  • Report:  #385871

Complaint Review: Alt.com - Internet

Reported By:
- Rineyville, Kentucky,

www.alt.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
They Lied Plain and Simple,

Well over the years, this has for the most part been a good way to meet folks on our level. It's not for everyone this the plain and simple truth, but like just about everything it boils down to money. I've usually only signed up for monthly or at the most quarterly. Because I truly do have a "life" and don't live this one 24/7 as some do. I have a family with grown children, so the wife and I on occasion have a little fun if all parties agree. Well to get right to it, ALT.COM advertised last October 2007 to me in an E-Mail: If I paid up front for a year, they would give me 6 months free. I thought well I have a little extra dough and the wife was on board with it and all so we went for it. I'd received a free month here and there for quarterly membership with no strings attached so what could go wrong, right? Well I get an E-Mail today 29 October 2008 that my membership is going to expire 30 October 2008 and I said "WHAT"? So I called the billing office and they said in order to be eligible I had to log in once a month and E-Mail three(3) new members every month to be eligible to get my 6 months free, news to me! I never had to do any of that before and I don't remember their Original E-Mail dictating this clause for my "ACTION". Therefore, as a premium Gold member, they screwed me big time and I didn't even get a proverbial "KISS"! I will not be giving them any of our business for a good long time if ever again. I'll say to the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of ALT customers be very wary of the new ALT.COM folks because they now put "MONEY" before even their premium Gold members, otherwise they could have very well fixed this over the phone instead they were uncompromising and smug during my conversation with them. There are a good deal more free sites out there, and they have better people & their web sites are easier to get around on: one being collarme.com for instance.


Rineyville, Kentucky


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