  • Report:  #759478

Complaint Review: American Association for Nude Recreation - Kissimmee Florida

Reported By:
Linda - Smokey Point, Washington, United States of America

American Association for Nude Recreation
1703 North Main St Suite E. Kissimmee, 34744 Florida, United States of America
www.aanr.com, www.aanr.com/aanr-clubs
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I have seen it all in my 17+ years at local clubs and dealing with the American Association for Nude Recreation.

AANR has stringent rules that their clubs be aimed towards wholesome family friendly nude recreation. However, they do not enforce nor police their member clubs.

One Northwest club refuses to even answer emails or phone call to single men. If you are an AANR single and get past their initial screening, you will be watched like a hawk while on the property. This same club discriminates against women. We are considered Fe-things, not woMEN orFeMALE but expected to seen and not heard.

AANR has ignored the complaints of members for years. My first experience the AANR representatives told me it would be best to just get the heck out of dodge, this was after that club harassed me mentally and caused damages to my travel trailer by flooding it while I was gone.

While trying to winterize my trailer, I was caught in a snow storm and stuck on premises for an extra day. During that one day, my husband received numerous harassing phone calls to get me off the property. Kind of hard to leave when you have 2+ feet of snow on the ground.

Since AANR spends all our membership money on Legislative issues, they only enforce the quality of the membership facilities and not on AANRs standards being applied to the club.

After leaving the first club wounded emotionally, I stayed to myself and didnt participate or get to know my fellow members.

I was mortified when I did get to know members - one of the married men had repeatedly groped me. After talking with a couple of Board members, I found out I was not alone and several other women were also being man handled by this gentleman. The last time it happened to me it was worse than ever, he grabbed my left breast and grabbed my crotch.

I repeatedly tried to get the owners to contact me for several days with no avail. It wasnt until I hung a club T-shirt from an umbrella saying Get (club logo), get Groped. This immediately brought the owners to my lot with a camera. I quickly removed the shirt before she could take a picture of it.

After talking with the National AANR Director, they informed me that what was happening was not only against AANRs and the club rules but against the law. They told me to report this person to the police for prosecution.

Its really hard to serve papers against a person when the club refused to give me the offenders last name. The police had to come onto the clubs property and get the name off the members trailers license plate.

Needless to say, the club decided to evict me as a member, gave me 24 hours to vacate my lot with loss of lot and all membership fees.

I had to get an attorney to point out that they were in violation with their own bi-laws. The owners never consulted the Board, nor allowed me to address the board on my behalf. Instead my only recourse was to stand in front of 62 members and try to explain the situation and to ask them to reinstate my membership.

During this meeting there was an AANR regional rep present. He watched the kangaroo court and did absolutely nothing on my behalf.

Within a couple of minutes of my allotted 15 minutes which originally was only 5 minutes they tried to stop the meeting and have the members vote instantly. If my attorney had not been present I would not been allowed to tell my story.

The owners had also sent an email to its membership explaining my eviction was caused by my own behavior.

They also had a board meeting the day before and bullied them to keep my eviction in tact, they also refused to allow me to talk to the board on the situation at hand.

The meeting the following day was ugly, they had me shaking and in tears within minutes of my attempt to address the members on my behalf.

Needless to say, the eviction stood.

I was also totally humiliated and became a nervous wreck trying to remove what I could within the allowed few hours they had given me to vacate the property.

That same day, new Board Members were elected. The new board were very displeased in how the previous board had handled my situation. Instead of reprimanding the man for sexual assault, they pushed me out of the club.

My mental state was so affected that I had to check myself into a local hospital to help control my anxiety and panic attacks, I spent 4 days in their mental facility trying to get my happy go lucky self back again. I am currently a medicine wasteland. I am still trying to get the local authorities to actually press charges and bring this offender to court.

I am only 1 person who has been attacked, harassed and discriminated in the lifestyle. My previous club has been tossing women and singles from their club since their conception.

I honestly think the American Association for Nude Recreation has dropped the ball in keeping their member clubs to the high standards that AANR stands for.

As for member clubs being family friendly, I would also say Dont bring your children unless you want to see a bunch of drunk and disorderly members acting like fools in front of your children.

As a women, you will be scrutinized, gawked at as well as a possible victim of sexual innuendos, inappropriate touching and hounded by mostly married men.

AANR.Get it together! Actually listen to the complaints of members and visitors who have been harassed or wronged by clubs!

All the legislation action will not help if the masses tell the truth on their treatment in clubs, the discrimination, harassment and the retaliation clubs have done to their members.

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