  • Report:  #339732

Complaint Review: APX/APEX Alarm Security Solutions Inc. - Provo Utah

Reported By:
- Kenosha, Wisconsin,

APX/APEX Alarm Security Solutions Inc.
5132 North 300 West Provo, 84604 Utah, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Ripoff Report Verified REVIEW:

EDitors UPDATE: Positive rating and recognition has been given to APX Alarm for its commitment to excellence in customer service.

Ripoff Reports discussions with the company have uncovered an ongoing commitment to total customer satisfaction. You can expect to have any questions or concerns that you have with them to be answered and resolved in a timely manner. They have shown us their customer service process, and it reflects a desire to serve customers, as well as fix problems.

The company's management specifically told us about how their job is to simplify lives and help people to live intelligently. The management really wants every person who buys a system to feel valued. The concern for each customer's experience starts at the top, and is reflected in the action of every employee they hire.

The company also works to monitor their sales and customer support calls to see how they can be improved. They use these calls as examples for employees in training. Currently, Vivint is working to make changes to their contracts to make things easier for their customers as they have found that many of their complaints stem from feeling misled or customers paid fees they did not feel they authorized.
Ripoffreport Report Image
Ripoff Report Verified .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

Statements from company executives

"We are committed to making homes safe for families. With advanced early detection systems, many home fires are preventable and can be stopped in the beginning stages, saving lives. We have a plan for every family and every budget, and whether you choose our most basic or expanded services, you can be sure of our top quality technology and expert customer support.


We have simplified our customer service process to decrease the amount of time that a customer has to wait before speaking with a representative. Our customer service will look at your contract, listen to recorded phone calls, and make sure to get to the bottom of your issue to resolve things THE RIGHT WAY. We want customer's to have a positive experience, and we understand that sometimes customer's fall on hard times. We're willing to work with all of our customers. Their experience and safety are our primary concerns.

Read more about why consumers should feel confident when doing business with a member of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Yes, its a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program,.. A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. this program works.

As a matter of policy, when a business becomes a member of the Corporate Advocacy Programthey agree to allow Ripoff Report to contact every client who filed a complaint so they can make things right with them. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer..


----------------------------------- AXP/APEX Alarm Security Solutions, Inc. APX Alarm Bait and Switch Tactics! Provo Utah

You APX/APEX, (whatever it is today), guys really take the cake. Do a simple Google search for 'consumer complaints APX APEX Security and see what comes up. Go to the Utah BBB and search the same. There are HUNDREDS of complaints nationwide. There are (as of June 11, 2008) 931 BBB complaints in the last 36 months! And your biggest concern is being called a Mormon??? And for the fool who considered being called a Mormon, when you ARE a Mormon, derogatory; Huh? What the hell was your point? A Christian is a Christian, a Jew is a Jew, a Protestant is a Protestant, etc etc. Your kind of elitist attitude is part and parcel the problem. Seeing as the majority of APX/APEX employees and owners are Mormons, it is entirely acceptable to categorize the company's actions and employees as, "You Mormons".

You're working for, or have worked for, an organization whose basic business model appears to be the wholesale fleecing of America's citizens. I had a salesman come to my home last week to sell APX services. Normally I toss salesmen off my property but my wife and I just happened to be in the market for a system to replace our non functional ancient system. So I let him in to talk...after keeping him standing out in the cold wind for 20 minutes. In those 20 minutes he told me no less than 10 times that a system would be installed "absolutely at no cost to you just for helping us out with advertising by placing a couple signs on your lawn". I live on a corner lot so it made sense for a company to want high visibility.

In the house, my wife and I talked with the salesman (Brandon or something like that...he made it a point to leave no card) for an hour. Again, he stated no less than 5 more times there was "no cost to you whatsoever". We decided we wanted to utilize the existing wiring for the old alarm system. It covered every door, every window, even three storage doors on the side of the house used to store lawnmowers and such. He said "the Vista system is robust and can handle that noooo problem."

THEN he got to the end of the nice long pink contract and said, "For helping us out (he used that statement more times than I can recall) the normal monitoring fee has been reduced to just $39.99!" I said. "Whoa whoa whoa. Back that crooked truck up! You said it was free." He tried to tell us he meant the hardware and we jumped all over him. I asked him why he felt the need to be deceptive and asked him why he didn't believe in his product enough to be honest. No answer.

We normally NEVER make decisions without researching but we had seen the APX sign on some of our neighbors houses and figured that between the reasonable price and our neighbors having the service it would be OK this once. Man were WE wrong!

No sooner had we agreed in writing to accept the service that the salesman played with his Blackberry under the table and moments later the doorbell rang. Low and behold lookie there...4 installers who just "happened" to be down the street.

