations in preparation for Arrest Warrant to bring MB Realtyllc Members to the Court Room. 

I hope the above is satisfactory in addressing your concern. 


The FBI IC3 Agency 

Note:  The above statement is ready to be INDORSE by all Three (3) Authorities’  – Unless you have a more ROBUST APPROACH to deliver and bring MB Realtyllc Members to the Court Room where the Plaintiff’s will received FULL REIMBUSTMENT AND PUNITIVIE DAMAGES. 

This type of Message is Powerful, it address the problem that was NEGLECTED by all three (3) authorities’ for more than a year.  It’s demonstrates; NOW!  All of you are ready to take corrective measures by taking a STAND on FRAND / SCAM CRIMES IN UNITED STATE OF AMERICA - USA AND MEXICO.  

Remember:  You have the tools – I have all the Evidences to bring MB Realtyllc Members to the Court Room – VERY STRONG COMBINATION. Correct YOUR MISTAKES!  Don’t let it slip out of your HANDS. 

I would urge you to contact the other Groups. Be a LEADER. 

Presently:  I see NO LEADERS – coming from the Authorities and you will not take any action to bring MB Realtyllc Members to the Court Room. 

I hope you understand the seriousness that are involved in this matter, if everyone kept their Silence! 

I’m given you and other Groups two Weeks to reply.  

No response will indicate all of you are in favour in Living and Protecting FRAUDELENT ACTIVITES IN STEALLING - RIP-OFF Money from Individuals. 

Leaving the people to take charge of their destiny in retrieving their money that was stolen, with a great possibility that they will be killed?  Answer this:  MB Realtyllc Members will they come quietly? 

Message from the Messenger.  


This E-Mail was Send on 2021-03-01

The following information will help US to establish a Common Ground, start a dialogue “Discussion “going. 

Federal Trade Commission:

no-rep2021-02-17 1:21 [email protected]

2021-02-17 1:21 PM

Thank you for contacting the Federal Trade Commission. We have reviewed your complaint and have determined that the following information may assist you.

10 Ways to Avoid Fraud - http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0060-10-ways-avoid-fraud

Your reply is a GENERIC response in dealing with Fraud / Scam Crimes.  It represent a BAND –AID EFFECT it will not STOP the Corruption nor the Fraudulent Activities to take place. You need to be more AGGRESSIVE – Communicate with the people – Be PROACTIVE! You will obtain better result in the long run!        

Like a wound “Laceration” It’s Very wide – Very long and Very deep, it will not STOP GUSHING “Overflowing of the Corruption or Fraudulent Activates. To slow it down; it needs the INTERVENTION (INTERVENE - GET INVOLVED) OF THE AUTHORITIES – An action taken to improve a situation.  If NO ACTION IS TAKEN THE WOUND WILL NEVER CLOSE!

This is FRAUD / SCAM CRIMES – Activities being committed every day! 

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is an independent agency of the U.S. government that aims to protect consumers and ensure a strong competitive market by enforcing consumer protection and antitrust laws.


The FTC protects consumers by stopping unfair, deceptive or fraudulent practices in the marketplace. We conduct investigations, sue companies and people that violate the law, develop rules to ensure a vibrant marketplace, and educate consumers and businesses about their rights and responsibilities. We collect reports on hundreds of issues from data security and deceptive advertising to identity theft and Do Not Call violations, and make them available to law enforcement agencies worldwide for follow-up. Our experienced and motivated staff uses 21st century tools to anticipate – and respond to – changes in the marketplace.

Tell me; in what way; are you able to protect consumers?

To obtain better PROTECTION – Is to improve the situation of the Authorities. They MUST COMMUNICATE With the Plaintiff(s) to obtain the required information that will lead to their arrest.  So far; the three (3) Authorities have declined to communicate in writing. There is NO LIFE SIGN / NO SIGN of LIFE coming from them.  A ONEWAY STREET with them. 

NOW; you have a better understanding when I mentioned – STOP being part of the Problem – Be part of the Solution.

Let’s communicate; you may establish a liaison. I have all the documentations to bring MB Realtyllc Member to the Court Room.

Asked the Three (3) Authorities’ if they; OPEN AN INVESTIGATION?


This is a Crucial “DECISIVE “moment in TIME.  That will be addressed in the Court Room.  This will TRANCHE the question:  Did they have the INTENTION to bring MB Realtyllc Members to the Court Room?  Or TURN THEIR BACK AND WALK AWAY FROM THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES?

Letting the People take care of their OWN Problems by taking the LAW into their OWN Hands that could lead them to their DEATH? You better reflect on this Equation! 

