  • Report:  #1533209

Complaint Review: Salina Renee Williams - Davison Michigan

Reported By:
D. James - Ontario, New York, United States

Salina Renee Williams
7086 Timberwood Davison, 48423 Michigan, United States
810-214-1498 810-869-1992
https://www.facebook.com/SerenadeCollies and https://www.facebook.com/SalinaWilliams
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Report Attachments
May 30, 2024 Screenshot Ready June 29 and 8 weeks

May 21 – I visited Serenade’s Good Dog Website, clicked on Serenade’s Facebook page.  Sent a message on Serenade’s Facebook Messenger regarding the beautiful dogs, received two automated emails.  One with Salina’s number to call and one that contained a questionnaire 

May 23 – I decided to complete questionnaire for a puppy named "Sonic" with an available date of June 29 (11 weeks old).  The ad also stated the puppy's "Go Home Date" was 8 weeks after birth (birthdate: April 13).   

May 24 – I had not heard back from Serenade, so I decided to call the number that was provided. 

Had over a 2 hour conversation in which I discussed that if I decided to get this dog, how I would be able to pick up the dog and whether the logistics were doable.  I did not want to travel to Michigan by myself with $3,000 cash and the only way my husband could go was before his fishing tournaments began on June 23.  And even discussed the Canada border and the vaccination rules. 

May 25 – I spoke again with Salina and she reassured me that the dog would be ready and able to be picked up by June 22 (the puppy would be 10 weeks) and meet Canada border’s under 3 month requirement.   

May 25 – I sent $500 to Salina Williams via Zelle.

May 29 – Salina called to inform me that her vet was too busy and she could not secure the first vet appointment until June 20.  I then asked if I could pick him up after the first set of shots and have my vet give the second set.  She said no and that she would get his second set of shots 4 weeks after June 20 but did not have a scheduled appointment.  She then claimed that she does not release puppies until 12 weeks of age.   

She also stated that she would release him whenever she thought he was ready.  I stated that this is not what we agreed to – I wanted an 8 week old puppy (or very close to that age) - and I did not want a puppy that was going to be well over 14 weeks before I could get him, nor did I want to drive to Michigan alone with $3000 cash.  I said this is not what we agreed to, please refund my deposit. 

I sent a FB message to Salina and asked how another dog left at 8 weeks and 4 days, she responded that she changed her protocol after that to 9 and 12 weeks vaccination.  

I responded that I wished she would have said something in the beginning that I would not receive a dog younger than 12 weeks.

My husband called Salina to figure out what was going on because dates and ages were being thrown around without any certainty.  My husband said that it was unacceptable that she did not secure the appointment for the dog and that we did not cause any sort of delay in receiving the dog.  More dates and vagueness were thrown out there – like she would contact another veterinarian to make an appointment.  My husband said this is not what we agreed to and Salina hung up on him.

My husband assumed that her phone disconnected and tried to call her back – no answer.  We then sent a Zelle request for Salina to return the $500 deposit.  

I sent Salina a FB message and asked if she hung up on my husband – she did not respond there.  She then called me and said her phone disconnected and that she would try to get in somewhere sooner to vaccinate the dog.  

May 30 – I sent Salina a FB message with the screenshot of website that still listed the "Go Home Date" of "Sonic" clearly states ready at 8 weeks (June 8) and also that Sonic will be "Ready" JUNE 29 (11 weeks old).

Salina informed me that the timeline has changed and that “He will stay until I feel comfortable releasing him into a new environment/home and not any sooner.”

She then states that my husband need to speak to her with respect and that him calling her numerous times was not needed. 

I reminded Salina about my previous conversation regarding the timeline that were all in accordance with picking up the dog before June 22 (10 weeks old) and that she NEVER said otherwise until May 29.

May 30 -  Salina stated: “As of 05/29/24 you request for a returned on a non-refundable deposit that means you forfeit on the pup. You also can stop with the harassment and the defamation. You also yelling at me on the phone is just uncalled for too.”

May 30  - I then said to refund my money and we will go our separate ways.  I cancelled my pending Zelle request I sent earlier and then resent it to Salina.  She declined the request for a refund. 

May 31 – I sent a certified letter, return receipt requested asking for my deposit within seven days or I would file a claim in the MI small claims court and seek $500, damages, all cost, fees, travel expenses and interest.  The letter was attempted to be delivered twice ("No Authorized Recipient") and notices were left each time.  The letter was never picked up from the post office. 


Salina Williams has blocked me from her Facebook webpages and there has been no communication since.  A police report was initiated.  The local police tried to call her on three different lines and she would not pick up.  The police even tried from my phone.  

In Michigan, a verbal contract is enforceable if it meets the basic requirements of a contract, including offer, acceptance, and consideration.  The offer was $3500 with the release date of "Sonic" as clearly defined in our phone conversations and reiterated in Facebook Messenger as June 22.  When Salina unilaterally reported that the "timeline has changed" because she failed to make a timely veterinarian appointment and the puppy would not be ready for another 5 weeks (July 20) or whenever she feels like the puppy is ready (15 weeks to years???),  she defaulted/breached the "contract" rendering the contract void along with any "non-refundable" claim.  The deposit should have been returned to the potential buyer.  To this date, Salina blocked all communications and has refused to return the deposit.  

I will happily update if my $500 deposit is returned before I incur any additional costs related to this matter.  






Report Attachments
May 30, 2024 Screenshot Ready June 29 and 8 weeks

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