  • Report:  #1314146

Complaint Review: Abraxas Youth Center - South Mountain Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Al Dreyfus - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, USA

Abraxas Youth Center
10058 South Mountain, 17261 Pennsylvania, USA
10058 South Mountain Road
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

People searching for a job in the Juvenile Justice system should never apply for a job at this facility. The facility is not a healthy environment for staff or children. This company is truly a “cash for kids” company. The bottom line is money and it’s very noticeable when you walk through the front door. The Detention and Shelter units look like everything was bought at a yard sale. The director will from time to time buy a new chair and expect you the praise him to the hills for doing such a wonderful job.  The clothing issued to the clients is raggedy and most of the time reused.  The children are provided a large community tub of A & D ointment that is placed in the bathroom for all to share. This is both unhealthy and gross.  The kids dip fingers and little torn up pieces of paper into the community tub then apply it to their lips and sometimes face and hair. The facility even reuses and refills shampoo bottles that are provided to the children upon intake. The bottles are usually brand name such as Dial but are refilled with generic all in one body wash. This may not be a band thing but the staff does not wash the refilled shampoo bottle before the redistribute to the next child upon intake.

The children also act like typical teenagers from time to time and when they break rules they sometimes get the 55 and 5 rule. The 55 and 5 rule is a punishment where children have to stand for 55 minutes and then they get to sit down for 5 minutes. This punishment goes o until the unwanted or adolescent behavior stops. I have to give it to some of the local counties that have heard of this treatment and have requested it be stopped.  The staff also get punished by was of the 6 to 1 ratio rule. The AYC staff is told they will work together as a team with a minimum of 3 staff per unit but in many cases only one staff member is left alone on units with more than 14 kids. This is not intentional but happens when the supervisors need to step off the units. So if you are not a supervisor then be ready to carry the load and be ready to be left alone or sometimes with another clueless staff.

The job itself is very stressful and will not help you prepare for a real job in human services.  This is a behavior modification program with an emphasis on challenging children to better control anger or acting out behaviors.  The staff receives training for the first two weeks but none of it applies to the job.  It’s more like a check the box for required trainings than a preparation for the reality of the job. It is a cool place to work if you like wrestle with children from the ages of 11 to 18 years of age.  The staff has many different ways of restraining the kids and sometimes it’s funny or bullying. I was told this is called mirroring or another way for staff to act like the child and say or restate what the kids are saying.  For example if a child says “FU” the staff get to say “ok F me F me that will help you get off the floor”.  This is not very therapeutic but it’s entertaining if you are into that sort of thing. The work schedule sucks and be ready to have the facility director chase you down the hallway and ask you to work extra shifts or to change you existing schedule. It’s so sad and you would think that a director would have more class or self-worth.  He looks ridiculous and all the staff makes fun of him running down the hall as he attempts to fill the schedule holes. He needs to give that stuff up! Don’t you think the director of a facility should focus on more important tasks? He has fellow managers that are able to do scheduling. He must not have anything else to do or he likes having people make fun of him. In fact he is probably the reason that retention is so bad staff probably get sick of him asking them to rearrange plans to meet scheduling needs. 

 The supervisors are self-absorbed bullies that make ridiculous statements and request during staff meetings.  Just last week they instructed staff to watch their “tone and volume because OCYF was in the building”. I think they meant for us to not yell at the kids while a state licensing agency was in the building investigating an abuse allegation.  Yelling is at children is an everyday occurrence that from time to time will result in a sharp look from a manager but for the most part the supervisors are ok with it. The program does a really good job of covering themselves by making the staff attend trainings that look good on paper but are meaningless.

  The supervisors are required to meet with all staff for a 30 minute monthly supervisory conference but they never do.  On several occasions I have had a supervisor walk up to me and give me a piece of paper that I am required to sign that had notes on it.  The notes were supervisory conferences for 3 or 3 months past. So basically the staff is provided little to no real training or hands on experience. This is due to the importance of the supervisors and their need to be behind closed doors away from the children.

  Staff members that excel in this program usually do a good job of addressing clients and restraining them. The physical part of the job is very demanding and can stress most people out. There is very little room for a therapeutic opportunity to make a difference with these children. Most of the time is spent running a watered down boot camp. “step in, step out, head eyes straight forward, and walking in correct formation” is the bulk of the work.  So be ready when you tell that 14 year old child that he is doing it wrong or to do it again! Things escalate very fast in this environment and the next thing you know you will be restraining a child over failure to “walk correctly or talking in line”.  I once saw a 10 year old in the Shelter program get restrained for 30 minutes because the adults could not deescalate him. The child was 10 years old and held for 30 minutes by grown men and women. The child was out of control and I guess it was ok because staff was never told differently by management.

