  • Report:  #935537

Complaint Review: Autumn Health Care - Newark Ohio

Reported By:
Rev. Mary june schuyler - newark, Ohio, United States of America

Autumn Health Care
17 forry st. Newark,Ohio 43055 Newark, Ohio, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
My mom put her boyfriend in Autumn Health care center at 17 Forry st. Newark,ohio 43055, where Marsha Link and Steven Hitchens owns, and he's been abused/neglected for a year now. His name is Walter Schmeltzer. He's 80 and it seems if you have to much money your in trouble in this Nursing home. They have opening said they want his homes. He had 9 of them. It was to be rehap and he get right out and go home again when he hurt his hip. What a lie..In fact, hardly anyone gets out of this plACE. They always say they are out of their hard and take anyones homes away. For a year Walters has been theit. He has not been allowed a walked to walk and has layed n his own waste. They stopped all people from seeing him. He had a girlfriend, my mom for 5 years. But because she tried to help him mom's not allow to see him. They have hit him, yelled at him and he told he people in war camps get treated better. They tell everyone Walter does not want to see people but Walter told me and my family he would love to see people. He's lost alot of wt. because they do not gave him much to eat. They gave him many pills to keep him confused and make him do what they want him to do. If we had known this place was so bad we would had never put Walter in it.

Am trying to find a lawyer to sue them and help Walter because they told 6 news that they keep Walter alone to protect him from people who steal his money. But the only people who took Walters money was his kids and Newark,ohio's probarte court sides with the kids who take the elders money and do not help the elderly. Its very sad when a healthcare center just takes over peoples lifes. Walter was at Flint Ridge 3 days before we put him for rehap at Autumn and Flint Ridge said walter was in his right mind and just needed to heal. So how does someone lose their mind in 3 days..? Do not put anyone in Autumn because they will be abused and neglected and held prisoner. You always lose your homes at this place. My kids tell me that grandpa, Rev. Tom Snedeker was at this place and it took all the Snedeker boys to get him out because they would not let him out. I have listened to many storys where people talk about having to escape. Sergeant Webster told told my son kids can do anything they want to their father. But thats very sad that kids can make they father stay in a nursing home until he dies. This place will work with the grow kids to keep fathers and mothers prisoners so the kids can take the homes. So in this country when you get old your kids or just a Nursing home like this one can say your out of it. In Walters care, when he was still healing up, and take your life away. That's like communison...!!! or euphansia. I thought we was the USA. But if Nursing can take peoples life like this place. Then we are not a free nation..!! Are we..?

We have went to State Borads, obusdman, grov. the white house. Cops and lawyers.But so far Walter stays a prisoner and we can not see him. They say he get upset when people see him. But he told me he is very lonely and wants to see people and miss's mom so much. He says they brain wash him all the time. Saying, over and over again "you love it here! Don't you Walter..?? They tell him he owns the place and he has no one. Just all kinds of lies. When in truth we would be glad to take care of Walter and he has 9 homes and could easyly go home with some help and Newark has 6 home care places. And me and mom are home care aids. Now Walter just sits looking out the windom day after day as this place takes everything away from him. Please don't put anyone in this nightmare of a place. For it is not a good place at all. This Marsha Link will do anything to take peoples money and homes. She has lied about us and to 6 news. The owner Steven Hitchens lied to 6 news saying they keep him a prisoner to protect him from people who steal his money. Saying we did this. But am a Minister and all me and my mom does is help churches. It was only Walters kids who took around $200.000 from his home and wallet and two truck loads of Walters things from his home. No one else...!!  But this is what they tell everyone who trys to find out why Walter is held prisoner. I talked to 10 people who said they went to this place and could not get out without a fight. Most lost the homes. Maybe this is how the owner got well off. I use to think Nursing homes was just to help us. Now I see them as a Scam..!! Taking people for all they can get and not caring for the people at all.!!! Don't put anyone in this place..!!

35 Updates & Rebuttals


owner got 39 counts of corrupt activity + fraud

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, March 17, 2015

Steven Hitchens, the owner of Autumn Health Care who called people names on here. Was indicted for 39 counts of any different things but it would seem he's the predator. His Nursing homes are being all sold so it says in the newark,Ohio papers. 1. Engaging in a pattern of corrupt activivity 2. Theft by deception, 3. 2 counts of Medicaid fraud felonies, by the fouth degree 4. 3 counts of medicaid fraud felonies of the fifith degree 5. 2 counts of tampering with evidence 6. 17 counts of forgery 7. 1 counts of teecommuications fraud, a felony of the third degee and one of the fifth degree 8. 6 counts of unlawful operation of a Nursing home 9. 2 counts of tampering with evidence and 9 counts of forgery - The Attoney General's office has been runing a investigation for years. And his Nursing Homes are being all sold. And we can see Walter now. So useing this site has really helped a lot. This was the truth. We put Walter in Auumn for only rehap and when they found out Walter had 9 homes and a lot of money they ran it to count to take it away from Walter, He was in his right mind but they lied about Walter to keep him a prisoner. Walter was not allowed to go home again and was not allowed to use phones or get mail or see us or any one. people from the church tried to see him and pray for him but no one was allowed to. You can look on line and see where the owner in trouble for some of what he did. This site works..!!


Autumn Owner in Trouble

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, March 14, 2015

REad Newark, Ohio news paper the owner of Autumn is into for abuse of the elderly..the story is true..!!


true story

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, August 01, 2013

Why is the Autumn's being closed and people moved out if its so good..??

Mr Schuyler

This is very true !!

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, April 27, 2013

Autumn Health Care center has really keep Walter a prisoner. I was with Rose Mcguire in church when Walter Schmeltzer got ill. This is a true story. Walter and Rose was together for around 7 years or more. I took both of them everywhere. We all went to stores, fairs, churches and just around everywhere everyday. We love Walter. I worked on Walters homes and helped him anyway I could. I saw Rose and Walter always holding hands and saying they loved each other. This owner of Autumn is lieing. To try and save face. But Mary and Rose was Walters only real friends and Autumn is really keeping him a prisoner. He is not allowed to use a phone see Rose whom he was with many years. They tell him people don't want to see him but that's not true at all. I see Rose cry all the time wanting to see him and she's always worried about him. Her health has got bad from the stress and grief. They keep a woman beside his door to make sure no one lets Walter use a phone to get a lawyer to get out or talk to friends. He gets no mail, and he says they do not get him much food to eat. He looks skin and bones. Its very sad. He is usually laying in his own waste because they have never given him the rehap they said they would give him. You see this stuff on movies about people heal a prisoner. But when it really happens to someone you love. It really hurts and its so hard to believe. But this is very true. At the church, when he got ill we rushed him to the hospital and he was rushed to a heart hospital and they worked on his heart. They send him home to heal at Flint Ridge rehap center and he did heal and get better and he begged Rose to help him because his kids was stealing his money ( over 200.000) and his things out of his home. Rose was told he was in his right mind and she could help him. He was healing real good and was ready to come home and they he fell and messed up his hip. Rose was told it was because they all was out smoking so she moved him to Autumn Health are center for rehap only.Rose was told he was stiill coming home right after rehap and Rose cound always see him and take him home soon. But that did not happen. I watched all this happen.  I could not believe that a Nursing home could do this to someone. But this is true. I saw it all. When I went to see Walter he said, "Why can't Rose come..? Don't she care about me any more...? But Autumn will not let Rose see him. They say he gets upset when he see's her. But that's not true. He just ask Rose to get him out. But would'n anyone want out of a place that is treating you bad..?? Walter needs freedom...!! This is not right. Even people in jail can use a phone, get mail and see friends but not Walter..He told us that he gets treated real bad. Worse then people in war camps. So I ask you who reads this.If you can help Walter ..please find a way. Mary and Rose has been crying for a year now feeling so bad because they put him in this really bad place. I hate to see them cry. I would love to see Walter happy again. He told me he was very unhappy and abused alot. But no one seems to care if the elderly is treated bad. I know Mary and Rose have went to the State Health boards, D.C. Obudmen., 4,6, and 120 news and many others. But so far no one seems to care. Please help Walter..Someone..?? Rose and Mary and I was his only real friends. Its all over his money because Walter had 9 homes and this Nursing home wanted them. They even said this. This is not right. We are people..Not dogs..We loved Walter. We want to take him gifts and hug him and let him know we love him..!! This is not right..!!!! Walter did nothing wrong to become a prisoner..!! Can anyone help stop Walters abuse..????? Please help us..


United States of America
Not lies or Slander

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, January 05, 2013

Slander is something said that is not true and this story is very true. Rose, Walters girlfriend of over 5 years put Walter in this nursing home for rehap but Walter heard they talking about taking him to court and taking everything away from him. so he begged Rose to get him out and she tried. But Marha Link called the cops on Rose and would not let Walter go home with Home aids. Its all very true. No lies or Slander. I was kicked out, as I said before, for letting Walter used my cell to look for a lawyer to get out and he wanted to say hi to his friends.

Marsha walked me to her office and yelled at me saying, "Walter was not allowed to use phones..!! Walter is really a prisoner for his homes. walter and my mom, Rose did everything together and said they loved each other all the time. Kinda like teenagers. They said, Marsha Link, said she stopped mom, or Rose from seeing Walter because mom upset him. But all it really was Walter begged to go home and told mom about bad things they did in this place. Also Marsha was mad at mom because mom tried to help Walter.

Mom never tried to touch Walters money. Mom gos to church all the time and worked at churches like my sister, Mary. They are good people and only tried to help and protect Walter. Because they loved him. My mom and sister is hurting to this day because they miss Walter.Cops even told my sisters son that walter dauther made a deal to keep Walter in the nursing home so she could win in probate court. Because everyone was fighting over walters money and houses. Wallet left his checkbook, Watter, and home to my mom if she wanted his money she had it. But she never touched it.

When I was taking my 78 year old mom to see Walter everyday at the heart hospital and she told Walter that she could'n come the next day because she ran out of money. Walter said, But sweetheart I left you my wallet with $300.00 in it use the money for gas to come see me..!! But mom would not touch Walters money. It ws only Walters kids who took his money. They, Sue got mad at mom because Walter told mom to put some rents in his bank and mom did as Walter told her to do.