In the ruckus of the installers dragging in buckets and boxes, the salesman slipped out. Things were moving along normally, other than the fact it was getting to be late evening and I hadn't eaten dinner, when the 'lead' installer came to me holding an inverted control panel with a blinking red light. He explained the Vista panel (so highly touted by the salesman) worked off a cellular GSM network and it couldn't get a signal. (I work for Sprint as a technician so am no dummy when it comes to such things). I said, "And???" He explained he had another panel that WOULD work. I asked how it was possible one would work and one wouldn't. He said he didn't know but it just did. There was a snag tho, says the installer. It can't handle the 13 points of coverage agreed upon in the contract.

By this time, I'm tired after a full day of work, I'm hungry, I'm cranky. I told him to just install the d**n thing and I'd deal with it tomorrow. After they beat a hasty retreat, my wife and I decided the system wasn't a good fit for us and would simply cancel the next day. As the contract HAS to offer a 3 day right to cancel per FTC guidelines, we figured we had no problems.

The next day I called APX/APEX and told them I wanted to cancel. The woman offered me free service for a couple months but if I wanted more equipment to cover the missing points, it would be more money. I asked how it was possible now to have those missing points covered when I was told the non-Vista panel couldn't do it. She said "we have ways." I still insisted I wanted to cancel.

I prepared a written letter (as instructed) explaining why I wanted to cancel and signed and dated the bottom portion of the contract made for that purpose, and got it into the mail. I called APX/APEX to let them know it was on the way and the woman who answered said, "Ohhhh. I sure hope it makes it in time. Didn't our rep tell you yesterday that you could have faxed it?" Noooooooo! She didn't!

THEN on May 29th, again in the evening, I receive a call from what I can only surmise is someone from a Retentions Dept. His name was Taylor. Seemed like a nice enough guy. He too launched into offering the sun and moon. Nope. Thanks. Nope. Thanks. I told him I really don't have any problems with the company other than the deceptive sales practice by the salesman and the fact the equipment isn't capable of fulfilling the contractual obligations. (It works both ways if you guys at APX/APEX are reading this!) I get bounced to someone telling me an installer will be at my home the coming Monday to install additional equipment? Huh?

I tried over the weekend to call but Taylor obviously doesn't work weekends. So, I call early Monday morning and tell them to cancel the installer and cancel my *#$@! contract. AGAIN I'm offered the sun, moon, and stars to stay.

I tried calling Taylor from Monday to Wednesday when I finally got him...after being offered the same sun, moon, and stars by whomever took the call before handing it to Taylor.

Our conversation started out good enough...but deteriorated fast. "No we are NOT going to cancel the contract. You reversed the cancellation." I asked Taylor if he had it in writing and he told said, "No. It's recorded." I said, "How is it you can record my conversation without asking my permission or informing me you're doing it?" He flatly replied, "It isn't a federal requirement."

I told him I was going to have my bank refuse withdrawl of any more funds from them. (APX/APEX quick snagged $44.99 the very next day after the 'install'). He said, "We'll send it to collections." Just like that. Threatening me. I said good. I have a contract signed not just by ME but also by YOUR sales rep stating you will install one type of system and you can't do it and we'd see how it played out in court. (I believe I also threatened to create a YouTube video. I was pretty d**n mad at his snotty arrogant attitude at this point.) The conversation ended there.

My bank it turns out will charge me a fee for blocking withdrawls...for EACH instance. And that's not foolproof because APX/APEX can simply change the amount by a penny and it will slip past my banks computers. So I now have to close the checking account I've had for 10 years, and reopen another one with low numbered checks. Nice. Thanks. So much for my credit rating. I'm willing to let it take the hit before I pay that slimey organization one more penny.


Greg Kenosha, Wisconsin

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Apex Protection Services, LLC (Dall

United States of America
APX/APEX: Company Confusion

#2General Comment

Wed, May 18, 2011

My name is Shane Turner, Owner of Apex Protection Services, LLC in Dallas, TX. Let me start by saying our company has no affiliation what so ever with these inept companies! My frustration is the fact that they are performing at such a negative and low standard that our company has been affected with negative results. Loosing business becuase a customer heard about "those guys". Dallas Police Department calling constantly due to an APX/Apex customer(s) false alarms. I just had to let the public know that Apex Protection Services, LLC has nooo affiliation with these jokers! We don't use smoke and mirrors to make sales... we tell customers, honestly, what their alarm situation is, and what it will take to get them where they want to be. We don't even lock customers into contracts!
Welcome to follow u
s on Twitter, Facebook, or our website (contains a contact page) at www.apexprotectionservices.com

Thank you,
Shane Turner, Owner

Report Attachments


Response: Sprint technician?