   These are just some of the things to expect when you sign up to work at The Abraxas Youth Center located on South Mountain PA.  The place looks creepy on the outside and watch your step because security has found several live ammo rounds as well as bullet casings on the road and walking paths. 

20 Updates & Rebuttals


United States
The staff at Abraxas are so unprofessional

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 27, 2018

Joe Crist posted the following quote on his social media account. “So you want to Assault staff..Daddy’s comin in hot today..Hit this target’’. This post was a threat or retaliation against a child that acted out and “assaulted staff” that day.  It’s unreal that this place allows and even encourages this conduct. I have Joe is put on a safety plan and not allowed to harm this child.  Abraxas will not view this as violation of the social workers code of ethics because the Abraxas Youth Center has no ethics.  Joe should just stick to coloring in an office with Lindsay Graves.  The children would be better off and say what you want about Alissa but at least she tells on people.


United States
Fake News Check Abraxas

#3Author of original report

Sun, April 08, 2018

A source close to the Abraxas youth center states that O.P.R. was not in house to investigate. It was an Abraxas staff member from another facility acting on behalf of O.P.R. This is sure to be an investigation gone wrong and the leaders will most likely just shake their heads afterwards. If you are reading this please don't let your boss know that you are reading of talking about an O.P.R. investigation. If you are found taking about it you will be put on administrative leave. This only applies if you are not "liked" or viewed as a threat to the programs manipulative ways. The only thing that is a sure bet is that the quality of the program is in the hands of Mr. Dean. The same guy that request "when Mrs. Kuhn" (former coworker & liaison for Alelphoi) visits the building that he is notified. He likes to make his way down to make a little face time with her and then engages in inappropriate  conversations about her with his peers. This type of stuff happens all the time and is very sad. Maybe if Mr. Dean would get control of his program and stop going to parties and strip clubs with his managers the program would get better. 


United States
O.P.R. was at Abraxas

#4Author of original report

Sun, April 08, 2018

  ​ ​   ​ ​ Once again the Office Of Professional Responsibility (​O.P.R.)​ was back at the Abraxas Youth C​enter to look into staff that continue to lie and CHEAT​. This time staff have forged ​documents and lied to a mother that ​was not contacted after her child was restrained to the ground. The parent was so upset that she was never informed and demanded answers from the program director. This lack of a leader had no choice but to call in O.P.R. officials to review his staff and their conduct. He has no control or leadership and this is why the program struggles. Mr. Dean is the only leader in the program with any leadership qualities. He is willing to pull any staff in his office on any given day and yell at them like they are a dog. The only person that he will not yell at is Mr. Paskins and that is because he is older and just fun to have around. last week Mr. Paskins took a hold of a kid, pinned him against the wall as he smacked his hands and yelled in his face. Mr. didn't pull Mr. Paskins in and yell at him because he knows Mr. Paskins would give it right back to him. Mr. Dean is a bully that likes to yell at women and children to make up for his lack of professional growth. He can't stand the fact that Mr. Evans is the number two in charge and hates even more that Pat's bud is the director. Mr. Dean did you and Kennedy childline Mr. Paskins for his bullying behavior last week? That child was intimidated and i'm pretty sure it a violation of the child's rights. Mr. Paskins even yelled at Ms. Young that was trying to assist with the so called intervention.

This garbage is all on video and this horrible program will lie, cheat and manipulate any way it can to avoid ownership. Mr. Dean keep up the good work and keep yelling at women and children! Your staff will continue to go to the bar drink, talk about how much of a joke you are and call off for shifts hungover! It should be good to see the look on Ms. Horns face when you yell at her for the first time. If she only knew all the names you guys called her and how upset you were when she was the one calling O.P.R.! Call childline Brian its the right thing to do!  You and her are pretty tight and good at covering up inappropriate boundary issues. I mean his wife did make your daughter cupcakes for her birthday. Be a leader Brian!  


United States
Ex- Resident from 2002 to 2003

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, February 16, 2018

 In my experience with this facility I have had good and bad opinions. Restraints that lasted 3 hours, shutdowns with no movement ( sitting in the chair facing down the range with feet lined up with the chair legs and hands on your knees-if you had to use the latrine then you would have to raise your hand and hope a staff member would acknowledge you and let you fall down and it better not be when someone else needs to go because you would be burned), my discharge date was pushed back almost a month because after my successful completion there was a snow storm so transport couldn't get me back to my county..... All in all this place wasn't as bad as I'm hearing now. My staff members were for the most part role models.