Remember:  You will never be able to control People – Especially when The Authorities are NOT (Taking any action.)

I need to speak to someone that will take positive action on this matter. The spread of the Corruption, Fraudulent Activities will NEVER STOP if NO ONE COMMUNICATE!  The situation will only get WORSE and the CARNAGE “Bloodshed “will rise.  There will be loss of life.   

I believe it’s a good reason to connect and discuss – Examine the actual facts in real time event.

The three (3) Authorities MUST come to an agreement – Work together, Obtain ARREST WARRANTS AND BRING MB REALTYLLC MEMBERS TO THE COURT ROOM?

Friday:  2021-02-26 at 12:50 P.M I dialed the phone number: 1 – (917) 970-0739.  MB Realtyllc I Left a message with the receptionist.   I ask her to pass a message to Mr. Meal Miranda.  I used his E-mail address:  [email protected] about the E-Mail I send him December 11, 2020.  At 11: 21 A.M.

Note:  I send an E-mail using their Website.  Also:  Send an E-mail at [email protected] at 15:22 P.M. 

Look what happened!   Address not found

Your message wasn't delivered to [email protected] because the address couldn't be found or is unable to receive email. 

Afterwards:  I send another E-mail using [email protected] at 15:39 P.M They received that E-Mail. 

Good day, 

I send an E-Mail to Mr. Neal Miranda. Dated:  December 11, 2020.

I would will like a confirmation that he did receive it.  That he understood the meaning of that E-mail.  Very important that he respond!

Pay Attention:  They were using [email protected] when I started communicating with them.  Later; they change to [email protected] NOW!  They are returning to [email protected]

Today – March 1, 2021 at 11:23 A.M I tried another E-Mail address they used [email protected].  They received that E-mail, for your info.

This is something the three (3) Authorities must INVERSTIGATE.  LET SEE, IF THEY HAVE THE GUTS “Strength of Character” TO DO IT.

What is your Reaction? 

Why?  MB Realtyllc Members keep changing their E-mail address?


The three (3) Authorities had that information.  They decided to TURN THEIR BACK AWAY FROM THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES.  They FAILED to UPHOLD THE LAW AT THAT PIONT IN TIME.

Now! You understand my point of views towards this Matter.  I’m trying to DEFUSE prevent someone to take Law into their Own Hands. Go after them it will be KILLED OR BE KILLED.


I had an Invitation to go see Mr. Neal Miranda at his office. What STOPPING OTHERS to do the same thing in trying to retrieve their MONEY that was stolen from them?  Would you consider it to be a Dangerous – Risky - Awkward situation to be in?  

I’m here to take a STAND that MB Realtyllc Members are brought to the Court Room.  My action is to put an End to their activities in the United State of America USA and Mexico.

Unfortunately:  It’s been over a Year; No one came forward, take the information that I received from them in preparation for a COURT CASE where the PLAINTIFF(S) will received FULL REIMBRUSTMENT AND PUNITIVE DAMAGES and a plan of action to be taken at the Court Room. 

Is this DEFINITIVES’ for all the GROUPS OF Authorities’?

Then Answer the following:  Do you want to live with this type of Fraudulent Activities taking place in your Country’s?  Yes or NO.

I would appreciate a reply coming from each Group of Authorities.

This will determine if any one of you are actualy reading this E-mail by taking positive action.

Message from the Messenger. 

I believe that people have the right to read what is happening on Fraud / Scam Crimes. 

Please read the E-Mails. I send this one to:

[email protected] 

Good Day, 2021-01-19   

This is a message for the Mexico Government Executive’s.  Please rear this LONG E-Mail very carefully! 

I believe all of You did not received any of theses E -Mails from the pass! Please Answer: Yes ? or NO ?   

You need to form a coalition with the FBI IC3 Agency and the New York Police Department.

You need to bring MB Realtyllc Members to Justice, where the Plaintiff’s will receive full reimbustment and Punitive Damages. 

This E-mail will be send to the FBI IC3 Agency and the New York Police Department. 

This E – Mail will be publish and will be send to the Journalists. 

Message from the Messenger.



Good Day 

To whom it may concern in Journalism. 

If you are interested – Up to the Challenge:  I Have a ROBUST CASE! To be presented in the Court Room! 

Here’s a number of E-Mails concerning a Fraud / Scam Crime situation. 

You will have to knock at their doors, if you want to have any type of response from the three (3) Authorities’. Don’t be afraid to asked Questions? 

