  • Report:  #111385

Complaint Review: American Entertainment Distirbutors - Hollywood Florida

Reported By:
- Birmingham, Alabama,

American Entertainment Distirbutors
2514 Hollywood Boulevard Suite 200 Hollywood, 33020 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Ok guys, here's the clif-notes version of my story.

I purchased two machines at the same time and wired $69,900 (I had alread sent in a deposit of $3,600)on May 11th, 2004. I finally received my machines in September. That's 4 months by anybodies count. That is twice as long as they claimed.

After calling and complaining about the length of time it was taking to get my machines, I decided to call Cezar and speak with him about purching a new machine.

I was directed to Maricio. I spoke with Maricio and flat out asked him if I were to purchase a 3rd machine if all 3 could be delivered and up and running by August 19 because the UAB campus bookstore had their student orientation that day and I was advised to have the machine up and running to show students how to use it.

Maricio put me on hold and came back to me and assured me that would be no problem, but I had to make my purchase that week. I decided not to make an additional purchase, thank God.

Anyway, about a month later, my machines finally arrived. I guess you could say that was the beginning of a whole slue of misconceptions I had. I have this flaw that if you tell me something, I believe you first, and you will have to prove me wrong about you later.

My biggest complaint comes from the lack of truth from AED and a lack of support from UTS. Universal Tech Support was just a huge problem for me.

From day one, when I would call, I found UTS to be dumbfounded with their own ability. No kidding. I would call from either of my locations and while at the dispenser, trying to solve problems, while on my cell phone, they would put me on hold. Multiple times!

No exageration: the last time I was on the phone with UTS, I was on my cell phone for 46 minutes, and was put on hold for at least half that time. Once again, no kidding! Then if that wasn't enough, I was told that they would have to call me back in a few moments. Two days later I still had not heard back from them!

And that had happened to me twice before!!! Driving all the way out to my dispensers, (one about 35 minutes away) and needing support, and they would tell me they would call me right back and I would be standing at my machine waiting for hours for them to call me.

And when I tried to call them back, they wouldn't put me through to anyone. Stating that all the techs were busy and they would have to take my number and call me back.

Finally, I called and asked to speak with the complaint department. That is when they introduced me to Ed Farlow. What a joke. Once again...no kidding.

One of my machines' reciept printers was not working, and that I needed help to fix it.

I told Ed that I wanted to tell him my story. And I did. I spent about 7 minutes or so telling him how I was put on hold, how I was told they would call me right back, and how they left me without support after making trips to my machines.

Ed's answer? "I can't help you with that." I was confused, and so I told him, "I'm sorry Ed, I thought I was speaking with the complaint department for UTS." He assured me that he was the complaint department for both AED and UTS, and that there was nothing he could do about UTS hanging me out to dry like that.

I tried to be reasonable. I once again to tried to explain how a client needed to be serviced while at the machine, and how they had an obligation to service us after we trusted them, and gave them our business. Unmoved, Ed's reply was once again, "I can't help you with that."

So, I asked for him to send me to the person that could "help me with that." Lovely Ed then informed me that he was be be-all and end-all for customer service, and that there was no one else to help me.

After I made sure I didn't misunderstand him, he reaffirmed that he was the end of the rope in helping (or not) helping solve these kind of problems. And furthermore, my complaints would not go beyound him!

I asked him if my complaint would be recorded and acted upon so that other clients would not have to suffer through this problem, and he flat out told me that the complaint would not be recorded and that he could not help me.

So, I asked him if I was hearing him clearly. And once again he made it clear that he wasn't going to do anything with my complaint. Ugh!

That was when I became convinced that this was not a good man, and the company was a joke. I told him, "Ed, that is unacceptable!" "No business can operate like that, and this one can't either." "I expect you to hear my problems, fix the problems I am having, and record my problems so that others don't have these same problems!" "Your job is to solve my problems, period!"

Needless to say, within two days, the FTC (or whom ever it was) came in and shut them down.

It seems clear to me that if all of us are having this kind of trouble, and the complaints keep coming in, there ought to be a class action suite brought against AED.

What do you guys think?


