  • Report:  #1070

Complaint Review: 1-800-US-SEARCH - Beverly Hills California

Reported By:
- Leander, TX,

PO BOX 3637 Beverly Hills, 90212 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

From: William Leslie Keathley [SMTP:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, January 03, 2000 6:46 AM

To: [email protected]

Subject: Order #9685673

I must say that I am most disappointed in where my $40 went. I was

promised on the site to which I went "results in about an hour". This was the deciding factor in my decision to use 1800ussearch on 12/30/99 as this was time sensitive information. I got a confirmation email stating that it would be 2 1/2 hours until I got my results. No problem. In slightly more than the alotted time I got a request for more information which I provided via telephone(it was a toll call) in order to ensure that the information was received by you quickly. That is it, end of story. We are SIX days later(keep in mind the promised time of one HOUR) and I have received nothing!! My $40 is gone and even if you do send a report, the info no longer helps me.

I would like you to keep your report and give me back my money. The charge will otherwise be disputed and I will be contacting The Oprah Winfrey Show, The CNN Family of channels, of course the Better Business Bureau and anyone else I can find with a connection to you in an effort to explain my situation.

Your quick cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated

and would raise my current opinion of your company tremendously.

Thank you,


William Keathley

607 Osage Dr.

Leander, TX 78641

[email protected]

And then the crack team at 1800 u s search proceeds to tell me that for them to send me so much as an "I dunno" would be unethical!!

Dear William:

Thank you for you recent email correspondence. When you engage the

services of 1 800 U S SEARCH, you are purchasing our SERVICES, not a

guaranteed result. For us to guarantee you a specific search result would

be unethical and fraudulent, we do not have a money back guarantees policy.

At this time we will not be able process a refund on this account.

Good luck in your search and thank you for choosing 1 800 U S SEARCH.

Thank you,

Customer Service

SM t

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