  • Report:  #1133099

Complaint Review: American Staffing Company - Houston Texas

Reported By:
Gary - Mesquite, Texas,

American Staffing Company
8000 North Stadium Dr Houston, 77054 Texas, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I was emailed and offer for possible employment as a recruiting coordinator. Unlike the individual they said they could not employ because their bank was not one that ASTAFFING could work with, my bank is in there desired network. They offered me a position that consisted of 3 week training, and then in the fourth week I would be hired full time. Initially they mentioned they needed my banking information so they could deposit my weekly payroll and also a deposit for some proprietary equipment that consisted of a database with thousands of resumes, most through Career Builder that we would choose. At that point, the red flag went up, and I told them there was no reason to send the deposit for the equipment to my bank, as I was not prepared to provide any funds. If there was equipment, and they were ready to purchase, then I told them they could deposit the entire amount. They agreed and I started my training. I gave them the information for one of my accounts and left $25.00 in there to protect myself. So I started March 10, 2014 with the compensation for training to be paid each Friday starting that week. They did send me 10 training chapters/documents relative to recruiting and different methods of recruiting, depending on the candidate and position to be hired for. It looked very professional, but they possibly could have copied it from another company and just added enough to make it look as theirs. So I trained the first week, and communicated with their main contact "Matt Vatter" each day via email. Never have I talked to anyone on the phone. On Thursday I mentioned the first payment for training and he said it would be in the bank that Friday or Saturday. I have an executed contract signed by both the owner Adam McGid and myself stating the payment terms. Well it, the payment was not in my account Friday or Saturday. I tried to call their office number, but you get the same generic voice mail every time. I emailed Matt as to what happened, and on Monday 3-17-14 received an email from him with an excuse that they were having trouble with their bank being able to facilitate some of the direct deposits. He apologized and asked if I could be patient until the following weekend as they were changing banks. He promised the deposit for both weeks would be made, with a bonus for my patience. With no other option, and the fact it was only costing me time, I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I trained and tested the second week, passed my test, and on Friday received and email from Matt congratulating me. He said now all that had to be done was move forward and wait for the funds to get the proprietary equipment. I told him that was good, but I expected payment in my bank by midnight that night, Friday 3-21-14. I did not hear from him, and there has been no deposit or communication as of today Monday 3-24-14. I am not sure what their intentions are, as I all they could get from me is $25.00. Maybe they felt the need to string me along so I didn't question them or submit a report such as this. However I would suggest based on my experience, that no one do business with them as a job seeker or an employer.


2 Updates & Rebuttals


Additional information on American Staffing Company Houston

#2Author of original report

Tue, April 01, 2014

On March 25th I amended my intial report of the 24th as my contact "Matt Watter" did reach out to me on the 25th via email, with his reasons that for a third week in a row why I did not receive my training compensation. I agreed to give him until the following weekend as he gaurateed if the direct deposit didn't work, he would send me a money order or cashiers check. Well it is now Tuesday 4-1-14 and still have received no funds. Although I did receive a couple of emails from him that I will try and post in this report. And as the last gentleman that wrote a report said, they seemed legitimate, and I don't understand their scam if they have one. They only have my banking info for a an account I opened up with $25.00. I figured if they got me for $25.00 with all the work they went through, then they just got me.

They sent me 10 chapters of material to study, that seemed like very legitimate information to study to become and Excutive Recruiter. I also had a 50 question test relative to those 10 chapters of which I had to pass to continue on with my training. The test was electronic and very elaborate. they have a website with Matt Watter noted as the VP of HR and an officer. They also had a picture of the owner Adam McGid who stamped and signed my agreement, which I executed by signing and scanning back to them. This noted my payment, when they would start and the days my funds would be dposited. It is a legitimate contract and based on the contract, they are bound to pay for at least the first two weeks of training. I am now going to try and drop in some emails, one where he "Matt" states I could not get them for any illegalties. I told him I had not seen anything illegal from them, but I had seen and experienced plenty of unethical bevaior and practice. If I can't drop in any of the emails, just make sure you don't have any dealings with this company. They say they work with Career Builder and have acces with a huge database of potential employees. I doubt any of that is true, but I will be alerting Career Builder, if at all possible.  I was able to drop in some emails, from the most current to a some previuos. I tried to attched the executed contract which is in a PDF file, but it would let me. Let's see if Matt has a rebuttal to this report. Gary Camden

-----Original Message-----

From: Gary Camden [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 2:26 PM

To: [email protected]; [email protected]

Cc: [email protected]

Subject: Fw: Fw: Payment Issues

Please note the attachment. It is an attempt to somewhat recant my original report I placed on line after I finally heard from you Tuesday 3-25-2014 with another promise of payment this past weekend, if it had to be done by Money Order or Cashiers Check. I again took you at your word, for the third week in a row, and felt bad as maybe you did have legitimate reasons.
So my goal was to never hurt you or your company, but as as business man and husband, figure out a way to secure what was negotiated and promised 3 weeks in row and then after the third week there was not even any communication until Tuesday.
I am sending you this to show you that I did and have always understood business issues. However after the guarantee you made of getting me my due compensation, whether it be by money order or cashiers check, it was your responsibility to do so.
I don't care if you are in Dubai, South America or Russia. This is business, it has been an ongoing employee issue for well over 3 weeks, and you haven't made good on one promise.
If you were or are busy, then it is your responsibility to have someone else make sure it happens.
So, nothing has changed from my earlier email. I am still PISSED off, and intend to retrieve my compensation or at the least make sure I have notified as many relative people and companies in your industry that you do not stand by your word, so they don't encounter the same madness.
Gary Camden
-----Original Message-----

