  • Report:  #305799

Complaint Review: Aeon Marketing Resources Inc. Nova3C Promotions Inc. Quantum Innovage - Vienna Virginia

Reported By:
- Richmond, Virginia,

Aeon Marketing Resources Inc. Nova3C Promotions Inc. Quantum Innovage
301 Maple Ave., West Suite 300 Vienna, 22180 Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
First of all, lets clarify: Aeon Marketing Resources, Inc. in Richmond, VA area is formerly known as NOVA3C Promotions, Inc. in Buffalo, NY. What legitimate company changes its name every year? You figure that one out on your own Well, where to begin I never made it to management, came close but didnt make it. I thank God everyday that I didnt because if I made it to management, it would mean that Ive sold my soul to the Devil.

As Amy Wenning, head of the cult AKA manager - would say, You have to transition to being completely selfless and really want your guys to succeed, then and only then are you ready to be in management. What she really meant is You have to transition to being completely selfish and be ready and willing to look anyone in the eyes and lie to their face. Tell them whatever they want to hear and promise them the world, then and only then are you ready to be in management. Lets be honest, if people knew the truth from day one, no one will be stupid enough to join this cult!

Ive questioned the way they recruit from day one. I mean, what company interviews at least 15 to 30 candidates everyday using an alias such as Jackie Barnes for recruiting? Why would you tell someone during an interview that we do profit sharing when what you really mean is straight commission? And why would you give interviewees the average expected earnings that are completely untrue and unrealistic even for the top rep in the office? What company tells you to drive all over gods green earth and not reimburse mileage?

What company expects you to work 12 hours Monday thru Friday and still come in on Saturday and work another 8 hours? And if you didnt make enough money to cover your day-to-day living expense after working 65 to 70 hours a week, its your own d**n fault because you should have come in for an extra shift on Sunday! What company have you ever worked for that your boss (or leader, I should say haha!) calls you every night to make sure you come back to work the next day?

Whats that word again? Oh yeah, lets REHASH our guys and call them up every night because its important for a cult like environment to LOCK THEM IN. After promoting you to leadership, you get more responsibilities, more hours and less pay because you now have to "split profit" as well. Oh, lets not forget the way they scam people into helping out the charity when only a portion (5%) of the sale from selected products goes back to the charity we are not selling anything we are just helping a charity!

What BS!! After all, we chant during morning meetings, JUICE to everyone, never allow to vent in atmosphere about how shitty your day was that would be consider a posi-neg, and promise people the world just so they would volunteer in this pathetic job a little longer because the pay is that awful. And good luck to you in trying to get your final paycheck when you finally smarten up and quit. What a joke!

Someone that finally wised up!

Richmond, Virginia


12 Updates & Rebuttals



#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, June 09, 2008

The only reason she is "supporting" this organization is because she is ONE OF THEM. All of these supposed marketing companies are all linked together and are lying and stealing from their employees. I know for a fact that the director of one of the office in Glen Allen VA ( Richmond VA) has gone from city to city pulling the same scheme. She lives in a very expensive apartment complex with nothing in it but a bed. She doesn't even keep her clothes in her apartment, they are all in the trunk of her car. She claims to make a 4 figure salary, but drives a Scion. She is given a progress report from one of the clients and was telling them she was posting it every week as motivation, yet the employees never saw or even heard of this report. She got busted because she had taken one of the employees to the client meeting with her and the client asked her about it in front of him. This girls name is DARCY. If you have had an run in's with her, RUN AWAY!! She is bad news!!



#3Consumer Comment

Mon, June 09, 2008

I am looking for ex employees of the above companies. I need comments, stories, and any other information you have come across dealing with these "companies". Any information on the so called "owner" Darcy or anyone else affilaited with these companies.


