  • Report:  #663920

Complaint Review: AARON GERSHFIELD MEADE PLC Northway House - Internet

Reported By:
INSIDERS - whetstone, Other, United Kingdom

1379 High Road Whetstone nN 20 9LP Internet, United States of America
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London Tycoon Aaron Gershfield\'s Associates

Arrested, FBI swoops net millions of stolen loot, Ivor Gershfield, Ian

Harries, Stephanie Kleyman, Reno, Nevada, USA.

Former Gershfield employees arrested



By Mark Norman, CNN


November 19, 2010 -- Updated 1132 GMT


Several former employees and associates of

disgraced London tycoon Aaron Gershfield have been arrested by the FBI in

relation to his massive fraudulent payday loan scam, according to FBI

spokesman Fred Brown.


Jim Harris was arrested overnight in Nevada and

Jacqueline Hunter was taken into custody in Guernsey while attempting to

board a flight to the Cayman Islands. Sources close to the investigation

reported Ms. Hunter was carrying well over $2m in cash and other valuables.

Meanwhile in London, Yogesh Bafna and Sandeep Chauhan were detained by

immigration officials at Heathrow Airport. The pair was en route to Singapore

via Delhi. Charges against the four will be announced later today.


Gershfield was charged last week with 11 counts

related to running one of the largest unregulated lending and money

laundering schemes in US history and if convicted, could be sentenced to 150

years in prison.

The arrests are just the latest in a series since

Gershfield\'s Rovinge & Meade Group collapsed last month, leaving

thousands of investors with hundreds of millions of dollars in losses. To

date, two former executives, two computer programmers, and an accountant of

Gershfield\'s have faced charges. Stephanie Kleyman, Gershfields solicitor

has also been charged with assisting in the fraud as have company secretary

Ian Harries and Mr. Gershfields father Ivor Gershfield.


The government had previously filed civil

complaints against Mark Gottlieb, Tim Johnson, and Tara Kozal all longtime

Gershfield employees who worked as supervisors of his back office staff,

seeking the forfeiture of millions of dollars worth of assets, including

homes and luxury cars, that they allegedly received while involved in Gershfields

schemes. Prosecutors also confirmed that former employee Andrew Osman is

expected to plead guilty to lesser charges in exchange for testifying against

the remaining defendants.


At Gershfields Northway House head office in

London, a woman identified only as Loretta made no comment other than stating

that she was not in her mid-sixties. The whereabouts of Mr. Gershfields

partner and former PR director Verra Mawhinney are currently unknown, though

Spanish authorities have been placed on alert.


The investigation continues and authorities

anticipate more arrests are likely to follow in the coming weeks.



3 Updates & Rebuttals

the watcher

United States of America
Aaron is STILL being WATCHED

#2UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 23, 2010

My dear, delusional Aaron. Do you really think your thinly veiled threats are actually reaching those responsible for finally unravelling years of carefully spun deceit and at long last unmasking you for the liar and thief that you really are? Dont make us laugh! And as for the style, lets just say that comedy isnt your strong point . . . remember 3 & Out? But then, you never learn do you. 

Just like you apparently had no clue about enragedexworker, you have no idea who is watching you, day after day, and reporting on your every move. Dont be naive, we know everything that happens at Northway House, whos still there, whos left, and who is about to leave. But just because we choose not to publish all, does not mean we do not know all. And know all we do. But were not sitting around waiting to pick up the deliberately false or misleading crumbs you throw out . . . we can smell blood on our own so arent falling for that old chestnut. Nice try though. But the more you keep barking up the wrong tree, the more time we have to do our work without interruption from Ms. Kleyman and her girls (or is that girl???). 

Now we know what youre thinking . . . who is this? Is it Andrew, Ed, Tim? Maybe Ian himself needs more money to support his coke habit? Perhaps Verras sick of begging for a pittance while you wine and dine Tara in and out of the office? Or maybe a jealous ex-husband or two? Plenty of those about. Or perhaps all of the above? Dont you worry your empty head. All will soon be revealed, in court, and splashed across the front pages for all to see. And then will come the movie. You always wanted to be big in films didnt you? Looks like youll finally get your chance! 

Oh and you Ms. Kleyman should really quit while youre behind, or you might find all kinds of titillating titbits about your life exposed too! That little episode in the car park was just the start!

the watcher

United Kingdom

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, November 21, 2010

RE GET A LIFE. Either written or dictated from the man himself.