Most were ex military who also used to work at the LDP. It was a boot camp style program which was beneficial to teaching discipline and leadership roles as well as accountability. The adjustment phase was hard and led to a lot of processes but all in all once I got adjusted it wasn't bad. I was on the second floor ( D-Wing Secure).I spent over a year there and had to program in order to advance and graduate. The schooling was top notch. I actually was ahead of my 9th grade class when I got released. The school floor supervisor would hold contests for us and would purchase the rewards out of pocket. McDonald's for a 4.0 GPA and a candy bar and soda for 3.5 GPA and above. It created a lot of healthy competition and taught us responsibility.

Saturday nights were "Family Night". A staff member would buy either donuts and soda or popcorn and soda and we would go to the classroom and watch a movie if we weren't in any processes that week. We PT everyday and we maintained the cleanliness of our wing and rooms with military standards. The cleanest wing and tightest rooms were picked on a weekly basis and we were granted an award which was highly coveted. My counselors ( I had 2 during my stay) were very good and helped me with my clinical work and behavioral issues. They were awesome and in all of my placements they were my favorite. All in all CAYC, as it was known during my stay, was one of my hardest challenges to overcome.

It forced me to accept responsibility, take ownership, and hold myself accountable. Did i agree with everything I went through? No. But it taught me more than it hurt me. That is life. Did i see some staff come through that let the authority get to their head? Yes. We're they there long? Not at all. I was there for the Riot at SMSTU. Did i think that our staff should have held us accountable for it the following month? No. But it was to ensure our safety and the staff's safety until the tensions settled down. What I learned there will always follow me in life. I have seen it and lived it 24/7 for over a year. Tough guys whether staff or residents will weed themselves out and complain about it instead of embracing the program and what it stands for.


Dananannait dunnanuna nanit not YES!!!!!

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 15, 2017

 Dave! Dave ! The Ghostbusters are here Dave! And their fighting the ghosts back into the closet Dave! We are safe again Dave. Are you proud? It's like a dream come true to fight along with the Ghostbusters right? Peter, Egon, and Winston, you guys are swell!!!


When there's something strange and it don't look good. Who ya gonna call?

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, August 13, 2017

 It's Winston baby as requested. And boy oh boy do I know who y'all are talkin bout. Egon, Pete, it's good to see ya brothers. Mr. Angalton I am sure I know you and if you check your Facebook you got a message from me brother. Much love all. But Al Dreyfus come on man! Why you always lying. You were such a racist dude. You getting terminated made the place way better. The guy you are calling the little man, heck I remember when you couldn't make him work next to a black staff or he would drum up ways to screw em over. But not if they was white. But I do remember him making up stuff on me that was completely on true. And I suspect it had to do with the color of my skin. And if Mr. Angleton is who I think he is I remember him putting you in your place for it little man. You probably have no clue who we are but my brother if you think about it you will figure it out. We are the ones who had to listen to ya stories about the strip clubs and the prostitution y'all would get into and how you would get your wives to believe y'all was doing something for work when you was out running around. I don't know who the manchild is but I guess if he's with y'all he bad too. I don't get how the group of you are up here posting these complaints like this wasn't you doing these things. What you mad for Dreyfus? The company finally got pissed about you stealing from them and running around with your side chicks on the company dime. How is Ms. B doing these days. I bet you miss showing up on weekends and taking her to the supply closet right my man? Well I guess we got a lot to talk about here with little man and Dave, right guys? Well let's see where they want to begin. Thanks for the invite and fun, fun, brother let's have some fun.

Peter Venkman

A little BugaBooooooo with one of your questions.

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 12, 2017

 Egon maybe you can help me with this cause I don't think Dreyfus will give me an answer that isn't sceamy. Mr. Dreyfus speaks like it's a crime for someone who still works there to talk about work related things outside of the job and on the internet. So is he throwing the Beard guy out there? Cause it's either the Beard guy talked outside of work or Mr. Dreyfus is telling a tall tail about his "valid" complaints. Which one is it Mr. Dreyfus? Did you just throw this guy under the bus. You said his complaints are valid so how do you know? I don't think we can get away from this question. How do you know his complaints are valid. Considering all these conversations are just hearsay until someone provides some proof, what makes these complaints from Mr. Beard "valid"? Winston if you're there get the ghost trap and your proton pack stat. Got another one for the ecto containment unit. Who you gonna call? Well if it's one of these guys it will be BHSL anonymously with a false report. But for everyone else you can call the ghostbusters.


I ain't afraid of no ghost.....But I do got some questions for em!

