  • Report:  #203837

Complaint Review: Amc Mortgage Service - Santa Ana, California

Reported By:
- Powder Springs, Georgia,

Amc Mortgage Service
P.o. Box 11000 Santa Ana,, 92711-1000 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?


Powder Springs, Georgia

24 Updates & Rebuttals


Powder Springs,

#2Author of original report

Fri, August 11, 2006

To answer your question I have proof that I paid my mortgage within the 30 days period my bank statment & Western Union quick collect.(Paid off Forbearance Plan July 23,06) My last apprised for my home was $135,000 that was two years ago, I own 113,000 and I live in my home for six years. Yes I'm employee and earn a regular paycheck, working for this company for past four months, But been in the same field for six years. What I'm looking for is to refinance with a better interest rate and to get a fix rate.


Missing the point.

#3Consumer Suggestion

Thu, August 10, 2006

Marcus, I am sorry that your situation has created yet another means for people to beat on eachother when I am sure you are still sitting there with an unanswered dilemma. Both of the gentleman were attempting to help you initially and they were both correct in a manner of speaking. 1. IF YOU HAVE FINANCIAL PROOF (i.e. bank statements) showing the withdrawl of funds to pay your AMC loan ON TIME (meaning NO 30 day lates or worse, more), almost any lender- including mine- will take this over a credit bureau any day. HOWEVER... They will more than likely need to go back and utilize a full 12 months of mortgage history. Therefore, if you were 3 months/90 days late PRIOR to entering the agreement, then you will be graded according to that 3 month deliquency (until a full 12 months has passed). 2. How much equity do you have in your home, or put simply, how much do you OWE ON YOUR MORTGAGE(S) vs. the CURRENT MARKET VALUE of your home? 3. What is your income situation like? Are you an employee who earns regular paychecks and has wages which report on a W-2? If a lender can do a full documentation loan for you, the guidelines are usually a lot less strict. Marcus, there are some of us on here that work in the industry and would like to help. I just joined, but if you would like to contact me (?) I would be glad to help you get out of your current situation.


Whatever ...

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, August 10, 2006

You know what Meg? I really don't care what Rex has done. All I care about is responding to your ignorant comments. You are so into cutting down every single person that has posted on here that you have lost all sense of reality. You said that Rex must spend his life on here. d**n....... I DO believe it is YOU who thrives on the next posting to respond to with your thoughtless, arrogant and idiotic comments. You have helped absolutely NO ONE. You said on another posting that is was most important to pay your mortgage first. Hey ... guess what? People do what they have to do. I guess you would pay your mortgage to theiving AMQ and have NO water or power because you didn't pay your utility bills. Hmmm...... it doesn't take much thought, especially if you have young children, to decide that WATER AND POWER is a little more important. Before you say that is what I did .... don't. I have no young children and I more than made up for the hardship period I went through with NO help from rotten AMQ. So don't even go there. They will screw the most prompt paying customer in some way. I'm sure you wouldn't understand that though because I have figured you out. You are a dead beat who goes from one job to another. I'm sure you are divorced with a lot of kids and you pay NO child support. Speaking of Jerry Springer......I am now sure I have seen you on there ....


Wahhhhhhhhh, Meglio

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 10, 2006

Wahhhhhhhh, Meglia is still trying to correct me. Make her stop. Make her. Whatever, Cleveland. Fired / Laid off. Either way you care to spin it. You're on the streets, unemployed. You don't have 2 years W2s. Doesn't matter? That's right, you're a renter. If you ever have the opp'y to move to CA, look me up when you arrive. I have a few rentals here and I could open one up for you so we could continue our little LANDLORD / renter thing we have going on here.