Also cops ask mom who took Walters money and mom told what she saw because mom is a christian. She thinks you are to do whats right. Sue, Walters dauther got upset at mom for telling on her and told Marsha to keep mom away from Walter. But in probate court mom was said she could see Walter. Sue has lied alot about my mom. Mom is a good person. And to me it seems wrong to keep the elderly a prisoner, seeing no one. we heard that Marsha has done this alot in the past. Keeping people a prisoner. Its very sad that the elderly are treated like criminals. walter told my sister that people in jail get to use the phone and get mail and see girlfriends and friends but not him..!" 

I think they don't want Walter to see people because someone might help him and they don't want him useing a phone because he might be able to get out by asking to get out or telling others whats really going on. It all seems wrong and I was very embassass when Marsha put me out. Because I was not doing anything wrong but letting my friend, WAlter use my cell phone. Other people had cell phones in that place why not Walter..? Why..? because they want to keepo him until they get all his homes and 8 of them are gone.

Slander is telling lies about people like Walters dauther and this owner has done about my mom and sister. But this is not slander or lies. Its the truth. And its very sad that Walter can't see friends and has to live his life in one room when he had the money for home aids. Walter should be allowed to have friends, gifts, and feel love. And my mom loved and and I heard Walter tell my mom he loved mom. its sad that a nursing home can take someones life away from them. And its very scarer. Because we all will get old. And if we have to go to rehap we may never get out..!! like Walter..

rose mcgure

United States of America
your the predator, from Walters friends

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, December 15, 2012

You get the elderly in and take all they got and keep them prisoners. Your the predator. You do not care about the people you take in only the money they got. I have never ever taken anyones money but you do. Walter is not allowed to see his friends because you scared he will get help or tell about the abuse as he has. Walter can;t not used phones to call lawyers to get out. Marsha told in probate court that she opens his mail and thows it away. Even in jail people can see people and they can use a phone. Walter is a prisoner. This Christmas you will be with your family and friends but not walter. You give people alot of meds to keep them out of their minds and do little or no rehap so they can't walk and keep people away from the ones who that love them so you can brain wash them. Walter begged to go home but Marsha link says he's never getting out till you get all his homes. Now thats a predator..!! Someone who takes avadntage of the elderly for his own gane never careing if they are happy. Walter and Rose Mcguire was together over 5 years. His kids never hardly came to see him. He needed Rose and the people who love him. But walters not allowed friends or people that love him. Boy when you go to this place you are not human any more. Because all humans need love. But this place seems to only think of what money they can get off of people. Walters case is very sad very sad and not right and if you want to see your loved ones again don't put them in this really bad place. For you may never see them again..!!

rose mcgure

United States of America
Am Rose Mcgure + this story is very true..!

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, December 15, 2012

  I met Walter around 7 years ago. I started dating and was together most the time. Almost 24/7 and  If this owner really checked out are story he would know we tell the true. We went to churches every sunday and out to eat all the time and we talked about marrage. But it we keep putting it off. If only we had married then this really bad place could not had gotten by with all this and sadly I picked this place out for walters rehap. I did not know it was a bad plaCE and I may never see Walter again because this owner wanted Walters homes so much he would keep walter a prisoner.

    Anyways back to my story, Walter had some spell with me and my daughter in church. It really scared us and the whole church got up and pray for him. But this really bad Nursing will not let the church people or I or my daughter in to see Walter or pray for him because they are so scared we will find a way to help him.

    Anyways, Walter was ran to the hospital that day and we all missed are church dinner. Then to the heart hospital Coulumbus,Ohio. They tried to fix his heart and something went wrong and he had a stroke. Then he went to rehap, but the hospitals rehap said he was to sick for rehap and send him back to the heart hospital. Then Walter came home and stayed at Flint Ridge rehap where he actually healed so much they said walter was coming home and was in his right mind. We was so happy. I had used all my money to go see him and I got his cloths and other things he needed because his kids thowed away all his choths when he went into the hospital and took $200.000 out of his home and 2 truck loads of his things from his house and also told the hospital to let him die. That he wanted to die. But Walter wanted to heal and come home. We had plained to take a trip. I had a few $1.000 saved and Walter had been saving to. But his kids, Sue Wise took all that money. And oddly the Newark cops said it was ok to take Walters money because after all it was his kids. Newark cops also told us that Marsha Link made a deal with Sure Wise, (Sue Wise gave her money) to keep her father in the Nursing home.   Anyways back to my story again. Walter was doing good and coming home telling me to go pick up the rent checks and put them in his bank for him and watch over things for him. I would go get his mail and read it to him and all. Then right before in fact, 3 days before he was to get out he fell and messed up his hip. I got so upset and worried about him. I moved him to Autumn Health Care center thinking it was smaller then Flimt Ridge and they would watch over him better. We was told by this place that it was just rehap and he was still coming right home. In fact, one of Autumns own Nurse's said nothing was wrong with Walters brain and that the x raps and KEG truned out clean.

   Well this was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life. I did not know at that time that this owner Steve HITCHENS  has been taking the elders homes and money and keeping them prisoners for a long time to get rich. I do not know how to use the net to look up these places. My daughter does because she go's to college to be a Christian and family counselor. She helped me do this. I tell Walters story all over town and I have heard many storys like it from other people.

  Anyways..At first this place did not seem to bad. I went to see walter morning noon and night. And I miss him so much.But then Walter started telling about being abused and telling me they talked about takeing him to court to talk everything away from him. Saying the judge will be on their side because they got a doctor that does what they want him to do and say. They said these things right in front of Walter and he begged us to get him out before they did all this stuff to him. So we called home care places and got aids and asked one of Walters good daughters what to do. He had one good daughter that was loving and kind to Walter and us and wanted the best for me him. She said to get him out of this place. So we tried. Now one of Autumns own Nurses said all we had to do is sign a relieve form and take him home with aids. But this Marsha link came running out saying, "We need his money..! your not getting him out..!!!" She called cops saying the doctor wants Walter to stay. ete ete and they told us to go. They ran it to probate court as fast as they could.Because Walter was not healed yet and was still somewhat confued, it was not right. Doctors told me he needed 6 -to a year to heal. In probate court Sue wise lied alot. Because her and Marsha made a deal to keep Walter in this place. Marsha got $20.000 in probate court. Her part of this deal she made. Walter gets abused and keep a prisoner. Probate court said everyone could see Walter. But this place will not let hardly anyone see him. I was sttoped when Walter begged me to go home and he got upset when I said they would not let him come home. They said tried to say I upset him. But one of the Nurses told me that Marsha just got upset at me because I told walter the truth. Sue wise tried to get him to think she never took his money and he will go home again. But marsha told me that he's never getting out again...!!

    My daughter went to see Walter and walter said he never said any of the stuff Sue Wise said he said in court. He told her about the abuse again begging for us to help him get out of this prisoner. Marsha kicked my dauther out when Walter told Mary june about all the abuse. It would appear Marsha did not want Walter telling us about it. My son, Dan Mcclain was kicked out for letting Walter use a phone to talk to people at the church. Other friends have been kicked out for letting Walter used a phone. He is more a prisoner then people in jails. In jail you can see them and get mail and use a phone but Walter can not..!!  We have cried so much about this. I only wished I had known how bad this place was. At Flint Ridge Walter had a phone to use and was said he was in his right mind and we all took him gifts and could see him and he was coming home. They was not after Walters money.!1 They just wanted to see him well again. They gave him rehap this place does not because they don't want him to walk again. They just want to keep him to get the 9 homes he has. So far they have kicked many renters out, me and my dauther and others to and sold all but 2 of walters homes. And have taken all his money. Just like Marsha Link said they wanted to do. We have went to everyone we was told would help him but no one seems to care if the elderly are abused and it seems nursing homes are alowed to be financial predators and keep someone a prisoner. They take his money and homes he worked so hard for as Walter sits all alone and sad. This Christmas people will see girlfriends, family and friends. They will get gifts but not Walter for HE IS A PRISONER..!!! and this Steven Hitchens is the one who's the predator..!!   

   My dauther is a church worker very compassate and warm hearted and always helping everyone. Her heart has been broken over all this. We want so much to fix what we did. We should had never moved Walter in this bad place. We should had checked into its back ground more. If we had we would had checked more into the back ground we would had never put him in this really bad place.. We would had found out they do this a lot to the elderly. He is the Predator..!!

   Steven Hitchens, the owner  is the predator..!!! and if you want to see your loved ones again don't put them in this place for any rehap. because once in they never never get out again.

   I have many times told my dauther, Mary June, that she is to naive and humdle and nice. She would never take avdantage of anyone. She can't its just not in her nature to do this. She is a Minister to help people not to hurt them. Mary june, my dauther has worked in churches all her life trying to help everyone she can't. She is a good person. And she loves Walter like he's her father. And I love him very much and really him him and wish I could go in this bad place and hug him and say, "Marry Christmas..!!! We love you Walter..!!  This is not right what they have done to Walter to get his houses. And if anyone knows anyway to help him please let us know. Or if you know of any lawyers that would help Walter please let us know..please..Walters care is not right and its very sad. I about had a heart attack my self when they first said I could not see him. I really miss him so very much. I have cried and cried until I can cry no more. This just is not right..!

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
What is Nursing home abuse.?

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, October 23, 2012

Read "What is Nursing home abuse? on the internet. By, Kelly Riddle + Associates, San Antonio, Tx. 210-342-0509 [email protected], "Nursing homes Investigations"

They talkd like Nursing homes are always called by the State Board before they make the surprise visits. That are no surprise sense they tell them they are coming. He says they know in advance that a audit is coming. Having foreknowledge allows the administratators to pull out the new linen and clean the place up. This also allows them to cover their tracks by filling in charts, and adding time sheets to make it appear that there are more employees and similar set-ups. Brainwash the person and make sure they say just what the want them to say. many times they fear not doing or saying what they tell them to say.This type of activity promotes the entire abuse situation. And I talked to Nurses at the Nursing home was told this place was called before the State board came. This man talked about how they verbally degrade the patients and emotionally manipulates the patients by, saying things like. If you want to eat you have to not complain., or if you want to see so and so. You much be good and not say anything. When they do not allowed the girlfriend or wife or friends to see them as this place does. this is Emotionally manipulating the patient.A patient has the primal instinct to be around others that will protect and care for them. by keeping the people away they will overlook abuse to get the attention they crave. This Nursing home has been abusing Walter for his 9 homes. He has not been allowed to use phones, get mail, or see his friends or girlfriend. he told my boyfriend he felt so all alone. Whats so sad is that Nursing homes are like this. I use to think they was places to heal and go home. Now i see a new side to things.