Green Bay,
you lie

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, February 13, 2008

you didn't almost make it to management if this is your mentality. I made it and yes I did fail but I got the opportunity. This business gives you opportunity to own your own business and the only thing you have to do is learn and work hard and you are asking for gas reimbursement. When you are business owner and have to travel who compensates you then. Thank you innovage because what I learned in this business although I failed was better than going to school. I only failed because "THIS" business is not what I wanted to do. But I learned alot about business and am going to do my own thing. Wake up and smell the roses because what type of world do you think Trump and even President Bush lives in. Considering they are 2 business men that I know you heard of. Watch Apprentice once. Do you think that businesses are handed to you. No you have to work hard. That is what the initial process is about. And yes you have to be selfless for your people. You want your people to succeed, that is why Harmony Hunt is so successful. The more of her people that are in management the more money you make. The business model they have is excellent in my opinion. Product not so much. JUICE means Join Us In Creating Expansion. Trust me they want as many people in ownership as they can have. If you had a product, would you want it being marketed in just Boston, or would you want to expand to NY, Chi, LA Houston as well right. The more product you move the more profit you make. That is business right.


New York,
New York,

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, February 13, 2008

lol you are a retard for supporting such an organization. Why is it that they avoid answering any questions that pertain to where the money ACTUALLY goes? Why is it that I was told I would recieve a BASE SALARY with FULL BENEFITS? Most importantly, why did they send me on a "business trip" in which I slept on someone's floor and all expenses came out of my pocket? You're an idiot for wasting so much time and effort into a total scam. Sure it might not be a pyramid scam but it certainly is not legit. SHAME ON YOU for exploiting the young workforce. How many people would buy your DARE t-shirts if they knew that only 5% of every dollar actually goes to the charity?


New York,
New York,

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, February 13, 2008

lol you are a retard for supporting such an organization. Why is it that they avoid answering any questions that pertain to where the money ACTUALLY goes? Why is it that I was told I would recieve a BASE SALARY with FULL BENEFITS? Most importantly, why did they send me on a "business trip" in which I slept on someone's floor and all expenses came out of my pocket? You're an idiot for wasting so much time and effort into a total scam. Sure it might not be a pyramid scam but it certainly is not legit. SHAME ON YOU for exploiting the young workforce. How many people would buy your DARE t-shirts if they knew that only 5% of every dollar actually goes to the charity?


New York,
New York,

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, February 13, 2008

lol you are a retard for supporting such an organization. Why is it that they avoid answering any questions that pertain to where the money ACTUALLY goes? Why is it that I was told I would recieve a BASE SALARY with FULL BENEFITS? Most importantly, why did they send me on a "business trip" in which I slept on someone's floor and all expenses came out of my pocket? You're an idiot for wasting so much time and effort into a total scam. Sure it might not be a pyramid scam but it certainly is not legit. SHAME ON YOU for exploiting the young workforce. How many people would buy your DARE t-shirts if they knew that only 5% of every dollar actually goes to the charity?


New York,
New York,

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, February 13, 2008

lol you are a retard for supporting such an organization. Why is it that they avoid answering any questions that pertain to where the money ACTUALLY goes? Why is it that I was told I would recieve a BASE SALARY with FULL BENEFITS? Most importantly, why did they send me on a "business trip" in which I slept on someone's floor and all expenses came out of my pocket? You're an idiot for wasting so much time and effort into a total scam. Sure it might not be a pyramid scam but it certainly is not legit. SHAME ON YOU for exploiting the young workforce. How many people would buy your DARE t-shirts if they knew that only 5% of every dollar actually goes to the charity?


New Jersey,
Take a second and realize, you have no idea what you are talking about!!!

