  • Report:  #644585

Complaint Review: Accurate Mobile Mechanics - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
Marie - las vegas, Nevada, United States of America

Accurate Mobile Mechanics
2350 E Tropicana Ave Las Vegas, 89119 Nevada, United States of America
(702) 321-1077
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?


Our Ford Expedition's factory-installed "Stealth," which is an anti-theft device went haywire so the car wouldn't start. The key-fob button must be pressed in order for the car to start and it had stopped working. It had done the exact same thing before so we knew what was wrong-we just don't know how to fix it. 

When I called Accurate Mobile Mechanics, I pointedly and specifically asked the owner/mechanic, Marc, if they were familiar with the "Stealth" system (it is a unique system) and he assured me they were. I explained the problem in detail to make sure he knew the system and what needed to be done. I told him how it had gone out before in exactly the same way, and he told me that they'd have no problem fixing it. It was precisely because of what he told me that we decided to hire them to come to our home, and the $85 service fee was agreed upon. 

Later that morning, two scruffy-looking men showed up in an old, beat-up, plain white van, no company logo to be seen anywhere. These two men really looked as if they'd just broken out of prison. 

Spencer wore a dirty bandanna on his head, the other man spoke very little English. Not long after their arrival it became painfully obvious that they were incompetent clowns. 

From the start, they insisted "the battery was dead" and insisted they'd go get us a new one, despite the fact that all the interior and exterior lights were brightly lit, and the stereo played great! As I'd explained on the phone, the STEALTH was malfunctioning! That now meant nothing to these two because it was obvious that they didn't know anything about that system! So, they just adamantly kept insisting that the car had a spent battery- despite evidence to the contrary, and despite the fact they didn't perform any diagnostic tests of any kind. I said "Any mechanic should know the battery's fine since the lights and stereo are on!"

For the entire duration of the 5 hour circus act, Spencer continually insisted it was the battery, not the Stealth system! After being on the phone for the 1,000,001st time, he suddenly decided to add, out of the blue, without testing, that now it wasn't "JUST the battery, but was the STARTER too"! 

Mechanics 101 clearly wasn't their strong point, and it was apparent they'd all lied about their experience with and knowledge of the Stealth system! I had to remind them that the Stealth system was their reason for being there! 

He again insisted the problem was with "the battery and starter,"  and then, to my amazement he asked me if I (!) had JUMPER CABLES! That's when I broke out the battery charger! Stupefied, he looked at me blankly and asked "What's that?" (!) He wasn't joking! He actually said "How do I use this?"  At that point I told him "this job is just way out of your league- you need to just go!" They had been there OVER 4 hours at that point! 

Instead of leaving, he decided they should "disassemble the dash to see if something was wrong with the wiring" -okay, I figured I'd let him only if he'd let me test my do-it-yourself-at-home-brain-surgery-kit on him first! 

Needless to say, by the fifth hour my car was no better off than it was when they got there, and my aggravation level was off the chart! I kept trying to call Marc, knowing he was answering his phone because Spencer kept calling and talking to him. Since Marc wouldn't take my calls, (I'm sure he overheard me in the background during those calls because my anger was evident: this was a very frustrating and angering situation!) 

Since Marc wouldn't answer my calls, Spencer was the only one available to talk to.  I clearly told him I would be placing a stop payment on the $85 check. That wasn't a "service" call-it was a nuisance call! I would never have agreed to hire them if they had all been upfront about their lack of experience with the Stealth anti-theft system! They should never have accepted the job in the first place because they had no idea what they were doing, so they certainly should have never misled us! They figured they could charge me for the battery, starter, their hours and hours of running for (unneeded) parts then charge for labor, and if the car still wouldn't start then I'd be into them for more money while waiting for them to tear out the dash, fiddle around, and screw up some more. I am sure people who aren't mechanically knowledgeable fall for their act all the time. 

At one point Spencer told me that since I "am not a mechanic" I should just "stay out of it and let them do their job!"

To clearly illustrate how this all should have ended up and to show how their method of operation compares to the way an honest and knowledgeable mechanic does business: the AWESOME mechanic that we hired the next morning to do the job had the car started, as in "fixed"  in TEN minutes for only $60, including the cost of the Stealth part that HE picked up on his way to our house! 

After he left, my husband and 10-yr-old son left in the car to go get haircuts a few BLOCKS away. Well, THEY ENDED UP ALL THE WAY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CITY, on the other side of the valley! They even had to get on the freeway! WHY? Because they were being closely followed and chased by those two idiots in that trashy white van, with Spencer at the wheel!

That means those two thugs were waiting outside the gates of our community specifically for our car to exit the gates so they could follow, harass, chase, intimidate, coerce, scare, threaten, harm, traumatize, kill-- cause the stalked people to fear for their lives, not knowing what the intentions of the stalkers were, or why it was happening in the first place. This is called "LAYING IN WAIT" and is called "STALKING!"  