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 12, 2017

 So why does the little guy with the tough man complex keep adding his stupid Departed quotes? It's obvious it's the guy who can only reach 5'6 in high heels. He goes around saying these lines all the time and all the staff talk behind his back about how stupid he looks when he says them. They also talk about his issue with story telling. You see every staff has heard this little boy tell stories about how tough he is and all the restraints he has been in with all the "big thugs" but no one believes them. You see all people have ever seen him do is run. He tells the stories so he can believe he is a big man but we all know there just not true. It's the same as the other many lies he's told. Ohh he has been in some nasty restraints before. But it's usually when he is bullying some poor pathetic kid who he feels he is evenly matched with. We all know the profile of these poor kids. But it doesn't stop little Billy Costagen J.R. From pretending that he is so much bigger and stronger. What is he trying to compensate for? No doubt he will "smoke" or "dust" a little kid for nothing especially if they are black. That's because he learned it from you Mr. Dreyfus. You both are little racists and you are on here pretending to be noble. Come on tell us the things you say about all the black staff members. We can quote you and the little boy. We know he is watching. Just the other day when he posted his stupid survival guide post he couldn't help but brag and show it off to the other Delta counselors. Now why doesn't tell us his history of bullying and racially inflammatory remarks? Why don't you stop pretending Mr. Dreyfus? You have a long history of abuse to talk about. You have a long history making racist comments about our staff. What did you call that black retired army vet again? What did you do to that black boy in his room with the loud mouth Supervisor you hired? Let's talk. It seems you are up here posting about yourself. That survival guide is a great way to survive against the little man on delta but really doesn't apply to anyone else. You want to use his name Mr. Dreyfus? Why won't you use mine if you know who I am? Please do it. I want you to. Maybe from here on out I won't see the little guy pretend to be so tough. Maybe I won't here that he still tells his BS stories about who he wasn't in the old days. Maybe just maybe I won't here his stupid movie quotes anymore because he is so unoriginal. Yes Billy J.R. Or J.R. But we do need to talk about you Mr. Dreyfus. That stupid line about defamation ain't protecting you but it does show you are scared. Make sure you contact your attorney. You may need him for other reasons when this is over. But until then...........say my name say my name, when no one is around you , say it baby!

James Angleton

Is this Halloween

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, August 12, 2017

 Well i dont know where to start with that list of questions but maybe the best is with "How strong is the fabric that binds the brothers?" You know Im still struggling to comprehend that question in a way that doesn't mean you all are lovers. I mean Im sure the 4 of you have sat in a circle before and hands went into other pants for a while and you called that initiation night, but i cant see a strong bond any other way cause you constantly sell each other out. But if you're saying 1 of you would lie and the other would support it oh id believe that. Hence the case where you and Baby GAP homophobe manchild punched that kid in the face in his room. So the "bond" you have may be sticky but not in a term of loyalty.

Next question- Why are titles used for managers instead of names? Well I think you answered that yourself in your post. You are afraid of defamation and you are just making up a bunch of lies so yeah. But please, use names. I dare you to. Why would you not? When i see the content of your post and what its composed of its easy to see you have nothing but you want us to believe you do. It goes along with your other question about text, documents, videos, or other paperwork. You don't have anything and the dumb stuff you do have would require you to lie to make it into something which would equal harassment and this website doesn't protect from it. I can just see you, baby gap, and the little man all sitting around talking like something big is going to happen. Little man does that like once a week.

Next question- Have we ever said anything we regret? Oh I am sure you have starting with all the racist comments you mad towards our African American staff. In particular two of them who are 20 year veterans of the U.S. army. This was one of the more deplorable things i have seen out of you and your little man friend. And let me not forget baby gap as well. You are a group of the worst racists i have every seen. You're like a mini KKK. You try to justify it by saying that your part Native American which isn't true by the way, but thats what has your boy Baby GAP trying to justify himself saying racial slurs on account that he is Jewish. Yes thats right. He told a black staff member and residents that he can say slurs because he is jewish. Do the math to add up how that works out cause I cant figure it. But did you say something more on the record that you regret? Like I dont know some sexually slanderous statments about a female staff member who you supervised? Wasn't it the little man who went to HR on you? Isnt there paperwork on that investigation stating your guilt? HMM.

So last question- what can and cant be proven? Well for starters pretty much nothing you say can be proven. Especially not in the narrative you try to claim. It's all for reputable damage and that can get you sued so yeah, thats why dont use names. But you might already be in some stuff because for some people you did. Maybe your safe on the fact that it commits an appeal to ignorance meaning just because it cant be proven true doesn't mean it can be proven false and with that you and your crew should beware. TSP and its use of the local highschool trademark might come under fire when in the least they learn the owner is a racist homophobe. But what happens when they learn the more scary past of the owner when it comes to young females and his past responsibilits? Your name is legendary in a bad way with my old class mates Mr. Dreyfus. There is plenty more to talk about so get your attorney on hand. I am an educated man unlike you and the rest of your crew. By the way have you been able to employ that fake AA degree anywhere since you left? But anyway the auther is Tim Weiner and the book is a legacy of Ashes. Dont know what shelf you or your boys were looking on but as usual.