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 09, 2008

First of all, lets clarify: I wanted to see do you honestly know what you are talking about when you say pyramid scheme?! Do you even know what the legal definition of such an accusation. Since you obviously do not I have provided the legal definition for you... A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, usually without any product or service being delivered.The essential idea behind each scam is that the individual makes only one payment, but is promised to somehow receive exponential benefits from other people as a reward. A common example might be an offer that, for a fee, allows the victim to sell the same offer to other people, or receive bonuses through other people they refer. Each sale includes a fee to the original seller. Ok, now if you notice the definition of a "pyramid scheme" does not fit your arguments. The fact that you were not asked to make any sort of investment and did, in fact, receive a product in which you were not asked to pay for and were allowed to sell for a portion of the proceeds does not throw up any red flag or refer to anything in a "pyramid scheme". If you are going to throw such accusations around you should probably know what the definition of the words you are using. Next, if you knew anything about the business, you would know that the reason the name of the company changes is because if it were to come under new management, they change the name of the company so that each manager/owner runs and owns their own corporation and does not have to answer to anyone else except themselves. It is called being an entrepreneur, but that is something you would probably know nothing about since you don't even know the definitions of the accusations you throw around. Now, you say in your report that you were close to making it to management but didn't and that you were glad that you didn't because you would have had to sell your soul to the devil. Now, let me tell you why I understand this business and you do not. I worked for Quantum for about a year and a half. I ran my own company for 8 months and was very successful at my position. Due to family issues I had to return back to my home town and leave the company behind. Yes, getting to management was a tough road. It was a lot of hours and a lot of information, but in no way did I ever sell my soul to the devil. It makes me laugh that people make accusations about Quantum and alike companies in these rip off reports and use phrases such as "sell your soul to the devil", because honestly that's a stretch. I can tell you from personal experience and actually completing the program you failed to complete and running my own office for 8 months and working for the company for a year and a hald, I never sold my soul to the devil...because that is just a little much. I think it is a little disturbing that you throw accusations around about once in management you have to be willing to "look anyone in the eyes and lie to their face". I pride myself in being an honest, hard-working young woman and I would never lie in the face of anyone, especially my employees that believed in me and the company they worked for. I have never been a selfish person and I never was selfish while I was a manager or in the company. You don't have to do anything you are saying to succeed in this business. You have to be yourself and it seems that you were so intent on following in the ways of others that since you didn't like one person, you think it is necessary to trash the rest of the company. Well guess what, not all people are the same. I would like to tell you that it is offensive and not deserved that you would call a person such as myself stupid when you don't know me or what I am about. The reason I say this is because you say that if people knew the truth from day one, no one would be stupid enough to join this cult, well hun, I knew the truth from day one and I was "stupid enough" as you say to start my career off on the right foot. Again, let me enlighten you on the definition of the word "cult". Lets see their are many definitions of the word surrounding religious beliefs, but I think the one you were traing to refer to is this one: great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad b: the object of such devotion c: a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion. Hmm, now lets see if you read the section (c) of the definition of the word it says "usually small group of people", lets see how many people world-wide believe in this company and their ideas, thousands of employees across the united states and 10 other countries, doesn't seem like a small group of people to me. I dont know I could be wrong? Next, you say you question the way "they" recruit from day one. And to be honest with you many companies interview 15 to 30 candidates a day and many companies use aliases for recruiting. If you knew anything about recruiting you would know that the reason for using aliases is to see which ad the caller is calling from. For example if a person calls for Jackie Barnes and another person calls for Jennifer Copeland you would know as a recruiter that the first person was calling for the Administration ad in the Newspaper listed under Jackie Barnes and the second was calling for the marketing representative ad on career builder listed under Jennifer Copeland. It is an easy was to keep a very busy day in order and to not waste people's time on the phone trying to figure out which ad they were calling about, when it was posted, what position it was for, and what was listed in the ad. Thousands of positions open up in companies on a daily basis and in order to keep any order in these ads being responded to using what you call "aliases" is a way to divide and conquer and meet the applicants needs as quickly and efficiently as possible. And let me help you again in the definition of a phrase you used. Any educated person would know that profit sharing is the same thing as commission. The fact that you couldn't put the two together only shows that you know very little about the business world and/or the compensation terms used for employment. It would be like you making an argument if I said to you, "I have a car, or if I said I have one car" it's the same thing!! Let me enlighten you again : Profit sharing - a system or process under which employees receive a part of the profits of an industrial or commercial enterprise... Now lets see commission: a percentage of the money received from a total paid to the agent responsible for the business...I would say the definitions are extremely similar so the fact that the words profit sharing are used and not straight commission are an accusation that is just stupid. If you look at the definitions of the words and differences there really isn't much excet one days employees receive "a part" and one says employees receive "a percentage", I don't see a legitimate complaint here. And when you say that the numbers they give you are impossible for even "top reps" to receive, you must not have been a top rep, because I was making well beyond the figures I was given in my interview and this consistent throughout the entire time I worked with the company. Lastly, I would like to say to you that one of your last accusations was the most disturbing to read... The one about "lets not forget the way they scam people into helping out the charity when only a portion of the sale goes back". I would like to remind you that although the company only provides 5% of each individual sale to the non-profit, these companies nation-wide make up for 80 percent of the funding for the cause of missing children with the cpea. (By the way when it's 5 percent it is not selected products it is every product) When you say 5% is not enough, I would like you or anyone else reading this to take the time out of your day to pick up the phone and call Hillary Sessions or go online to www.find-missing-children.org and ask her if the money provided from these companies nationwide has helped her cause. Last I checked 437 children were brought home to their families due to the money provided by what you call these "cult like" companies. Ask the families of these recovered missing children if they think 5% is not sufficient for having their child back in their arms. I would like to conclude this writing by telling you that while I understand that this business is not for everyone, there is no reason to come on here and verbally bash a company that has made many people very sucessful, has helped hundreds of family find their lost and missing children, and helped people grow and develop into successful and experienced men and women. Although I no longer work for the company I have nothing but good things to say about the company. Since I left looking for jobs was a breeze with the experience I had and being sucessful in my new job was incredibly easy due to the extensive training and developing I received from Quantum and related companies. I'll end this with why don't you put the past behind you and move on with your life. Just because you 'think' you know what you are talking about you do not have enough experience within this company to make such a judgement and just because you had a bad experience with one manager and one branch doesn't mean each office is the same. And FYI Amy Wenning is not the manager of the office in Richmond, Virginia and never has been. The manager of that office is an amazing person with a huge heart and would never do the things you claim the entire company believes in so before you make judgements and put company names at the top of pages you write to complain, at least know who you are complaining about because Aeon Marketing Resources has nothing to do with the accusations that you are throwing around. Do your research before you make such outrageous claims....You're a joke... Former employee and supporter, Baltimore, MD U.S.A

