  • Report:  #1429479

Complaint Review: Albertsons - Pleasanton California

Reported By:
Anonymous - California, United States

5918 Stoneridge Mall Rd Pleasanton, 94588 California, United States
(925) 467-3000
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Complaint stems from home delivery problems, problems with drivers who deliver the food items, and the associated behaviours and frauds associated with this mess.

I have seen over the past few years the want for Safeway and now Albertsons who joined with them, a want to intentionally do things wrong, take money for items not delivered, justify all of that by making suggestions, slurs, offers of innuendo, and more that tell me they do this and then blame me for it or some other things.

There is always this notion of they take money, take too much money, or offer less than what I paid for then I need to "Negotiate" with them in getting it back.

It also comes down to offers of duress, fact maybe I don't have enough money, or that I lost my license and/or can not drive.

A want to make veiled threats related to efforts made in murder and vehicular assaults done to me personally including vehicular manslaughter etc.

Faux claims related to DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) against me that don't exist, have no proof or witness, and would reside outside this state or jurisdiction made by people who never met me once.

I don't negotiate with criminals or put a gun to the head of Police to make them do their jobs.

Do you?

The offers they have some authority to do this, to be big brother, track you and use your ID etc in doing that, and this is false.

In one location I had lived in before I was having them deliver food for a short time and during that time I had the following things happen:

I make one order that is under $100 and have it delivered. I later learn that they had billed the order to my card 4 times and had stopped an additional NINE iterations of the same bill to be placed on my CC.

I had to call their 800 number to have it fixed.

In doing this I get all kinds of excess dialogs, people start talking now in British accents, likely a play on compelling me to remain in the USA where I really can't do so from such crimes done to me.

In doing this I have to call something like 12 times, I get people now telling me this is just an ACH authorization and it will drop off, some of that is not true, then I am told it was overbilled, but then I need to rant at them to get it back.

Seems? Dishonest?

It overall takes them something like a week to refund my money and it matters not what they said since the money is gone till it is fixed.

Drivers get into all manner of personal dialogs, ask too many questions, some of them are condescending and rude to the point of being physically abusive and menacing and then make offers related to mental health slurs.

Eventually one says that is enough and responds to the point of saying maybe problem there is you and not me. I get a reply that says it takes on to know one.

That is of course bad logic and I point that out also.

I don't mind firing people who behave this way.

The problems then continue getting in to more dialogs, more vanity, and more suggestions of blaming me etc.

Far too heavy overall.

I need to know if this goes back on my card etc.

Too much dialog and disputation ongoing from the start.

These people act as though they are desperate for the money but don't want it. As in they need to steal money and call it taxes since their kids are starving at home.

Drivers make excuses with claims that food is in short supply etc.

Items don't show up but certainly are in the stores.

Order like items or items to be used together, only one of them will arrive as in liver, onions and bacon, you get liver.

Seems odd and vanity stinks.

This confirms what I guessed would go on later with shills around me in that this is a con game and offer of more three card monte.

This corporate body already has a problem overall this way but these people don't know that or who I am.

Man in the middle con to begin with. Chicanery and more forms of trickery etc.

Later I see I am right. This is directed at me to harm me.

Those who do this and support such horrid crimes will tamper with food and steal money and tell lies.

They know too much and talk too much.

And they pander too much.

This and the lies and theft ends the problem in total.

And it ruins the corporate body since they are at fault and have knowledge.

It also ruins local law since they are involved and have knowledge.

Police have no authority to do this, to be vigilantes, or to ask others to do this.

It is not up to them to determine law.

There is an ongoing concern here for me in another state related to denial of service and theft of taxes.

I live in hotels since I am a victim of horrid crime in other places.

This is why we come here.

I don't come here to pay you or them for them.

They can't know that here, nor can they act on it and pretend to found their felonies and wrong doing to support it. This is not up to them.

Now this is their fault.

Why pay for another person's or State's crimes?

Now they do. Since they broke the law AND associated or made offers of motive for these reasons. This is what this about. Vanity. Premeditation.

There is a script here and treating victims like fools does not make us one, nor does it make right the wrong that these and other people do to us.

Finding fault with, or denigrating character of children and victims you harm does not allow you or others to break the law to needlessly harm them anew.

Child harms to me are INCREDIBLY severe and include torture, mayhem and rape.

These people are acting on that and use it to offer duress and threat etc.

They also are acting to protect other States and those in them who are guilty of this.

Some people are too important to admit they are wrong.

Manipulation on another State's crimes and denials of service, pandering on their want to say I can't reside there, their want to change that, place onus to perform upon me where there is none, etc.

I left and they said I had to. They pay & so do you and now Safeway pays too.

That ends it for CA etc also since they took money etc and did crime. For this reason and more.

Now these people decide they can "fix" it by hitting me with their fist.

WRONG ! ! !

This is a death penalty case. There are murders here of children. State is at fault so are Police. Oops..

These people are liars and thieves.

These people will never prevail in this or serve you this way either.

They don't want to compete on these terms or for these reasons and you DO NOT want to support them in doing so.

I'd never be on wrong side of this problem. There is no view contrary to my position. Won't be one ever. No defense for acts done to me here or there.

And you don't want to be associated with it or in support of it.

Why deprive victims of such crime food and housing?

Seems really heavy handed. And wrong.

They (other State et al) already admit guilt. And proved as much also.

These people won't and can't change that. Just the notion of supporting that is beyond perverse and for reasons it is being done. The crimes beneath are atrocity.

This is obscene.

Again an offer to 1/2 validate their theft up front after the fact.

And a want to say other State has claim against me.

They can't collect since they are to blame and they waited and hoped to rely on that to allow others to get away with the crimes as these people do.

Blaming others does not allow you or anyone else to break the law.

Based on other behaviours, and use of shills, and other drivers, this appears to be directed at me personally as some form of gaslighting.

This is more duress and victim blame/play/intimidate etc.

It gets into theft of money and denial of service and with that things like food and housing.

They wanted to sabotage my credit card this way.

This went on and I decided to relocate to another State.

Same problems went on there.

They had more problems with billing the CC and now I had to call the bank.

Now they are involved, phone rep says DO NOT DO BIZ with them!

And with that MC and Visa don't want to pay them etc.

This is NOT GOOD !

I make an order and they can't bill it, so store calls me. I call the bank and get this response above. I tell them that I made the food order and amount is about right.

I call store back and play diplomat, tell them problem looks to be on their end, BANK IS SURE OF IT ! They go on to say that helps since they have other orders botch out today too.

So this goes back and forth and then they start asking me to give them the CC number over the phone, I need the food today....

That does not work, they then need to call the IT group, etc. I call later or someone calls me from the store they ask for CC number again and it fails.

Then they ask for another card.

Why? Problem is them.

Then they start doing a bunch of double talk, waiting for a driver to return with my order, and that makes no sense since it would not be on the truck. Now she claims 10 seconds later the order is here, etc.....


These people have some serious problems with ethic and the want to predate upon victims this way.

I'd avoid them in total.


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