Charlie Queenan

New York,
New York,
Go home and get your shinebox

#11General Comment

Fri, August 11, 2017

 Go home and get your shinebox

Don't take it personal just fix it and be the best child care provider in the business.

#12Author of original report

Fri, August 11, 2017

  Ok James Angleton (EX-employee) clearly your EX employer has made a lasting impression on you.  So you can identify us and it would appear you are an educated man and have some dirt to sling. So many people are talking about these reports and now out of the clear blue sky an ex-CIA counterintelligence director provides input. It’s like you jumped right out of the pages of history and off your book shelf to defend the honor among thieves. We are glad you provided the rebuttal and decided to threaten to tell all about the dirt that you have on us. You can’t see it because of your own arrogance but we are all the same current, former, future, paid, public agents of change.  

 Nothing that we have brought forward is directed at any one individual.  We only bring forward the corrupt practice and distorted treatment provided at ABRAXAS. If you are an EX employee then I'm sure you work in Adams County and are the reason that a supervisor got called "on the carpet" for using unrestricted camera access on the weekend to look at restraints. Yet another violation of policy and ignorant lack of respect for the people you work with. This may be hard to believe but some of the people you work with go home and talk about these type of things. The next thing you know follow up is requested and bang "carpet time".  Improve the quality of care and way you treat employees and the press will stop.  

 If you are a current employee posing as an EX employee you better check with HR to insure that you are not in violation of any GEO policy as it would appear that you are speaking about "work" in a manner that could make people feel uncomfortable. Don't take it personal just fix it and be the best child care provider in the business. Joseph J. Trento comes up with some good stuff and it would be wise to do more research and come up with better names. I challenge you to do a little fact check before you respond and it’s real simple. Here is the million dollar question IS it FACT or FICTION or RUMOR and did it take place at ABRAXAS???


Are names in the report are only used when they can be attached to documentation, video, text or pic?

Are names are used in the report to identify department managers?

Why are position titles used instead of names?

Why would an EX-Employee respond?

Why would a current employee read this garbage?

Why are staff frustrated with the leadership?

Why do staff talk about poor leaders?

How strong is the fabric that binds the brothers?

Are we committed to excellence and fair treatment for all?

Have we ever said things we regret?

Have we all trusted in a system that is broken?

What can and can’t be proven?

Does Geo have policy against current employees posting on this site?

Can current employees create accounts and speak on behalf of the company?

Why did you respond to this last post? Is it personal? 


  What happens to employee files? Can current managers keep copies of EX-employees? What about Corrective Actions? Does the paperwork get lost??? Does HR Keep records? What about SIR’s and DHS investigations? What about public records? Do employees still bring cell phones into the building? Have cell phones ever been used to capture documents that may need an extra layer of security? Are kids safe? Are some people protected? Did I check my emotions at the front door?

Is the statement below a false statement?

Defamation of character occurs when someone makes a false statement about you that causes you some type of harm. The statement must be published (meaning some third party must have heard it), false, and it must result in harm, usually to the reputation. 

Geo's policy is to promote high standards of integrity by conducting its affairs honestly and ethically.  So if you are a current employee please protect yourself and don't pose as an EX employee. People will always talk and if you can resist the urge to read this report then do so. No one really reads this stuff!!! Just go and be a better person "life is short" and 100 percent participatin in supervisors meetings may provide the necessary direction and information to become a better leader (HR can't help with that).  You win James and as long as you are ethically sound in your actions then we will not have to post your real name. Pull the facts out of the report and don't get emotional or red in the face. I'm sure you were trained by the best in the world now act like it and thank you for you service (pre-Abraxas).  

William Costigan Jr


#13General Comment

Thu, August 10, 2017

 Looks like there is a Rat in your crew


Are there ghost Dave?

#14UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 10, 2017

  Dave are there ghost in the closet? Dave does he have ghost in the closet ? You know who I'm talking about right does he have ghost ? Dave do you have ghost? Dave don't let them come out of the closet Dave. Dave don't let them come out of the closet please Dave please. Dave you know about the ghost. you know about the ghost .


Hello Dave

#15UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 10, 2017

 Hello Dave Do you like dragons ? Do you like dragons ? Do you like dragons? Do you like dragons ? Dave are you there ? Dave do you like dragons ? Dave do you like dragons ? Dave I know you're there ! Dave do you like dragons ? Do you like them ? Dave say something

James Angleton

Comes from an employee fired over gross misconduct that he doesn't represent.