Richmond, va

New York,

#10Author of original report

Mon, February 04, 2008

First of all, lets clarify: Aeon Marketing Resources, Inc. in Richmond, VA area is formerly known as NOVA3C Promotions, Inc. in Buffalo, NY. What legitimate company changes its name every year? You figure that one out on your own. Well, where to begin, I never made it to management, came close but didnt make it. I thank God everyday that I didnt because if I made it to management, it would mean that Ive sold my soul to the Devil. As Amy Wenning, head of the cult AKA manager - would say, "You have to transition to being completely selfless and really want your guys to succeed, then and only then are you ready to be in management." What she really meant is "You have to transition to being completely selfish and be ready and willing to look anyone in the eyes and lie to their face. Tell them whatever they want to hear and promise them the world, then and only then are you ready to be in management.Lets be honest, if people knew the truth from day one, no one will be stupid enough to join this cult! Ive questioned the way they recruit from day one. I mean, what company interviews at least 15 to 30 candidates everyday using an alias such as Jackie Barnes for recruiting? Why would you tell someone during an interview that we do profit sharing when what you really mean is straight commission? And why would you give interviewees the average expected earnings that are completely untrue and unrealistic even for the top rep in the office? What company tells you to drive all over gods green earth and not reimburse mileage? What company expects you to work 12 hours Monday thru Friday and still come in on Saturday and work another 8 hours? And if you didnt make enough money to cover your day-to-day living expense after working 65 to 70 hours a week, its your own d**n fault because you should have come in for an extra shift on Sunday! What company have you ever worked for that your boss (or leader, I should say haha!) calls you every night to make sure you come back to work the next day? Whats that word again? Oh yeah, lets REHASH our guys and call them up every night because its important for a cult like environment to LOCK THEM IN. After promoting you to leadership, you get more responsibilities, more hours and less pay because you now have to split profit as well. Oh, lets not forget the way they scam people into helping out the charity when only a portion (5%) of the sale fromselected products goes back to the charity we are not selling anything we are just helping a charity! What BS!! After all, we chant during morning meetings, JUICE to everyone, never allow to vent in atmosphere about how s**+**y your day was that would be consider a posi-neg, and promise people the world just so they would volunteer in this pathetic job a little longer because the pay is that awful. And good luck to you in trying to get your final paycheck when you finally smarten up and quit. What a joke! Someone that finally wised up! Richmond, Virginia