When filling “Submit” a COMPLANIT on FRAUD / SCAM CRIMES.  Find out if they are actually read?  If they are read and pass on to MANAGEMENT - At what level did they DISSCONET and toss that information down the TOILET?  

Let see: If any one of them will actualy take the time and answer your questions? 

At this point; Real- Time Event:  You will UNDERSTAND the TRUTH coming from of the Authorities,’ Do they have an effective System at their disposal in DEALING with FRAUD / SCAME CRIMES? 

Note: I stayed in contact with MB Realtyllc Members. To show the Authorities’; If you can communicate with them, they can be arrested! 

What have they accomplish?   Where’s the result? 

After a full Year, I’m still waiting for one of them to contact me and get MB Realtyllc members to the Court Room – Where  the PLAINTIFFS WILL RECEIVED FULL REIMBUSRMENT AND PUNITIVE DAMAGES ON THE MONEY THAT WAS STOLEN FROM THEM!   Read the material, it will provide the answers.   

Remember:  They had a number of opportunities to get their act together.  GO UNDERCOVER - Go to their location where they were or still renting a commercial space. 

“The Landlord keeps RECORDS: Who? Is paying that rent and so forth.”   

I had an invitation to go and See Mr.  Neal J. Miranda at his Office! 

Unfortunately! There were No Communication coming from the Authorities - No plan of action - Resulting in NO ARREST!   It did not happened!  WHY?   

Note; you will NOTICE a number of mistakes – This was to draw their attention!  Like Neil should have been Neal J. Miranda. 

Message from the Messenger.       


Good Day 

December 11, 2020

Mr. Neil J. Miranda

Remember the E-mail I send to the Authorities dated August 13, 2020.

I let time elapses.  I wanted to see; if one of them would actually step up to the plate. 

The FBI IC3 Agency – The New York Local Police Department and the MEXICO Government Authorities’ are all COWARDS. No one came forward to talk to me or send an E-mail to start a dialogue.

They are not interested in dealing with FRAUD / SCAM CRIMES.  They have CORRUPTED THEIR OWN SYSTEM. In doing so, they are opening the door – A GREEN LIGHT for the following events to occur.

Now! The People will have no choice but to take charge, they will go after you and your colleague to inflict pain and KILLED ALL OF YOU. Thus: They may even HIRE an Anonymous Killer to do the JOB. 

The FBI IC3 Agency – The New York Local Police Department and the MEXICO Government Authorities’ will be POWERLESS to prevent that movement.  It going to be the NEW WAVE in dealing with FRAUD / SCAM CRIMES.  

Pay attention:  The Authorities will NOT GO AFTER THEM.  They will SIT ON THEIR A*S and wait for the phone call to proceed to the crime scene.  There, they will rule out Foul Play. Instead they will used the MOTIVE – REVENGE –

MB REALTY MEMBERS stole their MONEY – The people went after them or they send a killer.  They will collect the bodies and closed that case.  It’s cost effective for them. 

The Court System will have to weigh the consequences of the authority’s lack of effort and deliberate.  (The people - Understand taking Law into one hands is being Unlawful as per rules of the land.)   

The Court will have to conclude the action taken by the people as been correct measures in dealing with FRAUD / SCAM CRIMES as the authorities’ REFUSED TO TAKE ANYTYPE OF ACTION TO BRING MB REALTY MEMBERS TO THE COURT ROOM IN THE FIRST PLACE. Would you agree?

Go Ahead - Read the E-mail I send to them dated August 13, 2020

Good Day

The New York Local Police Department - The FBI IC3 Agency and the MEXICO Government Authorities are the PROBLEM by not upholding the LAW as they should.

Thus: Creating those Legal (Entanglements) here in the manner the E-mails were exchanged with MB Realtyllc Members.

They lost control in handling FRAUD/ SCAM Situation / CRIMES. They introduce website for People to submit their complaints against Companies committing fraudulent activities, and they will not take any action in resolving those complaints.

They are extremely WEAK.

Under the FBI IC3 Agency: I'm subject to a FINE and Imprisonment if I report Falsified Information to them.

They haven't come around with anything substantial after a year.

It's not going to happen!

All three Authorities' are keeping their silence – WHY?

They don't want to admit (Incriminate themselves) to the General population, they don't have a system in place to actually deal with FRAUD / SCAM SITUATION CRIMES.

To open a dialogue: They would have to admit "give away "they are at fault in letting things getting out of hands.

The above represent additional facts that needs to be factor in.

It's unfortunate; these circumstances have to be unfolded (make known) in the manner they were presented over the course of the year.

Remember: The authorities had opportunities to communicate with ME,

They decided to TURN Their BACK - WALK AWAY.