Sorry Rex

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 09, 2006

I dont know why you are so angry. Maybe you are a really envious person - maybe you want to be me. Im not sure. But whatever it is, I truly wish you the best as you try to get a grasp on whatever it is that is upsetting you so badly. Oh yea - the reason your logic is so flawed is because you said Ameriquest FIRED me when they shut down the branches. RIght? I mean, otherwise, they would have offered me another position in the company. Right? Hmmmm. Let's examine that claim: Ameriquest shuts down 229 branches. Each branch has a top producer closing at least 16 million in volume per year. Thats 229 people - ALL the BEST salespeople this industry has to offer - (I mean c'mon, they sell the highest rates and highest fees in the market). They definately are not THE MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE. But selling is about persistence and BELIEVING in the idea, and the LESS knowledge, the easier it is to believe what others tell you. And thus, the easier it is to sell. SO, you have over 200 GREAT SALESPEOPLE. Why weren't ANY of them offered a job at AMQ's regional offices???? Huh? If your logic holds true, Ameriquest would have been SCRATCHING AND CLAWING TO RETAIN THE TOP PRODUCERS. But they didn't. YOu know why? BECAUSE THEY WERE WIPING THE SLATE CLEAN. THEY RETAINED NO ONE. NOT EVEN MARIANO OR MARY JO, the top two execs in the company under the CEO. Doesn't your clear lack of understanding of this situation make you feel silly? To make a long story short, they knew how many great people they were losing, but they didnt have a choice because they had to cut the good and the bad at the same time. So conclude what you want about me getting laid off. Honest to god, I made so much money in 6 months that it is rediculous. So much that when I get my degree from Beasley and start practicing, Im going to take a big fat pay cut... ...and Im going to do it with a big fat smile on my face, because a pay cut from 300K to 200K aint all that bad!!! Continue to hustle "D" borrowers for loans on Rip-Off Rex. Ohhhhhhhh!!!! THAT'S what you are SOOOO angry about!!! Inferiority complex!! You are envious because I dont have to scrape for these nice peoples' business!!! ahhhhhhhh HAH!!! PS - Kathleen. You defend Rex do you? Did you miss the part where he said he won a trip to the Super Boel, a vacation to Hawaii, and a trip to Las Vegas, ALL BECAUSE HE SOLD A CRAPLOAD OF HIGH COST AMERIQUEST LOANS TO POOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU??? I guess you conveniently ignored that post!



#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 07, 2006

Let's return to the truth. "I was born [First Strike], raised [Second Strike], and schooled [Third Strike] in Ohio." You're OUT! There, Meglio, we outed you. Feel normal again? "Went Philadelphia for law school. I had to put off law school for financial reasons." [poor money management skills] "AMQ shuts down, and I ... [was fired]" You weren't "offered" another position. They didn't want you. You were not needed. There were better qualified people for the open positions. "recruit "D" borrowers from a rip-off web site." Meglio - Cleveland, Ohio CORRECTION: The borrower that needed our help is not a "D" borrower. Because you have been exposed only to "D" borrowers in your {cough!} -fired- {cough!} career, that is all you see. I can hear you from here, "Wahhhhhh. I forgot how to be friendly. Wahhhhh. Nobody likes me. Wahhhhh. Meglio the tranny - from just outside of Cleveland. It's okay, pal, you'll find your way in life eventually. When you're all settled, check back in here. We'll wait for your apology.



#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 07, 2006

Let's return to the truth. "I was born [First Strike], raised [Second Strike], and schooled [Third Strike] in Ohio." You're OUT! There, Meglio, we outed you. Feel normal again? "Went Philadelphia for law school. I had to put off law school for financial reasons." [poor money management skills] "AMQ shuts down, and I ... [was fired]" You weren't "offered" another position. They didn't want you. You were not needed. There were better qualified people for the open positions. "recruit "D" borrowers from a rip-off web site." Meglio - Cleveland, Ohio CORRECTION: The borrower that needed our help is not a "D" borrower. Because you have been exposed only to "D" borrowers in your {cough!} -fired- {cough!} career, that is all you see. I can hear you from here, "Wahhhhhh. I forgot how to be friendly. Wahhhhh. Nobody likes me. Wahhhhh. Meglio the tranny - from just outside of Cleveland. It's okay, pal, you'll find your way in life eventually. When you're all settled, check back in here. We'll wait for your apology.



