  • Report:  #275712

Complaint Review: At&t - Memphis Tennessee

Reported By:
- memphis, Tennessee,

www.at&t.com Memphis, 38122 Tennessee, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I signed up with Cingular now the new At&t close to 2 yrs ago when they were still Cingular, I was living in Florida At the time, I got the contract everything was fine, then they merged or whatever it was with at&t and thats when my problems started. My husband was offered a job in Memphis so we were getting ready to move I called Cingular and told them I needed a new number for a new started and they gave me one well, they gave me this number and I had a very difficult time calling out with it and no one could ever get a hold of me with it I gave it to all my friends and relatives in Florida so we could stay in touch and some of my friends were also moving into new homes so they were getting new numbers and would call me on my new number once they moved, well we moved back to Memphis and i found out 2 weeks later after moving that I had been given a number already in use by an at&t member, this was after em calling and complaining about the service I was getting with noone able to reach me and me unable to call out .This went on for a month before they fixed it , and they even told me they were gonna credit me for the mos that I was unable to use my phone well its over a yr later and I have yet to get the credit. a few mos after moving back to Memphis my husband and i decided to add a phone for him to the account. so we did well my new phone was a Motorola and it wasn't charging my calls started dropping and I was getting no service where i was living well cingular said send it to us and we will send you new one, they sent me the new one no one could hear me on it i called cingular back they said send it back so i did and they sent me a new one and when i got that one it was scratched to heck and back, and when i called cingular i was told, they couldn't send me anymore phones and that if i wanted a new phone i had to go buy a new one. i went to one of the cingular corporate stores and told them everything and they manager gave me a brand new phone comparable to the one I had but it was a samsung instead, everything worked fine until we moved to a new home on the other side of town and at&t took over completely, now I have used At&t cell phones before and I had it disconnected after 2 mos of service cause it was a horrible experience always dropped calls couldn't call out no coverage etc. and swore to never use them again. and when I got the cingular at&t was not in the picture as far as I knew,i did chose to keep cingular after they merged with at&t cause I was under the impression that they were gonna stay cingular and boy was I wrong. well since moving here to the new house and at&t has taken over my husband and I neither one can keep a signal, we have had the phones checked and have gotten new sim cards which cingular has tried charging us for and we finally got them to drop that charge. we have gotten new chargers we have brought the phones up to cingular and still we are getting horrible service, we rely on our cell phones because we keep such hectic schedules with 2 children . we cant afford to pay the 175.oo per phone for the disconnect but yet we hardly get any service and At&t has done nothing about it. We are still expected to pay the full price on both phones each month, as it stands I had to fight with them to get my deposit back from them, that I was told I would receive after having the contract for 1 yr , when I told them I was moving to new state I was told I would still get the deposit back from the original contract date well by the time the yr came around at&t had taken over and I was forced to wait 4 more mos for it because I had moved to a new state and they had started a new contract on me which I didn't know about, and then they started charging me for fees that I had never seen before and i fought with them on that and they finally credited me for those charges and I have yet to receive any kind of compensation for being given a number already in use they say it wasn't their fault, even tho they are the ones who assign the numbers to customers. I have been charged for text message usage which I never wanted in the first place. and they just finally blocked all of that stuff like internet and text even tho when I first signed the contract I told them I didn't want it but they gave it to me when I got the new number for a new state. I am still hardly getting any service where I live and I supposedly live in the best coverage area. I am tired of dealing and fighting with them , I personally recommend people not use them because once my contract is up im going elsewhere, I have been lied to over charged, disrespected way to much from his company and when you try to express your concerns it goes in one ear and out the other with this company, they have people working there in the call center who either cant speak English cant talk properly, don't know what they are doing or don't know their right hand from their left, and are always rude while on the phone or when they first answer you can tell by their tone they don't wanna be bothered, and this is surprising when I personally have applied with the company for work in the call center and found out they expect you to have some sort of degree to work for them.


memphis, Tennessee


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4 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Author of original report

Wed, September 26, 2007

I was wanting to respond to the so called employee who decided to come on here and be a pain with their answer,this site was made for consumers like myself to be able to come on here and let the world know of what type of service we have received from companies, i know that not everyone has had the same experiences that i have had i know folks who have had np with this company and i also know many who have the same complaints that i do, with the "employees" response i feel as if that employee was trying to belittle me and the other consumers on here i know people that work for this company and they have said that they get a bonus for belittling folks on websites like this one so with all this said here r some responses to some things that the "employee" said 1 the employee made the statement that and i quote you should know by reading the terms and conditions of your service agreement that service in not guaranteed everywhere, it might say that but i have been told by many *employees* that i am in the best coverage area, 2. the sim card i had to fight with them over that and this is what the employee said Replacement sim cards times customers are charged for them is when they lose them, break them, fry them. If having to get one for a troubleshooting step you wouldn't be charged either they would mail to you at no charge or advise you to go to a local corporate store, it goes to show that this employee don't know what they are talking about since there was a charge on my next bill for the sims card. 3. return of deposit employee said As for deposits the deposit is available to you after 12 months of payments, no late payments, no disconnection for non payment. my response i was never late always paid my bill on time and after i moved i was told i had to wait cause they started a new contract on me because i had moved to a new state and thats the company policy which i didnt know when i signed up with the company and thats the 1 yr date so i had to go 6 more mos after the original join date 4. employee says that customer service isn't rude of course you are gonna say that cause you are a CSR. Cell phones might be a luxury but when you are a house wife with 2 kids they come in handy and thats why i left at&t and went with cingular because at&t was so unreliable and then cingular merged with at&t and i am less than impressed with the service now. so the next time you decide to "correct" a consumer about the company you work for you need to realize that the company might not be worth fighting for.



