  • Report:  #68202

Complaint Review: Alpha Credit Enhancer SRV - Royal Credit Solutions - Palm Beach Gardens Florida

Reported By:
- Tyler, Texas,

Alpha Credit Enhancer SRV - Royal Credit Solutions
PO Box 32531 Palm Beach Gardens, 33410 Florida, U.S.A.
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Royal Credit SOlutions contacted me in the beginning of August. On August the 12th they drafted $298. from my bank account.

I called on Sept. the 8th & spoke to one of their represetatives, because i never received a card.I was told my card was mailed to my physical address, which when processed, they were instructed not to use.

I called on Sept.26 to find status of card, since I still had not received one. I was told that they were to have a manger call me on Monday/Tuesday of the following week.

I called on Oct. 3rd, due to no manager calling me. I told them I wanted to speak to a manager. I was informed that this was not their policy & I would be placed on a call back list. Was refused to be allowed to speak to a manager & was hung-up on.

I informed them that it has been about 2 months now & I wanted my money refund. I was informed that was not possible because they were tracing were the packet was, it was lost by the postal service. Therefore, i have no card & would have no refund issued.


Tyler, Texas

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