When we put walter in this place for rehap we was told he was coming home after rehap. we never knew they would take his life away. Its very sad..And not right..!!  The elderly are human beings. They was in the army and worked all their lifes. Walter should not be in this jail. with no way out. Its not fair. He has the money for a handicapped apt. with aids. we would love to take care of him. For free.. Its sad that he had a girlfriend and love until we put him here. He got gifts and cards before he came here. Whats going on here is not right...!1 Its just not right. Its inhuman..!

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
This is very true..!

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, October 19, 2012

I think the Nursing home just wants Walters homes. after all everyone knows they get them if they keep people in the places. So in this case, they don't let walter have contact with people that would help him., or use a phone, or get mail. Walters homes are worth from $50.000 to $100.000 and he had 9 but i think one was sold. So he's got 8 now. All I know he begged me to get him out more then once. He told me of abuse. we saw him treated bad. People should be allowed to go home. he should be allowed to see others. He should know whats going on. He should be told how to help his self and who to call and he should be off so many meds. This nursing home has him on 9 pills a day. When we met him at the Dr.s Marsha Link said, "Your not getting him out!!" Because we want the money we was promised..! Sue Wise promised me money..!! She was mad and yelling at us for just taking to walter. We was ding nothing wrong what so ever. We really just love this old man.  In probate court Marsha asked for $20.000 of Walters money and I wondered was that the money Marsha was talking about. ??  Walter has been in this place a year now never allowing to see people. Oddly the very ones,Bud and Cindy Grooms, who got money from him all the time.Are allowed to see him., and only them and his kids. Walter use to tell me Cindy came at night and got money from him and he had no idea how much he gave her. Because he was asleep. It was them who called uptown telling about Sue wise taking Walters money. Bud said Sue was not selling his house. He had been their 12 years. But they can see him. Its not fair..!!  We did nohing wrong, nor did all the elderly people who wanted to go see him or the Preachers who wanted to see him or the church people. Walter needs us all. Walter needs to come home and see the light of day. He is a good people. What did he ever do to be in a prison..? When me and mom put him in this Nursing home. We was told it was just rehap. Then they stated telling us he was never coming home again. Its not right..And i wonder how many Nursing homes are keeping people prisoner to get the homes and land. I wonder how much this go's on., or is this the only place that does this. Its scary..That when you get old and sick that a Nursing home can just take over and take your life away. Walter had a life before he went to this place. Its very sad. We used our own money to help him. Mom used the $2.000 she saved from working in home care. I used my Chrismas money and the bank said I can borrow more to get a better lawyer to help Walter. We are good people. We just want to help him and help others by telling them what can happen to them.

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
Walter can not use a phone..

#11Consumer Comment

Wed, October 17, 2012

They, this nursing home told people he can use the desk phone. But he told me if he trys to call my mom or a lawyer or anyone to help him. They stop him. So he really can't use the phone. And no he has no lawyer. He had one court lawyer in probate court. Who did not help him and did not seem to try to help him. But we all know how well court lawyers help. They are free and don't really try. Most people go to jaiul with them. And when 6 news e-mail this owner he lied to 6 news saying we tried to get Walters money. But we never did. It was only his kids who did that. And everyone who trys to find out whats going on he tells storys like that.  They are lieing and doing everything they can to keep Walter a prisoner and get his homes. The Nurses yell at him and treat as if he's a child. The judge told me in probate court I could get a new hearing when Walter got better..But they would not let it go back to court. !!  It seems they lied to me. We have ask almost every lwyer in Newark,ohio to help Walter but most will not fight in probate court and most don't want to make waves. I know this is not right. People should not be held personer for their money. My mom and I are church workers. My first husband always said I help to many people. And so did my last. My mom used over a $2.000 of her own money to help Walter when he got sick. I used my Christmas money last year to help Walter. We are good people. Sue wise has told lies about us.  My mom was still working in home care when Walter got sick in church with us. Mom worked all the time and was saving money for new glass's and to fix her care that someone ran into. We ran everyday to be with Walter at the heart hospital in columbus with this frist happen. We love him..!!!  We miss him..!!

 We did nothing wrong. I have the biggest heart and am full of deep compassion. My old church and my God said I have a spirtitual gift of compassion and mercy. That makes me very sensitive and  full of compassion. My motives are good. I just want to help my dear friend who helped me. who begged me to help him. Seg. Wester told me a year ago that kids can do what ever they want to to their fathers. But I don't think that should be right. He talked like if kids want to keep fathers or mothers in nursing homes we can't do anything about it. but is that right..?  When people get old should they fear what the kids will do..??  I asked..?? From this case I think the elderly better get ready before hand and get protection. Because it would seem once they get sick some kids will do anything to take from them. One thing I know for sure we did nothing wrong.!! We never touched Walters things. !!  If we did I don't think we would jkeep trying to help him. Me and my mom have a box full of references from where we have done home care and helped alot of people. We are good people..!! in fact,  The city guardian has thowed my mom out of walters house for trying to help him and she got rid of me to. I use to rent Walters homes. Now I was told she was to keep people in the homes to use the money to help Walter but she got so mad because we keep telling the story to everyone at city meatings and everywhere we can that she kickes us out. I Lucky my boyfriend helped me. But mom had no one but me to help her. My mom was almost homeless for trying to help Walter but I got her a nasty apt. that she hates. She loved the house Walter gave her.  As I ran around looking for mom an apt. renters told me they thought the court Guardianship was like a scam. Where the city just takes over when the kids fight. Then the city is in control of the land and homes and no one go's home again. I wonder if that true. My daughter worked for this court guardin, mary and she tells me shes not so honest. I was told she has given the peoples things away. Like the cars. Its here -say, as they say, but they also say they never go home again. I know this Guardin promised us Walter would be moved to a better place and then she did not do it and told us that she lets Sue wise run things. That she has no say in things.  I know Walter had one good darther,Sarah, Even this Mary said she was good but she was not let run things. Sarah never talked about Walter money and said she just wanted her father and my mom happy. So why can''t old people have girlfriends and feel loved and happy..?? Because this Nursing home says so..It would seem to say that the elderly are not human. They are not allowed to be loved and prayed for. Its just not right. All I know for sure is my friend,

 Walter is a prisoner..

In small towns things are done thats just not right sometimes..

So it seems..it can be very sad..

for example; once my car broke down and I rode my bike to help an old lady. And was hit by a truck. A Newark cop came and started writing me tickits. In Court the judge said, well i see your in trouble again from your car. I said, It was a bike..A lawyer from out of town said, "What judge would do this to this nice your woman..?? This is a kangaroo court..!! and everyone laughed in court. In some small towns they do whatever they want to do. And if we don't have alot of money for good lawyers we suffer. Once I got a DUI for drinking in my apt. I was going though a divorce and very sad and got into my grow kids been. we all do dump things and I like anyone have make mistakes too. I have Epilepsy and have seizures and may repeat my self like you see here. That night I had a seizure and totually my new car and cops come to talk to me.  After I drunk my kids beers. Between the sezure and going though the windshild and the beer I wasa mess. But like I said without good lawyers. We suffer. Like Walter has and me.

    But I would like to think that my God, my Father looks down at me and says,

   "She's made mistakes, But look what my child is doing now..!! She's doing so much better and am proud of her. Like we do are kids. I think God likes to use the ones who have suffer in life for it is those who have suffer that people come to for understanding and help. As my 2 husbands said. My last said in divorce court, But judge, all she does is help people and has no time for me..!!!

Can anyone help Walter..?? please let us know..

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
Please help us. this is really true..!!

#12Consumer Comment

Wed, October 17, 2012

Its a true story..Tell everyone you can..!!?? We just want Walter to see people again. We love him and want to bring him gifts, letters, cloths, And just let him know we love him. Please help him. Walter should be more them a pay check to others. walter is a human being. A good man and he should be allowed to live outside of this bad place. can anyone help us..??

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
This is in Newark,Ohio

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, October 16, 2012

Its very sad. ..!!!  Can you see how we feel. If only I had read something like this on the net. Walter would not be a prisoner. I wanted so much to tell people what can happen. I wanted to tell this to help others. They gave walter a court lawyer. But he did not speak up for Walter in Court. i tried to speak up for Walter and the judge said, "Well he's got a lawyer. But the so called lawyer was not saying a word. And no.. they did not let Walter show up in court or talk on the phone. In fact, he is not allowed on the phone at the Nursing home at all and if anyone lets him use a phone. They are kicked out. The people from Zerger Hall was going to see him with gifts this paqssed week-end and they was not allowed in to see him. Zerger Hall is a place for seniors to see each other and have dances, dinners and play cards. Walter can not petition the court for his release because he's not allowed on the phone and this place will not tell him what it is he has to do to get out.

Many people have been kicked out for letting Walter use a cell phone. I never knew that Nursing homes did this to people until we put Walter in this one.

I think its very odd they isolate Walter. What are they hiding.? I go to college and isolation causes "stockham syndrome"  Thats what battered wifes get or people who get kidhapped. Its where the people get close to the very people who keep them a prisoner. Its acts of kindness, intermittently, threats, and abuse. Its are psycholonism mechanism kicking in. Woman have been kidhaped but helped the very people who kidhaped them. With lawyers or money once they got away. I know the last time I saw Walter he begged for my help to get him out of that bad place. Saying he was scared. And people was abusing him. He wanted his life back..!! He begged and begged for my help. Telling me all kinds of stuff. Then Marsha Link ran to me and kicked me out. I did nothing wrong but listen to Walter complain and beg to get out. I really have went to the white house, FBI, ombusmen, State Board. A lawyer who did not seem or was not to good.