#3Author of original report

Wed, September 26, 2007

I was wanting to respond to the so called employee who decided to come on here and be a pain with their answer,this site was made for consumers like myself to be able to come on here and let the world know of what type of service we have received from companies, i know that not everyone has had the same experiences that i have had i know folks who have had np with this company and i also know many who have the same complaints that i do, with the "employees" response i feel as if that employee was trying to belittle me and the other consumers on here i know people that work for this company and they have said that they get a bonus for belittling folks on websites like this one so with all this said here r some responses to some things that the "employee" said 1 the employee made the statement that and i quote you should know by reading the terms and conditions of your service agreement that service in not guaranteed everywhere, it might say that but i have been told by many *employees* that i am in the best coverage area, 2. the sim card i had to fight with them over that and this is what the employee said Replacement sim cards times customers are charged for them is when they lose them, break them, fry them. If having to get one for a troubleshooting step you wouldn't be charged either they would mail to you at no charge or advise you to go to a local corporate store, it goes to show that this employee don't know what they are talking about since there was a charge on my next bill for the sims card. 3. return of deposit employee said As for deposits the deposit is available to you after 12 months of payments, no late payments, no disconnection for non payment. my response i was never late always paid my bill on time and after i moved i was told i had to wait cause they started a new contract on me because i had moved to a new state and thats the company policy which i didnt know when i signed up with the company and thats the 1 yr date so i had to go 6 more mos after the original join date 4. employee says that customer service isn't rude of course you are gonna say that cause you are a CSR. Cell phones might be a luxury but when you are a house wife with 2 kids they come in handy and thats why i left at&t and went with cingular because at&t was so unreliable and then cingular merged with at&t and i am less than impressed with the service now. so the next time you decide to "correct" a consumer about the company you work for you need to realize that the company might not be worth fighting for.



#4Author of original report

Wed, September 26, 2007

I was wanting to respond to the so called employee who decided to come on here and be a pain with their answer,this site was made for consumers like myself to be able to come on here and let the world know of what type of service we have received from companies, i know that not everyone has had the same experiences that i have had i know folks who have had np with this company and i also know many who have the same complaints that i do, with the "employees" response i feel as if that employee was trying to belittle me and the other consumers on here i know people that work for this company and they have said that they get a bonus for belittling folks on websites like this one so with all this said here r some responses to some things that the "employee" said 1 the employee made the statement that and i quote you should know by reading the terms and conditions of your service agreement that service in not guaranteed everywhere, it might say that but i have been told by many *employees* that i am in the best coverage area, 2. the sim card i had to fight with them over that and this is what the employee said Replacement sim cards times customers are charged for them is when they lose them, break them, fry them. If having to get one for a troubleshooting step you wouldn't be charged either they would mail to you at no charge or advise you to go to a local corporate store, it goes to show that this employee don't know what they are talking about since there was a charge on my next bill for the sims card. 3. return of deposit employee said As for deposits the deposit is available to you after 12 months of payments, no late payments, no disconnection for non payment. my response i was never late always paid my bill on time and after i moved i was told i had to wait cause they started a new contract on me because i had moved to a new state and thats the company policy which i didnt know when i signed up with the company and thats the 1 yr date so i had to go 6 more mos after the original join date 4. employee says that customer service isn't rude of course you are gonna say that cause you are a CSR. Cell phones might be a luxury but when you are a house wife with 2 kids they come in handy and thats why i left at&t and went with cingular because at&t was so unreliable and then cingular merged with at&t and i am less than impressed with the service now. so the next time you decide to "correct" a consumer about the company you work for you need to realize that the company might not be worth fighting for.


Service with AT&T

#5UPDATE Employee

Sat, September 22, 2007

After reading this complaint, I had to comment since I work for the companyand do work in a call center. Phones being replaced would have gone through warranty after three replacements they will offer a different make and model phone. Replacement sim cards times customers are charged for them is when they lose them, break them, fry them. If having to get one for a troubleshooting step you wouldn't be charged either they would mail to you at no charge or advise you to go to a local corporate store. If you go to an agent you will be charged. As for service, you state you have been using this service for quite some time. The you should know by reading the terms and conditions of your service agreement that service in not gaurenteed everywhere, inside buildings and homes. As for deposits the depsoit is available to you after 12 months of payments, no late payments, no disconnection for non payment. If any of those occured then you wouldn't get your deposit back at that 12 month time. As for customer service reprensentatives, I am one with this company and there are those few bad apples in the bunch. I enjoy being a customer service representative, we are not rude, and we do have knowledge of what needs to be done for our customers. If I am not able to correct your problem you better believe I will get you to the person that can. I know it is very frustrating when the service is not the same as you had in another area, I have had this problem myself. I can't use my phone in my home, I don't have a landline phone. So if I ever want to talk to someone (which isn'y often after taking calls for 9 hours and getting screamed at and called every name in the book) I have to go on my porch and talk to that person. No I don't like it at all but i know what my service agreement says and if I get to the point I can't stand it at all I will a get a landline phone. Mobie phones are still a Luxuory if you really think about. They are not a neccessity, what did we all do when there was no such thing as mobile phones?

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