Richmond, va

New York,

#11Author of original report

Mon, February 04, 2008

First of all, lets clarify: Aeon Marketing Resources, Inc. in Richmond, VA area is formerly known as NOVA3C Promotions, Inc. in Buffalo, NY. What legitimate company changes its name every year? You figure that one out on your own. Well, where to begin, I never made it to management, came close but didnt make it. I thank God everyday that I didnt because if I made it to management, it would mean that Ive sold my soul to the Devil. As Amy Wenning, head of the cult AKA manager - would say, "You have to transition to being completely selfless and really want your guys to succeed, then and only then are you ready to be in management." What she really meant is "You have to transition to being completely selfish and be ready and willing to look anyone in the eyes and lie to their face. Tell them whatever they want to hear and promise them the world, then and only then are you ready to be in management.Lets be honest, if people knew the truth from day one, no one will be stupid enough to join this cult! Ive questioned the way they recruit from day one. I mean, what company interviews at least 15 to 30 candidates everyday using an alias such as Jackie Barnes for recruiting? Why would you tell someone during an interview that we do profit sharing when what you really mean is straight commission? And why would you give interviewees the average expected earnings that are completely untrue and unrealistic even for the top rep in the office? What company tells you to drive all over gods green earth and not reimburse mileage? What company expects you to work 12 hours Monday thru Friday and still come in on Saturday and work another 8 hours? And if you didnt make enough money to cover your day-to-day living expense after working 65 to 70 hours a week, its your own d**n fault because you should have come in for an extra shift on Sunday! What company have you ever worked for that your boss (or leader, I should say haha!) calls you every night to make sure you come back to work the next day? Whats that word again? Oh yeah, lets REHASH our guys and call them up every night because its important for a cult like environment to LOCK THEM IN. After promoting you to leadership, you get more responsibilities, more hours and less pay because you now have to split profit as well. Oh, lets not forget the way they scam people into helping out the charity when only a portion (5%) of the sale fromselected products goes back to the charity we are not selling anything we are just helping a charity! What BS!! After all, we chant during morning meetings, JUICE to everyone, never allow to vent in atmosphere about how s**+**y your day was that would be consider a posi-neg, and promise people the world just so they would volunteer in this pathetic job a little longer because the pay is that awful. And good luck to you in trying to get your final paycheck when you finally smarten up and quit. What a joke! Someone that finally wised up! Richmond, Virginia