My husband tried to lose them, but despite speeding up, making turns off route, doing all he could do in the traffic, the van tailed them! My son was terrified! 

Eventually, while stopped at a red light, these 2 goons actually EXITED their van and aggressively approached the car! My husband had to run the red light to get away from them! WHAT were they going to do when they got to our car? My husband and my 10-year-old were in there! 

My husband called, telling me what had just happened, and it sounded so crazy I thought he was pulling my leg! He got serious and told me to "believe" it and to make sure the doors were locked in case they came to the house! 

Within an hour, they showed up at my HOUSE, and started loudly pounding on the front door and then at the same time started FORCEFULLY TURNING THE KNOB back and forth, over and over, non-stop, trying to get the door to open! At that point, they couldn't have known whether or not I was at home! Then it got quiet. Well, one stayed at the front while the other went around to the backdoor. Then it started again, but this time one was on each door! Why were they forcefully trying to enter my home? What were they planning on doing once they got inside? 

Then they both were at the front door again, and at that point I yelled out at them, warning them my gun was pointing right at the door and they'd be leaving in body bags! They were totally crazy! 

I called the police, and also called their boss Marc leaving him an urgent message: apparently he wouldn't answer the phone! My sister then called me and I told her the mechanics from the day before were trying to break into the house. She thought she'd misunderstood me, but then she heard all the racket in the background sounding like they were trying to break the door down! 

I gave her Marc's number then she called him. He answered right away, not knowing her number. He identified himself as the business owner, then she told him what his thugs were doing. He was rude and arrogant, telling her  "They aren't trying to break into her house!" She assured him I thought that they were, she'd also heard them, and he said "Well, she should call the police and that will be the end of her problem with them I guess!"  She told him the police had been called. 

She asked if those were "his men" and he said they were, so she said he needed to call them and tell them to stop their insane behavior--what the hell were they doing? 

Marc then lied and told her I'd written them a "bad" check! Incredibly, he then told her that "they would 'stop' if she she'll just come out of the house and talk to then like a 'reasonable person" and then said "all" she has to do is OPEN THE DOOR, pay the $85 and they'll go away"! 

He said "we are only trying to be 'considerate' and we are only trying to 'help' her by giving her the chance to pay $85 instead of paying off the $600 lien I'll place on her car if she doesn't pay them $85 right now!"

She called to tell me why this was happening, so I called him right away using *67 and told, rather reminded him that I didn't write a "bad" check but had put a stop payment on it like I said I would. What kind of person does these things to other people? 

This entire thing was a nightmare, and who knows what would have happened if those goons had reached the car, or gotten inside my house!  If $85 is worth this much to him then he should not be in business at all! If the only way to get customers is to mislead and lie to them by saying he and his crew are educated and experienced and capable of performing the job, but then do whatever it takes to extract money from the customer knowing his employees are beyond incompetent, then he isn't a businessman- he's a con artist running a criminal operation. If he can't handle it when a customer catches on to the scheme, and he feels enough anger and resentment and loss of control that he feels it's his right to retaliate in such a way that a 10-year-old boy gets traumatized, that a woman was terrorized, and a man was made to feel he was trying to escape an unknown perhaps violent act putting his son in danger, so ,having to scramble all the way across town when just going out for a haircut, then this creep needs to be shut down. He has no business being in business!   

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Ronny g

North hollywood,
I should state so you understand..

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, September 28, 2010

..why you need these extra keys. Just the way Ford designed these systems. The PATS I requires 1 coded key to program. So if you only have one and lose it ..it could mean major expense..a locksmith can not simply cut and re-program the system.

With the PATS II, it requires 2 coded keys to re-program..so if you only have one..again, major major expense. When you add a new key the whole system must be re-programed..the other keys will no longer work..this is why this info is good to know.

If you make sure you always have the correct number of keys, if you lose one or the system goes out again..it is a basic cut and re-program. If you mess this up..it can only be done through the dealership..and they need all kinds of ID,,and on certain years they won't get the codes just from the VIN number..could be a nightmare and an expensive ordeal.

To be more specific...it is not actually the key itself that is the problem..but the chip inside (you notice the little square cut on the side of the plastic part of the key)..the chip is in there to allow the vehicle to start and that is what the system must be programed to learn. That may be what the good mechanic replaced and then re-programmed, the price sounds about right.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
stvnc10, you missed something..

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, September 27, 2010

..she did pay them by check and then cancel it. And that is why they came back stalking her and the family.

I also hope I was not being too harsh in my reply but it is for everyone's own good.

It does not matter what a website says..or even what the mechanic looks like. What matters is if you have a bad feeling like this you ask the people to leave and please do not touch the vehicle.

If they don't leave..you call the police. Once you give them a check and canceled it..you were only asking for more problems. This whole mess could have been avoided a dozen ways before it got to the point of having to give them a check.