 But I am talking to a new lawyer. I need $2.000 for a new one. Am going to the bank to borrow it. I want so much to help Walter. I feel so bad because we put him in this really bad place and just wanted to put it on the net for others to see so others do not put the ones they love in this bad place. And we will be glad to take any help you can gave us. They will not let me put my phone number on here. But as I said before.

Look up "Mathews Ford at; 500 Hebron rd. in newark,ohio 43055, Chris Snedeker is my son and he will gave you my phone number and you can call me and I will be happy to tell you anything you want. Its very sad. If we had lots of money Walter would be home.He has 9 of them or use to. I think they sold one of them. But good lawyers take alot of money. When this first happen a year ago now. My son went to Newark cops and complained and got a lawyer to help Walter but the lawyer wanted $10.000 to help Walter because he said they was doing so many wrong and unethical things it would take alot of foot work to prove it.  We did not have $10.000. So Walter is a prisoner. This place wants his 9 houses and money so bad they will not let people see him and he's not allowed to use a phone to get a lawyer or try to help his self. And they gave him alot of meds and try and keep him confused..So they can make him do what they want him to do. Walter told me they try to brain wash him. By saying, "you like it here.!!" You like it here..!!? He says he fears not saying it.

 Like I said, at Flint Ridge he had mail, phones and people could see him. They made a plain for him to go home. But when he fell at Flint Ridge rehap we  moved him to rehap at Autumn., but as soon as he got in this place he told us they started talking right in front of him because taking him to court and taking all his rights away from him and taking all his houses and money too. So we tried to get him right back out. But they wanted his money and 9 homes so much they called the cops on us and they ran it to licking coury probate court to take control of Walterts life. Me and mom cried after they court hearing because no one really seemed to care what Walter wanted. Me and mom have cried almost everyday sense then.  I did not know that Nursing homes could just take peoples lifes away like this. Now I see what my step mother begged my dad to take care of her at home. And dad did.

I will never forget that day Walter begged me to help him and told me about the abuse and all. He said, "I helped you..!! Now you need to help me..!!  And I have tried and tried and tried..!!  Walter can not even get a can of pop. None is he allowed outside on nice days. This place will not let any people from the churches see him. No one.. Even prisoners get to use phones and are told how to help them selfs and get mail and people can see them. Walter does not get this and he did nothing wrong but get sick. And he's in his right mind. This just is not right. Am told this nursing home takes advantage of the elderly all the time. I was told the owner started out working in the office but learned to do this to the elderly and now he's well off and is buying up many nursing homes. It reminds me of a scary show. You check in but you never get it again. I really think they isolate Walter so they can make him do and say all they want him to. "Stockhole Syndrome" Capture Bonding.. This way they can tell the people who check on him. Oh he likes it here. I think its also called "Classical Conditioning" I study this in college. Its when people don't feel they can get out so they just accept and lean to live in the cage ( a cage if its a dog in a cage) or place that is keeping them a prisoner or a personer. The study go's like this. The dog tried to get out. But was shocked each time. So they stop trying. Well..in Walters care. He asks and was told no. He's told if he's not good, ( like a child) he will never go anywhere and he gets treated bad. So he quit asking to get out or to see my mom and he just accetps he many never get out. all I know is he begged me top get him out and he's told others he wants to go home to. Thats one reason why noone can see him. They don't want he telling people he wants out or whats going on in that place..Do they..? We tell the truth. Their is no way I would put this on here if it was not the truth. I hope someone can help us help him. ..!! and people stop putting people in this place. For its not a good place. Just because a place looks good does not mean its a good place...!! Please help us help Walter..please..?? 


So Sad

#14Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 13, 2012

Has anyone contacted your state representative or CNN to pick up this story? I know these things happen and they can happen to anyone. Also, for those of you that happen to think you're right because the person cannot spell...I can, thank you. How long ago did this happen? Is Walter still living there? Who retained the right to sell his property while he was in the care home? Was Walter allowed to defend his right to receive an attorney? He IS allowed to speak on a phone...regardless what nursing home they may be in. There should be time allotted during the day to do this. You can also call CPS...(they also do adult/elderly abuse). Police can be paid to "protect" . If Walter can prove he is in sound mind he can petition the court to be released. Where is this located? I do have a few friends that I might be able to contact to pick the story up.

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
Your don't know what you taking about..

#15Consumer Comment

Sat, October 13, 2012

Because this is a true story..

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
But its true..

#16Consumer Comment

Sat, October 13, 2012

This story is very true. Walter is a prisoner and can't use phones or see friends and would love to go home and seems to be in his right mind

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
This is true !!

#17Consumer Comment

Sat, October 13, 2012

My name is Lindy keller and I have went to see Walter and he told me the same story. Its very sad that this nice man is being keep a prisoner. He told me he is sad he can't see his girlfriend Rose, and he would like to use the phone and he wants to go home. He told me he is not treated good. I felt so sorry for him. Its not right.

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
this is true..!!

#18Consumer Comment

Sat, October 13, 2012

My name is Robbie Handbe

I have been to see Walter a few times and he seems the same as he did before he got ill. He seems in his right mind and all. So I do not understand why you keep him a prisoner. Rose was his real girlfriend. I saw him at Roses home all the time for over 5 years. Why do you treat people so bad..?? Walter has asked me why he can''t see Rose and says he miss's her dearly. Walter also says he not allowed to know anything at all about her homes or whats going on.And he's not allowed outside or to use a phone and he's very sad and feels as if he's in jail. And he diid nothing wrong to be in jail. He does not understand why he is keep a prisoner. You as a owner of this should get the full story before you call people names. Mary and Rose are good people. You think as a owner you would know better and would not keep people prisoner. Walter is not being treated right..!! Its not right and many people have went to the State board about this.

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
I also know of..

#19Consumer Comment

Fri, October 12, 2012

I also know of one other care where something was done unfair. In mom and Walters church this Preacher named Steve Hall had a girlfriend. Now Steve is very very sweet man. a girls best friend. He's a very soft hearted man. I used to date him I know. But when his wife to be got brian cancer his mom would not let him see her. He said he is going though the same thing we are going though. He's not seen her for a year and shes dying. I dion't think it mades sense to keep a girlfriend or boyfriend away from someone. Steve loved this woman and he's a good man. Marsha told mom it was Walter one Daughter Sue wise, who seems not to want Walter to have anyone. She use to laugh about running woman off that Walter liked. I would never do to my mom or dad what she has done. I would never take money from their homes or keep a girlfriend away. I would want them happy. Now walters other Daughter Sarah keep trying to get mom and walter to marrid and wanted us to take him home and wanted him happy. Sarah seemed like a real nice person. She was one of the people who truned all this into the ombusman and state board. She said what her sister was doing to mom and her dad was not right. Steve Hall and iother church peoiple did not want to go see walter at that Nursiong home.

Well at first they let no one in to see him. Then the church people just did'n w\seem to want to. Steve told storys about when the church used to have church in the nursing home asnd he did'n like how people are treated in this place.  When I was telling Ch. 6 and 10 news about Walter they said they hear alot of the storys of girls doing this to the dads when they get old and sick. Ch. 10 says probate court is all messed up and does not do this right. Others tell us they always side with kids even if kids are wrong. I know in probnate court Marsha, and Sue wise said Walter just loved it in their and wanted to stay their. But When i wenbt to see him he told me he never said that. Something was going on. And when Walter started telling me about things going on their and begging me to get out out. Marsha kicked me out. I think thats real odd.  Marsha asked for $20.000 in probate court. I thought that was odd. At Flint right Sue talked to the soc. worker about keeping her dad and selling 9 homes. They thought that was odd sense Walter owned no money. And why would she want to keep her dad their..?  The only thing I could think of was one of walters girls has Cancer and may be dying. Maybe Sue wanted to help her sister with the money from the houses. Sue hates us becayuse she thinks we told the cops that she took her dad's money. But it was not us. I think it was bud and cindy Grooms. Bud said, "I will tell the cops on Sue for what shes doing. She will not get me out of muy house. i have rented of Walter for 12 years.Here Sue blames us and thinks shes paying us back with all this. Keeping us away frtom her dad. But it was not us. All mom did was tell the cops what she saw Sue do. She got out the money, a bag fun, it was alot. Walters other danghter said around $200.000 and put it in a bag laughing with her sister on the phone about what they was going to do with it. ete ete. Mom asked her to put it back. But she said, She should get it because dad will neeed aids and the aids might get it. Mom was so upset because she thought Walter was coming home and would be mad at her because Walter truthed mom with his keys, wallet, and house, and checkbook. Mom was subpost to take care of things until he came home. He thought he was coming home I just a few weeks. But mom ended up gave Sue all the stuff because she though she had to. We never met to get in the middle of family fighting. Once Patty , walters one dauther called and thanked us for taking care of her dad. All I know is if we had left him at Flint ridge Walter would had come home. As I said, he had a phone, mail anmd was allowed to open it. he had rehap all the time. We was with him almost everyday. well mom was. I sometimes shiped a day ot two. But I was allowed to see him. I think it was neat to take him gifts and hear him say. He really liked me helping him.  Me and mom got Walter cloths, food, shoes, all kinds of stuff for Walter. My son wants me to stop gaving my own money to lawyer to help Walter. Because we are poor.

But I feel all of this is my fault. It was me who begged mom to move him. And she was so worried about him that she was not think straight and so upset. She just did what I told her to do.As I said, if I had just left him at Flint Ridge none of this would had happen. And Walter would had come home. If this was your loved one would you want to see him and take him gifts. I really think they just want Walters 9 homes. So I keep putting this all over the net and new papers and Tv and telling everyone I caN IN HOPES i AM SAVING SOMEONE FROM MAKING THE saME MISTAKE...!!!

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
What I said is true..