Setting the stage of what's happening NOW! In real-time events between the Authorities - MB Realtyllc Members that are still in business stealing PEOPLE MONEY. Creating a STALEMATE and Myself.

What interesting questions for the MEDIA to decipher (Make sense of) let’s get down to Business:

We have a STALEMATE: New York Local Police Department FBI IC3 Agency M EXICO Government Authorities.

One or you have to Step up and take charge be a leader.

The Authorities world have a lot of explaining to do in a Court Of Law. Another interesting debate, where the MEDIA can follow-up.

WHY? MB Realtyllc Members have not been arrested.

Take into custody?

After a full year: Everything rest with the Authorities;

Do they have what it takes to get the JOB DONE?

Deliver MB Realtyllc Members to the Court Room?

Where the Plaintiffs would have received their FULL REIMBURSEMENT IN THE PROCESS?

These are the Questions to be address in the Court Room!

If they don't have what it takes?

The people will have to take charge of the situation in retrieving their money!

Strong possibility that they will be killed in the process.

Reason Why? I giving a $10.000.00 reward to prevent someone in getting killed.


I rest my case!

Consider the above information; Educational Process in dealing with FRAUD / SCAM SITUATION CRIMES.

Please read the E-Mails: It will address some of your concern.

Note: These E-Mails were publish at other website.


Just for your reading.  I added the following E-Mails from the pass.  

So that the information can sink in.  The crimes all of you add committed.

July 17th 2020

Mr. Neal J. Miranda

The FBI IC3 Agency – The New York Local Police Department and the MEXICO Government Authorities’ are all COWARDS.

Their operational systems are BROKEN. Their Telephone / Cell phones are OFFLINE – Their Computer Keyboards are UNPLUG because they don’t want to communicate with ME. I’m telling them the TRUTH about their systems, and they don’t like it.

Here’s the Reasons:

MB Realtyllc are still in operation STEALING PEOPLE MONEY! WHY? I’m giving $10.000.00 as a reward to save someone life! Why?

MEDIA: Here’s some Questions:

You need to ask the Authorities: You need to Clean-Up you’re ACT if you want to bring in MB Realtyllc Members to the Court Room?

You don’t want to be recognized as COWARDS; Letting MB Realtyllc Members getting the BEST of ALL OF YOU!

Now! Mr. Neal J. Miranda you understand the consequences that is about to happened.

The Authorities must take a decision. Clean -Up their ACT - Go after all MB Realtyllc Members bring them to the Court Room!

Turn their BACK – WALK AWAY and wait for a Phone Call. They will be Well-Known as COWARDS. Letting the PEOPLE take Control of the situation for them. Having the PEOPLE actually draw closer, it will be killed or be killed.

Remember: They haven’t move towards any ARRESTS.

You certainly chose poorly – You had a way-out.

Now! MB Realtyllc Members must face the WRATH of the Authorities.

Another Question for the MEDIA:

Ask the Authorities: How? Long the Plaintiffs are going to wait in receiving an answers to proceed to the Court Room to collect the MONEY that was stolen from them!

You need to pick-one of the two (2) Choices. Let that information sinks in – Understand it. Realize the effect it will have on you and other MB Realtyllc Members! You will be KILLED by the People! Or See you in Court!

Reading material for the MEDIA.

July 17, 2020 The FBI IC3 Agency – The New York Local Police Department and the MEXICO Government Authorities are EXTREMELY WEAK in dealing with FRAUD / SCAM CRIMES.

Their Operational Systems is viewed in a NEGATIVE WAY.

Here’s the ACTUAL PICTURE: They lost control of the situation.

This means: Companies are able to continue STEALING “RIP-OFF “the PUBLIC every day. They opened Web Sites for the General population to submit their complaints against Companies stealing their MONEY.

In general they will NOT ACTION any of these complaints.

I submit my first complaint. August 07, 2019 with the FBI IC3 Agency. I received NO Communications from them. They have enough materials “EVIDENCE “to put them away for 10 Years and the Plaintiffs would receive FULL reimbursement!

It’s obvious; they are not interested in solving this FRAUD / SCAM CRIME any time soon!

A combat between INDIVIDUALS and the Company Members that robbed their money! KILLED OR BE KILLED!

The Authorities will sit down, wait for a phone call: They will proceed to the Crime Scene. Do their Crime survey – Place the DEAD BODIES and BODY Parts “CORPSES” in a Black Body Bag. They will take their Fountain pen to Crossed out the names from their list and ADD other names to the list.