Also should note...just because the stereo system and lights came on, does not mean the battery has enough current to start the vehicle. As well..corrosion on the battery cables can also cause a no start situation..but yet allow the lights and stereo to operate. So it was not unreasonable that they check the battery. However this should only take 2 minutes. I can not believe these guys had any real electronics troubleshooting skills. The system your Expedition uses to prevent theft is actually called a "PATS"..or passive anti theft system. Many Fords used this system and they are know for give problems. There is a chip in the large head of the key is read by the transceiver located by the ignition switch. There are actually two types of PATS...one will allow the starter to crank but shuts off the fuel injectors to prevent the vehicle from running, the other type will prevent the starter from cranking.

Here is some advice. If your expedition is a 1997 - 1998 you have a PATS I make sure that you always have at least two working keys.  If you lose one of them, have a duplicate key made and programmed at once.

If it is a
1999-2001, you have a PATS II...make sure that you always have at least three working keys.  If you lose one of them, have a duplicate key made and programmed at once.

If this happens and you don't have the extra key...2 choices...

  1. Have your vehicle towed to the nearest Ford dealership. They will use their electronic

    programming equipment to reset the system and program in new keys.
  2. Have an auto lock specialist who has electronic programming equipment and is qualified

    to use it come to your vehicle and do the same.

The dealer will rip you of from here to Sunday and charge $100.00's for this..but an honest locksmith should be able to cut you a key and program it for around 60 bucks. Problem is if you need road service..that always costs.


San jose,
United States of America

#4General Comment

Mon, September 27, 2010

I don't know, because I wasn't there but I do have a few questions. When you saw that they didn't know what they were doing why didn't you insist that they leave?  If they refused to leave, then why didn't you call the police? I sure wouldn't let someone tinker with my vehicle for five hours if I saw that they didn't know what they were doing. I would be standing there questioning every move that they make. For example,
'why do you think that it is the battery?' or 'why do you think it is the starter?'. If I didn't like the answer that they gave I would insist that they leave, and if they refused then I would quietly walk into the house and call the police. Or if you think that the only way to get them to leave, without calling the police, is pay them then do it with a check or credit card, because you can always cancel the payment once they are gone. Just don't give them cash.

I really hate to say this, but your lack of affirmative action in some of the instances that you described really put you and your family in danger. Because you did nothing and let them tinker with your car for so long, you actually encouraged them. You told them by your actions that they could push you around and "bully you", so that is what they did.

The next day when they were following you, why didn't you call the police on your cell phone? Or just drive to the police station if you didn't have a cell.

I've had people harass me on the road and what I do is get their license number, make and model and color of their vehicle and dial 911 with that info. I also make sure the people doing the harassing see me make the call.  It works every time.

When they were trying to enter your house why didn't you call the police immediately? You said that you lived in a gated community, if they were there and you did not invite them they are trespassing.

I really hate to tell an author of an ROP article that some of what happened to them was their fault, but in your case............................

I hope that you reported this to the authorities and to the better business bureau in your area, there should also be some kind of Mechanics Association in your area that you could report this to also. Depending on the seriousness of this you might consider getting a Restraining Order against that company and all employees.  You can also go to the the FTC, but I would start locally with the police. Remember affirmative action?

Have you ever heard of AAA? They have a really great towing service and their yearly rates are not that expensive. They can also recommend good mechanics and have a variety of other services, such as free road maps.

I am sorry that this happened to you and I hope that my comments do not seem a bit harsh. I tried to make my comments as constructive as possible and I know it is not what you wanted to hear, but, nonetheless, I am glad that you posted your bad experience because if I am ever in your area and I need a mechanic I know where I don't want to go for service.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
What were you thinking???

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, September 27, 2010

How did you find these guys?? Their website looks like an 8 year old made it...except an 8 year old would have done it more professionally.


Did you ask to see the claimed certifications before you let them touch your car? It is not easy to get a master cert..I know..I have one.

I agree it was not professional for them to show up in a plain white van looking like ex cons...but why did you let them touch your vehicle? You state not long after their arrival it became painfully apparent they were incompetent clowns. Well how much longer? I am sure the plain white van and the scruffy bandanna guy were seen by you before YOU let them touch your precious expedition?

Not to say you do not have a legitimate complaint...but what was your motive to call this place..and then let the prison looking guys in an unmarked van who do not speak English work on your car???

Can you understand how this report comes off? It comes off as you were kind of...well...not too smart? If this report is not overblown..then yes..your family and yourself may have been in jeopardy..but who put them there? They didn't find you..you found them.

Sooo...what is the real lesson here? That if you look for a bargain and call for some mobile service that has no BBB record...and no address on the website..and the website looks like a drunken 4 year old made it...and you call and they say they can fix it..and then scruffy ex cons who do not speak English show up to your door in an unmarked white van....that you.... call the police maybe???? Or hand them the keys to work on your vehicle???? Who had THAT choice?

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