#3Consumer Comment

Thu, November 27, 2008

If you work for Sprint as a technician, then you should know that cell service coverage all differs. for instance, where I live, Verizon tends to be the best, but there are areas that Sprint may do better. The Alarmnet unit that he had works off of Cingular/AT&T's Network, and therefore will work off of their tower. I have had situations where that unit won't work, but the other brand that I usually use by Tellular works off of Sprints and does fine. Ive had it go the other way also. The stay mode lets you exit, not only for dogs and motion situations, but if a spouse is leaving and the other is staying, they can arm it and go. I do feel bad that they chose not to accomodate you, as they have better Vista panels then the one they were using, that would let more zones be used, or even a zone expander could have went on that one, but the "technicians" with APX or Apex, Platinum Protection, Icon, Northstar, and other door to door companies get about two hours of training, and their workmanship usually shows it. And you thought that you were going to get a complete system for nothing and got mad when there is a monthly fee to monitor that system?


West Virginia,
Armed Stay....leave now explanation

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, September 16, 2008

I wanted to explain why the armed stay option says leave now. In choosing the stay option you are disabling the motion sensors so you can move freely around the house while the alarm is set. So, you have an option of setting it at stay even if you want to leave (for reasons such as a dog that weighs over 80 lbs will be walking around the house in your absence and may set off the alarm). You have 30 seconds to get out of the house which is why the recording says leave now. Just because you set it at stay doesn't mean you have to stay in the house. Same as if you set it at away you don't have to leave but the motion sensor is on. Did your tech not explain this to you? I feel bad that so many people on here would sign a 5 year contract without reading it in full and asking questions until there were none left. I think it's partly the consumers fault. I have had absolutely no problem with my system. I completely read and understood the contract. Regardless of if the salesman tells you what's in the contract or not you should ALWAYS read it word for word before signing it.


Suisun City,
I called Mr. Jack Inbar last week.

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, July 02, 2008

And you'll never guess what they said......he is no longer with the company. I HATE APX!


Answering your questions

#6Author of original report

Tue, June 17, 2008

When I was called the second time by 'Taylor' he offered everything. I really don't recall alot of the conversation but whatever I said, he either chose not to hear me or my indifference to his offers led him to consider the transaction 'still on'. And no. We are NOT protected to the level we agreed on in the contract. There are less smoke detectors than were supposed to be, there are NO windows covered and the jamokes who programmed the panel have it screwed up. When it's set at night it says, "Armed. Stay. Leave now." ???? Nobody taught us how to turn off the few points that are covered such as the patio sliding doors we like to leave open with a jam in place that only allows the door to slide about 6 inches. I've called them twice more since my last blowout with 'Taylor' (Mr. X) and nobody will speak with me. I've filed a complaint with the Utah BBB but from what I've learned, BBB's are FUNDED by sponsors such as APX Alarm, so I don't expect Utah to do squat. Especially given there are already 930+ complaints against them in 36 months. Last Saturday I cancelled my checking account and opened a new one. The first of July APX will try to get money from the account number they have...and then the harrassing phone calls will begin...and I'll be recording every single one of them. I'm going to send a registered letter tomorrow informing them I want the equipment taken out and the contract nulled for failure to deliver on THEIR end of the contractual obligations. They need to learn it works both ways. I'll also be sending a registered letter to Mr. Jack Inbar, their PR Spin Wizard who flew all the way to Indiana to stomp out the fires of discontent there. Supposedly, according to him, he "...handles all complaints personally." We'll see. APX?? You listening? I am NOT going to go away! I WILL do everything within my 1st Amendment rights to slam you and hurt your business, and I will post as many YouTube videos as I can find the time for to counter the lying vids they currently have posted. Hang on APX. It's about to get REAL fun! I LOVE a good fight!



#7Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 13, 2008

Man, sorry to hear about your situation. Sounds like a terrible situation. I have seen stories like this in the past and have a hope that things like this don't happen again in the future to anyone. Regarding what you wrote, I just wanted to clarify, after you sent your cancellation letter and voiced your desire to cancel on the recorded tape, did you ever agree to have the installer come back out? Or was that something that was just assumed by them that if the installer is coming back out, it turns the contract is on again? First off, I think either way is shady to me. You wanted to cancel and use your 3-day right to cancel as any person can. Regardless of all of that, do you feel protected by your security system monitored by APX Alarm? I would be interested to hear what happens, have you reported your situation to the BBB? Have you followed through with your youtube? Your situation sounds terrible and I would be equally irate if this happened to me. It shouldn't happen to anyone.

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