Under their Regime – They are promoting more violence and bloodshed to be spill out. People will become EXPENDABLE – Capable of being sacrificed in accomplishing their objective – Make an attempt in retrieving their Money!

The Authorities are 100% RESPONSIBLE in letting things get out of hands “DETERIORATE.” What a calamity “Tragedy”

They need to find their way back to uphold the Law. Take control - Re-establish the confidence of the People. Be more transparent – Prove to them. They have the tools on hand to deliver MB Realtyllc Members to the Court room.

MB Realtyllc Members are CHALLENGING THEIR SYSTEMS. All three (3) Authorities needs to collaborate, use their strength’s if they want to defeat “CRUSH “that type of Corruption.

If they are not successful in bringing them into the Court Room.

This will ENRAGE the People to TAKE control - BY-PASS the Authority Systems viewed - Ineffective (unproductive) in order to get the job done!

I’m afraid the Authorities will have their hand full CONFRONTING a CRISIS in a near future!

SIMPLY UNBELIEVABLE; how things are progressing, as we move forward in dealing with FRAUD / SCAM CRIMES.

People of the MEDIA – You have a very strong Case “Set of Circumstances to follow –up with the Authorities. I’m only one VOICE - Spread the NEWS; It will save a Human Being life from being KILLED.

Extra Reading: 

Good Day

July 02, 2020

I send an E-mail to MB Realtyllc Members on June 13 and June 28, 2020

I asked them to read the June 28, 2020 E-mail very carefully.

I received an E-mail on June 29, 2020 from Mr. Neal J. Miranda. He wanted to get this solved once and for all.

I replied the same day. Gave him until July 1st 2020 for the Guarantor to pay the full amount to offset that conflict they were having with MEXICO.

I did not receive another E-Mail from him.  The money was never deposit into our Bank Account. I provided them with a WAY – OUT of their current circumstances.  They turned it DOWN.  

They wanted SOMETHING ELSE – The New York Police Department - The FBI IC3 Agency and The MEXICO Government Authorities TO TAKE THE CHALLENGE – They want to TEST YOUR SYSTEMS from the E-Mail I send them.

Afterwards; Into MEXICO to capture their associates removing that type of CORRUPTION in that COUNTRY.   

Note:  These E-Mails will be made “MAKE PUBLIC” to the MEDIA by August 7, 2020.  

Trust ME – MB Realtyllc Members want that Information to be broadcast into the MEDIA, getting them involved - Including a $10.000.00 reward for their capture.  Razing the Bar adding pressure in what manner FRAUD / SCAM CRIMES ARE BEING HANDLE by the Authorities!

Remember:  If you cannot deliver them to the Court Room. The people will have to take CHARGE. Go after them - KILL or be KILLE MB Realtyllc Members are aware of these circumstances.  It’s only a matter of time.  They will negotiate themselves into a BLACK BODY BAG.


Read – Execute and deliver them.

Hunt Them Down.

Message from the Messenger.


Here are the E-Mails Send and received.

Sent: June 29, 2020 4:39 PM

To: [email protected]

Subject: RE: Fraud / Scam Crimes

Good Day

Mr. Neal J. Miranda

It took this E-mail send to you on June 28, 2020 to respond.

The information that I provided is telling the truth about MB Realtyllc Members, and if all of you continue STEALING PEOPLE MONEY. There’s a good chance you will get KILLED. The reason that I’m awarding a $10,000.00 dollars.  

I tried to get this issue resolved a long time ago.

The people you are dealing with in MEXICO are impersonating MEXICAN OFFICERS.

Everytime we were to receive our Money – MEXICO came back and were asking for more money!

I asked MB Realtyllc Members to contact the Local Police Department to open an Investigation.

It did not happened. WHY?

You want to complete this negotiation. Resolve this issue once and for all.

Then use the Garantor to pay the Full amounts to offset that conflict you are having with MEXICO. 

We went on this road before with no result. You have until July 1st 2020 – To transfer that amount into our bank account.

If it does not happened – These E-mails will be send to the Authorities.  The E-Mail I send you will be publish.

That will definately add proof that your correspondence material that we received are FALSIFIYING DOCUMENTS.

Message from the Messenger.


[email protected]

Sent: June 29, 2020 11:54 AM

Subject: RE: Fraud / Scam Crimes

If you want to get this issue solved, come to my office! Or at least, stop acting like it isn’t you when I call your phone number. Have the guts to answer and get this solved once and for all.


Neal Miranda


International Acquisitions

600 THIRD AVE, 2ND FLOOR    NY, NY 10016

☎️ (917) 970-0739

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