Phoenix,#2REBUTTAL Owner of company
Thu, May 12, 2011
We do not know who this person is, we have never in our 20 years of being in business have taken money from a company without rendering services. This report is a complete hoax and we are
extremely disappointed that someone would go out of their way to write such SLANDER! If
we took $9000 dollars from your company, you listed our address and phone number, why haven't we received one call from you? It is sad to see that you would go out of your way to write this report.
We have hundreds of references from satisfied customers we have worked with and we would
be happy to speak to anyone that has any doubts upon working with us. We have hired an attorney to handle this report and we will TRACK DOWN the person who has filed it. I demand
that the author of this completely false report call us and explain his or her discontent, and shed some light on this ridiculous accusations. Either way you will soon hear from our attorneys. Slander is illegal. If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.