#20Consumer Comment

Thu, October 11, 2012

I know I do not spell good. But What I said was true. We really put my mom's boyfriend in this Nursing home for rehap and coul;d not get him out again. We are good people I have worked my self in home care all my life. We only tried to get him out because he begged us to do that. He said he heard people talking of taking him to court and taking all away from him. As I already said mom had a "power of Attorney" and we had Home Care Aids to help us. But Marsha called cops and would not let him go. We will be glad to talk to you all about it. My son called calls to ask them to help Walter. Its very true. My son was toild my cops that Marsha was working with Walters girl, Sue Wise to keep Walter their. What i said is all very true. As I said we really are good people. If I had done anything wrong I don't think I would keep trying to help Walter. We can't not believe it all happen. I would hurt no one. All I do is help churches andf others. We really have talked to many people who say once you get in this place you never get out. I just wanted to warn people that this could happen.

When we put Walter in that plaCE WE NEVER THOPUGHT HE WOULD BECOME A PRISONER. We was with him 5 to 6 years. Marcha told my mom that Walter girl, Sue wise was behind it all. Not letting us see Walter, I mean. We are good people. We love Walter. We did nothing wriong at all. One of walter kids said it was ok to get him out. We thought with a "power of Attorny" we was allowed to take him home with aids or to a better rehap. Flint Ridge says people can take them home with aids. If you don't believe me go to to my son. Chris Snedeker. I will be glad to talk to you. This really happoen. My son called cops and begged them to helkp Walter. My brother got kicked out for letting Walter use his cell tio call his sister and people he knew. Others got kicked out to. We got in trouble for just telling Walter what was going on. In probate court I was told we coulkd see walter but Marsha kicked me out because Walter was telling ,me how he wanted out and alot of other stuff. I really do not lie. In probate court Marsha talked of how she reads Walters mail and don't always gave it to him. It was Walters kids who took his money and all. We did nothing wrong. We just tried to protect him.

My mom was his real girlfriend for 5 years or more. I am not lieing its really happened. My kids tell me of trying to take their grandpa home to die and they would not let him out eather. It took all the Snedeker boys to get him out, as I said, We also talked to other elderly people and they told us storys where they could not get out without new Doctors. That when they did get out their houes was gone. I really am not lieing..!!!  I know my spelling is not good and I have a hard time passing college because of my spelling. But I had to work as a child and spelling was not that important then. But we are good people ..Ask Mrs Griffith at the roll-a-way skaing rink. I worked for her 8 years and went to church with her. Walter was to come home again after rehap. But he never got out again and we was told he's never getting out. For a long time No one was allow to see him. My boyfriend was with me when Marsha kicked me out he could tell you I did nothing wrong. What I say is true. And I think its very scary that when you put someone in for rehap they never get out again and people get kicked out for letting him use a phone. He's not really told whats going on. Its like he is not human any more. My mom really loved him. The probate court said mom could see him. But Marsha stopped her from seeing him. Saying Sue Wise did'n want her to. Things just don't add up and are not fair or right. I find it very odd that Flint Ridge told me that I could just taske him home and get aids by signing a relist form. We got a lawyer to help Walter and paid for it are selfs. And am looking for a new one. Its just not right to take peoples lifes away. Your welcome to talk to us. As I said, My son was telling this story to his co-worker and they said it was "Autumn" that Autumn is known for this kind ood stuff. Its odd that they said its Autumn before my son even said what Nursing home it was. As I said, your welcome to met any of us.

Walter only had 4 people in his life. Us and this bud and cindy. And he should had us in his life. We are good people. We would take care of Walter for free. We would do anything for him. This is not lies. Abuse can be as little as yelling at him. He is treated as a child. When I saw him last he seemed in his right mind. So why can't he get out. ? Walter has his own homes and money for more aids and he has the money for home care or apt. with help that Flint Ridge has. But he reminds their. He can't have phone or used one. We can not see him. And the courts said we could. Alot of things don't add up. Me and mom talked to people in the parking lot when we put him in your place and they said they put their sister in their and could not get her out. At that time we did'n believe that those things happen. Now we do. We talked to a old man down to the elderly building uptown and he told us about things that went on with him and how he could'n get out. He stoped talking the pills and had to get a lawyer to get out. We have heard story after story.

One thing we know for sure Walters care seem to be wrong. Walter should know whats going on and have a pain to go home. He should be allowed to see us or anyone he wants to see. My boyfriend took Christmas gifts to him and Walter begged him top just stay and talk to him. He said he wants so much to just talk to people he knew. He asked if somehow mom could get in to see him. Gary did not love him as we did so he would not stay and talk. But it brakes my heart that I can't tKE wALTER GIFTS.. for Christmas and his birthdays. Every birthday and Chrismas we had partys for him. One of Walters daughter says  we can't see Walter because we tried to get him out. And that was the only reason. But  Flint Ridge told us that we was allowed to take him home with aids. How was we to know it was wrong..? We have taken care of people all are life. Whats wrong with "Home Care" ??  Where he could have a life. We also tried to send him to a better rehap. Walters other daughter said Autumn did not do rehap. All I know is Walter begged us to get him out before it went to probate court. He did not want other people over his stuff. He wanted to keep his rights to just be human and do what he wants. He begged. As I said, He heard people talking about taking him to court and taking everything away from him and then he would not have any rights to do what he wanted. He told us of things thatr was going on he did not like. And we just tried to help him. I wish we had never took him from Flint Ridge rehap. If only I could take time back. Their he had a phone and we went everyday to have lunch with him and we took him gifts and we played games wiith him and was going to get him in the Apt's they have that has help. He got mail and was allowed to open it his self. Flint rIDGE IS SO MUCH BETTER. We would go and take him to stores. He did'n buy much but just getting out was fun for him and they had a plain for him to go home again. WE messed up so much by moving him to Autumn. And we just want others to know this can happen. That you can put someone in for rehap and not see them again. In fact, they may nwever get out. We ws told walters never getting out.

Come talk to me..I will be glad to talk to you and so would my son, my mom and we got friends who saw stuff too. We went uptown to talk to the city 3 times asking for help to get walter out of Autumn. One of them said What they done to Walter was not right (because walter was not healed from the messed up hip, And he had had a bleeding UTI, and pheumania. But he said, it was legal. He said walter needs a new Guardian to get him out of the place. And into a place with more freedom. Its sad that a man may have just a few years to live and he can never come out of the Nursing home because we made a mistake of putting him their. it just really hurts my heart. I would love to take him gifts..Gave him hugs..cards..once again. You ask Mrs Griffith about me.

When all this first started I ran to her telling her everything. She was shocked at wjhat Walters kids was doing. She said I need to go out of town to get a new lawyer to help Walter. Probate court said Sue wise, Walters kid was the pone who ask for the judge and got it. Now how fair is that...? I have a box of cards Walter got my mom saying he loved her. Now the elderly should be allowed to see the ones they love. We had no idea we did anything wrong when we tried to take him home with AIDS. We had a handicaped cab, and 2 men to help us and we had home care aids all set up. Walter one Daughter wanted it. Walter wanted it. He wanted a life. What did we do wrong..? Their is alot of things you do not know about this case. Maybe you should not judge until you actionally know all the facts. Come met us. Then judge..At mom and walters church this old woman was living with a man all her life. Now she owned her own home and all. But her Daughter wanted the house. So she put her mom in A utumn and took the old womans money and land and home and Autumn did the same thing to her they did to us. The boyfriend was never allowed to see her again and he died of a broken heart. My mom has criewd and her grief has been real bad. I was worried that she would have a heart attack. She really loved that old man and so do I. Walter tried to gave money money for gas to come see him in the heart hospital but mom would not even take it.

 Becfore you made judgments come talk to us. My son was told that they will do anything for money and Walter has 9 homes. I do know that Walter one Daughter told alot of lies about us. She told Seg. Wester that because mom was his girlfriend we did'n pay rent. But we did. She told that was the only reason we was trying to help her dad. But we paid rent. She told mom was not Walters real girlfriend, even know she came to eat at are house. And it was she who helped Walter kick people out so mom could have the house. She fixed up the house for mom. Walter told her that mom was his woman.!! Sue Lied alot to make people not like us. But we have have paper work where we rented the homes and mom has cards dating back 5 years from Walter and we have a church that can tell they went every week. We was a big part of his life. I think I love walter more then my own dad. Because when my husband left me Walter sat and cried with me. When my daughters husband killed his self it was Walter who wanted to help. Because Walter had trouble driving I ran them, him and mom everywhere. We went to churches all over licking county and some in Columbus. He talked and talked, he was my friend and like a dad. I dream of taking him gifts and feeling so happy to see him. I paid a man in a bar to take him gifts once. I paid for the gifts.  And when my husband wanted to come back it was Walter who wanted to build on to the little house I rented off him to try to make Gary happy to stay with me., and when 75 buick rd came ready he wanted me to have it because he thought Gary would like it. I love this old man..!! I really do..!! Even one of Autumns Nurses told me its subpost to be easy to take them home to do a different place. She got us a releast form that day and said this is all you need. It was never to get anyb of Walters money. We just wanted to make sure he was ok. He begged us to get him out. He said, " I have helped you..!!" Now you need to help me..!!! 

 That hurt my heart so much I was going to help him and am still trying to help him. That was why we tried to get him out. We just wanted to make sure he was well taken care of. I would had went everyday to take care of him for free. In fact, he could live with me. I swear, cops told my son that Marsha link and Sue wise made a deal to keep him in that place. I don't think Sue liked mom controling things and was jealous of mom. In fact, Sue Wise made this statement. " He, his father, wanted to gave this woman a home. But I stopped that..!! I got rid of all the woman..!" Well.. I see now how she does it. By lieing and lieing alot and because she has a good job at AEP and is a good lier it seems people believe her. But what I say its very true...!! Come talk to us.?? Talk to my son or my mom. Or my brother. I can get others to. Walter has been a prisoner. Not allowed the use of a phone, mail or friends. Even in jail people can see friends, use phones and get mail. The story is true..sadly but its true..Very true..Cops tell us that the way the law is if Walters kids want him to stay their until he diores their is not much we can do. In probate court the judge told me as soon as Walter healed we could get a new court hearing to get out and go home. But they will not let it happen. They say Walter has to ask but walter is not allowed to know anything or used a phone. As I said, This is not right..!! If we was not in his life along time I don't think I would still be trying to help him. If we just was someone who use him we would had droped this along time ago. We really love him. My mom has his picture on her wall and looks at it all the time.

