  • Report:  #1209969

Complaint Review: Audrius Tomonis Banknotes.com - Internet

Reported By:
D Stern - Atlanta, Georgia,

Audrius Tomonis Banknotes.com
Internet, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

WARNING!! This Company is a total scam, and the owner is a crimminal.

 I purchased several bank notes from this company a couple of months ago. After charging my credit card, they simply stopped responding to emails, phone calls, or any kind of Inquiry.

 The owner is Audrius Tomonis or "Au Tom" at first when he *did* respond to me, he was very insulting to Americans in general, our impatience and said he would ship the product "when he felt like it"

 I told him I would dispute the charge on my card, and he said "that's fine, I know where you live" and used profanity laced emails that I wouldn't dare repeat.

 DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM!! They will flat out steal your money and not apologize for it



6 Updates & Rebuttals


Newport News,
Audrius Tomonis of Banknotes.com is Honest.

#2General Comment

Wed, November 23, 2016

Many years ago I met Audrius Tomonis via his Banknotes.com website, then afterwards via email. He impressed me as being a very decent honest person, which I sincerely believe that he is. 

I am also a seller of world banknotes, but on a much smaller scale. Banknotes.com has been on the Internet for numerous years. It is trusted by tens of thousands of buyers. It's owner Audrius Tomonis is as straight as anyone that I have met. Surely, there is some legitimate explanation of the problem reported by the buyer; but, I am certain that Audrius Tomonis is innocent of whatever it is that the problem was.


Rebuttal by the Owner of the Business

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, October 07, 2016

I decided to add this to the other rebuttals that I posted earlier since every time I look at it I find this absurd insinuation so ridiculous and so fake and so unfair at the same time.

I urge everyone not to treat such anonymous "reports" seriously. This "D Stern" (fake name that's for sure) could be anyone, a disgruntled criminal, a personal revenge by someone whom I may have exhanged heated comments with over their company's customer service issue, even a competitor (although unlikely), just NOT my Customer and NOT someone in their right mind!

Lately we have noticed a trend of all kinds of anonymous opportunists registering websites with controversial names in order to profit from libel and defamation that in a lot of cases are completely false phantasy "stories" just to have this negativity rank high in Google search results, so the lawyers and attorneys and even companies who use Adsense and Adwords could highly benefit from such "reports" by selling their services to mainly innocent victims of such "reports". Once the emotional terrorists realize there is no immediate punisment for defamation and libel, the new "scam report" sites are popping up like mushrooms after the rain, doing lots of damage to honest businesses and individuals, who in a lot of cases have nothing to do with dishonesty and fraud.

This is 100% libel and defamation and an absolutely false "story" by Anonymous Coward. Our reputation is spotless and you the Anonymous Coward are the one who is ANONYMOUS CRIMINAL. Subpoena is on its way!
Whoever takes these kind of "reports" seriously needs their head examined by a specialist. Make your own in depth research on serious websites before making decisions. There is NO doubt you will enjoy our service and our goods at Banknotes.com. 


Rebuttal by the Owner of the Business

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, October 04, 2016

I decided to add this to the other rebuttals that I posted earlier since every time I look at it I find this absurd insinuation so ridiculous and so fake and so unfair at the same time.

I urge everyone not to treat such "websites" and such anonymous "reports" seriously. This could be anyone, a disgruntled criminal, a personal revenge by someone whom I may have exhanged heated comments with over their company's customer service issue, even a competitor (although unlikely), just NOT my Customer!

This is 100% libel and defamation by Anonymous Coward non-existing "customer". This is an ILLEGAL ANONYMOUS JOKE. Our reputation is spotless and you the Anonymous Coward are the one who is ANONYMOUS CRIMINAL. Subpoena is on its way!
Whoever takes these kind of "reports" seriously needs their head examined by a specialist. Make your own in depth research on serious websites.