#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 07, 2006

Let's return to the truth. "I was born [First Strike], raised [Second Strike], and schooled [Third Strike] in Ohio." You're OUT! There, Meglio, we outed you. Feel normal again? "Went Philadelphia for law school. I had to put off law school for financial reasons." [poor money management skills] "AMQ shuts down, and I ... [was fired]" You weren't "offered" another position. They didn't want you. You were not needed. There were better qualified people for the open positions. "recruit "D" borrowers from a rip-off web site." Meglio - Cleveland, Ohio CORRECTION: The borrower that needed our help is not a "D" borrower. Because you have been exposed only to "D" borrowers in your {cough!} -fired- {cough!} career, that is all you see. I can hear you from here, "Wahhhhhh. I forgot how to be friendly. Wahhhhh. Nobody likes me. Wahhhhh. Meglio the tranny - from just outside of Cleveland. It's okay, pal, you'll find your way in life eventually. When you're all settled, check back in here. We'll wait for your apology.



#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, August 07, 2006

Let's return to the truth. "I was born [First Strike], raised [Second Strike], and schooled [Third Strike] in Ohio." You're OUT! There, Meglio, we outed you. Feel normal again? "Went Philadelphia for law school. I had to put off law school for financial reasons." [poor money management skills] "AMQ shuts down, and I ... [was fired]" You weren't "offered" another position. They didn't want you. You were not needed. There were better qualified people for the open positions. "recruit "D" borrowers from a rip-off web site." Meglio - Cleveland, Ohio CORRECTION: The borrower that needed our help is not a "D" borrower. Because you have been exposed only to "D" borrowers in your {cough!} -fired- {cough!} career, that is all you see. I can hear you from here, "Wahhhhhh. I forgot how to be friendly. Wahhhhh. Nobody likes me. Wahhhhh. Meglio the tranny - from just outside of Cleveland. It's okay, pal, you'll find your way in life eventually. When you're all settled, check back in here. We'll wait for your apology.


I like both opions and views!

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, August 06, 2006

I enjoy both opinions and views from Megilio and Rex. With two different views and experiences from you both, it enables one to better understand the mortgage industry language. So ya'll stop the insults and stick to the advice that will help these people with their problems. You are both knowledgeable, and I would invite both of you to my party, regardless of whether your male or female. Thank you both and have a wonderful day!!!!!!


I like both opions and views!

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, August 06, 2006

I enjoy both opinions and views from Megilio and Rex. With two different views and experiences from you both, it enables one to better understand the mortgage industry language. So ya'll stop the insults and stick to the advice that will help these people with their problems. You are both knowledgeable, and I would invite both of you to my party, regardless of whether your male or female. Thank you both and have a wonderful day!!!!!!


I like both opions and views!

#13Consumer Comment

Sun, August 06, 2006

I enjoy both opinions and views from Megilio and Rex. With two different views and experiences from you both, it enables one to better understand the mortgage industry language. So ya'll stop the insults and stick to the advice that will help these people with their problems. You are both knowledgeable, and I would invite both of you to my party, regardless of whether your male or female. Thank you both and have a wonderful day!!!!!!


I like both opions and views!

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, August 06, 2006

I enjoy both opinions and views from Megilio and Rex. With two different views and experiences from you both, it enables one to better understand the mortgage industry language. So ya'll stop the insults and stick to the advice that will help these people with their problems. You are both knowledgeable, and I would invite both of you to my party, regardless of whether your male or female. Thank you both and have a wonderful day!!!!!!


MegliO....FegliO.....or whatever......

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, August 06, 2006

You say Rex spends his life on here. Check out yourself. You seem to have a comment for everyone on this site, a comment that we could all do without. You have absolutely NOTHING of value to say so why say it? Do you get off on trying to see how many people you can get to respond to your ignorant remarks? We can all tell that you worked for Ameriscum. You are the typical ignorant, arrogant a*s that they tend to hire. Like Rex has told you many times, get over yourself because you are nothing but a piece of scum that AMQ threw out like trash. And trash is what AMQ is all about. A low-life scum sucking company that made a lot of money BEFORE people got smart and started suing them. I live for the day the doors are closed and all employees are out on the street looking for handouts. That's exactly where they belong, right along with you. You say you are a law student? You will fit right in. I mean, you have already learned how to rip people off and lie by working for AMQ. Good luck to you because you'll need it Mr. O at the end of HIS name because he's a male. Whatever .... like we care. You should have an L at the end of your name which stands for LIAR.