I am the most compassate person you will ever met and I so wish we had just stayed out of all this and left Walter was at Flint Ridge whgere he was treated real good and they said he just needed to heal and was in his right mind. And he had mail, us and a phone and they gave him rehap..!! and they had apts' for him. They was so much better. We would still be seeing him and feel happer and they would had send him home again.They had a plain for him to go home. We was helping and all. we was part of the plan. Boy did we mess up... don't we all wish we could go back in time..? And do something different. But maybe God had a reason for all this. Now the whole world knows what can happen if they put someone in Autumn..If I had been warned I would had never let mom put Walter in the place. Maybe God wanted people to know. Ask your self why all my son's co-workers said, "Its Autumn? !?? Is'ent it..? they are known for this.


United States of America
Untrue- Slander and Lies

#21Consumer Comment

Thu, October 11, 2012

First, I would like to address the grammar, spelling and ignorance of all the files listed above.  They absolutely do not make any sense, please stop typing out of anger and proof your multitude of slanderous consumer complaints.

 I personally know the Administrator of Autumn Health Care in Newark, OH, AKA: Marsha Link, and I absolutely know for a fact that that woman, has nothing but the best interest of her residents in mind.  I have heard her talk about her residents as they are her kids, she fights for her residents to get the help they need and the assistance they need.  Anyone that knows her, knows for a fact that money is never an issue, and she is more than willing to do what she has to do to make sure they are receiving the best care possible. 

Secondly, addressing this specific case, you have done nothing but harass, slander and defame Marsha Link, who sadly cares more about the actual health and well-being of Walter than his family. This case seems nothing more to me than a bunch of low-life's trying to get someone out of the facility because they want his money, that is your entire basis for complaint and frankly it is pretty obvious that this is all that is at interest here.  Reading through these complaints it is clear that Walter was very set in life, and unfortunately his health (like many others in this company) has cost him his life savings, but instead of his family looking out for HIM, they are looking out for his financial situation for their own benefit.  

I'm sure the Judicial system can see right through people like you, which is clear in your statement about already attending probate court and nothing changed.  Knowing Marsha, I know what she went through with her own parents and making sure that they were properly taken care of.  Because of that experience, is exactly why is doing what she is doing now.  She genuinely cares about her residents and anyone that ever doubts that, you are more than welcome to call me and I will take you on a tour. 

I don't know Mr. Hitchens, however, his facilities are without a doubt the best facilities in the area.  The Nursing Home is as close to a 'home' feel as you can get in this field.  

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
It is slander to say things that are not true

#22Consumer Comment

Thu, October 11, 2012

This is slander and very untrue...!!! And we are looking for an lawyer to sue the owner for saying alot of lies. As I said, I was in the probate court hearing and the judge said we could see Walter. Mom was to see him 3 times a week and me any time. The only person who talked about taking Walter to get his $88.000 that the cops was holding, that his kids took out of his home, was bud and cindy grooms. they was telling Walter at the hospital that they was taking him to get it. We never did. As I saiod the only reason we tried to get him out with a "power of Attorney" was we saw him abused and neglected and he begged us to get him out because he heard you all talk about taking him to court and taking everything away from him. The woman at probate court told me that the judge was asked for by Walters kids and was on the kids side even know they took his money and 2 truck loads of Walter things. Walter did not have a fair hearing at all. and an out of town lawyer will be able to see that. I think the owner feels because he has lots of money its ok to tell lies about people and slander them.

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
This is true..!!

#23Consumer Comment

Thu, October 11, 2012

My name is Cleo and I go to this nursing home to see my friend that is in it and stop to say hi to Walter. I saw him laying on the floor yelling for help, laying in his waste. He's begged me to get him out and take him to see Rose. Rose and Mary june are good people and I have begged them to stay out of this,. Nursing homes will usually do what the kids say even if its not right or true. I think Walters kids want to keep him in the place. They may not like him much. They told Rose about family fighting and they blame Walter for it. but Roise and Mary june love him and keep trying to help him. I don't think its right to keep the elderly in a nursing home just because they have money and homes. People should be allowed to go home. Walter should be allowed to go home again. Its a waste of a human life. Rose never touched Walters money. She is alwauys paid her own way when they went to eat. I do know Walter lived at Roses for almost 5-6 years. I think the relateionship was very real..!!!  If the own whould talk to Rose or jusat ask around he would find out Rose  and her kids are telling the truth..

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
from mary I am no Predator.!!

#24Consumer Comment

Thu, October 11, 2012

Does this sound like a predator ? At 10 years old I took over my mom bills and did all the housework because mom kicked dad out. She send me door to door to sell Avon. I found many elderly and handicaped people and I went back and took care of them. When I got Home Care jobs at interm and other places. They said they had never met a person who did home care all her life. Because I had all the people right how nice I was and good I treated them. Thats not a predator.!my church said I haD A GIFT OF DEEP COMPASSION to heal people. I have deep compassion because of this. You much not..I think the owner of this Nursing home must not have any compassion and it seems he just cares about money. I worked for years in the Snedeker church store with my mother-in-law. I prayed with people and helped them. Rev. Snedeker told me I had this gift from God to and ordained me and a few other churches too.  I also worked in the seventh day adventist church store in lancaster, ohio passing out food, praying and helping people. Also the "Last Call" church passing out food, cloths, and praying with others and heping anyway I can. I am a good person anmd I never got paid for anything. I am no Predator..! I helped Walter alot and so did my husband. I also worked in St. Francis de Sales Catholic church Store. I never got paid..I just did this from my heart. as I said you do not know me,..!!!  Newark Detectives told me that alot of kids treat their father as WAlters kids treated him.

In the 5 years we was around Walter I only saw Sue wise 2 or 3 times. 6 years ago Sue Wise came to mom's and ate dinner with me, Walter and mom. Then I saw her again when she went to court with Walter to kick people out of mom;s house so mom could live their. it was Sue Wise who helped fix the house up for my mom. She knows mom was in Walters life along time. I saw her again at the hospital when Walter had his heart worked on and saw her beg him for the houses..I also worked in Mount Builders Counseling center helping the handicaped. Now I did get $6.00 an hour for that and $10.00 an hour for home care when I was all growed up. You can go to the Roll-a-way and ask the owner about me. I worked their for 8 years to. And we went to church and Bible studies alot together. She can tell you am not predator. But A very good person. All i do is help everyone..!!!!  The one thing I hate to see is when the elderly or handicaped are taken advantage of and you have taken advantage of Walter. You made him a prisoner..!!!  Its not right..!!

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
This is true..!! from, Rose Mcguire

#25Consumer Comment

Thu, October 11, 2012

This is a true story. I got upset at Flint Ridge rehap brcause Walter fell and messed up his hip. So I moved him to Autumn Health Care center at 17 forry st. Newark,Ohio. I did not know this place keeps people a prisoner to get the homes. it was to be just rehap and he was to come home again. That was a year ago. I have Never seen this happen before in my life. Flint ridge told us we can justy take him home and get aids. They said all Nursing homes are subpost to do this. Walter daughter, Sarah told my daughter to just take Walter home but I stopped her and put walter here for rehap. I thought it was a good place and he would come home again. I miss Walter very much and my sadness has been great that this place truned out so bad. As soon as we put him in this place Walter said he heard them talking about taking him to court and take all he had and they yell at him and we saw them being mean to him and we feared for his safey so we was going to take him home as his daughter told us to do. But Marsha Linl who runs this place called cops. And many lieds was told. This nusring home lies alot. I had a "Power of attorty" Walter got me . Thats how I put him in this place. But they would not let me use it to get him back out. Now in every state you can get your friends or family out of bad Nursing homes and talk them home. And Flint Ridge in Newark,Ohio told us you can and all you do is sign a form and take them home or send them to a better rehap.

But not this place. Walter was not allowed a walker, a phone nor to use a phone., he was not allow mail and what he was allowed they opened it and read it. We got in trouble at this place for telling him that they took him to probate court without him and he needed a lawyer now to get out. Thats one more reason they will not let us see him. We tell him the truth and try to help him. This place is the predator not my daughter. This nursing home seems to take advantage of the elderly. My daughter would help anyone. I have always jumped her for helping to many people. She kind, and very compassate. We are trying to get the FBI or the white house or attorney general to investigation this. We actionally got calls saying this nursing home will get inverstigated. We hope putting this on here will help Walter and other people who thinks this ios a good place but its not. Walter could live with me and my kids for free and has 9 homes to live in . So he don't have to be in a place with no freedom. He is a human being and he has not got long to live. He should be allowed to live it outside a bad nursing home and we miss him so very much. we would love to be able to take him gifts and send him cards and letters and take him to church again. This is just not right. Walter told my kids that when he triied to use the desk phone to call a lawyer to tryu and go home the Nurses took the phone from him. If anyone lets Walter use a phone they are kicked out. The licking county probate court said they will not have a new court hearing unless Walter asks. But they will not tell Walter he has to. Or willl not let him use a phone. He gets yelled at alot and treated as if he's a child. They are mean to him. I so wish we had left him at Flint Ridge rehap in Newark,Ohio. I made a big mistake putting Walter in this bad place. At Flint Ridge he was allowed a phone and a walker, and they was working with him to walk again, this place does no rehap or very little, at Flint ridge he was coming home again and they said he was in his right mind. We was all ways allowed to see Walter at this place. I went morning, noon and night. I ate luch with him and we played games. He was paying his own bills and had a life at Flint Ridge. Now I think Flint ridge is one of the best Nursing homes/rehap and Autumn is the worst.

When this first happen my grandson, Chris Snedeker was telling this story to his worker at Mathews ford  in health,ohio  and before the boy was done telling the story about Walter being a prisoner. They said, "Its Autumn " Autumn is know for doing unethical and really bad things...!!!  His name is Chris Snedeker and you can call Mathers ford and he will be glad to tell you how true this is..!!  Walter is a prisoner in Autumn..!!! Many of the church people and family and friends have went to see Walter when Marsha is not their. And he always begs to get out and come home..!! He wants out but he's not allowed to get out. We will be glad to take care of him. FOR FREE..!!! We miss and love him very much..!!!! We never met to do this to him so we are trying everything to help him.

