  • Report:  #1034418

Complaint Review: APX Alarm Security Solutions - Provo Utah

Reported By:
- South Beloit, Illinois,

APX Alarm Security Solutions
5132 North 300 West Provo, 84604 Utah, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Ripoff Report Verified REVIEW:

EDitors UPDATE: Positive rating and recognition has been given to APX Alarm for its commitment to excellence in customer service.

Ripoff Reports discussions with the company have uncovered an ongoing commitment to total customer satisfaction. You can expect to have any questions or concerns that you have with them to be answered and resolved in a timely manner. They have shown us their customer service process, and it reflects a desire to serve customers, as well as fix problems.

The company's management specifically told us about how their job is to simplify lives and help people to live intelligently. The management really wants every person who buys a system to feel valued. The concern for each customer's experience starts at the top, and is reflected in the action of every employee they hire.

The company also works to monitor their sales and customer support calls to see how they can be improved. They use these calls as examples for employees in training. Currently, Vivint is working to make changes to their contracts to make things easier for their customers as they have found that many of their complaints stem from feeling misled or customers paid fees they did not feel they authorized.
Ripoffreport Report Image
Ripoff Report Verified .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

Statements from company executives

"We are committed to making homes safe for families. With advanced early detection systems, many home fires are preventable and can be stopped in the beginning stages, saving lives. We have a plan for every family and every budget, and whether you choose our most basic or expanded services, you can be sure of our top quality technology and expert customer support.


We have simplified our customer service process to decrease the amount of time that a customer has to wait before speaking with a representative. Our customer service will look at your contract, listen to recorded phone calls, and make sure to get to the bottom of your issue to resolve things THE RIGHT WAY. We want customer's to have a positive experience, and we understand that sometimes customer's fall on hard times. We're willing to work with all of our customers. Their experience and safety are our primary concerns.

Read more about why consumers should feel confident when doing business with a member of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Yes, its a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,.. A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.

As a matter of policy, when a business becomes a member of the Corporate Advocacy Programthey agree to allow Ripoff Report to contact every client who filed a complaint so they can make things right with them. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer..


----------------------------------- APX Alarm Security Solutions Questionable sales and service tactics; Free never means FREE ripoff Provo Utah

A young man came to our door at like 8:30 at night and my husband foolishly let him in. He gave us this song and dance and used scare tactics to get us to sign up for the free trial (I requested the night to think about it but "he may not be in this area tomorrow, he goes where the company sends him"). Against my gut we signed up for the trial. He had someone there yet that night to install (was supposed to be out of our house by 10:00, didn't leave until about 11 pm!).

The next day I went to work and on break did my homework. I read the contract more thoroughly, I made calls to our local fire and police stations to see if they've ever heard of them, to check on false alarm fees, etc., checked the internet for bad PR (found plenty) and immediately realized we had made a mistake. When I got home that night guess who just happened to be not only in our neighborhood but still on our block. He asked how we liked the system so far, and I said that after having time to really look at things and weigh it out we had decided not to keep the system. He went from friendly to gruff and I politely asked what our next course of action was. He told me it's on the bottom of the contract and just walked away without so much as a thank you or good bye.

They only give you a 3 day trial, and you have to mail (or fax I found out) the cancellation in by midnight of the 3rd day. What if we had actually decided to use it 3 days? We'd be stuck in a six year contract (they said we had the choice of 3 or 5, but he chose 5 for us and it automatically renews another year). I started keeping records of everything. I faxed in the cancellation, printed a report to prove it made it safely and called to get confirmation.

The next struggle was trying to get the system removed. It states in all caps on the contract that they have 20 days from my notice of cancellation to remove the equipment or it becomes my property to do as I please. I made two appointments (missed work for them) and both times the tech never called or showed. Very frustrating! The third time I had to call about it they only had a couple of days left and I had kind of a busy schedule.

I had to fight with 4 different people on different levels because they claimed they had 20 days to contact me after I canceled to set up an appointment to remove the equipment. I was not backing down. I told them they could send someone between 5 and 8 PM that next night or they weren't getting it back and I was no longer obligated to anything with them. After playing phone tag and fighting some more they finally agreed to send someone out then.

I was told it would take up to an hour to remove the equipment. It took him 5 minutes. It took me weeks to get credited for the 1st month's service fee (which they charged to my credit card before the trial was even over!). Plus, I'm still fighting to get back the other $99 that they call an "activation fee". Someone had to type my info in a computer to setup the account and I'm charged $99? That doesn't seem like a fair deal OR a free trial to me!

I have warned all my neighbors that this is not a company you want to be dealing with. Only one customer service person was personable when I called with all these problems. That's one out of almost a dozen I had to bicker with. They use high pressure sales tactics, scare tactics, and the salesman can say something but it may not be in writing. You have to dig in their website to find out some of the less spoken of details that can be very pertinent. I now have many holes in my walls that are a constant reminder.

Don't make the same mistake!

Mrs t South Beloit, Illinois

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