I will try to talk slow so

#16Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 04, 2006

Rex can comprehend. I was born, raised, and schooled in Ohio. Went Philadelphia for law school. I had to put off law school for financial reasons. While living in Philadelphia, I was offered a management position with Argent. Argent closed 2 branches and offered us AMQ jobs. I took over Cherry Hill for 6 months. AMQ shuts down, and I decide to finish law school now that money is no issue. Now that you understand my life history, tell me: How do you get ANY work done when you spend your whole life on this website???? Its rather pathetic that the company you work for is so bad that you recruit "D" borrowers from a rip-off web site. Tough hustle.


Meglio was fired by Ameriquest

#17UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 04, 2006

I don't visit this site "for leads". That was a by-product of providing valuable feedback to some questions. I have not mislead anyone. Are you in Cleveland or in Cherry Hill? Make up your duplicitous mind, idiot. Are you bragging about an avg. loan size that is one-half the average in my area of CA? I don't care if you leave this site forever. Your only reason for being here is to provide some type of help to the defrauded borrowers of Ameriquest. Other than that, you're wasting everyone's time. That said, I'm done with you, loser. Go back to raising funds for your gender reassignment surgery and quit pestering people. Your posts are the equivalent of online graffitti, and nothing more.


Meglio was fired by Ameriquest

#18UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, August 04, 2006

I don't visit this site "for leads". That was a by-product of providing valuable feedback to some questions. I have not mislead anyone. Are you in Cleveland or in Cherry Hill? Make up your duplicitous mind, idiot. Are you bragging about an avg. loan size that is one-half the average in my area of CA? I don't care if you leave this site forever. Your only reason for being here is to provide some type of help to the defrauded borrowers of Ameriquest. Other than that, you're wasting everyone's time. That said, I'm done with you, loser. Go back to raising funds for your gender reassignment surgery and quit pestering people. Your posts are the equivalent of online graffitti, and nothing more.


Oh Also Rex

#19Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 04, 2006



Sure sounds like a LOT

#20Consumer Suggestion

Fri, August 04, 2006

of backtracking Rex. You need a backbone. Use your brain, stand up for yourself, and stop blaming the website for your problems. Yea, and I have no interest in making the OP a client. As a rule of thumb, I will not do a loan for a person that can't write a simple paragraph without confusing everyone that reads it. My average loan amount in Cherry Hill NJ is 220K, so this guy wouldn't fall into my client base. Oh Rex, let's make a deal. I will leave this website forever if you can point out where I said Ameriquest "canned me." If you can't do that, then you have to apologize for making things up. I bet your ego is too big for that. Oh and by the way, why the patricentricity? Are there no women here - or men here - that are offended that this guy says he thought I was a woman based on the fact that I whine and moan??? Rex, your problems with the opposite sex - while Im sure most of us aren't suprised - are really not the topic at hand here. Stop digressing so you an avoid facing the fact that you are inexperienced and misleading people.


That Explains Everything, Meglio

#21UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, August 03, 2006

That explains everything, Meglio. YOU have a lifelong gender identity issue. Surely, I'm not the first person to think you write like a female. All you do is b***h and moan about how smart you are while you make errors on par with everyone else on this board. Re-read your other posts on this site. Meanwhile, your huge brain has become a burden to you as you have failed to recognize the possiblity that my earlier message was edited before it was posted. It's true & it's verifiable. I asked Marcus to clarify some other issues and those parts were omitted when posted here. Because this has happened in the past, I save my messages before clicking on the "Submit" button. I was able to make contact with the OP in the previous instance a month ago and sent my original message to that person. We're still working together on the transaction. So, here's another thing to consider: If you had played your cards right from the beginning, you may have gained a new client. Instead, you showed your true colors and demonstrated why Ameriquest canned you. Loser.


