  • Report:  #1534145

Complaint Review: Shane Baker Studios - Phoenix AZ

Reported By:
Hello - United States

Shane Baker Studios
Phoenix, AZ, United States
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Report Attachments
Shane Baker Studios Justin Shane Baker
Justin Shane Baker Studios

I found the this to be one of the most discusting cases of perversion. 

This is my personal position on the public facts found on this compnay while looking for a photographer.

It seems he has left out his first name in both his business profile, website url and business filing/lisiting with the state of Arizona.  

( justin) Shane Baker Studios Inmate # 146814 at the AZ Department of Corrections shows: Attempted sexual assault of a minor, drugs and other state violations. I can not imagine the women he's photographing now are at all aware of his past, his hiding of his real name, or AND I DO NOT KNOW FOR SURE, but is he registered as a sexoffenered using false information to the public...

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