From: Gary Camden [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Friday, March 28, 2014 9:13 AM

To: ASTAFFING; [email protected]; [email protected]

Cc: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Fw: Payment Issues

No one has stated you have done anything illegal. However it is unethical. I assume ASTAFFING  wants to prosper and grow as that is why you reached out to hire me, and possibly others.
We executed a formal contract stating my pay and the dates of pay for my services.
Based on that contract and assuming I would be compensated as noted in the contract, I have made financial decisions and comitments.I just continued to want to believe u were having legitimate issues with your promised payments and continued my efforts to remain patient each week. However, now it has affected my family and I am PISSED off.
I have stated nowhere any illegal activity on your part. But now it is the end of another week, and you are coming up with other excuses, "If you coudn't wire it this week, you were going to send a money order cashiers check." What happened to that?
I don't see where you have done anything illegal, but based on the breach of contract you have conducted unethical business practices. I had no intention of getting in an adversarial relationship, but it looks like you are forcing my hand. If you are not going to honor the contract, then I will report you to the labor board. Also, I know you said you and your staff were not on social media, but I am, with about 200 connections on Linkden and the public via Facebook. If you just want to blow me off and not make my earned payments, then I will report you to the Labor Board for breach of contract., post the issue on Facebook where there are millions of job seekers and potential employees. Career Builder and all other major Job Boards suggesting they do not use you as means to hire or be hired.  My sister has a friend that she has known since elementary school, who is now a partner in a major firm who practices corporate law. She said let her know, and she would just have her paralegals write up a civil suit based on your actions or should say lack of actions.  
  If you would have honored any of the statements, the contract or any of the weekly promises you made, there would have never been anything negative about your company or you personally. However, and especially with this latest email, you have forced my hand. If you want me to contact Labor Board and post your unethical practices and promises on Linkden, Facebook and other sites, I will. I will also contact the legal firm ,  and will inform Career Builder and all other major job boards, with a COPY of the contract and every single email from you with the reasons for non payment and the promises of when they would be made, as long as I was patient.  
 Well Matt, you can let me know how you would like me to proceed. Also, I had retracted anything I had posted as a possible mistake, but I can post again noting I was correct all along.
Let me know what your plans are. I don't expect to hear from you, so given another day without communication, I will move forward in my efforts to retrieve my $1800.00 and make sure no one else encounters this type of situation.

On Friday, March 28, 2014 2:16 AM, ASTAFFING <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Gary,

I am in Dubai for business meetings.
You are waiting for concrete answers but now I don’t have any concrete information.
Any person can place any negative information online. But there are no proofs about illegal activity from our side.

Kind regards, Matt Vatter.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Camden [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 10:01 AM

To: ASTAFFING; [email protected]; [email protected]

Cc: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Payment issues

I addition, what part of the world are you in, as the majority of your emails are sent around 1:00am to 2:30am Central Time here in the USA?
Also the office number in Houston always answers with just a Generic message from a female with a foreign accent. I assume there is actually no one domiciled at the Houston address.

On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 8:45 AM, Gary Camden <[email protected]> wrote:

When you say one more week, are you saying you would have 3 weeks pay to me this Friday somehow?
Also, the payment for the first two weeks could be sent today, which would be my preference.
Wal Mart will allow you to transfer funds from any Wal Mart to any other in the world as long as you have the sender and the consignees name and information? I could tell you which one to send it to as I have one right across the freeway from my bank.
Is that possible?

On Tuesday, March 25, 2014 2:41 AM, ASTAFFING <[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Gary,

We were able to move our financial assets to the new bank. But we didn’t receive token devise to our office. And we are not able to send your salaries right now because we need to have a unique code for every transfer and we can get it from token device.

I have been informed we will receive a package from our bank in the end of this week.
I don’t know if you can understand our situation and if you will wait. But if we will be not able to send the transfer this week, I will send your salaries using alternative ways, money order or cashier cheque.
Can you give me 1 more week to complete the transfer?
I will wait for your decision.

Kind regards, Matt Vatter.


American Staffing Company-Houston

#3Author of original report

Tue, March 25, 2014

Good Morning:

I wrote and placed the report Monday March24,2014, relative to not being paid for two weeks of training.

I may have jumped the gun a bit, as I noted in my report they couldn't be trying to extort anything due to the way we had set up our financial relationship, and that is true. 

Well I did hear from my contact "Matt Watter" today and it looks as though they had some legitimate issues.

At this point they will make good on my payments, but I still stand by my staements, that they must communicate when there are issues. If I would have heard from them Monday morning, 3 days after the payments were to have been made, I would have never written the initial report.

I believe they understadn that and I look forward to a working relationship with them. However, if they don't meet their requirments as an employer moving forward, I will post again for the last time. Regards, Gary


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