#16UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 10, 2017

 I used to work here and it's very obvious who you really are. It's also easy to identify who your contributors are. You were terminated for the exact things you are writing about yet you're representing them as if they were someone else. You're contributors are all guilty of these crimes you write but you again pass them off as other people. You are writing these out of hostility over the matter that you were terminated for your extremely foul conduct. That's your fault not anyone else's. You post lies.

I know so much about you and will be glad to provide more information about you, your business, your dirty illegal and criminal conduct and also the conduct of your contributors. I will allow your privacy for now and the privacy of your contributors only for as long as you don't force me to put them out. That would mean if you post again I will set the record straight with all the information about you guys to include your names and how you all used this facility to cheat your wives and communities.

For you the author, I would be particularly concerned with what your local public finds out from this as it might provoke others to come forward and discuss your criminal activity or how it might resonate with your girlfriend. I know a lot about you and you couldn't shut up over the years so if you want to play "The Game" let's do it. But if you don't I would stop with the posts as they are all lies. I don't want to have to put all of you out there. Your wives alone would not like to find out what you have been up to over the years.

Inconsistent treatment of employees at Abraxas

#17Author of original report

Tue, August 08, 2017

The Management at this place is incredibly unfair and inconsistent. The director is unprofessional and very unethical in his actions. He does not treat his employees equal and is willing to bend the rules as long as it benefits himself. Recently he had a supervisor Brian Beard come to him because he could not produce a valid driver’s license.  The program requires a valid driver’s license be produced upon request and it’s usually every two years. Mr. Beard could not produce his due to personal issues. He told the director and the director provided him with cash and told him that he would look the other way if he decided to drive to work. This is crazy because it totally go against the company’s values We lead by example by modeling the highest standards and ethics of our profession”. Mr. Beard was also told to keep it between himself and the Director. Mr. Beard recently disclosed a concern of unfair treatment to HR. His concerns are valid and continue to be a source of the rumor mill. He continues to be the target of senior treatment supervisors and has all his actions and interactions questioned. Management goes behind closed doors and asks trusted staff questions like “did you see Beard do anything this weekend” or “did he say anything I need to know about this weekend’. The staff all talk behind the senior treatment supervisors backs and call them “crazy”. One manager in particular likes to spend some time hanging out in the teacher’s office with the female gym teacher.  The teachers have noticed the frequent interaction and complained on several levels. The director once again picks and chooses how he address issues with his staff. He should talk directly to this manager explain how the perception is impacting the program. The manager is married and it looks pretty bad that he is spending more and more time “hanging out”. This behavior is typical of this department and is not something out of the ordinary.

The education department is allowed to do all sorts of crazy stuff because of the education director’s relationship with the facility director. The education department has been allowed to hold work related parties at staff member’s homes (Stoner, Narron, Kennedy….). These parties have included alcohol and questionable behaviors. These behaviors include teachers getting intoxicated and passing out, yelling and attempting to arm wrestle people, witty sexual banter. Brian Dean (Program Manager) and Erin Loeffler (Teacher) is a perfect example of a married man and a single teacher engaging in questionable behavior at one of these parties.  Brian Dean is probably clueless to the fact that education staff has labeled him a cheat based on his actions. He was witnessed “playing footsies’ and being ‘touchy feely”. Ms. Kennedy the education director has even discussed how shocked she was and how it was uncomfortable. Ms. Kennedy knows Brian’s wife and kids and that could possibly be the source of her feelings. Nevertheless, these are just some examples of the unprofessional behaviors that are tolerated and enabled.  The sad part is these rumors are allowed to exist because of the poor leadership and lack of follow up.  This is the way this facility does business and it won’t change under the current administration. 

The management team is all about developing staff that are ok with bending the rules. Brian Dean uses the term “street justice’. This term is a justification for excessive use of force on the teenagers placed under the care of staff. He picks and chooses who he talks reckless around is always willing to “grab a kid”. The management team is so arrogant that they actually jump in the restraints in order to make a point. They will never understand that they have to power to influence restraints in a positive way by managing the restraint techniques and supervision. Instead, they tend to escalate teens to act out and ultimately get restrained. Its unreal the level of “boot camp” style techniques the staff use to control the kids. The staff will tell the children to pick out a spot on the wall and to focus on that spot as they ridicule and yell at the kid in a “process”. Amanda Houser is the worst team member and sounds horrible when she yells at kids. She has been involved is many unethical restraints over the past several years and has been held accountable for excessive use of force. She is another supervisor that encourages staff to break rules. She also has parties at her house and if you are in the in crowd then you are welcome to party and even sleep over at her house. She may have learned her leadership style from Melissa Kennedy the education director. Amanda Houser did work for her and more than likely attended one of the annual education retreats.  