Sure Rex

#22Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 02, 2006

First of all, Meglio is a MALE NAME. You should get out more and try to understand other cultures. As a rule of thumb Rex, in the Spanish community, a name ending in "O" usually denotes MALE, and a name ending in "A" usually denotes FEMALE. You are very well-rounded though Rex. Good work on your worldliness. Anyway, while we don't know if the OP is STILL in his forbearance, it is very clear that the question was in RELATION to the time period in which he WAS in his forbearance. And I quote: "I WAS IN THEY FORBEARING PLAN FOR NINE MONTHS. I PAID MY AGREEMENT ON TIME BUT THEY STILL REPORT MY ACCOUNT LATE TO CRADIT BUREAUS." If you could actully READ CRITICALLY Rex, you would see that the poster is asking WHY he was reported late when he was paying his forbearance agreement on time. I can appreciate the fact that the OP used multiple tenses in his post, which can be quite confusing. He starts by saying he "was" in the forbearance, and then he says AMQ is "still" reporting him late. I chose to write in the present tense as to not confuse the issue. But while the OP is written in different tenses, it is STILL VERY CLEAR that the poster is asking about the time period in which he WAS IN THE FORBEARANCE. It could have been 10, 5, or 2 years ago...hell, it could have been last week. It doesn't matter. The answer is still the same. The reason they reported the guy late is because a forbearance is a STATE OF DEFAULT, and until he pays off the forbearance COMPLETELY, he will be shown as being late. DO YOU UNDERSTAND REX? Now, the REASON he is being turned down could be 50 different things. It COULD be a debt ratio problem, a judgment problem, a seasoning issue, or whatever. But if you take the OP at face value, you have to take his word for it that the REASON he is being turned down is because of the forbearnce and AMQ's subsequent reporting. So based on that info, we can conclude either - #1 He didn't go to a subprime lender that deals with NODs, or he DID, but he doesn't have the equity to make the move. We may later find that the OP has a credit score of 420, but with the information provided, these are the correct deductions. Again Rex, critical thinking separates the weak-minded from the intelligent. Try to do some exercises in critical thinking, and try to get outside of your box and see what else the world has to offer.


Meglio's Inferiorty Complex Has Caught Up With Her

#23UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, August 02, 2006

Meglio's Inferiorty Complex Has Caught Up With Her - She Seems to be Competing with People on This Board. Meglio neglected to answer your question, Marcus. That's about par for her replies. She's trying to be helpful, but often misses the mark. I can admit that we all miss the mark from time to time. I am trying to determine the status of your situation, Marcus, by asking for more information. While it's possible that you could be partway through the Forebearance plan, it would be incorrect for anyone to assume this is the case, based upon the information you have posted. Please tell us the whole story in order to receive useful feedback.


Please dont listen to

#24Consumer Suggestion

Wed, August 02, 2006

Rex. There is a very simple answer here. The reason they are reporting you late even though you are paying the agreement on time is because a forbearnace agreement is STILL A STATE OF DEFAULT. I'll put it to you this way: If you go 6 months behind, and instead of taking your home, the bank creates an agreement through which you will pay the 6 months back over the next 3 months, you are not current on your account until the 3-month agreement is over. Do you understand? The reason you cant refinance are most likely one of the two following reasons: Either you have not gone to a subprime company that can do a NOD loan (notice of default) inside of 12 months, OR you went to a subprime lender and you don't have enough equity. As a rule of thumb, most subprime lenders can't do a NOD inside of 12 months if you are borrowing over 65-70% of what your home is worth. Dont listen to this Rex guy. He gets every "advice post" way wrong. He needs to stop pretending to be an experienced banker/broker when he is not.


Reply to Marcus

#25UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, August 01, 2006

If your note calls for an adjustment to the interest rate, your mortgage interest rate will adjust. It's a schedule on a contract. On what date is the adjustment taking place? Using your cancelled checks from your bank, you can document the timeline of your payments to Ameriquest. If your first payment was 30 or 60 days late, the following payments are likely reported as the same amount of late, also. You could have "rolling 30s" or "rolling 60s" on your credit report. Is this the case? What is the specific reason given to you that no other mortgage company will refinance you? Can you provide answers to the 3+ questions here?

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