South Carolina,
Doug Olsen (FirstData) is the alleged libeler

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Thu, November 19, 2015

Regarding the Anonymous' false accusatory and slanderous statements about me being a scammer and a fraud, it is not only false accusations as part of his "revenge strategy" but also, allegedly, something much more. After I made some exhausting research, I suspect that allegedly Mr. Doug Olsen (representing FirstData ex LinkPoint, CardService International, Wells Fargo Merchant Services, CardServiceWBS, ignitepayments.com, Mtechpayments.com) may allegedly have prepared and dropped the following "bomb" for me in advance before he posted this rebuttal for himself:


Many facts, correspondences and occurrences point to his direction for allegedly being the plotter of that false and slanderous "report". For instance, the way he urges people to search for my name on RipOffReport website to find that false and slanderous report, which the false "fraud" report was mysteriously posted a reasonably short time before Doug Olsen posted this rebuttal, and that has never happened to me before, because I just don't do those kind of things; the false report author's first name initial is D. (D. Stern) and the false report originates in Atlanta, Georgia, where HQ of First Data are located.

Of course all that and more are maybe just coincidences. And where is the proof of the alleged wrongdoing, such as exact time and date of order, the order number, the order invoice, what exactly was ordered from me? And how in the world was he able to order from me around November-December 2014 when I was not even set up for business, and were not accepting any orders at that time!? Why would RipOffReport.com even allow to post such absurd accusations without any kind of proof posted? Not just that, but the entire message of the false and slanderous "report" tells (even the style of writing) me that this could have been allegedly written only and allegedly by the only person whom I communicated to was Doug Olsen.

I just did not have and do not have any other conflict situations for the time being for that time period. Never before and not now. Again, this is only suspicions and allegedly and that does not mean that Doug Olsen has done it, nor I am saying that he's done it. Yet such heavy accusations as "total scam" and "criminal" towards me are very serious and are absolutely absurd and untrue, pointing to the accuser as a potential unreliable business person and representative of an allegedly shady business (or even an owner) and even an alleged potential criminal.


Proof of "wrongdoing" requested from the accuser

#6REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, April 24, 2015


One more thing Mr. D. Stern (I have never heard of you, D.Stern, before), since you, D.Stern, write that "I purchased several bank notes from this company a couple of months ago." Would you please (and I demand) provide me and the owner of RipOffReport.com with an invoice of your order, the exact date of the transaction and the order number. I doubt you have either of those, but do us a favour, and provide all this proof as soon as possible. And you are welcome to post an exact date and order number on here as well. Do not post the invoice yet, but if I decide that it is necessary I will post an invoice as well (if such exists). Yet I doubt very much that you as D.Stern and your false story exist at all.

Also, how could "D.Stern" (doubt its a real name) order from me "a couple of months ago" (that would have been around November-December 2014, right? While I moved out of the U.S. in September 2014 and thus he could not order from me at that time as I was not set up and was not taking any orders.

And why would RipOffReport.com even allow to post such absurd accusations without any kind of proof posted?


South Carolina,
My response to this anonymous slander

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, April 01, 2015

First of all I do not have a customer with a name or surname "D Stern". Post your real name, otherwise your report will be treated as anonymous slander and defamation and not just slander and defamation.

Second, things that you describe have never happened, not a single of them, not with "you" and nor with anyone else. All my customers know that I would never do or say such things.


And accordingly to this anonymous coward "D Stern" I am hiding overseas, in Portugal... Interesting, because when a person moves to another country, some peope automatically assume they are hiding from something. In my case, I am a European Citizen and I have recently purchased a house in Portugal, where I reside at this time. Yet, none of your business, Mr. liar anonymous coward "D Stern".

You, anonymous coward "D Stern" will be asked in a court of law in the state where you reside, to present that "evidence" what you accuse me of, which is an absolute lie and fantasy. I would never say or do such things like you describe.


I always answer order related inquiries and one can also easily reach me by phone or fax or by mail, if email is lost.

I suspect, allegedly that "you" could be one of those credit card thieves who I reported to the police and FBI, for stealing multiple credit cards. There is no other explanation than a personal revenge.


Do let me know your real name, so I can block any further attempts to defraud me.


I have an excellent reputation indeed and such "reports" are very childish and criminal indeed and will be addressed accordingly, in a court of law.

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