  • Report:  #1316553

Complaint Review: Alexandria Hyundai - Alexandria Virginia

Reported By:
InHope15 - Falls Church, Virginia, USA

Alexandria Hyundai
1707 Mount Vernon Avenue Alexandria, 22301 Virginia, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

I was very dissapointed in this service center's  clerk today 7/12/16 at 7:30am who not only is a hostile and racist bully, but also a most unprofessional and corrupt individual - is this their service's culture?

I made an appointment days ago for repair and to drop off the car for the day- and simnce I cannot commute via metro to work, need a rental.  I got there at 7am to have my Accent serviced but was told that I wasnt getting enough service done to get a rental - meaning I had to spend more or else no rental!, which I was willing to pay for. The employee, a white man with a heavy southern or texan acccent, was clearly disdainful of my colored ethnicity, and seemed angry, enraged and very rude so as  to literally drive my business away, which they surely did forever. If they treat and/or assist a customer based on the amount of money they make on a repair call, then clearly they are forcing unneccessary services or unneeded checks. If they are so right wing neo-n**i types to deny service to certain race or ethnicity then they are illegally decrimnation. My experience concludes that they are selectively indudging in both.

Yet, the employee didnt offer to call enterprise rental like previous time or offer any way to resolve my appointment which clearly stated that I needed a rental. I had to return and drive the car until next day to find a better, more courteous and a more ethnically accepting shop. Their rental policy may be unique, but there is no reason for their employees to mistreat a client with abrasive and rude misconduct.

4 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
The OP sounds like the bully

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, July 14, 2016

"The employee, a white man with a heavy southern or texan acccent, was clearly disdainful of my colored ethnicity, and seemed angry, enraged and (was) very rude so as  to literally drive my business away"

Your "Colored ethnicity"?  Why double words needed? ..use one or the other.  And your spelling, syntax, tense usage are atrocious..yet you tell others to go back to middle school?

You created a hostile environment so the clerk  was disdainful of your superior attitude over him.

Of course there was some miscommunication, you still needed a rental, and they could have helped arrange one that YOU would pay for..but by that time both of you were sick of each other.

You make a VERY biased and racist comment yourself as another has pointed out.


I remember some of the basics of English language composition, so here is some help with your own writing:

dissapointed is spelled: Disappointed  two p, one s

who not only is a hostile ("was"  is correct.)  Use past tense as you are describing an event hours earlier in the day.

corrupt? for not running a profitless service department? I doubt the service clerk decides company policy.

simnce- sp "since"

wasnt- sp "wasn't"

texan accent- correct spelling and use is "Texas", or the possessive "Texan's"  States are always capitalized.

right wing neo-n**i   <WOW! so you equate not giving YOU what you demand as "right wing" and a modern n**i too?...sounds like you are identifying as a typical liberal 'special snowflake" name caller all right! But any reader of your complaint figured you out already.

they are illegally decrimnation - once again terrible useage: "discriminating" is correct,  and misspelling of "discrimination"

My experience concludes  - No, YOU concluded ABOUT the experience, your 'experience' doesn't exist as an entity.

didnt (sp didn't) offer to call enterprise (cap: Enterprise) rental like "(the" is missing)  previous time  <No, they pretty much were done offering to do anything for you at all and figured you could make a phone call yourself.

mistreat a client with abrasive and rude misconduct. < "Mistreat... with... misconduct?" Confusing phrasing.



#3Consumer Comment

Thu, July 14, 2016

Oh yes when you have nothing to defend what was said you come up with the typical.."I don't like what you have to say so I am going to accuse you of working for the company".  Well again sorry to burst your bubble but once again I do not now or have I ever worked for this or any dealer.  In fact if you actually look around this site you will realize that like many others I have been accused of working for probably no less than a few dozen companies.  Everything from your local Gas Station up to being a Chief of Police.

You see there was not one bit of "violence" in my post.  There wasn't one bit of racism in my post.  In fact the worst it got is when I called out YOUR racism by calling it "c**p".  I dispise racism...on ALL sides.  But I dispise it more by people who claim racism and then turn right around and do it themselves thinking that they are not doing anything wrong. 

But perhaps I am all wrong about you.  So since you said you included "personal" details of the employee only so they wouldn't be mis-identified.  Can you please explain exactly how you know they were a "right wing neo na**i"?   Were there other white employees with a texan accent that weren't right wing neo na**i's?

By the way this is a PUBLIC web site and as such the PUBLIC can post a comment..just like you did.  But you do not get to control when this thread is "closed".  That is the role of the site admin and I can just about guarantee that this thread will stay open as long as this site exists.  So while it may not happen, don't be shocked if you get others to post their opinions as well.  Don't be even more shocked if they don't agree with you either.

Read the complaint, in-bred Employee or manager...

#4Author of original report

Wed, July 13, 2016

To the rebuttal just posted here, Perhaps you need my explanation or perhaps your inbred violent mind just cant get over your master-superiority, but you need to 1) go to middle school to learn grammar and 2) feed your head to get over the ignorance your parent brought you up with.

1. I included personal details of the emplyee at Alexandria so that some other decent and professional employee didnt get reemed mitakenly regradless of their race ethnicity etc

2) I never complained as much about the rental which got your a*s in a bunch, but about the way it was used to force additional services as an extortion in return for the rental. Moreover, I understand the rental policy but I was never refuted when I made the appointment and clearly stated the requirement for a rental.

3). No matter how much our differences, it is the manner of their handling that makes all the difference - in this case this employee could have handled me more professionally and courteously just as I was being the same way, but chose to deny me the due professionalism that a decent shop would enforce anyway.

4) You are definitelty an employee of Alexandria Hyundai if not THE employee, or the manager himself trying to make a bad situation worse by adding personal insults and bullying to make it look oh so righteous.

5). This thread will now close - you, alexandria hyundai and its management have displayed their true nature with your post, and have only reinforced my point. With the kind of crap you posted as an attack rather than a criticism, your justice will eventually be served by the low life thugs that you raise with this kind of vile rebuttal. This is a complaint site, and thats what I did, but what you did was no less eggregious that your employer. Shame on you and yours.


You are the racist

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, July 13, 2016

Nothing in your "ripoff" shows that they are racist, in fact the only "racist" thing in this entire report is how you describe the employees.  Yes, talking about the color of their skin, their accent, and using terms such as "neo n***i" are racist by nature.

It is fairly standard for dealers to offer rentals, but it is also failry standard for them to require a minimum amount of service.  If you are getting a $50 service they aren't generally going to give you a $50 rental to go along with it, and yes that is just an example I have no idea what their threshold for a rental is.  So it is possible that they did offer you one in the past based on what you had done.

Nothing you posted shows anything about you being entitled to a rental.  So unless you have something in writing(not just a request by you) that says you would be provided a rental in your situation there is no ripoff here.

Oh and don't bother trying to say that I am an employee as I am not now or have I ever been an an employee of this or any dealer.  Also, don't throw your racist c**p saying I don't know how tough it is to be black.  As unlike you I have not mentioned anything about my race as it does not really matter.

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