I own a Karaoke & DJ Service in Katy, Texas and it's the same sad story as all the others. I got the phone call from JD in June 2008 begging me to fill in at the last minute for a DJ who'd had a death in the family. Feeling compassion, I agreed to help him out. He agreed to pay me my normal rate and said they'd contact me with the information by e-mail. Stupid me. I'm a good person and too trusting. Three days later, June 14th, I traveled for 3 1/2 hours and did a 6 hour wedding for them and even put every effort into it that I would have my own client, which was way more attention and information than that little sheet they sent me had on it. The customer lucked out when they got me, and I got suckered by the absolute worst company ever. The videographer at the wedding said not to worry, that they are slow, but they will pay. I can't believe these people, and those working for them, can actually look themselves in the mirror, knowing what they do.
Except for the past few months due to an serious illness, I've steadily tried to collect on what they rightfully owe me, following all the instructions via fax, various telephone numbers, e-mails, etc. I've put up with constant excuses and lies. It's all a scam to steal from good, honest people. I've got all the e-mails and have documented all the phone calls in detail. I've spoken to and e-mailed JD, Jim, John, Becca & Christy. It's exactly as everyone else claims and they completely ignore you or tell you another lie to get you off the phone - if you can get anyone on the phone. You have to pretend to be a potential customer at first to even get that much!
I've read the rebuttals about how the owner, John Kruer, claims to be a Christian. Shame on you! Your problem is this time you messed with the wrong person. Although I happen to be a DJ on the weekends, I also happen to be a paralegal and have lots of lawyer friends and connections. I've been way too nice, way too long. I don't care if I have to go to Kentucky to fight. As a matter of fact, I've spoken with Becca, their employee, who is located and working out of her home right here in Houston, Texas. Investigation is underway to see if suit can be filed locally against ASGS since they have an operating office here in Harris County. Everyone is under the impression that these guys are all located in Kentucky. Not so. I'm not sick anymore and I'm ready to fight. This is all about principle and justice now.
I've already spoken to a lawyer and was ready to take them on myself but, after reading about everything they've done to other vendors and customers, I think it's time for a class action and we should do something about trying to close them down for good. Angrydj2008, if you're out there, I'm sending an e-mail your way. Please forward me a copy of your legal file and a list of the potential clients that previously contacted you. I'm glad John Kruer finally came through for you, but he and his partners have a lot of amends to make. If anyone is interested in joining in, please contact me.
Katy, Texas