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
This Story is True..!! From Christina Brusaw, Dayton, Ohio

#26Consumer Comment

Wed, October 10, 2012

Rose Mcguire is my mom and this story is very true,.!!!  Walter was with my mom for 5 years. They was real boyfriend and girlfriend and he was with us every Christmas. We really loved Walter and my mom and Sister have used a lot of their own money to try and get Walter out of this Nursing home. I don't think a predator would use their own money for lawyers. This owner at this nursing home just wants Walters 9 homes. My sister and my grandma works in churches and never gets paid.My sister is a real Minister and helps everyone everywhere.She and mom has cried for a year now from Walter being keep prisoner in this place and being hurt. Walter always gave my mom $100.00 for Chrismas and my mom would not even take it. Walter left his money, house keys and checkbook with m,y mom if she wanted she could had took the money. He told her to. But she just gave it all to his kids.

It was just Walters kids who took his money. All my mom and sister has done was try to help Walter. we all love him. Many people have seem Walter abuse in this place. My mom and sister would take care of Walter for free and I don't think a predator would do that. I live in Miamburg, Ohio and I will be happy to tell anyone all about this and all about hwhat good people my mom and sister is. My number is in the book.

This owners Ngative compmet was just a mean thing to say. I think its called lieing..!! Or "EXTORTIOn"  Or the owner is the one taking people homes and monery so he's the predator. This owner is just mad because my mom and sister has been telling the world all about what they do in this place. Mom was not "Self-clalmed" girlfriend. She was a real girl friend. They lived together and was going to get marrage. Sue wise and Walters other kids was the only ones who took Walters money and 2 truck loads of Waklters stuff out of Walters house. Mom was told by the probate court that she could see Walter 3 times a week. And my sister amny time she wanted. But when they keep trying to help Walter they was stopped. Marsha Link said Walters kid, Sue wise who works for AEP elec. said they could not see walter and I was told Marsha Link worked with Sue Wise to keep Walter a prisoner in this place. We all have truned this into the state borad of Health and many other places. Walter told us all he wanted to go home. But this place will not let him out. This is a true real story..!!  and its sad that a person go's into rehap never to get out again..and his life is gone..!! This is not a good place at all.

Rev. Mary M

United States of America
I am no predator

#27Consumer Comment

Wed, October 10, 2012

That is an unfair and very negative and childest thing to say. You have never talked to me and you do not know me. I don't think a predator would used her Christmas money to get a lawyer to help Walter. I have 9 grandkids and would had loved to buy them gifts. When I went to marrage counseling with my firast husband they said I was to much into Christian believes..!!! I am a good person and just tell the truth and want help others not make the same mistake as we did by putting Walter in your place..!! 

Rev. Mary Mcclain

United States of America
This is very true..!!

#28Consumer Comment

Wed, October 10, 2012

I have box's of reports where church people and other people from my jobs say am a good person and when I did home care jobs they say I took good care of the people ! I am a good person and what I say is true. And the courts did not tell us to stay away from Walter. It was just Marsha link who runs this place because, as I said she heard Walter telling me of the abuse and begging me to get him out. In probate court they said my mom was to see walter 3 times a week. But Marsha stopped that two. She said it was Sue Wise who wanted it stopped. Not any courts. I am just a person who feels bad because, ( As I said ) We put Walter in this place and then Walter became a prisoner. And I want so much to stop it from happing to others. As I said, my son works at Newark,Health, ohio matthews ford. His name is Chris Snedeker and he called cops about all this and also called lawyers trying to help Walter. You can call and talk to him. He will be happy to tell you all about it and he can tell you how to talk to me and we got proof of it all. I would put phone numbers and e-mails but this site does not like that. We tell the truth. And we are reall good people. The owner is not telling the truth or he does not know the truth. But he will not talk to us. And Walter has 9 homes and we all know Nursing homes get the homes if they keep the people in the places for long-term. Its not always right. When the people have friends who will be glad to help them. I will take care of Walter for free. But they will not let him out. Come talk to us..Its really true..!!

Rev. mary june schuyler

United States of America
This is so true..

#29Consumer Comment

Tue, October 09, 2012

The owner is just upset because we tell the truth and the truth hurts. It was not right for them to keep Walter prisoner. Its been a year now and he can still not use a phone, get mail or see people. We have the right to tell the truth. So others do not do the same thing. When we put Walter in this place people was outside telling us storys about how they could not see family in this place and out they could not get them out once they went in. One woman said she had to brake her sister out. if we had knpown all this stuff before we put Walter in this place we would never had put him in their. Because we love Walter and wanted to see him again. We wanted to take him gifts and send his cards. I wish we had never took him out of Flint Ridge rehap center. They said he was in his right mind and we was allowed to be right their with him. They let Walter used phones. They did not take his freedom life and friends  away.  If I was a predator I would not be trying to help Walter after a year..! I am a real Minister and have the paper work to prove it. And what this place does is not right. Old people are human beings. Not just dollor signs..!! But this place seems to take a advantage of them because they are old. We talked to so many people with bad stortys about this place. We went to the city town meanings for helping and telling the story.  If we had left him at Flint Ridge Walter could have their apt.'s and see everyone and have a life. We messed up so bad by putting him in this bad place that we just want to tell the story to the world. In hopes, as I said, of helping others. Because if we had seen stuff like this. we would had never put Walter in this place that took away his life. This has caused us to cry almost everyday. I am vvery compassate and hurt for others and when Walter begged me to help him. I felt so bad. Because I did this to him. I asked my mom to pick the place to put Walter for rehap and she picked this place and I did not really check on this place. In fact, am the one who told mom to move him. I feel so bad because my mom was so worried about Walter that she just could'n think right. I wish so much I had life him at Flint Ridge where he had everything he needed and was allowed to see us and did not make Wlater a prisoner. They gave him rehap and made a plain to go home. He had phones, friends and mail and us. At this place he has nothing. My mom's friends went to see him and saw abuse and waas also told Walter was not allowed to use phones. Now if he can't use phones how can he get lawyers to help his self..? If hes not told how to help his self..or whats really going on ?? How can he help his self. If Nusring homes are allowed to keep people prisoners and take all the have whats this world coming to..? I tell this story to everyone I run into and one woman told me she had 20 friends and they all went into rehaps and only 2 got out. Because they all had homes for the Nursing homes to take. What is wrong with are world..? If thses nursing homes can get by with this..? The lawyer we got has a wom,an who works for him and she said her father shot and kill his self when they said they was puttiung him in a nursing home. My own father took care of his wife at home because Nursing homes can bre very bad. I think it was very odd when Walter was telling me about the things that was going on in that place and begging me to help him, I was kicked out. I think they just did'n want him to keep telling me things because me and mom are the only ones who tried to help him. Walter has one sweet christan girl and she asked us to help Walter because she lived out of town. She wanted us to take care of him and wanted mom and Walter married so no one could hurt her father again. Her Name was Sarah. she was good and sweet. She knows wqe did nothing wrong. They told our lawyer that Walter was better. So why can't he get out of the jail they have him in..? But even in jail you get to use phones and get mail and people can come to see you. But not in this place. I wrote a book about my life where I was married to a Prechers son and he best me up when he was drunk because he was abused as a child. This will be in my book to. So the world can read what a bad nursing home is allowed to do to people. Walter had only 4 people in his life a me and mom and 2 renters. Walter was with mom 24/7 most the time. We loved him very much. We got other church people and Preachers to, to try and see Walter but they would not let them see him. Its just not fair..We live in a real cold world.  But you can call my son's job and he or I will be glad to show you this is very true..This place seems to gave to many meds and keeps people confused so they will do whatever they want them to do. I go to college and my my college it says that that alot of nursing homes do this. To control the people. We talked to this old man who stayed at this place and he said he had to get a new Dr. to get out because the Dr. they use said he was to ill to go home. One other man said he got better when he would not talk the pills any more. But had to get a low-income apt. because they sold his home. I hear new storys all the time. I am a good person. I pray all the time and I just want others to know what could happen to you if you go to this place. Because this story is very true. ...!! Very sad..!!! I go to 4 churches and I tell this story to everyone. We pray that oneday if Walter lives someone will get him out of this bad place and to a place where he can see people and get mail, use a phone and free dfreedom again. Because this is not right..

Rev. mary june schuyler

United States of America
Chris Snedeker and this is true..!!!

#30Consumer Comment

Tue, October 09, 2012

This story is true..!! My mom and grandma are church going people. They are good people. Walter was in our family for 5 years. My mom and grandma was only trying to help Walter. They did not know this place was not a good place. I went to coips about this my self. But we got a small town and things are done here that is not right. And probate court does what the kids say even if its not right or fair in some towns. Mom and grandma really did put Walter in this place and when they saw and felt he was not being treated right. They tried to get him out. But this place would not let him out. Its all true..!! I sell cars in Newark, Heath ohio at Mattuws Ford and you can come ask me and all tell you allk I know. Its very sad..My mom and grandma would never harm anyone one. they are really good people. All they every do is help churches and everyone they can. Every Christmas Walter was with us. Walter and geandma was really together for 5 years and they did love each other until he went to this place. This place got mad at grandma for trying to help Walter and then will not let her see him. She has been heart broken. And shes 78 years old.  poor Walter is 81.. I don't get why this place would do something like this to this olfd man in the first place. It has to be for the 9 homes Walters has.

Rev. mary june schuyler

United States of America
Dan mcclain

#31Consumer Comment

Tue, October 09, 2012

This story is very true. I was going in to see Walter and was kicked out for letting him use my cell phone. Marsha link took me to her office and said Walter was not allowed to used phones..!! ete ete.. I did nothing wrong. I just let Walter call his friends. Whats wrong with that. He's not treated right. But i hear this place does this alot. Its very sad that a place seems to be only wanting someones money but cares not about the people. I know this to be true. I went to see Walter my self. And this place kicked out a man who ran out of money. Walter has 9 homes and lots of money for them to take. I was told in probate court they asked for $20.000. But I also was told it cost only $4.000 a mo. for staying in their place. So why $20.000? They seem to do no rehap. But tell people they do. This is just not a good place. And this story is true..!!

Rev. mary june schuyler

United States of America
This story is true..