You never change do you ego driven and any excuse to put on show the education you received at  Habs. It is a great shame you put this education to use in deception, duplicitous, and dubious ways.

You can never resist the temptation to prove that you are just that little bit smarter than the rest can you?

You take bait  like a fish rising on a misty morning, remember another communication you were more than anxious to respond to with relish ,
you answered that  one as enragedexemployer to enragedexworker @ hushmail 

In that little bit of letter writing you tried to expose someone who you were so sure you knew. The email sent to you was a complete  work of fiction  with a few true fact thrown in for good measure but it touched some nerves. You went into great detail then and spun such a tale it deserves to be published in full ,
( and it will be)   You  bemoaned of how you were bought a reference to CWG and stated you almost lost everything , you stated that no one lost money and no one was hurt .  (  this was all pure fiction on your part as evidence shows different) . You referred to the person you thought had sent the email about how kind you had been to them lending them money and keeping them employed after they had proved unreliable and a little deranged . Then you showed your true colours by telling  him his  family  could be in  serious trouble if he wrote to you again and then asked him for the money you felt he owed you 

You were so wrong then  and you are you wrong now.

Truth will out Aaron and they are getting in line to tell it .

You will all have to answer some awkward questions  and no one will be immune.  All you your closest aides will be placed in the spotlight, and details 
you wanted kept in the dark will emerge into the daylight .

Ian for example has many aspects of his personality he would not like disclosed but he has been less than discreet in the past as you yourself have.

Stephanie  struts around the building , but there was a time not so long ago when Ian Harries was flapping around the car park screaming like a shrew when after a phone call  telling him dear sweet Stephanie   was standing on the pavement with her worldly goods in black plastic bin liners after her then husband threw her out , and he could not find a single car in the then dilapidated car pool that was actually running in order to pick her up  no strutting that day  Stephanie. 

Revelations could cover the walls of Norway House  and this is just a reminder 
of the information known .



United States of America
What's really going on!

#4UPDATE Employee

Sun, November 21, 2010

Whats really going on at Meade HQ today...


To satisfy the obvious demand to know what is REALLY going on at Meade HQ, rather than the defamatory, unfounded and vicious remarks that have been posted in recent weeks, we decided to provide a more accurate view of current activity. Yes, it is more accurate which shows how insane the anonymous postings have been!

The Queen and Prince Phillip popped in. They could not stay long, but could not resist the new range of Coffee & Tease Corgi-Chinos....As a result, stocks may be low for a few days. Sorry.

A rare species of White Tiger was found walking through the foyer, juggling with fire. Plans have immediately started to launch a new range of Circus Trailers.

Stephanie has bought a lion to replace her Rotweiller. Her team only ever eat raw meat, so it is much easier to have a pet that can eat the same food. Of course, there is always a ready supply of raw meat in the building. 

Yogesh has come up with a new cost saving programme for Electricity. He has bought 55 bicycles and installed them in the basement. Each one has a Minimum Wage worker on board and they have to peddle all day long whilst listening to various music tracks, such as Flight of the Bumblebee and the Eagles, Life in The Fast Lane. Today, he gave them a special treat and played Baby Im a Want You, by Bread. However, that moment of weakness from him, meant that the lights all went out on the 11th floor, so the tempo had to be increased again. Testing is going well, and if the tests prove successful, we intend to market the new scheme globally in an attempt to solve the Worlds environmental issues and World unemployment in one go.

We are now undertaking a major study to check which of the new team of Electricity Cyclists in the basement stretched their tendons the most during a single shift. This experiment, involved measuring the tendons before and after their shifts. We believe it is the first such experiment of its kind in London and should enable analysts to work out the most effective tendons for cycling.

Ran out of Floss today.  Has anyone heard of a good Dental Floss Company? The last one we used was appalling. We really must remember to write Internet postings to warn others against them.

Aaron was feeling tired today, so he could only service 11 of the staff today. He sent apology emails to all the others explaining that he simply did not have the energy for them.

A new unfair dismissal claim was received today. It is being claimed that it is totally unreasonable that personal emails should be restricted to 300 in a single day, and staff should not be made to answer phones if there is an interesting live chat in progress on Facebook. We know we are unlikely to be successful, but we do intend to fight it.