Abraxas Youth Center Survival Guide

#18Author of original report

Fri, June 30, 2017

Please read this if you currently or if you have ever had a child placed at the Abraxas Youth Center. The place is not healthy for all kids and the staff pick and choose who they "process'. The program has odd terms like process, feeling some type of way, 1/2 on the black and 1/2 on the white, verbal process, clenched fists and square off. these types of terms are used as justification to put their hands on your child. The staff pick out kids and make an example of them. The Detention center staff are the worst and most function off the basis of institutional racism. The staff would never admit it and most of the conversations happen behind close

doors but black youth are called terrible names and made fun of all the time. If questioned most of the leaders would never let you see their personal cell phones due to the racial content. The staff call the kids names like retard, thug, tough guy, and stupid. Dauphin County kids are the kids they target the most. Those kids are walking targets because of the street vibe they give off and the fact that they are from the city and need to be taught a lesson. Several supervisors have been written up for failure to treat kids with "dignity and respect". One supervisor continue to call kids names and is told by their manager that we all do it "you just

got caught and now I have to write you up. Several staff have been written up for the use of excessive force and have even fractured kids bones. You would think that the use of excessive force would equal child abuse? but not the case and staff get away with it everyday. Amanda Houser failed to effectively supervise a restraint and as a result a Maryland child had his arm fractured. The crazy thing is the child didn't receive medical attention until days later when his county worker came to check on him. Lindsay Graves the clinical supervisor teaches her staff to falsify client document in order to meet state audit requirements. This behavior is

encouraged by the clinical director Jennifer Barnheart. Jennifer does whatever she is told even if its unethical or a violation of the 38.000 regulations. Jennifer goes with the flow and is put in her place by Brian Dean when she questions"why". Brian Dean is a power hungry manager that wants so bad to be the man in charge. I will provide more updates on the individuals and the terrible way they conduct business. I started this post by speaking to the parent of children placed at the youth center. Here are tips i have for your child's safety.

1. if your child feels mistreated or like his/her right are violated have them fill out a grievance form. Have your child ask for copies and give them to the JPO/caseworker and then call the department of human resources. Tell your child not to make demands but to always ask why? and to be respectful. The program is required to track grievance forms and follow up must occur. The follow up steps are usually a manager making the child feel like it was no big deal and encouraging the child to drop or be satisfied with the outcome. Always have your child send copies of the grievance to the department of Human services. The staff must provide the address & the address is also posted on a board in the hallway. 
2. Be skeptical when you hear the words "your child was in a process or your child became aggressive" This is normally code for we yelled at you child, escalated him/her and then put our hands on them and restrained them. Most of the staff use counter aggression and taunting as a way to frustrated a child and then restrain them. 
3. Tell you child to be mindful of the cameras! the staff look for opportunities to restrain the children "out of site" The staff will also block the camera view of the restraint by standing in front of the child while he or she is on the ground. They try to make it look like they are just "in the way" but it is strategic so the person restraining the child can use pain compliance holds to teach the child to not act out or to tech a lesson. Twisting arms, putting elbows on knees and shins are typical pain compliance techniques. The staff like to keep the child in a seated upper torso position because its the best way to apply pain to the child.
If your child ends up in this position tell then to say thy are having trouble breathing or that they have to go to the bathroom. Most of the time staff just hold child on the ground for 10 minutes to make a point. As long as the child is not struggling or has a medical issue the staff must work to release the child as soon as possible. The program has been cited by the state for not letting go of children that have express pain, medical issues or potential urinating while being restrained.  Tell your child that it is scary but to be respectful and the bulling will stop. The staff will challenge your child and will attempt to get under their skin in hopes to be able to slam them on the ground and restrain them. 
4. Tell your child to report sexual, inappropriate, offensive, or unprofessional conduct demonstrated by the staff. This place is so unprofessional and the staff do some crazy stuff. They have inappropriate sexual conversations and use profanity while waking up and down the hall and in offices. They use profanity during restraints and call the kids names. the program is so crazy that the trainer was once fired for having a questionable relationship with a female resident being cared for in the program. The girls mother complained to Cumberland County and the program was forced to fire him. After several years the company rehired him and put him in a training position. These could just be rumors but most of the staff are told these stories managers. To be on the safe side have you child write grievances and send copies to the department of human services. 
5. Tell your child to request a medical follow up if they are restrained. The medical staff typically leave by 8:00 pm and they have a funny way of documenting injuries. If the child does not complain then they will just move on but if the child complains or files a grievance then the concern must be address, documented or reported. 
6. If your child is restrained please tell them to keep as still as possible the staff use movement of the child's head, feet, arms, hands as justification to keep holding and hurting the child. If your child is held for more than 10 minutes in a restraint then request information or a meeting report the issue to Department of Human services. It can be stressful but be calm and don't settle for cheap answers. The staff are power hungry and so many of the leaders have been written up for excessive use of force and lack of dignity and respect. The program has some good people but most are self absorbed and care only about money and ways to benefit their own families. 
7-10 will follow in the next post      