Birmingham, Alabama

3 Updates & Rebuttals

Do Not Wish To Disclose

the truth

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, October 07, 2004

First things first, addressing the relationship between UTS and AED. How does one really explain greed and deceit on a personal level? Although the names were different the key players were pretty much the same. those named on the affidavit two of which were husband and wife but did not share the same last name (wondering if that was on purpose)?maybe to not get a second look ?. Those people were the owners of AED and UTS. What roles they played, I will let the justice department sort that abortion out. The concept that AED had at its infant stages may have been as deceitful as it has been at this juncture. Innocent people were taken for a ride. For what valid reason. Simply for the greed of others. As an observer on the outside looking in I saw the demise of the UTS Company. The lack of communication, lack of organization, to many chiefs and not enough Indians, and utter lack of respect for the technicians from MANAGERS is quite appalling, to see a Company operate and lie to its employees and customers that they are so very obligated to provide support for is shameful. However, not all of the technicians were saints. There are some that you would need not turn your back on. The bad apples if you please. The ones that were there just to collect a check. From some of the wretched postings I have reviewed I feel that putting the blame on some of the hardworking technicians is a bit unfair. Those just employed by an unworthy Company has caused a lot of grief not only to the innocent customer, but also to the trusted technician that may have lost a fair amount of his own money possibly leaving a good job under the false promises that were made to lure him away just to make it in this world, to provide a better life for himself and maybe supporting a family. We will never know the whole truth, just some blatant lie for that lack of a better term C#$k s$#@ers who tried to swindle everyone including the valued employee. For the management staff that was less capable of flushing an automatic toilet to run a department that was more deserving for some. So I say to you, let the GOV sort out the foul apples and those that were worthy focus on the immediate issue at hand. Remember, if the Feds get involved to shut you down, it's not because you were giving away lollipops to children. And as far as some other postings that I have also read to blame someone for speaking up for money lost to this company how dare you tell someone who probably took out a loan to pay for this machine and never got it, that they ruined it for all of you. At least u have your machines working or not there is still hope for you people so stop and think how u would feel if you got nothing like they have. Before you blame them for getting UTS and AED closed down. realize that it was not based on just a few people try countless that have prepaid for machines and not gotten them at all and maybe never will. There has been enough suffering and anguish.

Do Not Wish To Disclose

clearing up some information. How does one really explain greed and deceit.

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, October 07, 2004

First things first, addressing the relationship between UTS and AED. How does one really explain greed and deceit on a personal level? Although the names were different the key players were pretty much the same. those named on the affidavit two of which were husband and wife but did not share the same last name (wondering if that was on purpose)?maybe to not get a second look ?. Those people were the owners of AED and UTS. What roles they played, I will let the justice department sort that abortion out. The concept that AED had at its infant stages may have been as deceitful as it has been at this juncture. Innocent people were taken for a ride. For what valid reason. Simply for the greed of others. As an observer on the outside looking in I saw the demise of the UTS Company. The lack of communication, lack of organization, to many chiefs and not enough Indians, and utter lack of respect for the technicians from MANAGERS is quite appalling, to see a Company operate and lie to its employees and customers that they are so very obligated to provide support for is shameful. However, not all of the technicians were saints. There are some that you would need not turn your back on. The bad apples if you please. The ones that were there just to collect a check. From some of the wretched postings I have reviewed I feel that putting the blame on some of the hardworking technicians is a bit unfair. Those just employed by an unworthy Company has caused a lot of grief not only to the innocent customer, but also to the trusted technician that may have lost a fair amount of his own money possibly leaving a good job under the false promises that were made to lure him away just to make it in this world, to provide a better life for himself and maybe supporting a family. We will never know the whole truth, just some blatant lie for that lack of a better term c**k suckers who tried to swindle everyone including the valued employee. For the management staff that was less capable of flushing an automatic toilet to run a department that was more deserving for some. So I say to you, let the GOV sort out the foul apples and those that were worthy focus on the immediate issue at hand. Remember, if the Feds get involved to shut you down, it's not because you were giving away lollipops to children. And as far as some other postings that I have also read to blame someone for speaking up for money lost to this company how dare you tell someone who probably took out a loan to pay for this machine and never got it, that they ruined it for all of you. At least u have your machines working or not there is still hope for you people so stop and think how u would feel if you got nothing like they have. Before you blame them for getting UTS and AED closed down. realize that it was not based on just a few people try countless that have prepaid for machines and not gotten them at all and maybe never will. There has been enough suffering and anguish.

Do Not Wish To Disclose

It is not fair

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, October 06, 2004

It really is not fair how a few bad apples can destroy a good thing. I am a former employee of UTS due what has transpired over the past few days. My message is to all those customers who feel as if they were ripped off by AED/UTS. First and foremost we all need to undersatnd that SED and UTS are two(2) seperate companies owned by two(2) different people. I cannot comment and will not comment on AED and their operations. I will only comment on UTS. From my knowledge, UTS has not ripped anyone off in no way shape or form. In my short time working for them, I have found a new family with my co-workers. Despite what you all may think, we at UTS took our customers very seriously and did everything in our power to ensure that our customers were happy, and taken care of in anyway possible. There are many of you out there that UTS has bent over backwards for many a times. We were a small company with limited resources which resulted in yes customers having to wait a while for phone support or even to get a tech out to either install or repair their machines. We took care of issues as they were presented. We were a well-oiled machine with quality people, quality managers, quality technicians. In closing I just hope that those of you who did lose money thru this deal will be refunded or even better get your machines, those of you that are already installed, I wish you all the best. UTS was a great place to work, honest, and professional.

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