I wanted to get a Shell Mastercard to save money at the gas pump. I applied online and then received a letter saying my Social Security number was incorrect, which it wasn't. I called and called to resolve it and finally spoke to someone who told me my application had been mishandled and then lost. When I finally received my card, I never was able to receive the discounts that had been promised.
I paid every bill I received online even though the statements always arrived late. I then tried to close the account and even paid their late fee to get rid of them. They had people call me daily and when I tried to call them back, I couldn't reach anyone.
I finally sent them another letter telling them to stop contacting me. I paid the last statement they sent even though I had stopped using the card and they just keep sending me statements with late fees that are racking up interest. As a former Federal credit card investigator, this is a scam and I'm sorry that I got caught up in it. I should have know better when I had trouble even getting the card.
The Dog
United States#2Consumer Comment
Mon, June 10, 2019
If you have any balance, current or past, you cannot close any account.
Irvine,#3Consumer Comment
Sun, June 09, 2019
So you were a Federal "Credit Card" Investigator? That I have to admit is a new position I never heard of before. Could you please tell us what department you worked under? What specific regulations did you enforce? What were your responsibilities?
Then can you also please tell us that if as you claim the statements arrived late(inferring it was late per Federal Regulations), why would you pay the late fees and not go after them for those violations?
Now I know the answer to those questions, but let's see what you can come up with.