Richmond, va

New York,

#12Author of original report

Mon, February 04, 2008

First of all, lets clarify: Aeon Marketing Resources, Inc. in Richmond, VA area is formerly known as NOVA3C Promotions, Inc. in Buffalo, NY. What legitimate company changes its name every year? You figure that one out on your own. Well, where to begin, I never made it to management, came close but didnt make it. I thank God everyday that I didnt because if I made it to management, it would mean that Ive sold my soul to the Devil. As Amy Wenning, head of the cult AKA manager - would say, "You have to transition to being completely selfless and really want your guys to succeed, then and only then are you ready to be in management." What she really meant is "You have to transition to being completely selfish and be ready and willing to look anyone in the eyes and lie to their face. Tell them whatever they want to hear and promise them the world, then and only then are you ready to be in management.Lets be honest, if people knew the truth from day one, no one will be stupid enough to join this cult! Ive questioned the way they recruit from day one. I mean, what company interviews at least 15 to 30 candidates everyday using an alias such as Jackie Barnes for recruiting? Why would you tell someone during an interview that we do profit sharing when what you really mean is straight commission? And why would you give interviewees the average expected earnings that are completely untrue and unrealistic even for the top rep in the office? What company tells you to drive all over gods green earth and not reimburse mileage? What company expects you to work 12 hours Monday thru Friday and still come in on Saturday and work another 8 hours? And if you didnt make enough money to cover your day-to-day living expense after working 65 to 70 hours a week, its your own d**n fault because you should have come in for an extra shift on Sunday! What company have you ever worked for that your boss (or leader, I should say haha!) calls you every night to make sure you come back to work the next day? Whats that word again? Oh yeah, lets REHASH our guys and call them up every night because its important for a cult like environment to LOCK THEM IN. After promoting you to leadership, you get more responsibilities, more hours and less pay because you now have to split profit as well. Oh, lets not forget the way they scam people into helping out the charity when only a portion (5%) of the sale fromselected products goes back to the charity we are not selling anything we are just helping a charity! What BS!! After all, we chant during morning meetings, JUICE to everyone, never allow to vent in atmosphere about how s**+**y your day was that would be consider a posi-neg, and promise people the world just so they would volunteer in this pathetic job a little longer because the pay is that awful. And good luck to you in trying to get your final paycheck when you finally smarten up and quit. What a joke! Someone that finally wised up! Richmond, Virginia

Richmond, va

New York,

#13Author of original report

Mon, February 04, 2008

First of all, lets clarify: Aeon Marketing Resources, Inc. in Richmond, VA area is formerly known as NOVA3C Promotions, Inc. in Buffalo, NY. What legitimate company changes its name every year? You figure that one out on your own. Well, where to begin, I never made it to management, came close but didnt make it. I thank God everyday that I didnt because if I made it to management, it would mean that Ive sold my soul to the Devil. As Amy Wenning, head of the cult AKA manager - would say, "You have to transition to being completely selfless and really want your guys to succeed, then and only then are you ready to be in management." What she really meant is "You have to transition to being completely selfish and be ready and willing to look anyone in the eyes and lie to their face. Tell them whatever they want to hear and promise them the world, then and only then are you ready to be in management.Lets be honest, if people knew the truth from day one, no one will be stupid enough to join this cult! Ive questioned the way they recruit from day one. I mean, what company interviews at least 15 to 30 candidates everyday using an alias such as Jackie Barnes for recruiting? Why would you tell someone during an interview that we do profit sharing when what you really mean is straight commission? And why would you give interviewees the average expected earnings that are completely untrue and unrealistic even for the top rep in the office? What company tells you to drive all over gods green earth and not reimburse mileage? What company expects you to work 12 hours Monday thru Friday and still come in on Saturday and work another 8 hours? And if you didnt make enough money to cover your day-to-day living expense after working 65 to 70 hours a week, its your own d**n fault because you should have come in for an extra shift on Sunday! What company have you ever worked for that your boss (or leader, I should say haha!) calls you every night to make sure you come back to work the next day? Whats that word again? Oh yeah, lets REHASH our guys and call them up every night because its important for a cult like environment to LOCK THEM IN. After promoting you to leadership, you get more responsibilities, more hours and less pay because you now have to split profit as well. Oh, lets not forget the way they scam people into helping out the charity when only a portion (5%) of the sale fromselected products goes back to the charity we are not selling anything we are just helping a charity! What BS!! After all, we chant during morning meetings, JUICE to everyone, never allow to vent in atmosphere about how s**+**y your day was that would be consider a posi-neg, and promise people the world just so they would volunteer in this pathetic job a little longer because the pay is that awful. And good luck to you in trying to get your final paycheck when you finally smarten up and quit. What a joke! Someone that finally wised up! Richmond, Virginia

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