Local teen targeted by off duty juvenile detention center staff

#19Author of original report

Sun, August 07, 2016

Once again the staff at the Abraxas Youth Center has created another victim.  This time it was a teenage at risk youth participating in the secure program.  The teenager was targeted by two supervisors at the youth center due to his acting out behaviors.  The targeting occurred when the on call supervisor called an off duty supervisor and planned a physical confrontation with the youth. The in house supervisor advised staff not to disclose that back up, in this case an off duty staff member was called to assist with this planned confrontation.  The off duty supervisor used her authority and instructed staff to physically restrain the youth out of camera site.

Several of the witnessing staff have come forward and disclosed how uncomfortable they are with the planned intervention and physical part of the restraint.  The local probation office has since removed the child from the program due to concerns surrounding this situation. This is one of many outrageous stories regarding the constant bulling of children placed at the Abraxas Youth Center.  Several staff has quoted a Senior Treatment Supervisor as saying “we are better off without the kid in this program”.  Showing no concern for the local agencies time or money spent on the attempted rehabilitation of the youth. The company is for profit and that’s the bottom line.         

Lack of Leadership at Abraxas

#20Author of original report

Tue, August 02, 2016

Lack of Leadership

The Abraxas Youth Center continues to be involved in State investigations for excessive use of force and child abuse allegations. This is a direct result of the poor management a lack of leadership. The facility director has lost control of his employees and struggles to manage his team of supervisors.  His use of intimidation and humiliation has not proven successful.  His program continues to promote leaders that use force to control kids.  The program does have some good staff that is afraid to speak out against the abusive supervisors and managers. They understand that if they do they will be retaliated against and as a result they have started to call hotline numbers to speak out.  This is a direct reflection of the staff not felling safe enough to talk to management. Just imagine what the children in this program feel like.    

Abraxas Youth Center Lies

#21Author of original report

Wed, June 29, 2016

The Abraxas Youth Center recently created another victim as they lied about their documentation procedures.   This facility condones the falsifying of client records and services provided.  They do this in a number of ways including lying as they document the amount of time spent meeting with children for individual counseling sessions. The counselors are trained to keep a record of the amount of time spent talking or counseling with each child. This record is located in the clients file and every child is supposed to meet with their counselor for a minimum of 30 minutes every week.  This is a requirement that is almost never met.  The children are only meeting with their counselor if they act out behaviorally or if they act out emotionally.  However, the counselors are taught by “Bumbaugh” to write in the record of service that they meet with the child for 30 minutes even if they don’t actually meet with the child. They try to justify and say that talking to the clients as they walk down the hall or during interventions count as “individual counseling time”.  They are also taught to rewrite the “record of servise”  every time a sevrise is missed or skipped. The company has a policy that stated “client documents should not be rewritten and the use of whiteout is prohibited. This rule doesn’t matter because the counselors rewrite and make up services all the time.

     This company tries to measure the success of their program by conducting client interviews with the child just before the child is discharged.  Staff lie on client exit interviews and on several occasions have shot themselves in the foot over the process.  The process should look like each child was asked questions about how safe they were or how they liked their stay with abraxas.  Most of the time the clinical supervisor fills out the answers and turns them into the QA staff. One time Miss Ross contacted the QA department over a duplicate interview.  Miss Ross is the person that enters the clients and the response to the questions into a database. He had a client with 2 questionnaires that had diriment answers to the same questions. The clinical supervisor lied and said the staff mixed up the forms but the real truth is 2 forms were filled out on the same kid and submitted by staff. This only happens because each month a quota needs to be met. The staff lie all the time and only a fraction of children ever complete the exit interview process.

   Another good way the counselors are taught lie is on the ISP and RPP family invites. The counselors and supposed to make a copy of the letter mailed to the family and the invite. If you look close the letter has no postage stamp. This is an issue because the front office has a postage machine!! The counselors are trained to not sent the invite letters and this was the family will not show up. Why not use the postage machine and sent out the invite. Well, they don’t do that because most of the time the service is late of the counselor forgot or they just make it look like they took the required steps to meet the state regulations. This clinical team is sad and dirty but good at what they do when it comes to falsifying client documents or services.

  Abraxas Youth Center Management if you keep creating victims and breaking rules the ethical social workers will continue to call you on it!      

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