Sandeep was nowhere to be found this morning. He was later discovered on the roof of the building, practicing his golf drives by hitting Golf Balls towards Canary Wharf. He managed to break three windows in Number 1, Canada Square.

An ex-Member of Staff who was leant 10,000 a few years ago, was asked for the money back, but so far she has not responded. Not sure what the excuse will be, but there is bound to be one!

Following the appalling singing in Morning Assembly yesterday, we brought in a Singing Coach. Particular attention was paid to All Things Bright and Beautiful which was in need of greatest work.

The heating was too hot in the building again today. Special dispensation was allowed for people to wear bikinis if they wanted. Girls were NOT allowed to go topless. In order to ensure that there were absolutely no grounds for any sort of Sex Discrimination, all the men were also required to wear bikini tops.

Only 5 anonymous demands for money today. Things are getting better!

We managed to rent out 74 of the staff and tenants cars today. There was one close shave when one of the tenants wanted to leave half an hour earlier than usual and his car was not back yet. We managed to delaying him with yet another Cream Cake from Coffee & Tease, by which time his car had been returned. Phew!


Whats really going on at Meade HQ today...


To satisfy the obvious demand to know what is REALLY going on at Meade HQ, rather than the defamatory, unfounded and vicious remarks that have been posted in recent weeks, we decided to provide a more accurate view of current activity. Yes, it is more accurate which shows how insane the anonymous postings have been!

The Queen and Prince Phillip popped in. They could not stay long, but could not resist the new range of Coffee & Tease Corgi-Chinos....As a result, stocks may be low for a few days. Sorry.

A rare species of White Tiger was found walking through the foyer, juggling with fire. Plans have immediately started to launch a new range of Circus Trailers.

Stephanie has bought a lion to replace her Rotweiller. Her team only ever eat raw meat, so it is much easier to have a pet that can eat the same food. Of course, there is always a ready supply of raw meat in the building. 

Yogesh has come up with a new cost saving programme for Electricity. He has bought 55 bicycles and installed them in the basement. Each one has a Minimum Wage worker on board and they have to peddle all day long whilst listening to various music tracks, such as Flight of the Bumblebee and the Eagles, Life in The Fast Lane. Today, he gave them a special treat and played Baby Im a Want You, by Bread. However, that moment of weakness from him, meant that the lights all went out on the 11th floor, so the tempo had to be increased again. Testing is going well, and if the tests prove successful, we intend to market the new scheme globally in an attempt to solve the Worlds environmental issues and World unemployment in one go.

We are now undertaking a major study to check which of the new team of Electricity Cyclists in the basement stretched their tendons the most during a single shift. This experiment, involved measuring the tendons before and after their shifts. We believe it is the first such experiment of its kind in London and should enable analysts to work out the most effective tendons for cycling.

Ran out of Floss today.  Has anyone heard of a good Dental Floss Company? The last one we used was appalling. We really must remember to write Internet postings to warn others against them.

Aaron was feeling tired today, so he could only service 11 of the staff today. He sent apology emails to all the others explaining that he simply did not have the energy for them.

A new unfair dismissal claim was received today. It is being claimed that it is totally unreasonable that personal emails should be restricted to 300 in a single day, and staff should not be made to answer phones if there is an interesting live chat in progress on Facebook. We know we are unlikely to be successful, but we do intend to fight it.

Sandeep was nowhere to be found this morning. He was later discovered on the roof of the building, practicing his golf drives by hitting Golf Balls towards Canary Wharf. He managed to break three windows in Number 1, Canada Square.

An ex-Member of Staff who was leant 10,000 a few years ago, was asked for the money back, but so far she has not responded. Not sure what the excuse will be, but there is bound to be one!

Following the appalling singing in Morning Assembly yesterday, we brought in a Singing Coach. Particular attention was paid to All Things Bright and Beautiful which was in need of greatest work.

The heating was too hot in the building again today. Special dispensation was allowed for people to wear bikinis if they wanted. Girls were NOT allowed to go topless. In order to ensure that there were absolutely no grounds for any sort of Sex Discrimination, all the men were also required to wear bikini tops.

Only 5 anonymous demands for money today. Things are getting better!

We managed to rent out 74 of the staff and tenants cars today. There was one close shave when one of the tenants wanted to leave half an hour earlier than usual and his car was not back yet. We managed to delaying him with yet another Cream Cake from Coffee & Tease, by which time his car had been returned. Phew!

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