#32Consumer Comment

Tue, October 09, 2012

    I am the daughter of Rose and I am a real Minister.I work free in churches helping people and I am no predator..!!! I would not think a predater would work for free..  And mom was Walters real girlfriend..!! She was not a self-proclamed girlfriend. I have cards where he tells mom he loves her. Walter was with us in church when his heart gave out and we went with Walter to the hospital. We also was with when he had surgerys. His girl was with us too and we all prayed together. We went everyday to the columbus heart hospital. We took walter gifts and prayed with him and helped anyway we could. Walter was with us 24/7 for 5 years. He was with us every Christmas. You could ask the churches we have have worked at. Because he went down the churches with us too. We begged to talk to you.. but you will not talk to us. WE have every right to use this site.

    This site is to make complains so others don't make the same mistakes. Thats what this site is for. I thought. And we are telling the truth..! WE put Walter in your place for rehap. only. We felt like we need to tell the story to warn others. In hopes that  others do make the same mistake. WE are looking for an lawyer to sue you for telling the lies you have told about us.He was at  flint Ridge Nursing Home just 3 days before we put Walter in your place, we was told walter was in his right mind and just needed to heal. BUt once he went your place you all said he was out of his mind and took over life. We was told to help Walter, when he was at Flint Ridge, they said he was in his right mind and if he wanted us to help him that was ok.He was his person. But then he had  had a bleeding UTI, and Pheumonia and messed up his hip before we put him your place. WZE was old needed just to heal. 

    I work free for churches and  do home care for the handicaped and elderly. I am not Predator's!!! We just love this old man want warn others so hopfully this does not happen to them.. ..!!!  If you love your friends, boyfriends, and loved ones don't put them in this place. No courts said I could not see Walter..!! I was in the probate court hearing and they said everyone could see Walter. So I ran to see him. But your Marsha Link kicked me out when I said you all was predators and get the elderly in their and keep them prisoers and take all they have. Just Marsha link kicked me out.

    No court told me to not see Walter it was just Marsha link after I was just talking to Walter and he was telling me of the abuse and how much he hated it in your place and begged me to place help him get out of it. Then Marsha Link came running and kicked me out. She had a Newark Cop call me telling me I was to never go back again. Marsha told cops lies that I was causing trouble but all I was doing listening to walter complaining and begging for help. I was not doing anything wrong. I just said that outside with no around, on the way to my car. I think marsha just did not like Walter telling me about what was going on.

    I am a good person..! I am very shy, and compassate and always helping everyone in many churches. In fact, in divorce court my husband told the judge that all I did was help others...!!   We have talked to many elderly people who tell us storys about what happen to then in your place. My mom was told in court that she could see Walter 3 times a week. But Marsha stopped her, saying it was Walters kid, Sue Wise, who wanted it stoped.No courts.. 

   She said it was because Walter got upset when mom left, because Walter, (at that time) wanted to go home and keep begging mom to get him out. When she said she could'n ..Yes he got upset. Because we always did what ever Walter wanted us to do. Cops told my son that Marsha link and walters kid, Sue wise made a deal to keep Walter in your place. Sue Wise was the one who took Walters money. She done this right in front of my mom. Laughting, and making a joke with her sister on the phone, about what they was going to do with all her dad's money that was in Walters desk. Mom saw her do it. Newark Detective called us asking what was going on. Sue Wise got mad because mom told all she knew. Thats whats going on here. Sue is mad at mom for telling on her and will not let mom see Walter.

   We never touched Walters money. In fact,Walter left mom his keys, wallet, checkbook and mom gave it all to sue and her sisters. They said she had to. My mom is a church worked too. We usually work together. My family and many churches could tell you all about mom and walter. We make the mistake of putting Walter in your place and want so much to just tell the story. To just help others...!!   

    We feel so bad because Walter can't use phones or get gifts or mail. If we had lift him in Flint Ridge rehap, where he had a phone, mail and we was with him everyday, Walter would had come home again and not be a prisoer in your place. I can get the Minister to talk to you. They went every week. If you will just sit down and talk to us. But you will not. Its wrong what you do to the elderly. Walter should be allowed to use the phone and get mail and gifts and see the people he loved. A predoter is someone or a place that gets someone in the place ( like Nusing home ) saying its just rehap.or we are here to help you. But take over and take his life away and they take all they have. Walter had a life and we was part of it. We got a lawyer to help him and used our own money to do that. I don't think a predator does that. I work free in churches.

     You can ask my son about this and what kind of person I am. My son sells cars and he was telling this story to the people at his job, mathews Ford, Chris Snedeker, and before he told the name of this place his co-workers all said, "Its Autumn" They are known for doing unethical things. They have a lot of bad practices. They say people are out of their mind and take all they got. In Walters and mom's church their was a woman who worked with Marsha to keep her mom in the nUsring home so she could take the home. This place would not let the boyfriend see her because the daughter said not to. Just like us.Marsha said  Sue Wise, Walters daughter said we could not see Walter. Its all over Walters money. When we got an lawyer, the lawyer got a letter with a lot of lies. In the letter it said only walter, and the Guardian and Walters kids can get him a new court hearing. but Walters not allowed to use the phone and is not allowe to even know whats going on. He told my friend that went to see him and others that no one tells him anything. That the nursing home runs his life. He hates the guardian. He says she not nice at all. Anyways why would the Guardian asked for a new hearing. If the judge says Walters better he may get his life back.? Walter had 9 paid off homes and everyone wants them. All we want is for Walter to have some life again.Why would she want that.? She would have no job.  We want him to get cards,gifts, and be allowed to see him. We love this old man and we are good people. It was only Walters kids who took his money and 2 truck loads of his stuff.I am doing a B.S, in Psychology and Christan Counseling. We are good people...!!!

   I have proof of all this. I will be glad to show anyone who wants to know the truth. Sue Wise told Steve Hitchens that we wanted Walters money and he wants to believe her without ever taking to us. But it was Sue Who did it all not us. Sue just got mad because mom told what she did. And wanted us to look bad. If this is such a good place what did people at my son's job say' Everyone knows that place is bad..!!! I have went to State borad, News Papers, Ombusman, the white House, FBI and have told every church I go to and I go to many. This just is not right to get by with this. Walter only had a few years to live and why can't he live them with gifts, cards, and friends..??  He has the money for Home Care..Why can't he go home with Aids..?? We put Walter in your place for rehap. But its been a year now.And we miss this man.  I just want to warn people that they may not see people again if they go to your place. I can still remember running to the roll-a-way to tell Mrs Griffith, the owner, whos my friend of many years, we use to go to church together and I worked for her, and she was so shocked what Walters kids was doing. You could ask her about me. She thinks highly of me and loves me as if I was family. We are good people..Really we are..

steve hitchens

United States of America

#33REBUTTAL Owner of company

Mon, October 08, 2012

this person should be using a resource like this. She is only a minister in her own mind. She is the daughter of the self proclaimed "girl friend" of this person she pretends to protect, and has been ordered by the guardian and the municipal court judge to stay away from Walter . SHE is A predator all who read this, right down her name and keep her and her mother away from your love ones . Thanks 

Rev. Mary ****

United States of America
This is true..!!!

#34Consumer Comment

Sat, September 01, 2012

In Newark,Ohio I guess its ok for kids to keep their father a prisoner in Nursing homes. Walter had 4 kids kids all want him to stay in this bad Nursing home. And in Ohio, or Newark,ohio kids can tell the Nursing homes what to do with their dad. Thats what the probate court and our cops say. Its very sad. Anyone call call me and all be glad to tell you everything about it. We do this in hopes people don't put their people in this bad place. , and make the mistake we made.

We was told he was coming right home. But its been a year now and no one can see him. We cry all the time. My mom loves Walter so much and is heart broken.They was together for 5 years. In fact, we rented homes from Walter and was thown out. My mom is 78 and was just about put on the street. They only gave her 30 days to get out. They say, or the city of Newark,ohio or probate court say they are selling all Walters homes.

(((email redacted))) you can e-mailm me or call me I can send proof or talk with anyone about it. And if you can gave me ideas to help Walter please get ahold of me. Cops told my son that Walters kids made a deal with the marager, Marsha Link to keep her dad in this place. His kids say no one can see their dad. And Nursing homes do what the kids say, at least this one. They say he can't see people for his own protection. But that silly. No one wants to hurt Walter ..we only want to see him.

This Nursing home just wants him homes and money and this place does stuff like this all the time. People go their with heart attacks and other illness's and as soon as they get their they take the homes and gave them lots of drugs to keep them out of it so they can get the homes. The law needs to get changed to not let kids do harm to the fathers and mothers and not to let Nursiong homes just take over..My mom had a "power of Attorney" and tried to take Walter home with home care aids but the cops was called on us and we was not allowed.

We have tried and tried for a year to help help. They tell us if we even try to see him we will go to jail..! And no one wants to go to jail. So we asked everyone for help to help Walter and put it here. That in hopes people will not make the same mistake as us. Because if we had not put Walter in this place he would had come home and saw the outside again. He was to die in a few years and now he will die by his self in that place without the people he loves and he loved my mom.Its very sad but very true..!!

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Rev. Mary ****

United States of America
This story is true

#35Consumer Comment

Sat, September 01, 2012

The story is true. You can call me and ask all about it at ((((phone number redacted))) 0r (((email redacted))) I know alkl about this case. This Nursing home calls the Newark Cops if people try to see him or get him out. The cops side with them and tell people they will go to jail. So Walter see's no one. And being alone with just the Nurses is driving him nuts.

They get by with it by saying he's out of his mine and they have to deside everything for him. But he's not..They say their Doctor says he is and their Doctor says he has to stay in their. It went to probate court and they lied to the courts to. And Walter has 4 grow kids and they all say he's to stay their. Cops here told us that Sue Wise, one of his kids, made a deal with this Marsha Link to keep her father their. They say Nursing homes and probat courts do what the kids say..Call me and I can explain it. Its very sad. And very true..!!!

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Sorry I don't get it

#36Consumer Comment

Sat, September 01, 2012

No facility can hold anyone against their will - period.  Just go get him!!! This report makes no sense.  I have dealt with a number of nursing homes and not one of them prohibited me or any family member from seeing someone at all

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